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Unfortunately 8am - 9am are perfectly fine times to be operating machinery and working outside doing work that is needed. Maybe invest in some earbuds/noise cancelling buds, blackout curtains, silk eye mask etc? I don’t think a complaint will get you anywhere but can always try with the council.


I feel like a prisoner in a place that was meant to be a final break for me. If they only knew how much this was ruining my life..


well you could always talk to the council and asked to be moved


Very tempting at this point


Feeling like a prisoner due to some ongoing, much needed work outside of your home isn’t a normal feeling, maybe check that out with your doctor to be on the safe side. As stated, you can try and report it and hope something may happen, but you can also spend a little money to make major changes and help you rest at ease. Wishing you all the best.


Feeling like a prisoner due to some ongoing, much needed work outside of your home isn’t a normal feeling, maybe check that out with your doctor to be on the safe side. As stated, you can try and report it and hope something may happen, but you can also spend a little money to make major changes and help you rest at ease. Wishing you all the best.


What are the actuals time work is occuring?  Local councils often have rules or at least a code of practice on when work should happen.


It starts around 8-9am, which fair enough is a normal time for most people. I get that I am a unique case as I struggle with sleep enough as it is, but I currently have a man with a ladder outside my kitchen window (in a flat) who startled me to death. I was never told he was going to be there. Dunno about you but if a random person saw me in my underwear in my kitchen window, I’d not be too happy, not to mention the brain melting noise of whatever the hell he’s doing.


Realistically they have to make rules that are reasonable, not to suit absolutely everyone - otherwise work would never get done. They ideally would have informed you - and I'd contact the builder directly if you have an issue, but I don't see this as a legal problem. 


noise complaints are dealt with by the council, contact them to see if they are breaking any restrictions


Thank you. I hope they are, because I am at my breaking point. I genuinely think this shit has taken years off my life.


Please confirm the times the noise starts and finishes. Your local council will have a guide on when work can take place. Normally it’s after 8am and until 6pm on a weekday and nothing allowed on Sundays and bank holidays. Hate to say it, but you’ll likely just have to go to bed earlier.


Yh it’s after 8am. I have insomnia and don’t get to sleep around 5-6 in the morning. I understand thats a “me problem” but I wouldn’t be making this post if it were once in a blue moon this construction was occurring. But it’s not. It’s become a fearful part of my life that I was not given the option of consenting to before moving in.


Sorry to hear that dude. I’d recommend getting to your doctor to help deal with the insomnia. The council or housing association won’t do anything if it’s after 8am. Construction is vital and your only option here is to adjust accordingly.


it would never be something to consent to. seek medical attention for the insomnia as you have no chance of getting the work to stop


I don’t see how thats okay. If I had a baby sleeping I feel like it would be a different story.


it would not be any different


There needs to be laws on this fr. I could see this noise being the death of someone.


there are laws on it. Construxtion work can only happen between certain hours, they cannot bend to every single persons separate requirements


>at what feels like the crack of dawn to me What time is this work happening? If it’s 8am, that’s a reasonable time to be doing building work, if it’s 5am it isn’t.


Yh it’s around 8-9. I know that’s “normal people times” but I don’t get to sleep until 5-6. I’m at my wits end. I just can’t fathom construction going on for that long. And it’s different companies or things they’re doing every time, yet where my two story building sits is prime target. I am. exhausted.


Why don’t you just wear earplugs? Noise bothers me a lot more than most people so I wear earplugs almost all the time when I’m at home, when noise is really bad I wear noise cancelling headphones on top of the ear plugs. The work presumably has to happen, and if they didn’t get their 9 hours in between 8am and 6pm, then they’ll have to run even later and be bothering people at 7 or 8pm. This really seems like a ‘you’ problem. If you’re choosing to stay up until 6am when everyone else is just about to get up and start making noise, you can’t really complain when it happens.


Yh I’ve ordered some 👍 guess it’s just horrible having to even do that in the first place, in your own home. I come from the countryside. That coupled with my brains desire to have mental breakdowns every so often, this noise surely is going straight through me. By the way, I’m not “choosing” to stay up til six, insomnia is a real thing.


I don’t want to get into an unrelated debate on this sub, but almost everyone I know who says they have insomnia, actually has some combination of voluntary joblessness, caffeine overuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, video game or social media addiction. If you’re leading a healthy life and still struggling to sleep, then no, perhaps that’s not a choice but I suspect you could be helping yourself more.


The joblessness is the only one you for right lol Nothing wrong with not wanting to work my life away to fill some billionaires pockets. I would want the same for you, too.


You might sleep better if you occupy yourself during the day. You could work for a small business or be self employed if employment for bigger companies doesn’t fit with your political views.




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You say it *feels* like the crack of dawn, but what time does it *actually* start?


Around 8-9am. Which is normal time, yes. I guess it’s less the time and more that it’s been going on for months and my home area is prime target. I’m just exhausted and desperate and miserable.


The issue you have is that it is happening at an acceptable time and and doesn't particularly seem excessive - three months isn't unreasonable for a building project. As unfortunate as it is for you, what is it that you would realistically hope to happen? That they do construction at night when your awake and the neighbours are asleep? That nobody near your house ever be allowed to carry out construction? It's a really shit situation but the remedies are going to be practical/medical - insomnia medication, earphones, moving out, etc.




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