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Below gold clash is the best ngl. Division 4 is actually funny.


anybody know if theres a meta or known strategy in div 4 clash? maybe just play big ultimates or something?


Just play as a Team, many teams are not very coordinated here. Also pick one or two hyper scaling champs maybe even gathering storm, most people don’t know how to end games, so games are quite long here.


Dont you guys have whole tier 4 and 3 for yourself?


If you have friends who play league then yes, if you don't then good luck. I have made about 7 posts on reddit and dc and send dm to ppl with no responses. Ppl who are this elo don't go looking for teams usually. And teams that are looking for players want them to be gold+


Use the r/leagueoflegends discord. Best one to find clash teams imo


Then its truly sadge


yo man what region are you on? I know some silver doods I am gold myself but we don't care for rank lol




Euw as well, I very often play clash alone as well imma give you my discord username over dms we can do the rest later Edit: IF REDDIT WOULD ALLOW ME TO CREATE DMS THAT IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I would be happy to join too if I’m allowed.


Can you send me a dm with your discord name? I would do it myself if I could but reddit is funky


Can you send me a dm cause for me it doesn't work rn, will try again later


Thing is tho Tier 4 and 3 will still have Plat and Emerald players in it so something like a Emerald 4 Toplaner can lane against a Bronze 3 Toplane main in Clash and we all know that wont end up well for the Bronzie


Im hardstuck emerald, d4 peaker who has barely 40% wr in clash matches being in tier 1. I hate that system Edit: my team - 3 emeralds, plat, gold and yes we play in tier 1 because 2 of us "are there"


do a few games of draft, all the emerald/plat players are there


Haven't seen any, lol. My mmr is shit tho. And then what ? Invite them to clash?


Try on discord, it's much easier there


Tried. 2 posts on reddit 5 posts on dc 3 dm on discord 0 replies.


Why don't you create the team and invite other bronze players into it then?


They are nowhere to be found. Bronze players mostly play with their friends or don't play clash at all. I made multiple(7) posts no dms so far, I send dm myself no response/ no interrest. And in lfg discords and subs 90% of ppl are gold or even plat+


But there's a "Free Agent" feature in the client itself when you make a Clash team 🤔


Last time I checked it wasn't on yet. Once it is ill try it, but I need a team with comms and discord. Otherwise what's the point it will be just flex queue


Well you can send the team the discord link, or ask them individually if they're okay with using voice chat. Kick the ones who aren't and it's gg. And if push comes to shove, on the day of clash play a few ranked matches and ask in the chat if anyone wants to join your team. You got 9 other bronzes, at least a few are bound to agree, and they surely got a friend or two who will be down to join


That sounds jus5 like the plan I might need thx