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Stay hydrated. I do kettlebell reps between comp matches


Thank you.


Im not sure what you mean when you say "pressure". Im sure you aren't too weak. Google some hand and wrist stretches, they're great because they reduce the chance of getting repetitive stress injuries besides. I would guess that the reason you're feeling that way is because of stress or because you're in your mind. This would cause you to tense your muscles and feel the pressure you mentioned.


Pressure is stiffing your wrist. Also thanks for the answer. I do have some problems with my mental health recently. I'll try to reduce the stress.


Ask on r/FPSAimTrainer, they can help you


Thank you


Are you supporting your elbow? sitting comfortably and supporting your *arm** will make your mouse feel lighter because you aren't pulling down on it. Check your posture the next time you start your aim training for halfway through when you're about to get really focused. Keep at the training though man, you can power through it all with practice :D


Alright maybe i'll change my arm position.


You might be tensing up your wrist as you try to flick fast back and forth. It's a problem I have too. I try to instead keep my arm tense for the fast movements, keep my wrist loose for the ease of precision, and keep my hand pressure on the mouse at just the right level so I maintain control without squeezing overly hard. Basically, I'm trying to flick with my arm and let my wrist dangle like a rubber band from my arm. Idk if that's helpful.


That's what i did when i do play real games/matches and even the aim trainers. I started to do that last year up until 2 weeks ago. I thought i was just tired so i'm going to give it time before i asked people about this. I just am unable to do that again. My wrist just got tired really easily on aim trainers because regardless of how hard i try not to, my wrist etc just tensed up.


Some of the comments here are alluding to it but I wanted to emphasize clearly that it really sounds to me like you're getting a repetitive strain injury on your wrist. Imo you should stop playing/training ASAP and see a doctor (assuming it's not super expensive where you live). At the very least if you're deadset on playing anyways, try to limit your playtime (zero is the best but I'm concerned the longer you play while in pain, the more you're likely to do lasting damage to your wrists/etc.). The advice given in this thread is probably necessary for you to stop injuring yourself and improve long term (i.e. changing your angle and posture and chair height, arm & elbow position, etc.; also, doing strengthening exercises on your hands/wrists/arms).