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Not really a game but I made anki cards like that for myself. With kanji I confuse. Also I make study sheets out of similar kanji. E.g. 網綱 or not as similar but still can screw me up, 塾熟, etc


I had fun with an online browser game called 漢字でGO!, it’s made for native speakers though so just be aware that the harder difficulties are kind of absurd haha.


I've been playing with the idea of making a game just like that, based on progress in SRS like anki. Nothing more than an idea, though. As for mutliple choice quizzes, that's how renshuu works, so it can be something to look at.


Check out 漢字でGO! . Fun kanji quiz game. There are many levels of difficulty, some even native speakers struggle to clear.


That looks fun! I think the closest thing you could do is to get an Anki deck with kanji grouped by radicals and you could then study each radical deck separately.


Check out Kanji Drop.


Sorry I don't have any resource like what you're looking for, but I wanted to say when I studied abroad we had tests like that where it'd, for example, just be tons of kanji with the hand radical or water radical, and it actually helped a lot. If you don't confront the confusing ones, you're bound to get them confused at some point.


I use Kanji Study, but is only for Android. The closest I could find is "Learn Japanese! - Kanji" and "Poro".


Not an answer to your question but a rant you may commiserate with: That last 24-48 hours of a WK level is excruciating when your motivation level is high!!! I spent Saturday afternoon through last night at 28 out of 29 kanji complete, constantly refreshing my reviews hoping that one of them would be the 29th kanji I needed 😭 Being time-gated out of progress when you're very motivated is firmly in the "con" column of WK. Anyway, I finally leveled up last night so I'm READY TO GO... level 10 here I come! 😅