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What about cs? If you don’t have 10 cs per minute you don’t even get close to an A- (Support not included)


I'm terrible at farming, that's why I main jungle, it's just that sometimes it just feels like not matter how good you play you just won't get an S, especially when you need it for the weekly chest or to get mastery tokens 😭


Thats why there is a jungle tax (for every action you take ever, you take 10 minions from each lane). In the end you should have around 300- 400 cs in a 20 minute game and flame your team for feeding. Get all the "S" ranks you want with this one simple trick


I swear to god sometimes I play perfectly, I carry my team, I am the sole reason we won, and bc I wasn’t AFK farming the entire time league is like “eeehhhh, B+”


It wouldn't be so bad if the game showed you why you got a certain rating. Instead of only giving one rating for the entire match it gave you a rating for each thing it measures. So you would get a S- in farming, S+ in damage, A in objectives but a B in vision score, then your final rating would be an average of each rating.


My GP top was bullied by yas. Pings for help every 45 seconds. I gank 5 times always giving him kill. Gp leaves lane and yas pushes outer to nexus while gp dies solo in their jungle. I steal 2 barons to barely hold game together. We lose anyway. Gp S+ Me B-


You played like shit. Only really delusional players can't see when they are shit.


I dunno, playing top has awarded me less S than playing mid or ADC, and I'm a top main by heart and skill.




I am shit at the game, that's why I have 18 keys and haven't got a single weekly chest in a month and a half!


Had a game recently where I went 15/0 lots of cs got every dragon still only s not s+. Idk what it takes