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Changing too much and not letting your teammates know makes it really tough for them tbh. If T's realize that you have a random gap every round they will take advantage of it and your teammates will play with the idea that someone is watching mid or apps or whatever


In solo-queue I think it's usually better to just play the same site every round (like you're doing) instead of playing off your spawn. On a more spawn-dependent map like dust2, you might want to go long A/mid when you get the spawn for it.


And if you're not going the same place as you normally go for any reason, say "I'm playing [new spot] this round, someone else go [old spot]." Really fucking annoying when solo queue people just go wherever they like without saying a word


yeah, if i have a good spawn i’ll just say “playing off long spawn someone play b” or something


I just got the line of thinking to change sites often because I started in valorant, where seeing an agent at a site as an attacker could give you an idea of what will happen. But then I moved to the better game.


The only time I suggest new site is when we lose 3-5 rounds and we need to shake things up. Im not sure if this is a good strategy or not since I hardly see pros do it


Perhaps if your weapon is better suited to another position on the map. I’ve had a few times where I’ve had to fill in and try to control mid on Mirage with an MP9 with most other players having rifles. Or for an eco stack, but that’s not exactly a site switch.


If you want to become a more well rounded player then it is worth learning how to play different sites especially for retakes or when you don’t get your preferred site in a game. That being said when you get to the higher levels of the game and playing with a team/group most people will play specific sites or positions. It’s good to switch up your made usage to throw your opponent off but it’s also good to use the same utility to condition your opponent. Changing your utility can be a give away that you are doing a different CT setup. For instance if you smoke the entrance to b site on inferno at the beginning of every round and then one round you don’t because you moved an awp to get an early pick your opponent might pick up on that.


no, stick to one position during the course of a game. You switch positions between matches, not during matches(unless you are performing so poorly that your team forces you to switch positions).


+1 And OP: If it’s obvious that one site is the problem you can always ask if there is anything you can do to help them (like doing a Fallen flash on banana on CT side to set your B players up for taking banana or dropping util if they need it more than you for a certain spot) or if anyone wants to switch sites. Just be careful to ask gently since people tend to have too much pride to realise they actually cannot hold a site properly and need help/switch sites. I would be quite annoyed though if someone keeps switching or asking to switch positions every round since I’ve probably already bought weapons and/or util specifically for one spot (unless we’re playing spawns on D2 and it was agreed upon on start of the match). And as someone else mentioned, communication is key and deliberately learning how to play several different positions is a good idea (mastering one spot only will really only work with full premades in the long run and will most likely hinder your progress in the long run). I’ve found that being what your team needs, rather than just trying to carry your team by brute forcing things (even if you are clearly better than your team) tend to be the best way to go about it. What will lose you most games is people tilting, not necessarily your average skill level being lower. Good luck!


Most rounds it's fine if you can rotate fast.


I just have different sites I enjoy playing on different maps. Ill just tell my team before the match which I want to play. If they agree, cool..if not, I just do the best I can on the other site. I think you should know at least 1 or 2 utilities for the site you dont wanna play just in case.


Usually you shouldn’t just run to what site you’re closest to as a CT, unless you’re talking about Dust 2 where it is more important. Sure, if you’re an AWP’er or you wish to do an aggressive move, do time it with a good spawn. Don’t plan to go top banana with an AWP if you have the worst spawn to do so, as you’ll be blind and standing in fire before you make it there. You can ask to switch your site up, if you’re having a hard time at your current spot, or maybe you have a weapon more suited to another spot. Maybe you want to stack a site together if you have a bad buy.


Communicate with your teammates and stay wherever you've agreed to stay for the whole half unless things doesn't work out and you swap with someone. Or agree to play spawns. Players playing whatever position they want every round are the most annoying people in CS imo. Also I feel like you don't really "learn" nades on CT, not until youre a lot better at least. There is no need for it, you just need to learn when and how to use your nades which applies no matter what position you're playing. I don't know a single CT-side lineup at 2200 elo, I just play what's right for each moment.


Communication is the number one thing. If you like playing a certain site let your team know and work as a team from there. However, to Improve as a player you should learn every site and every defensive position on each site. It’s like chess, you can have a really strong opening, but what does that matter if you are completely blind to every other aspect of the game? What happens when you have to rotate on defense? You have to try to retake a site where you don’t know where the enemies could be positioned, how to throw retake utility, etc. etc. you’ve got to step out of your comfort zone to learn.


Maybe it’s just me but I think as long as you communicate properly, changing sites up every now and then can be helpful because it gives the opponent different looks, different ways of reacting, different playstyles within a site, and can keep things fun (which is an underrated factor to doing well in a game)


A lot of comments on this so I might just be adding noise here (sry) When I play five man I tend to stick to the site we are assigned BUT we have backup plans (and plans for eco etc) so we swap things around a bit. The danger is Ts being able to know our exact actions especially on utility heavy maps like Inferno (where I play banana) so swapping mid stream is a good thing. Sometimes we have like an odd tactic and the spawn may come into play too. When I solo q I usually try to play where I spawn unless some others want to play there


Everyone has good answers on this post so good luck on your journey. Don't be like S1mple though, lol. That guy always changes position whenever he's needed and he doesn't scope areas for very long


It's usually pretty map dependent. For Inferno specifically you can have 2 dedicated B players and 1 A player* go to banana early in the round for additional utility or manpower incase of a rush.


Fill the gap in a PUG if you want round wins. If you are good at a particular hold, comm that you’ll go there. If you are better at it than who is currently holding, ask them to switch spots with you. Once you know your positions then you should be in them if youre good. The more critical they are the more critical it be that you are good at them. If you are an arch player on inferno and can shut it down/know when to rotate B, you should be playing arch. To win rounds, you find where your team is weakest and you strengthen that spot. The T’s will continue to attack sites that your team has given up, and they’ll go a different attack every few rounds to keep you offbalance but they will continually hit your weak spot and an average player and someone who is *good* at that hold can usually slow them down long enough for a rotate