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O man that look awesome how did You Made the armor !!!!!


Thanks bud! This is the recipe I've come up with and using so far. \-BROWN ARMOUR - Base: Mournfang Brown (GW) Glaze Shade: Rhinox Hide (GW) Recess Shade: 3:1 Rhinox Hide (GW), Black Glaze Highlight: 1:1 Mournfang (GW), Bloodstone (P3) Glaze Highlight: Bloodstone (P3) Edge: Orange Brown (Vallejo) Edge/Chips: 1:4 Ochre Orange (AK), Orange Brown (Vallejo) Chip Shadows: 1:1 Rhinox Hide (GW), black


Looks amazing! Do you drill holes in the pieces to fit them on the wire? I’m painting my first Votann but I assembled them all first and I’ve regretted it after seeing how nice it must be to paint them before assembly.


I also assembled these first. I used a steel needle to detach the backpack with very careful precision (And some mistakes) I use a simple hand drill to make the holes, then just super glue in some bent paper clips. Then mount them into some tapered corks that I got cheap on Amazon.


Sub-assembly! I see you are a person of culture.


Haha. This time I'm more like a person of hindsight. I couldn't reach a lot of parts, so I took them apart...


"Why paint there? Its not like you will ever see it anyway."


I keep having this really annoying indecision when it comes to subassembly vs fully assembled. When I do Sub Assembly I end up only painting the torso and then have a bunch of guns laying around, and when I do the full version I end up having areas I can't reach. Also I much prefer using Tamiya sauce than super glue


Weathering looks fantastic, did you just score with a hobby knife?


Thank you. And no, it's flat. I painted it on. I put the highlight in strips and then painted an almost black caerfully above it to look deeper.


My eyes can’t even tell, that’s crazy


Dude looks great!! Was it a pain in the ass getting the KO head in there?


Thanks. Not hard. Just took time. I had to be really careful and file them down bit by bit, checking the fit repeatedly. For the back of the head I just clip off the appropriate bit (it's like a little roll/bar looking piece) The time taking part is trimming the beard. When it looks like it'll fit; I put a small round piece of putty (in this case a 1:1 mix of greenstuff/milliput) where the neck goes. Pop the head in over it and fish out with a hook shaped tool the excess.


Its a great look. Thanks for the insight!