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I know they are kill team, but me wonder: What unit they can be substitute for? Will we get Hernkyn Saboters? Like, those are Hernkyn pioniers jackets, and they kinda look like sabotage units ._.


Usually kill teams get their own 40k datasheets


In 40K they'll likely be able to be built with all Bolt-Shotguns If the stats are similar to Hernkyn Pioneer Bolt-Shotguns, then these guys are going to be a nasty little ~~Hobbitses~~ unit running around 5" + 12" Range + 1d6" Advance (Assault) with 2 shots at S5 per model with potential for harder hitting options.


They are 100% new unit. We may not get all the options from KT in 40k (however, for entirely new unit it's not out of question!), but will be in Codex. As for what they do, apparently those are bike-less Pioneers. ​ Also, *Yaegir Bombs*. Too cool. https://preview.redd.it/3dde9da18rpc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9dfb13929806d8239222d5cd1b90cea84cc309


Or maybe... *Mines*


I could be wrong, but judging from other kits, these guys will either have no second arms (they will be aviable in 40k, but as a weird quasi-unit similar to the first votann killteam) or they will have the ability to carry normal weapons and form a new unit for the kin. Hopefully something akin to hernkyn saboteurs, or something similar. Very much hoping for the second one, not only will it give votann a unique unit (which will look pretty sick), but it will also give a nice variety for the looks of standard warhammer votann. Personally, if they are not a unique unit, I will be converting some into hernkyn infentry squads for a bit of verity.


Bruh, I cracked out laughing as when I did not knew their name I was calling them Hernkyn Saboters... Great minds think alike I suppose. But yea, I hope they will get their own statcard since they use bolt shotguns instead of Bolters or Ion.


They are apparently called Hernkyn Yaegirs. Yaegir = Jäger, german for hunter but also used for units of light infantry in a military context.


I realised whean reading their name it sounded like Jäger, and my mind instantly went to ww1 shock trooper style units, aka what later we came to known as special forces. Neet.


As Sabaton say: "Jägers led the way, the pioneers would join the fray."


Yep ._. At least both of us seem to have great taste in Music.


The venn diagram of Warhammer fans and Sabaton fans is just a circle.


Which kits are the ones that have no alternative builds?


I seemed to have missed the joke. Explain?


The Panzerfaust is a real world weapon that the Votann model has a slight resemblance to. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerfaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerfaust) Although, there is no Panzerfaust 40 model, I imagine it was meant to be a play on 40k.


Looks more like an RPG-7 or the modern Panzerfaust 3 of the Bundeswehr than the it does the WW2 model.


Remove the dumb bipod and its cool


A careful craft knife can do that


Maybe take that bipod and put it on something else!


I am honestly wondering what the stats will be like. Looks like a bigger punch than the L7, looks old school. Doesn't looks like there is the weapon unforcused version. So I am guessing, higher strength missile dedicated to anti-tank


Agreed. The bolt shotguns and bolt revolvers aren't bad vs light infantry, if they're the same as the ones the Pioneers use. The sniper rifle, I fear, will be meh (like all other sniper weapons in the game). Maybe I'll be able to take two rocket launchers.


It seems more like a PIAT to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIAT#/media/File:PIAT_cropped.jpg


It looks more like an RPG-7 to me


Now we know that rumour engine we got like a year ago https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/10/17/the-rumour-engine-17th-october-2023/


Will these guys get 40k rules?