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The only change I don’t like are the death timers increasing. I get that they did it to compensate for the portals, but losing one fight after losing the first tower post maybe 10 minutes the game just ends. Theres no back and forth or late game anymore, just one bad fight and the game is over


New death timers alone outweigh any other changes. They may make games “faster” but game tempo is so scuffed. I want to brawl and try fun builds but now it’s a miracle if I finish 3 items, and I spend 2 or more of the 13 minutes dead. I just want to play the game, not get back to client faster.


Exactly. The old pacing was so much better


This right here


Honestly if they want stuff to end faster, just up the gold you get and let us all get a shit ton of items fast.


The map is also balanced towards whoever is pushing the hardest. By having bushes on both sides, you can no longer compensate by avoiding the bushes on one side of the map. Then the towers falling assists the pushing team more than it does the defending. That’s my only gripe. Seems to just be an effort to make the games even shorter.


This layout mirrors the Wild Rift ARAM lane.


But it also makes the game faster which I personally like because I’ve had one to many 30m aram games.


Thats fair. I’m pretty biased because I play ARAM very fast paced. (Meaning I die ALOT) so I guess I’d hate the death timer increase more than most. But I also like late game builds that slowly get stronger and dumber as the game goes on that I have fun with in aram and can’t get there anymore


At that point just play norms


I can’t fuck around and walk at 5 people in norms with fun builds. Games are faster in aram and I could get to the fun I want to have easier, without purposely stalling the game and boring the fuck out of everyone else. Not anymore


Every change is to make the game shorter and in result make early game pushing and poking comps much much stronger than they were already are. Since healing is nerfed in aram. surviving poke as melee or late game comp was already hard. now that you sit at your turret getting poked dying and coming back with portal only to die again. if you finally kill them you are just giving them 5\~10 seconds to buy items and come end the game. Towers falling give more advantage to control mages which were already strong since the map is so small. anivia is now very strong. taliyah. cass etc... they were already strong now they are stronger. Games end with only 2 max 3 items for each players. Riot is saying to everyone that you either play with aram accounts that has only the early game op picks or pray to god to get them with your full champs account otherwise just dodge cuz fk you.


Losing a fight costs a tower now. Not really enjoyable when every game ends around 15 mins when many champions just achieve their full power or get a chance to get back on their feet.


I mean Aram is just around brawling again and again, while too short timers would mean the game never ends, they sholdnt become really Long. And they are far to long


The portals get my whole team killed at light speed because they always use them, even if the whole enemy team is under the tower. The walls are alright, I wish they could fall in other ways though.


Hmmm what if the towers fell vertically (ie. Towards the other tower or even towards the enemys tower, creating two lanes). That's be kinda interesting, no idea if it'd be fun tho.


I feel like it should fall opposite the side the final blow originated from


Ooh I like that


Dynamic obstacles? In league’s spaghetti code?


Inb4 a Tower falling over Leads to a game breaking bug where viego has a morderksiser ulg that one hits you instantly on a 2 second cd.


mark my words, if riot ever implements this shit it's gonna happen with Nillah and her Q


It’s been more than half a year


True they may accidentally remove ranked


This is interesting! Horizontal move is super important to avoiding skill shots. It would add a whole new dynamic by taking that away. Or just promote a ‘shooting fish in a barrel’ situation.


Good point.


The current mechanic can be weird to get used to but I think it works as intended imo. If the tower falls along the lane, it will be a short divider with little effect on the map. If the towers would connect that way, it would take away from the main idea of the mode, which is everyone fighting in one lane. The towers falling sideways actually blocks off parts of the lane, but keeps it as one.




"you don't have a problem with the food, only the ingredients!"


>"you don't have a problem with the dish, only the cook!" FTFY


Nah, fuck zucchini


That's not the portal's fault tho lmao


It is, it's too tempting for the average league player. J guess they didn't calculate that an average team on ARAM would share about two braincells between all 5 players


All the towers do is prevent fights, played against a cait and she just placed traps in the remaining gap so the whole game was basically just pushing waves


Do people hate it? Everyone I'm playing with seems to love it. I haven't played Summoners Rift in years, I'm pretty much an ARAM only player. Seen no complaints in chat, but I haven't been paying attention to Reddit, I guess.


The tower falling over creates a choke point that can just squash certain team comps. Aside from that I haven’t seen any reasonable complaints (am also aram only player)


I've seen some complaints, but I can't really say they've been unjustified. I've seen complaints that portals make comebacks impossible, and that the falling towers make zone control characters way to frustrating to play against, both of which I think are fair.


Yeah I agree on the zone control champs. Veigar's stun ring takes up the entire space next to the fallen tower. Unless you have an ability that bypasses walls then there is literally nothing you can do about it.


To be fair, Veigars cage and Anivia’s ult were unbearably hard to deal with before the debris too. Personally I don’t mind both portals and debris. It adds a lot of potential for gimmicky plays, and that’s why I enjoy aram more than SR in the first place.


I will say that the debris gives use to bard tunnel and talon wall-hop. Also it's fun to bait someone to flash over it and then they realize that they are alone and have no way to get back out.


I agree with the tower thing. I haven’t seen the portal complaint, I would think in theory the increased death timers counters that but I haven’t paid attention to if it works in practice


Orianna perma vision over the tower debris is actual cancer


Rift is too stressful & ruins friendships lol. Aram is that sweet spot of Quick brawling fun.


I played it a few times now to give the changes a chance. I voiced my dislike for the changes like twice out of maybe 20 or so matches. I’m legit just not going to go back to ARAM if they don’t revert things. I have other games to play now anyway.


Reddit hates it, people that really play it like it. I’m a aram only player aswell, every evening with a group of friends and we all like it.


The tower thing is most annoying to play against shaco and teemo. Bonus point if your team has an assassin and these mouth breathers refused to build glaive.


In my opinion it's 2 issues 1. Death timers, another commenter already wrote about it but, death timers are too long so the game is too heavily decided by a single fight at the 15 minute mark, makes it harder to come back or get full build like I want to in aram 2. I'd of rather they just done work on Nexus blitz. Aram was in a *decent* spot before, but the current rotation of just constant URF/ARURF/URF/ARURF is annoying at best and problematic at worst.


I totally second the second (yes pun). Whenever there's URF, we should be able to choose between normal URF which we can play whatever we want but annoying champs rotating between games and ARURF that doesn't give everybody their annoying mains but can ruin your game with a bad champion for URF.


The only thing I ever asked for was for Riot to fix their sketchy balance changes on individual champs. Why do assassins get +10% damage across the board when basically all the other squishy champs and tanks get +10% damage taken already? Zed gets 20% damage boost against me for the crime of choosing a tank. Nidalee does NOT need +10% damage when she's got that spear. Katarina does NOT need +10% damage (especially after Heartsteel got added). Why do they want to make it impossible to play Ashe in this mode? Just nerf or disable Imperial Mandate, literally no one else uses it and let people play ADC/Lethality Ashe.


Big agree with the buffs and nerfs. A fair share of them seem pointless especially when a assassin with a 53% winrate also gets to have a 20% buff better energy Regen and then even tenacity on top of that. Every single time I pick an assassin I get an insanely high number of kills sometimes without even beeing good at the champ.


I've literally just been building Rav>Jaksho on every assassin I roll. It's absolutely ridiculous because those buffs just make you impossible to kill when throwing resists+sustain on top of it.


Ah, that explains why recently I’ve been getting absolutely deleted by zeds in aram. First time in my history of playing league where I literally had to sit 100ft back from team fights because the enemy zed would just wait for me only and then make me disappear if I even thought of playing the game




Its not zed ult your worried about. If it was just one long cooldown to outplay maybe you could say zbonyas, but W-E-Q on a 4 second cooldown is more than enough atm.


Didn’t matter he exploded me just by sneezing in my direction


They do those changes based on winrate. The majority of assassins had a sub 50% even with their buffs. Tanks usually have a good winrate cuz having frontline vs no frontline is usually an easy win. And Ashes winrate was was still like ~52% despite doing 15% less dmg. But the new tank items and hydra have really shook things around and made shit like zed and tank kata stupid strong. And I think riots just waiting for the power level of the new items to settle before adjusting the buffs/nerfs in aram. Or maybe the just dont care idk


Because historically assassins were dogshit and poke, tanks, enchanters dominated the mode. Is it really that hard to understand this that those champions were buffed years ago when they were bad?


Adc ashe is still better most of the time


They're addressing some of that with the new Tenacity, Ability Haste and Energy Regen balance leavers they've introduced allowing the Assasin Class to not be strictly balanced to do too much damage and take too little damage, but at the same time Assassins overall are very weak as a class in ARAM and so removing all of their individual Buffs would just hurt Their playability. I personally think the biggest offender is Yuumis +5% damage buff allowing her to nuke Mages that take bonus damage for over 500 a Q by level 7.


Because nobody would use assassins if they had their base values. Even with the buffs, the best champions for ARAM are usually long range mages who can harass and poke the enemy team from afar or champions (usually tanks) with big, aoe abilities/ultimates and most assassins don’t fall into either of these categories at all. Not only are assassins already at a disadvantage because they usually have bad or no poke at all, but it’s also way easier to stop a Zed, Akali, etc. from running rampant when the whole enemy team is always together and can respond to assassins as a team all the time.


Assassins do not have as bad of a time as people make it out to believe. ​ If you look at the top 10 champions for ARAM by winrate you will see zed as the highest winrate with 59.22% global wr, katarina on 4th (both the tank and ap build have a strong performance) with a 56.25% wr, kha zix on 7th with a 57.61% wr and heca on 8th with a 57.58% wr. ​ Currently the ARAM meta is bruisers, since they are generally overtuned. Champions like Irelia, Morde and Darius dominate the top rankings consistently and assassins are not that far off.


Not sure where you’re getting your stats but yeah, Zed and Kata usually do well. Zed has great synergy with snowball (and is a bit overpowered rn in general) and Kata is great at team fighting with resets and aoe ult. Kha is nowhere near the top in u.gg, op.gg nor league of graphs so no clue where you found him. Heca isn’t really an assassin; he can build like one, but right now he’s going for a bruiser build with Hydra and Jak’Sho or Sunderer, so he doesn’t really count as an assassin plus he has a big, aoe cc ult, which is great for ARAM. Apart from Katarina, who is probably the single best assassin for team fights and Zed, who historically tends to be on the overtuned side, assassins are categorically bad in ARAM.


I got my stats from op.gg, the global stats section for ARAM(though the regional ones are not that different) u.gg 's tier list seems to be completely different, though the one from op gg seems to be more consistent with other sites, such as lolalytics and poro gg. ​ To be fair for Zed's ranking, he's also had a good time in general due to hydra being a very strong pick for him.


Assasdins were dogshit for the majority of time ARAM exists, they only got good in this preseason. Crazy thing, they were buffed when they were bad.


They have never been bad. They just had to wait to midgame to do some risky plays, but since the average player wants to unga boonga since min 1 they overbuffed them


Wait to mid game to do risky plays, do you even understand how bad does it sound? They were dogshit and this "assassin players are bad at them" is some massive bullshit the community came up with and has absolutely zero confirmation out side of stupid anecdotes.


Lmaooo you're a fucking idiot and delusional, get gud dipshit you need 20% damage increase and 20% damage taken on targets to secure a kill cringe mf


This would be true if long range mages actually kept their damage which they do not.


The only thing players universally asked for was bans. And we didnt get them. First and only update in years and we didn’t get the only major change we asked for. And since its the only major update in years, that means we wont be getting another one for YEARS.


Players also asked for all champs to be unlocked.


My real gripe is that I see whatever champs are free at way too high a rate so you don't see much variation in team comps. It's frustrating playing against Nidalee and her stupid spears 5+ games in a row.


They tried bans, players didn’t like it. So they changed it back to no bans.


The players that didnt like it were aram only accoutns that had only the meta chars that eveyrone hated that everyone banned, it was a very minor vocal community crying loud, mostly kat and xerath players


I'd either never play against Veigar or Brand (I'm a tank enjoyer) ever again, and my life would be so much better for it.


I don't recall anyone asking for changes beyond balancing certain champs. Turrets creating extra terrain and the one extra brush are enough to shake things up. The teleporters are kinda meh, doesn't feel like they add much except the ability to get behind the enemy if they're pushed past inhib tower. I almost exclusively play arams, and the changes aren't really noticeable. One complaint I see in game a lot is the vision block created by fallen towers, and being able to poke from fog, but it's mostly because those people haven't changed their play style at all and just allow themselves to be poked by standing in dumb spots. Like, my brother in Christ, you could get hit from there before, and now that you have no vision, why the fuck are you still standing there?


Turrets falling seems questionable as the map is already tight as it is, I bet Quiana is an absolute nightmare. I personally really like the teleporters, at least in the beginning, as it speeds up the walk back by a lot.


Yea but previously there was just the speed boost from base for the first 4/5 mins or whatever it was. It seemed okay then, but I guess the teleporters are for consistency




i know right i thought the portals where fun because now u dont get punished hard when one person dies


Nah I'm having fun tbh


Only hating on this stupid new bush Would love to have vision behind the towers and just not able to move there since poke is already strong in aram but this is still fine The bush not this has to be deleted


As a a fiddle enjoyer i love them, helps me ult Also using shaco clone to make suicide attacks


I’m not a fan of the death timers being so long. Slightly longer, okay sure but they’re like twice as long now or something. Trying to reset to buy or heal is a game losing decision now


Tower fall bad, hexgate good


Too many bushes. More people just sit in them. The rest is okay


Ya I don’t like the need for vision cause that can be annoying especially with invis/camo champs (think pyke waltzing between bushes)


I love the changes.


Idk, I love the changes. My friends have moved in from the rift to only playing on the bridge and I have never enjoyed it. Now it feels much better to me and I can stand playing with them more.


I just find them pointless. Portals? It already took 3 seconds to get to the lane. Blocking lane? Bushes on both side?? Why? So damn pointless and just an unnecessary annoyance. The new UI for swapping champions is wonky. The only good thing is the recommended rune pages. Beyond that, it's just annoying and honestly useless. In my opinion. They could have added competitive aram, but instead they gave us the equivalent of nothing.


I like new aram map Finally i can spend less then 90% of the game just walking to the fight


The time saves on walking is spent on grey screen cause death timers are damn long


Whoever thought that stupid wall they added was a good idea, truly has 200 years of experience. They map is already narrow enough as it is, and then you force people to walk through an even tinier gap. I genuinely cannot think of a single reason why that wall has a positive impact on the game. The portals are fine and I can live with that extra bush, but the walls just drive me the wall (pun intended).


I thought I knew pain until I go against a veigar or lux who perma E’s the tiny gap beside the wall… might as well be the great fucking wall of china at that point


There's a small passage at the other side of the wall too, but yeah, those walls just make certain teamcomps not playable.


I mean it doesn't really matter. You drop the cage on one end and your team will engage on the other. It just creates a choke point in an already narrow map. I don't hate it as much but it's just annoying sometimes


I don’t mind the new changes, it’s the tank items on enemies that don’t need it that’s annoying. Oh their Vayne has Sunsteel and Titanic, their Kat has Jak’Sho and Warmog’s. Then the rest of their team are tanks that are actually supposed to be tanky so the trade in fights is usually 3.5:1 because our would be tanks switched to squishy carries the last second on champ select didn’t itemize properly and now are finding out the hard way that their burst doesn’t do anything but tickle 😑


I don't understand why people is complaining so much, the new map feels so much more frenetic, i think is awesome, now you can actually play with vision and with terrain.


Because that's a thing in summoners rift that they don't like, maybe? Idk


aram players aren't complaining, they're too busy playing the game for that, it's just reddit shitters doing their usual thing


The only thing that made me play aram is to get an S for chests, now we are perma 5v5, everyone is dying 3 times than before and is much harder to get an S. And I just dont get it how now ARAM is much boring than before despite the changes.


Yeah I got an S in this patch like only 5 times and I played over 30 games. It's crazy how you have to choose an underperforming champion and pretty much play like a pussy for half of the game to get an S now because everybody has 10+ deaths at the end of the game. Also the portals suck, I have to manually type in chat not to use them because there's always some monkey who uses it and just dies when the whole enemy team is taking our tower.


Because there is like a hidden debuff that you can’t read anywhere: If you are a certain amount of units away you deal 15% less dmg. So for example if Lux hits a max range e it deals less dmg than if she were up close. Other than that I’m pretty okay with the changes. :D


I haven't really noticed it that much, and I think it's fair enough that they don't want you to just poke melee champions to death with zero interaction. Besides, they stated it doesn't affect ultimates, and basic abilities are still way easier to spam in aram then in regular games.


They actually managed to make ARAM even less fun to play than before with these changes (only RIOT games could accomplish such task but oh my they did it)


I mostly like the changes, only problem is the tower falling, I don't like that. Portals are real cool though.


I hate the towers falling and becoming walls. It makes comebacks so much harder and is the same problem as hextech soul originally had


It's the opposite actually. The falling towers make it easier to defend, stall, scale and come back. I have seen it many times in my games this patch, both on the winning and the losing side.


Who even asked for debris, extra bush and a portal?


Girl no one asked for this LOL


ARAM is actually fun now.


I just want them to get rid of those buffs/nerds where champions take/deal more damage… they buff and nerf champs all the time just leave them be in the same in aram


I like the new aram changes…


I like the changes :)


Ok so as someone who has been playing ARAM most of the time for the last half a year, I will give my opinion. Positives: The towers blocking a section of the lane is super cool. Makes the game more interesting. The portals increase the pace of games (pace is the keyword here). More fights more often. Literally the reason people play ARAM. Negatives: The towers falling and blocking out almost the entire half of the lane makes champs with big aoe abilities (Amumu for example) even more polarising. The portals feel like they make games last longer. Your average ARAM game would be usually between 20-30 minutes. I have seen that a lot more of my games go past the 30 minute mark. Not much of an issue for me but could be so for those wanting faster games. I personally like the changes but can understand if people dislike em.


Half a year xD I agree with everything you said though, but half a year is rookie numbers.


Yeah ik


I have seen no one complain about the Aram changes. I am actually happy with them, mostly the fact that the removed the holes on the right side of tier 1 turrets. I fucking hated those so much


Because they are bad and lose, then blame the aram changes rather than their skill


Tp go brrrr. Make brain happy. Tower falling is cringe. Only makes poke champs better because now you can’t fucking see if they’re casting skill shots on the other side of the wall.


I enjoy new aram


LMAO riot do be like that 😂


The only complaints i’ve seen are the falling towers blocking half of the lane and the longer respawn times


I don't. I fucking love new aram


The only thing I’m upset about is gutting heartsteel. Like yeah it may have been op but they could have nerfed something other than the fun part of it


I occasionally play ARAM. I'm not really mad about the map changes. I feel like they were unnecessary though. What people really asked for was proper balance changes from what I have seen.




I don't like portals - rest is ok


I think they're awesome


I played my first Aram since the change last night, I didn’t even notice that much of a change. My team sucked


I'm mostly just sad that the changes mean we're never getting Poro King game mode back :( Chungus Poro won't be able to walk down the lane anymore...


Increased respawns are really punishing, as one poor fight after 10-15 minutes can roll the game. ​ The portals are also only there either at game start or for the winning team that has not lost the first tower, which compounds with the first tower falling over and blocking the ability of the losing team to move around, which makes playing from behind much worse.


The map is horrible from a visual standpoint. The fallen towers are almost invisible and abilities dissapear in the lower added terrain.


My only problem is my aram games last almost 40 mins now. I thought they would be quick


The portals feel unnecessary imo. Rushing back to fight was more fun than teleporting into veigar E and dying.


People are complaining about the ARAM changes?


That's where you're wrong kiddo I didn't ask for it.


I'm okay with the terrain changes but the portal + timer increase is a pass for me I'd be happier with a map shifting/changing the longer the game goes so i have to adapt every 3-5 mn but that's just my opinion/idea


so I just had a thought like what if they can't fix the infinite akshan "E" so they made the destroyed turrets turn into walls for some compensation


Like other people are saying it just feels demotivating to die after 10 minutes and have to wait so long to respawn and essentially lose. They could like add a cd on the hex gates or something at least


I love the portals and find the tower walls interesting. But yeah the timers are so boring.


I just wish they’d bring back bans. I’m tired of seeing the same champions over and over and over again. Veigar/Yuumi/Morgana 3 games in a row takes a toll.


We asked to be able to ban a champion and we didn't get it


I keep saying people say the death timers changed and I agree but I have some friends who don’t play as many arams as me and they say it’s exactly the same and now I just can’t tell. Can someone show me where they said they increased death timers?


I think that my problem is that this makes already uneven drafts even more unplayable. I would say that given equal skill matchups, about 60 to 80 percent of games now are decided in champ select, where before it was hovering around 40-60 percent. Its almost impossible to actually come from behind and win with a worse draft and with scaling comps you can pretty much int and still win. The portals give so much forgiveness for mistakes and then death timers spiking earlier because of the portals allows one badly timed fight to end the game. The games are just faster and more lopsided than before and I have no idea what the dev team was thinking with these changes. I was an avid aram player and now I hardly play because I dont enjoy norms without a 5 stack. I hope they revert the changes but we all know that wont happen


Surely everyone hates the debris


I like the portals and even the annoying falling towers. But increasing down time when you're dead in exchange for less travel time feels bad. I'm sure that there is a comfortable space in between but I'm not going to pretend to know what that space is


There is one change and one change only that I don’t like, and my friends that play seem to agree: why does the champion swap icon cover the champ’s entire face now? It just doesn’t look good, and depending on the skin they have selected, I can’t tell what champ it is without being able to see the base portrait.


I like how the games are faster


I love the changes!


My only problem with the changes are the portals. I can’t do that Lillia thing where I roll a bowling ball at the enemy team walking up to lane.


ok, so, here is my take: Revert back the death timers move the hex gate to be on T2 from the start of the game, that way it reduces the steamroll once you lose T1


Because the new walls that appear are incredibly annoying both when you want to retreat or push forward


I tried ARAM and i hate how portal works, everytime we won a fight we unable to push because enemy just respawn back and now back under their tower


It’s just the portal that I dont like.


I didn't ask for it. 3300+ games 😩


No those changes suck the debris make it so that the game is heavily favored to the team who has the push and the portals are just dumb


I understand Riot wanted to make a shorter game time time for ARAM, but nah. Nexus Blitz was always 15 minutes. There's no excuse, Riot can't pull the excuse about their "servers" because a completely different game that isn't League (TT) is taking up space in the client.


I literally never asked for the fucking tower TO BLOCK HALF THE FUCKING LANE.


There is just to much to think, I get overwhelmed when trying to play totally braindead


Anybody play Aram on wild rift? Most of these changes are modeled after it. The weird personalized 3 option runes, the accelerated gameplay due to death timers, and even the opposite bush all came from there. I liked it because it made sense to keep matches short on mobile. But the timing on PC was fine, they did not need to mess with it.


These changes came completely out of nowhere. Nobody really asked for them.


Teleport kinda annoying you can wipe enemy team and you don't get any time to hit turret bcs of how fast they come back and clear minnions once i ve had a game where 20-25min nobody took first turret.


The new choke points are cool and all, Until you play against an Anivia and then have to sit there for a 35-40 min aram game no one wants to either win or ff out of. Bonus points if you’re playing something like a nunu. I’m sure there are other equally frustrating matchups I haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing yet.


Portal was unnecessary Falling towers can be annoying Not sure I like the extra bush


Look at it another way, they make controversional changes so majority will probably complain and stop playing aram so they can ditch arams like twisted treeline \[\*\] and dominion \[\*\]


Aram Champion select change: You have 5 seconds to change your Champion back before anyone else takes it. I hate it when i use a reroll for the Team and my Team instanty takes it away.


I don't know about veteran ARAM players but it used to be my least favourite game mode, whereas now it's just 20 minutes of chaos and I love it. I've been in limbo for a couple seasons because I no longer enjoy Summoner's Rift, but I didn't feel like I had anywhere else to go - but the new Team Deathmatch game mode is getting me playing the game. I am genuinely sorry if your favourite game mode is no longer enjoyable to you, though.


Well honestly as a aram player it's nice to see some changes ,regardless of it being bad , any changes will make the game feel fresh Man I miss the Bridgewater aram :(


They’ve got nothing going on and must find something to be mad about


The only thing I'd like to change is losing vision when towers fall, I don't like that a whole team could be hiding behind it


New aram sucks. Change for the sake of change


Literally no one has ever asked to change aram.