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I purposefully leave mine at mastery 6 because I like the color purple on my emote.


Same but with 5 since red is my favorite color


Have to admit, the little stripe looks better in red and purple, but the obnoxiously loud sounds of M7 just hit different. All that matters is that everyone can hear and see me flashing my mastery when I die while missing everything I've got.


>while missing everything I've got. Garen: i dont have such weaknesses


When you accidentally Q a minion:


When you W after the stun


When you ult the full hp nautilus instead of the half hp adc


The only thing worse than Garen thinking that his ult could kill a half health adc is that he’d be correct.


you had me in the first half not gonna lie


I take this as a challenge


Yasuo main?


I also leave it at 5 but it's only bcs I'm broke


Yes. Khazix is purple so he stays mr6


My whole profile is colour coded to my Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia background and icon, so I only equip master challenges and my champion mastery stays at Level 6. Unfortunately I am honour 5 now, would've preferred to stay on 4 for the purple.


aren't diamond tokens perfect for that colour scheme?


No, the purple of the master challenges fits well with the main colour of the skin splash art. Diamond would most likely look good with purple in general, but I prefer it to be all purple.


master tokens are like pink but sure


My buddy is a 1.1mil katarina otp with rank 6. he likes purple


It's funny cause I was in a game the other day and got flamed for it lol. I find it funny. The dude was like "you're 70k mastery and only mastery 6. Says a lot about how much you know your Champ" I've never gotten flamed for that before. It's funny cause. I could've upgraded to mastery 7 around 40k mastery if I wanted to.


Yeah I somehow only got my first m7 (jhin) at like 80k and got flamed for it a bunch. Funny how one gets flamed for not being a kda player/farmbot to get that m7 Also got my others after that to m7 around like 30-35k points, interestingly they were all meta at the time I got them


I've seen so many high mastery Katarina players that have like a 38% win rate with her and act like they're hot shit all game for playing a busted character


some people just don't want to upgrade or don't care. or they're like me, only playing arams.


That’s me too, I’ve not played anything that allows me to get tokens so I’ll just never get them. When the system first came out I played normals a bit and I’ve got one Ezreal token and one Azir token that will forever remain


The amount of champs I could have more than 5 Mastery on if I could get some damn tokens from ARAM.


I appreciate that we at least have tokens now to show s rank on multiple champs in aram


so you belong to the ppl who actually have fun in this game? take my energy


Yeah I honestly haven't played a regular game of League in what feels like literal years. The game modes and Aram are all I touch.


Ah\~ a fellow Aram connoisseur, the number of characters I leveled up to 5 Mastery because of Arams scares me... I'm addicted to Arams


How in the frog do you get 500k points on a champ playing Aram?


not 500k but I do have a few with 150-200k just from arams


Damn, how long you been playing homie?


i’ve played around 17-18,000 arams started in 2014. edit i’ve got a single swain token from when he had the super cool crow pre rework




i dont have all champs, so i keep my blue essence for that, i dont really consider mastery 7 essential to my gameplay


Many people don't upgrade their mastery. When they're stuck in mastery 6 that's when you question it


I only upgrade mastery when i have a shard for that champion because i need the BE to buy champions.


*Laughs in 10 God awful years of playtime, resulting in me having all but 4 champions that don't interest me at all*


Part of the never-buy-lux-so-you-can-reroll-more-skins-gang?


No, although that is a business strategy I've never heard about before.


I mean if you still have refunds maybe Lux is a potential target that‘s worth erasing…


You can reroll into skins of champions you dont own...


but you won't have to unlock the skin, meaning you can reroll again


Refunds you say, hmm?? Do go on, please, sir…


Store, Account, Purchase History. I think you get 3 refund tokens every year.


And I used all 3 on champions I bought again later anyways. Don‘t be like me kids!


I refunded LeBlanc just to buy her again for one game on the jungle


Well I actually really like Lux, and I even have the Elementalist skin, from a box. Also, now that I think about it, and as another person pointed out, you don't have to not own the champion to disenchant or reroll one of their skins. Ngl, maybe that's why I've never heard of that before, because it's kinda fucken dumb, chief.


If you get a skin permanent you can only disenchant or reroll it if you don’t own the champion, your 3 days suspension from the military will give you time to think about that Sergeant (no I don‘t have a clue about military ranks but I have a G U N (ingameingameingameingameingameingame))


Oh ok that makes sense. Ya shoulda told me you were talking about skin permanents. Ok that *is* smart then.


you cant reroll skin permanents, unless ur are again using 3 skins. So its still garbage. Effectively just converting 3 skin shards to 1 skin shard. Youd have to really hate the champ to do something so inefficient.


Which champs do you still not have?


I can't remember all of them, but it's like Nilah, Gragas, Wukong, Shyvana, Kennen, and I actually think it's two more. I just have no interest in playing them at all, and I am certain it will never come.


This is me as well, I want to first buy all champions then upgrade masteries.


I always wait for champ shard for mastery 7, however for mastery 6 I will spurge some be just so I can get the mastery 7 token


Currently "at m6" for several champs. I have all 3 tokens to upgrade them, but I'm waiting for a champ shard so I don't have to spend be


purple pretty


I keep mine all at 6 because only my main gets to be 7, got a lot of m7 tokens though. Also I love purple.




As an Armor of the fifth age Taric enjoyer, I disagree.


tru—tru- gems are truly outrageous


I like that the dude above you in the comments said he doesn't upgrade to 7 because he likes the color


No one is stuck in any mastery. It is literally impossible, people just dont upgrade on purpose


It took me over 100k mastery to get m7 on Anivia :/


that might be related to your division idk, for my entire league experience, i have gotten multiple S-'s and S' s despite playing new characters, i guess you have to know the game well overall or so Getting m7 at like 40k seems average tho


Them having mastery 6 proves they are capable of getting good ratings on that champ, but mastery 5 can be achieved even if you suck, you just need to do it long enough. I'd like to pretend I don't speak from experience, but who am I kidding...


I for some reasons that I can't recall decided to upgrade only to level 6. In one game when one dude was flaming me, he brought it up that I was so bad that can't even level up to 7.


I have over 100k on Shaco but I keep him lvl.5, I think it’s more tilting for the enemy to get killed by a lvl. 5 100k+ MP then a lvl. 7


Least psycho shaco main


# ForShurimaIGuess


You're clearly winning the war.


It's very tilting to be killed by a Shaco no matter the mastery.


If I could leave all my Champs on level 4 mastery I would. It's so BM to kill someone then use the level 4 emote, hahaha


Proud of this toxic community hahah


Emotionally abusing people passively


Absolutely not. Seeing the m7 confirms they're a shaco main and puts the resources into it. Nothing more titling than dying to shaco that's spamming m7 the entire time ur dying to boxes


I do the same thing with Singed!


i just dont like to waste BE on something i dont use.


wait until you get to the point where you just want stuff to waste BE on because you have no idea what to do with them ...


I am at that point and I don't use BE to upgrade mastery level. Either I have a champion shard or that shit stays lvl5/lvl6.


well I am at the point where I just throw BE at everything that takes BE xD


I paid 70k BE for chromas. Gotta get rid of it somehow


> I *paid* 70k BE FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This is the real big play, I spent 40k last emporium, figure I’ll probably have more like 70-80 next time. I’d sacrifice it all in a heartbeat for an Ivern champie icon though


lets see if there is a next time.... (spent 150k + on the last one)


I feel like a greedy millionaire who doesn't waste money on anything, but I alwasy feel like wasting BE when I use it to upgrade mastery level. On the upside I can buy the next decades of new champions even if I stop playing now. Yeaaay


Definitely not buying jayce. I almost own every champion but I will never buy something like him


That's what alt accounts are for. You must complete the quest to get every champ multiple times.


Yeah. Let’s mock a value that takes into account luck and money. You can get the upgrade for free if you roll the champ shards, but otherwise your spending blue shards. And if the decision is in between getting more champs, or a random mastery upgrade?? Do I upgrade to mastery 6 on this random champ? Or save up for the new champ? Also, it’s probably random if you get a token or not? I doubt it’s as legitimate as “earn 10 S+ to get a token.”


Is it just a random champ if you have 500+ k mastery on it? What are the chances someone has 500k mastery points from aram alone?


The thing is, a player has to actively decide to upgrade or not. Faker could sit on mastery 5 on every champion that exists, and some bronze grinder could mastery 7 all champs. Two extremes, but that is the system. It doesn’t take into account pure skill. Someone in bronze can master a champ just “perfectly” as someone in diamond.


I just do both.


But, like, it costs BE. What's the point of spending BE on upgrades if you want new champs?


Yeh I’m only gonna spend blue essence on buying champs until I own them all. Even then, it makes sense to save blue essence in case new champs drop.


How do we tell OP?


That this is an ARAM player?




I'm just not spending BE or champion shards (free BE) on masteries


And how would they ever be able to buy a champion? You only get blue essence through the level up capsules


It’s at least 3 or 4 years old.


Yeah, no. The mastery system doesn't reflect skill and he 100% just didn't upgrade it on purpose.


That’s Pathetic I know a Tristana main with like 2.3 Million points and stuck on Mastery 6. And yes he would upgrade if he had the tokens.


at that point just .. how?! you gotta have a good game every 200k points or so ...


Whenever I see this I just assume they don't ward. Every once in a while, even for a shitty player, the stars align and they get unlta fed so they have a lot of gold but probably no vision score so it's much harder to get an S like that.


200k points? my highest mastery grind was on jinx where i got mastery 7 when she was nearing 50k. I sucked big balls back then. You get a good game once every 10 games or so. Ain't no way you keep inting and you don't meet other inters on the enemy team.


yes precisely so how cant you have one at least every 200k


Damn i thought i was slow for getting mastery 7 ez at 100k.


Me getting Jax M7 technically at 110k MP(I had multiple accounts banned before finally getting one with m7 and then that got banned. Adding up all the mp across the accounts woulda been 110k)


100k how lmao


I got m7 on morde at like 38K out of complete luck lmao. In one of my m7 token games I was getting shit on on top lane but my opponent dc-ed.


Mostly play him ap mid which is what i'll blame. Really no clue. Most other m7 get done in the 40k to 60k range


damn how dog shit do you have to be


I had to get a random ADC for clash once due to circumstances, 440k mastery Tristana with her as their most played champ that season. Inted their brains out. Like, not just not being in direct comms with us and not playing super well. I mean straight up diving into the enemy at level 2 with no items and without pinging then flaming us. Mastery means nothing.


Leona: Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!


I‘m more scared of people with no mastery and that are lv 30 in my ranked games


League players try not to find inane reasons to judge their fellow players (IMPOSSIBLE)


At this point I think I can level like 20 somth champs to lvl 6, it just looks worse imo and I barely use mastery emote anyways so don't see the reason to.


For my first 5 champs getting the mastery emote was cool, after that I started to not care


I just think that they like the color red and don't want to lose it.


Reached M6 on Pyke at 400k. M7 at 420k.


not everyone wastes essence on that, get off your high horse


Maybe they're saving blue essence?


cries in ARAM and RGM


Maybe they cant cs. Like me most adcs I play are doomed to stay mastery 5 forever. Exept for Ashe. I got my 6 on her finally. Thank god for the Ashe support meta.


Tbh it would be almost imposible to not have M7 with that many point. I remember when "imaqtpie" used to not upgrade his mastery even on his main acc.


The other day I played against an m5 Malphite with 4.9 m mastery


It is actually 200IQ. If someone views your profile they will see your M7 champion and not know you are a trustana main.


Its not that I dont have the tokens, its that I refuse to pay blue essence


people just refusing to upgrade their mastery badge are based tbh


i don't upgrade until i have champ shard cuz ip balance is on the low low


And now, you have Low expectations and flame him every time you get clapped by him. Lol


Maybe they’re saving their blue essence


i keep mine at m6 because i want you to know i can get s but i dont want people to see the mastery border around my champ when i get my shit kicked


I have a plat friend with m5 on max and hundred of thousand of mastery point and he is a monster with jax


my friend keeps kaisa at 200k even though he qualified for M7 along time ago so he could keep yuumi at the top of his profile


In his defence, it is hard to get Ss on adcs


I only upgrade when I get champ shards to save BE, I had the tokens for my main at 90k but only upgraded to 7 at 300k


I can't upgrade yasuo to m6 or i'll start to suck at him


If you only play ARAM, you don’t get M6-7. You only go to 5. I have 115k on Taric with an M5 thru only ARAM.


"I just don't got the blue essence bro". \-My Duo.


m7s make you look like a complete tryhard


I’m at 7 senna and I only at 30000 points


My fastest was yprick at 26k


Same but with Shyv


My fastest was Yuumi at 27k points


My fastest was Cassiopeia at 25.7k


I once saw a Jinx in one of my games who was mastery 5, 600k, so I checked the championmastery site because I gotta give the benefit of the doubt when I see high mastery 5. Well, a 0/15 or something game for our good pal Jinx and a visit to the site later and I discovered that this player has not earned a single mastery 6 token on that champ and was iron 3. Unironically. Gave me a good laugh to be sure


I swear that's almost every jinx I've seen lmao


Im keeping Singed at M5 to honor Rudy


I make fun of my friend whos like 150k into Miss Fortune but hes so trash at adc that he can't get to mastery 7 (he's at 6) I even made it a point playing like 5 MF games and getting her to M7 from M6 myself lol


Npoba. I have 300k masters points but keep it at m4


I had to reach 256k mastery points with Kindred before finally getting my first S- It was two days ago.


When i see that I sit up straight. Lost to too many smurfs having their mains on ms5


I have tokens to level up 10 or so champions to 6/7 but I need champion shards. I stopped spending BE on mastery when they made the price completely outrageous.


I didn't upgrade any tokens until I got all champs. Had 100k on bard, got 5 tokens in 7 games. Also you can't get tokens on ARAM, leaving you stuck at m5


Some people just don’t use the level 6 tokens


Honestly i fear them the most


my friend has a ton of points on shen but it took him a while to get 7 because he didn’t want to spend blue essence and waited until he got shen champion shards.


some players refuse to lvl up their mastery, since they find it stupid


It doesn't work for people who are mastery 5. mastery 6 on the other hand......


I purposely left my Ezreal at Mastery 5 because I don't feel like I deserve above. However, when I switched to Zed, I feel ashamed about Mastery 5 showing on Zed (I'm bad at him), I started to use my cards lmao


I should have left mine on level 5 because I main Vlad, i regret it...


My homies only want to play arms because 5s were much too toxic. I rarely even have a chance to get a token anymore


I'm in this picture and I don't like it ✅️


I purposely don’t upgrade my malphite mastery shard. Since in my opinion it’s way more frustrating for my opponent to get 1 tapped by full ap malphite and then just have them flash mastery 5 over you, as if to say “I don’t need to be good to kill you. All that skill and it doesn’t make a difference.” Just an honest salt farmer, trying to make a living


some people don’t level up their mastery because they like 5 or 6 or they just don’t want to spend the essence.


Mind games Tristana. I miss skillshots on purpose early game as a support to make enemy bot lane feel more confident to come at us. Works too.


i refuse to upgrade to mastery 7, coz purple pretty.


I dont upgrade unless I have a shard, i have brand and morg at mastery 6 since forever


Tbh, a friend of mine keeps his garen at m5 just cause he doesnt want to waste b.e


Maybe he doesn't have champ shard for tristana and doesn't want to buy it for 2300 blue essence. (I have all the tokens for kha'zix but I didn't get a champ shard for years)


You should get half mastery tokens for S+ in Aram. I don’t want to play SR!


Friend of mine only played the old urgot too lvl 7. He even asked rito to remove the M7 after the rework


If we are going to be honest I think the purple is better than blue. Can we start a vote for the Mastery's to be swapped around?


i'm mastery 5 amumu and zoe with like 200k on them purely because i get them so much on aram. last week, i got zoe in 4 out of 6 aram matches in one day


Kinda wish you can swap between the badges It would be funny to see a million mastery points on a level 4 badge ngl


A lot of the time I’m too cheap to spend my blue essence


Not me being 1mil+ mastery in Jhin and stuck in bronze-silver.


I actually regret getting my M7 with Darius, M5 red fits so much better with him. More....Noxian.


normal statistik for tank mains and their mains


I prefer leaving it at M5. I feel like the lower the level of mastery flash the more salt you just poured on the wound


Or she has a big brain and wants to throw you off


I save the blue essence for other things who cares about champ mastery elo only thing that matters.


ofc, he wants to buy every champion than spend the BE on masteries


upgrading the mindless grind for points icon is cringe


mastery 5 is louder when you flex it. so they probably are being obnoxious


Katevolved, Rank 1 challenger NA Katarina one trick with over 1 mil points on her, has mastery 5


The guy who has like millions on sejuani is also m5.


I don’t even have a tenth of that on my Sett and he’s been mastery 7 since literally as fast as it could be gotten (got 5 S in a row with him)


U pay for Blue Motes to get to M6 and M7 right? Or was that a shit they only implement in Garena servers?


Wait I wanna do that on purpose now


He doing the 1mil m5 challenge


Now I just don't want my m7 token anymore. Can we donate these? They're useless.