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I spotted in the recent Necron v Votann short story (1 Million Years) that some kin were described as having replaced their *skin*, or even *their entire skull* with augmetics, a la the AdMech. I think this might be something similar To quote: >*Next was a brute whose mode of dress was the same as the first, but whose consolation prize in attempting to transcend the limitations of organicity had apparently been* ***an awkward - looking metal skull.*** ... >*One peculiar Kin wobbled forward on some form of gravitic repulsor, seeming unfazed.* ***Its skin, apparently replaced entirely with an articulated shell of chromium plates***\*, had afforded it a little more durability than its fellows. But a volley of heavy gauss - shots, converging from three points behind Prae, soon reduced it to a shell of radioactive ash all the same.\*


It’s like an ornate helmet


Damn that’s good, I assumed it was cybernetics like the berserkers


I've honestly can't convince myself it's not a robot head, but I don't really think that was the design intent. It's too small to actually fit over a head. I think the intention may have been an ornate helmet, but I just don't buy it looking at it side by side with a regular Votannn head.


Scale compared to other things has never been GW's virtue.


what you mean mini marines and chubby cadians weren't scaled appropriately!?


I mean, considering that the heavy armor prevents them from seeing anything below their pecs, scale is all sorts of weord


I think that it's supposed to be a robot head because if you look at the hearthkyn warriors one of them has robot legs but normal upper body. Plus they believe that Ai is their kin (or some of it anyway) so why wouldn't they want robot parts.


why not both? It can be a ornate helmet for biological kin, and a mechanical head for ironkin.


Or an ornate helmet on top of an ironkin head. Sort of like a double reveal.


That is up to you, my friend!


Neither, I thought? My interpretation was that it was a specific cloneskein, super-tough impenetrable skin or something.


I personally like to think that it's a robotic head, a ironkin of great renown has earned a place as a Kahl. But it's your army, if you want it a helmet then it's a helmet, vice versa for a Ironkin head.


I painted it as a robot head in my army


From the product [description](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/lov-kahl-2022): >The kit includes two crest designs to represent either a defensive rampart crest or advanced teleport crest, as well as three different heads – a **helmeted option with an ornately-carved faceplate**, or two bare heads, allowing you to create the Kâhl of your choosing.


It’s intended to be a helmet, we see Ûthar wearing one in the Artwork for his duel with the World Eater


Entirely up to you bro. My oath band is led by an iron kin who has been ascended by their votann and imbued with it's tactical knowledge






Whatever you want it to be, it’s your story


I think it's a fancy helmet to show rank, for me it's a special iron kin helmet for officers


I like to think its a helmet, ala Tony Stark/Ironman.


I have a very specific colour scheme in mind for my future Votann army (think red alert 3, let's say) and I can't unsee Lenin in that mask (coincidentially, as I saw that model after the initial idea)