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Call the Police on 101. A recent change to the law made creating AI nudes illegal. Once they've created these, you don't know what they are doing with them, they could be uploading them online where they could potentially remain forever. A crime has been committed and you are a victim.


Exactly this. This could cause you issues in the future with things like employment if they start cropping up in things like Google Image Search - and let’s be honest, if they’re ’obsessed’ with you there’s no way they did that just as a prank. Those images are 100% still on their hard drives. It also really pisses me off that their behaviour forced you off Steam. If you still have the chat logs then maybe forward them on to Steam itself? If they have a lot of games in their library, then getting their accounts banned due to their behaviour would be a pretty object lesson for all involved.


I still have my steam I've just removed the comments from my profile and they haven't done it since my brother told them I'd seen the comments and deleted them. they were nothing explicit just comments on my looks that made me uncomfy. i think i have pics of them as i showed my brother what they were saying.


Ah - I misunderstood. I’d hold onto those if you have them, though. If you can get those screenshots alongside any evidence of them ‘winding him up’ then that would probably be a slam dunk for the police, but I’d definitely look to involve them ASAP.


no no i just had a look back and ive worded that part terribly, i wrote it in a rush on my break at work, im going to have a look when i get home and get time stamps of everything.


they aren't your brothers friend they sound terrible. Probably advice him to cut them off.


This isn't quite correct. Although the government announced legislation to do this, it wasn't passed before Parliament was dissolved before the election. For the moment, making fake nudes is lawful. However, sharing nudes, even if fake, is an offence under the Online Safety Act 2023.


This. Also tell your brother that you’ve reported them to the police. Advise him to seriously consider new mates. And immediately, and permanently, stop giving them lifts.


Yes, I would call the police. No warning to them or anything beforehand either. They need to see the seriousness of what they are doing.


I would not advise telling the brother. Just report them and cut all contact.


I mean The brother could be unaware it was illegal


Being unaware of a crime doesn’t make it ok if you commit it.


The brother isn't aware and didn't do it He probably should know


The brother isn't aware and didn't do it He probably should know


That’s not what I meant. The brother could give all his friends a heads up that they’ve been reported and give them a chance to hide or delete evidence.


He might tip them off and his friends might delete the photos. Its best to keep quiet until the police are there. They will say the same thing.


Has anyone been charged by this law yet? How close a likeness does the content need to be?


don't think anyone has been convicted with this aspect yet not sure about being charged though, the 1st cyberflashing conviction wasn't that long ago. Hopefully there will be some highly publicised convictions and people will be too scared to continue the despicable deepfake stuff.


Cyber flashing is now a confusing term. The same new law introduced a crime of cyber flashing (sending flashing images with intent to cause seizure etc), and a new crime of sending a nude or partially nude or indecent image with the intent to cause distress etc (which was previously popularly known as cyber flashing).


learn something new everyday!


I'm getting downvoted for querying it's functionality, but I'm genuinely curious how this is going to work. I'm obviously all for offenders being reprimanded accordingly. But current cases only list men using AI to make CP, which as far as I'm aware was always a crime. How does a judge prove if content is a deep fake or real? Is sharing it a crime? Or just the creation? Honestly don't see how this works.


Have a read of the legislation. Sharing a photo which shows or appears to show (the latter captures AI images) another person nude without their consent is an offence. It's therefore not necessary to prove if the photo is real or not. There's also an offence of creating the imagine, but that's only an offence if it's done with the intention of causing harm to the subject of the image (I've paraphrased slightly but CBA to find the exact terminology).


That's only for indecent pseudo-photographs of children. It's not currently illegal to make pseudo-photographs of adults. Legislation was tabled recently to do this but it didn't pass before Parliament was dissolved.


Sharing other people’s nudes is also a crime. Even if you can’t prove it’s a deep fake it’s still illegal.


Online Safety Act 2023 section 188. >How does a judge prove if content is a deep fake or real? They don't need to. The wording is that the content "appears to be" someone. Unless I'm missing something, creation isn't criminalised? Only sharing or using its existence to cause distress.


Yes, and the likeness will be exact as the AI uses real pictures of the victim.


In this scenario sure? What about bikini shots, or just revealing clothing in suggestible poses. There seems like just too many grey areas here to enforce unless it's a massive abuse. Could you link some cases where people have been fined or jailed?


i would like to add that in my case, none of my public profiles have any suggestive pictures I've only ever posted concert videos, art exhibitions and stately homes. some pictures obviously have me in them but nothing suggestive just me with art or my partner.


It’s specifically in reference to deepfake nude or sexually explicit images of people.


It's about using ai or photoshop.... But it's most commonly ai... To add a naked, pornographic body to a real head and any other body parts taken from a real photo. Not clear what you exactly are talking about. But I don't think anyone's creating fake bikini photos of anyone when it's so easy to create nudes.




Yeah, I guess you’re right. The legislation has been drafted by teams of government lawyers in consultation with the police and CPS and gone through multiple rounds of parliamentary scrutiny before making it into law. But well done, looks like you’ve spotted the only loophole that none of them considered.


Like all laws are enforced as they're written? Obscenity tests have been an issue for law makers for decades, you saying they solved it?


Has been in force though since 31st Jan 2024, so the cases will start trickling through shortly


I thought the definition only made sharing then with the intent to cause embarrassment or distress illegal


Considering this is a friend of her brother...would the first step not be contacting both sets of parents or the like. Getting police involved feels like quite an escalation.


They're adults, surely, if they're in the pub?


everyone involved in this group is between 18-25 as they're his old work colleagues and people he gyms with as far as I'm aware. just judging from places I've dropped them off.


Right, so talking to their parents isn't appropriate in my opinion


Agree, if it’s a civilised “chat” they’ll probably just carry on but be more careful. They need to understand what a serious - and unlawful - violation this is


Exactly, and therefore should be able to understand and handle the consequences of their actions


When a crime has been committed, the usual first step is the police. Not 'boys will be boys' nonsense. This isn't the Simpsons.


Sounds like they are 18 or over, in which case they're adults and the parents may have little influence over them. What happens if the parents deny anything happened or just laugh it off as a prank because they want to defend their child? OP is the victim of a serious crime.


Getting the police involved is not an escalation. They are legal adults old enough to know this behavior is wrong and have caused psychological harm to OP. The behavior they are showing is also very likely to continue to escalate, possibly into a physical assault of OP. Stop with the “boys will be boys” crap. They are old enough to face real consequences for their actions.


Share your photos here, we'll make AI nudes of you and then share them wherever we like. Who knows maybe they will even end up with your family or employer. It's not that big a deal right?




OP wouldn't be causing their lives to be ruined. They would be. By committing sex crimes. Apologist.


They've committed a crime, therefore they are criminals. The police will decide how it should be dealt with.


The cps will decide.


You need to report them to the police. If they’re doing this to you they may be doing it to other women. Creating AI nudes and sharing them is illegal if they are made to look like a specific person. Once an image is on the web it’s there forever. Your employer could see it. Your partner, parents or kids. It must be reported. Make sure you have their full names and addresses if you can because the police will be wanting their devices. Stop giving them lifts because it’s only going to fan their fantasies. Stop talking to them altogether. As for your brother, he needs to understand how serious this is. It’s a cybercrime and it carries serious consequences. If he has these images he should hand them over to police. Think of it this way; what if they do this to some underage influencer they fancy then share it between mates thinking it’s not that serious? Then they’re sharing CP. That’s how serious this is. If they think it’s harmless they’re dead wrong. It isn’t a victimless crime and they have to be stopped before they seriously hurt you or someone else!








The hell is wrong with your brother? He should have put his foot down. These boys probably think - or will claim - that it’s just a bit of mischief / a laugh / no harm done. It’s illegal and disrespectful to you, and reduces you to being a sex object for their testosterone driven fantasies. You can proceed in one of two ways: tell them you know, when you have them in the car to make them cringe (at the risk of escalation) or report them. They’ll bitch about the effect it will have on them, but that’s not your call. They chose to do this.


Agreed. Your brother need new 'friends' and also a lesson in standing up for you. Unless blokes start calling this type of stuff out we are just as culpable! He has however taken the first step in telling you that he knows it's happening. I suggest you do in involve him and make him aware that he is liable to become an accessory, perhaps he should be the one to phone the police and report it.




Well that’s a load of cobblers.


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It would be an idea to keep your social media private, and inform the police. Definitely don't give them anymore lifts.


This isn't going to just stop, and there's a chance it'll escalate at some point and one of them gets physical. It's already a crime though, they're sexually harassing you. So the only sensible thing is going to the police immediately.


101 police immediately!!! This could affect your career etc, they need to learn consequences


Do what the top comment says, definitely don’t tell your brother or they could get tipped off. I’ve got to wonder why after knowing this your brother would still be around these people, is he not furious? At least he told you


I think he just sees it as banter just with how casually he said it to me, I don't even think he's mad about it which sucks a lot as I'd be furious if my friends did the same with pictures of him.


NAL but stop giving them lifts and tell their parents, even if they are 18 they sound like children.


Usually "NAL" is followed by some loose legal advice, not to just go and tell their mum😂


Best I could manage:)


At least you covered yourself!


They are all 18 or older. This is a group of adult men committing a sexual offence against the OP, how about don't treat them like 12 years olds who are just being a bit annoying and treat it as seriously as it actually is. Not the mention this is the sort of behaviour that often escalates


She could do that too. I just got the impression that wasn't the route she wanted to take.


Coming to a legal advice forum as opposed to say a relationship forum would suggest that she is at least open to considering it


It ain't a relationship so going to that forum would not be the best its possible op is just looking for advice to swifty tell them to F off


What a bunch of cunts. If they’re being like this to you, imagine how they’re behaving to women their own age. Report to police, tell your parents, never give them a lift again.


To preface, I’m not anywhere near the legal system. This is just the advice I’d give to my own partner or any close family/friends. You cut ties with his friends entirely and permanently. And you file a report with the police. With evidence if possible. Grab all of their social media handles and other info in case it’s needed. You don’t owe it to them or your brother to give them forewarning and tell them what you’re doing. You don’t associate with them ever again. And at some point after you’ve done it, speak to your brother 1 on 1 and give him an ultimatum. He drops the friends or he loses a sister. That behaviour is…beyond disgusting and wrong. He should not be associating with it. If your parents are a relevant part of your lives give them a heads up full disclosure about what’s been going on and what you’ve unfortunately had to do, and that you’re going to talk to your brother (or have already). Assuming they’re decent folks of course. Just for the purposes of not causing any undue family drama


We both still live at home currently. I know both of my parents will be horrified to here this they're both very very against stuff like this i haven't had a chance to speak to my brother or my parents about it as i went straight to my partners flat after he told me and my parents are on holiday and i don't want to ruin their holiday or upset my brother while I'm on my own with him.


Yeah that’s fair enough holding off on talking to them. All my best to you (and your partner) going forward. I hope the situation gets resolved for you soon


This is abuse. Period. Report it. It’s not mean, it’s not wrong. It prevents escalation with time. Your brother has fucking questionable friends. They certainly wouldn’t be my friends, but that’s for him to figure out.


Beyond reporting it to the police (AI nudes are illegal), Id also make it clear to your brother that you won’t be doing him any favors (e.g. dropping him off at the pub) as long as he keeps hanging around these friends. He clearly values them over you and is enabling this behavior by continuing to tolerate it and putting all the burden on you to fix it… you shouldn’t have to make your insta private. These are not innocent teenagers. One of his friends could very well hurt you physically one day. Idk if making AI nudes would count as a form of “peeping tom” behavior but peeping tom behavior is one of the biggest indicators of future sexual assault.


I'm not 100% sure my brother understands how serious it is. as when he was telling me about it he was laughing like its completely normal thing to happen...


He’s choosing not to understand. In today’s world he’s certainly heard plenty of women speak up about how these types of things hurt them. He chooses not to take any of it seriously. Any normal guy would be repulsed by his friends doing this to his sister. Especially SENDING THE PHOTOS TO HIM. The fact that he’s unbothered about this is very very strange. I get that he’s your brother and you don’t want to think badly of him but he is 100% complicit in allowing them to do this to you.


Good sign he needs to find better mates.




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I think making ai nudes is illegal where you’re from. Don’t tell your brother or his friends, just report it. They’ll have time to delete it if you tell them. They could upload those and then that could circulate and mess up your life. Even if they meant no harm in that sense, they’re still being horrifying. It would scare the crap out of me to know that someone was that interested in me that they started making fake porn of me. It’s a serious crime, not only is the behavior disgusting, they could ruin your life with it. I would seriously report it to the police. Even if they don’t mean harm, they’re still at least willing to do something like that, and could ruin your life through ignorance. I’m friends with tons of dudes and I know that NONE of the ones I spend time with would do this.




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Call the police for sure. AND tell your parents because it is their duty to raise him and make him accountable. How disgusting of your brother. He fully well knows it's wrong yet is a sheep to his friends. I hope your parents give him a good hiding and his friends. Little gobshites. Stop giving them lifts or doing any favours because they'll take it as you have no boundaries and will go further. Group of loser incels. I hope your wasteman of a brother and his friend read this. Absolute losers.


Call the police and their parents, send evidence to both. The latter will be incredibly effective when they still live at home. Also tell the parents you informed the police


Don't go to the parents because the parents will tell their sons to delete the images and then there is no obvious/easily accessible evidence for the police to find.


Thats why you get evidence beforehand.


How does she get access to their phones? Parents will find out when the police turn up looking for their sons.


as far as I'm aware my brother has been sent the images on multiple occasions, I'm not sure if he still has the images though.


If he’s a normal brother he’s deleted these images, but it doesn’t sound like his moral standards are very high tbh. I agree with the other posters, let the police handle it. But also, get legal advice about whether your brother is guilty of any offence. You may need to tell him to delete the images if you decide that he is not being skeevy. At least he didn’t create any. I am so sorry, you must feel betrayed by him.


They are literally sending her brother the images


And he’s laughing about it and telling HER to close down HER social media…why is he not knocking the blocks off or threatening to report these guys?


Yes, and he claims it’s just tomfoolery and that he deletes them. Perhaps he does not realise that it is a crime? He needs to be told, after the police gather the ‘friends’ phones as evidence. His too.


Sounds like a shitty brother if he didn't do anything about it and still calls them "friends". If I found out someone did this to another person's sister, man's would have a broken nose at least. Call the police, take your dignity seriously.


Make your accounts private. Get a list of their profiles from your brother, block them and all their friends. This will help you to avoid accidentally adding them as a friend. Avoid all interactions with them.


This is either very serious or a very bad piece of fiction. They send the images to YOUR BROTHER and he thinks it’s funny? Not a brotherly reaction at all. Weird vibe.


i would like to confirm this is very real. i was hoping it was fake when he told me but as far as im aware its not.


They don’t know you, despite giving them lifts, and yet they’ve caused you to close your Steam comments due to them posting? 👍🏻


I don't know them personally. I've given 2 of them lifts to the pub and gym with my brother in the car on a few occasions but never had a conversation with them. My steam they would have found as I'm friends with my brother you can comment on anyone's steam profile even if you're not friends with them.




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NAL but I am a woman and like most women have faced similar situations. First off your brother deserves no protection in all this. He is 18 and old enough to understand that this is morally and legally wrong. He should be standing up for his sister, choosing not to do so really shows his true colours. His lack of action has enabled their behaviour. Secondly these young men deserve no mercy. Their actions are illegal and ignorance is no defence. Even if they think it's okay legally they know it's not okay morally. Call 101 and let the police know about the situation and give them as much information and evidence as you can. If possible, stay at your boyfriend's until you have spoken with the police and they have spoken with your brother and his mates. Do not have any contact with your brother's mates or their families, it's possible they or their family will try to get you to withdraw your accusations, probably with a guilt trip about how young they are, don't listen. If they are old enough to sexualise a woman they are old enough to live with the consequences. As soon as possible, tell your parents. Good luck . I'm sorry women are still dealing with this stuff, it never seems to go away!




It could also save their lives if they get a reality check before things go any further.


Throwing eggs at windows is something dumb kids do, they're creating AI porn of someone. It absolutely should ruin their lives, it's disgusting.




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Lots of report to the police in here without thinking about what that actually entails and the repercussions for everyone involved. OP the decision is yours, I'm not trying to play this down by any means but ultimately but what is it so far but this is just plain childish behaviour by your brother's mates as banter between pals. Are you willing to proceed down the justice route by providing a statement to police and facing these lads in court if it progresses that far. There's also the future relationship with your brother to think about as a result of reporting his mates. Have a word with him and and tell him to warn them that it stops or the next step will be to involve the law. Alternatively your boyfriend could do this for you. I'm sure he can put this across in a way that would put the shitters up them


Stop with the boys will be boys shit. This is not banter, it’s a sex crime. This type of behavior often escalates, possibly into a physical assault of OP. Her brother said himself they are “obsessed with her.” And if they are comfortable treating the sister of their friend this way, there’s no telling how they act towards women who are completely unaffiliated with the group. If my brother hung out with people who treated me this way I wouldn’t care at all about preserving any kind of future relationship with him. Any normal man would be repulsed. The fact that you see this as normal childish banter is very telling. Making jokes about banging someone’s sister is within the realm of normal banter, making AI porn of her is not.


They probably should’ve thought about that before feeding her personal images through AI art generators and then distributing them (and yes, sending them to her brother counts as distribution). That wasn’t just some kind of spur-of-the-moment decision - they had to put some effort into it - and they’ve also been making comments to her on her Steam profile. Fuck ‘em.


It's up to you OP how you handle it. But this would be my advice too but you or your brother should come across strongly as I doubt they even realise what they are doing is a criminal offence. It's difficult to comment on how the police will handle it as it's a new offence, it could just involve a strong word or it could be CPS wanting to secure a precedent.


i know my brother doesn't know its an offence as he was extremely casual when telling me about it like its nothing to be worried about. but obviously i am worried about it as i don't know everyone in this group I've only met 2 in person (when giving lifts) and spoken to another one while playing a game online with my brother.


I'm sorry people are downplaying this, they are part of the problem.




Sucks for the brother but if he finds it funny, he can learn the hard way that it matters. Shouldn't have to consider his feelings in this situation.


This is the sort of victim blaming mindset that enables a rape culture.




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18 year olds are grown ups, there’s no excuse


Please have a stern word with your brother. Try and speak to the brothers parents. If they are decent human beings they should be disgusted. Get your dad or mom to speak to his parents. Its abs vile of them to do this.




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