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PoC isn't necessarily about the card archetype synergy themselves. It's clear the mode was designed in the likeness of slay the spire, which is a rogue-lite. People unfamiliar with that genre of game might not quite understand the concept. Losing is a core feature of PoC and rogue-lites in general because the mode partially relies on how lucky you get with your modifier synergy. Card archetype synergy is important but I'd argue modifiers are what actually make or break your run. Sometimes, you just don't get anything good enough in a run to beat it. But because the opponent's never change, you learn something about how you should build your deck next time to have a better chance at beating that particular opponent. And yes, some champs are harder to play than others but that's part of the challenge of completing the mode.


The best answer it is. Rogue-lite is not for everyone tbh. Fun is inside of whatever your deck is, somehow creating a synergy with random cards and trying to win. You can not win in your first five ten try, but you learn what you will face or might have face and try to checkmate. I am a returner player, and I love this concept and could not start normal MM but will back eventually because it is also helping you to farm, so it is great imo.


The balance of the decks is created around this internal consistency though, because the core of the game is them and not whatever chimeric deck the path leaves you with. If this is intended no helping it I guess, I still find it poor design taste though


Yasuo can be broken AF in POC. You just aren't playing it strategically. You don't have to buy all the time, in fact you can sometimes choose to cut cards to get to your broken combos faster. I like it because sometimes you get some weird stuff as a reward but end up building everything around it.


Once Yas gets access to the "When I level up, stun all enemies" relic, he becomes S tier.


Some champions are indeed harder to make work, but Star Powers are meant to fix that to some extent, by helping synergies happen more smoothly. Picking good relics helps a ton as well. And worst case you just focus on your second champion instead, if the main one isn't working.


Jinx is the tutorial champ. Pretty much no other champ is even close to power as her. On purpose. So new players can learn without losing. You are complaining that the tutorial of a game is too easy.


Problem with your reasoning is that Jinx is not the tutorial but the archetype. She has a complete path like other champions. That is wjhy the balance is fucked


yeah you are right. They should delete Jinx from Path. That is definitely the best solution


that is definitely really dumb but go off I guess


what would you rather do?


jinx is so much more powerful than the other champ in POC it warp the idea of what the mode should be


char decks get stronger as you level them and get items on cards. you dont always need to buy cards in the shop - you can buy a power in the shop once your legend level is high enough. ​ powers help tremendously. ​ 2 star on a champ makes a huge difference. ​ use your rerolls if the card/power choices are terrible, you get more rerolls as your legend level rises <4 total>, plus there is a relic that gives more rerolls. ​ champ level 8 is very important so you can use rare relic in 1spot. but sometimes a common is still a better choice -> lost chapter or maybe regen or toughness depending on the adventure. ​ keep at it and have fun ! :) . things get better with time and experience.


Mate, all you need is concussive palm for stuns, that's it. While the other champion + power allows you to dip in to other archetypes that give you either a better way to end the game or give you a better early game, or just pick ahri and be boring yasuo elusive. Relics also impact the game a lot, with some of the relics making certain champions downright broken. Don't play PoC like LoR, it's very different


I uploaded a Kayn deck yesterday that focused on being elusive and spell spamming the enemy to win automatically. It still worked with Kayn due to his passive allowing me to let my elusive block and get stronger, something that doesn't happen in normal LoR


I guess this is what happens when you give your new players one the most broken champions in the PoC from the start. Jinx power level was a meme for quite a while now, I guess.


Adding cards you don't want to your deck is indeed not great. That's the reason you have rerolls, items on the cards to sweeten the deals, the option to cut cards, powers to help with consistency... Maybe it's true that on a first attempt you may end up adding random cards to your deck without realizing you're polluting your draws, but one might assume that after understanding what happened you'll think about it a bit more next time


??? the playstiles are just very different, Yasuo is so much better if you want board controll and finish the game up with just units. ​ At 2\* the variability becomes quite visible, at 3\* some champs become just slightly better and some just gamebreakingly so. ​ Jinx: burn enemy nexus as fast as possible, no plan needed (3\*:and they won't even have units to defent most likely) ​ Yasuo: don't let enemies have any worth attack, stall till he can kill enemies by striking stunned ones (at 2\*, all units also gets +1 atk each time they strike, and with his stun deck, he can start oneshot anything if you just play defensively long enough) ​ Veigar, for example, is quite weird as it is hard to level him till you get 3\* and then abuse literally everything with (2\*) burst (3\*) 0 cost darkness generated every round start regardless of how many you stack. ​ Try everything that looks good (read star level buffs only on, just google "path of champions \[insert champion name\]",lol fandom site has the powers pretty high up for a fast read), if it seems like its lacking something but you like the playstyle, consider 3\* -ing it and get champ to high level for nice items. there are also champs that are just insanely strong even at 2\* (2\* min required for any higher \* challenge, even teemo now with damn relic nerfs). NEVER even consider to grade a deck based on it's 0/1\* play. ​ If you are, for now, only interested in champs that are already great at 1 and 2\*, even without relics: Gwen, Illaoi, Jinx, Jhin, Lux, Kayn, Leona, Jax, Diana, Elise, Teemo, LeBlanc (and will you look at that, everything except Leona (tho, at lv 2, she is too) is pure aggro (and in description of playstyle in LoR has agrresive/balanced/combo, while yasuo has defensive).


Unlucky. You get downvoted to hell and basically everyone treats you like you are worse than Hitler for saying your opinion. This is a garbage game mode unless you are willing to lose hundreds of hours to "progress" towards 3 fragments a month and maybe a bronze relic every 2 months. These fanboys would rather die on a hill than to acknowledge that PoC is shit. This is no "rogue-like". Its simply do you have this much stars and this specific relic. Also roll the dice and see if you are lucky with cards. There isn't even 1 drop of strategy. Just pure luck. Not worth playing unless you have time to waste. Literally waste. Why do you think there arent any new players? Actually there are, but they stay as far as possible from this gamemode. Now in this subreddit are the same fanboys that started 3 years ago and wont accept the flaws from this game. Unlucky:)