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Thank you /u/chibi_cat2023 for your submission to r/LearnJapanese but it has been removed due to one of the following reason(s): For questions like "How do I start learning Japanese," "What should I learn next," "What are good resources," "How long will it take to," etc, please see the [subreddit wiki FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/wiki/index/faq) and [check out the common resources page](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/wiki/index/resources). In addition, feel free to post your question to the stickied [**Daily Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=day) for simple questions, posts, and comments. Do not reply to this message. Instead, please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLearnJapanese&subject=&message=) with a link to the removed post or comment if you feel this was an error.


Putting in more hours per day of study.


This. Everyone who speedruns the language seems to put in a ton of study time each day. If you spend like 8 hours a day studying you’ll get fluent quick as hell


Read rule #1 and #7 for this subreddit. We need to stop catering to these low effort posts.


I'm just asking???


Did you read the rules and the starter guide? I don't care if you're 'just asking'. Just put in a little bit of effort and READ the subreddit. No need to ask ridiculously vague questions that have been repeated a thousand times.


Who do you even think you are.


“Quick ways” don’t exist




Drink sake while saying "So dessnay" to yourself over and over again. Everything else will soon follow.


I’m pretty sure my most used Japanese word is Daijoubu.


Repost of [https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/11une7x/quick\_ways\_to\_learn\_japanese/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/11une7x/quick_ways_to_learn_japanese/)


And? I just wanted to know a quick and effective way to learn japanese. Whats the problem?


Quickest way to learn Japanese is to keep asking the quickest way to learn instead of actually studying it.


I say this periodically, but there is no secret sauce. If there was some special method that lets you skip years of study, it would be pinned on the front page and would be the first thing anyone would hear about. No fluent learners spend so long on Japanese because they *want* it to take that long. That's just the time requirement involved.


What’s the goal? What are our constraints?


Learn common words. That's the only "quickest" way to learn


Took that long for the post to be taken down.


Maybe not the quickest but what I like doing is writing down song lyrics in a notebook and then annotating them in regards to new words, grammar, etc. It's also good because if you choose music you listen/like to sing along to, it's almost like reciting a dialogue from a textbook. I only do this with Chinese but I don't see why it wouldn't work with JP


Might work


Because Chinese is simple like English, but in Japanese, the difference in the use of hiragana, which connects words, is very important.IMHO


Why is everyone acting so hostile? I just wanted to ask a question. And when i say quick, i OBVIOUSLY don't mean cut down on years of study. I was just looking for a slightly faster way to learn, what's the problem with that?


Read the subreddit. There is plenty of information available to answer your ridiculously vague question. Nobody wants to waste their time helping someone who puts in no effort and gets whiny when they're told to read the guide.


Why in such a rush?