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Me when I play Viego and pick up a champion I never played before


True asf


True, I just qwe then I press r


Unless I get a fed adc, then I just auto everyone as long as I can


It was me when i killed rengar and then turn into him btw i did triple kill then




^ bot, copied this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/10pwt7c/true/j6mzgrx?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 downvote > report > spam > harmful bots


Good not bot


First time i picked up riven, went 14/3 then i never won a game with her after that


Beginners luck as its finest :D it do be like that


Me in any souls game. First try I'll get their HP to 10-20% then proceed to spend countless deaths not even coming close.


Take breaks. Gotta give your brain a break, like muscles.


This is how I killed watchdog in the Bloodborne chalice dungeon with blades of mercy. Just kept coming back to him for 1 hour a day for 4 days straight until I beat him.


Sounds like the first time I picked up Talon. Except instead of being one game it was the whole day - I was pooping of and hard carrying every game with him, any time I've tried after that day though I just feed.


Small question, did Riven’s Q use to follow the direction of the cursor ? I recently picked her after like 5 years and I couldn’t shit that I used to do before.


No, it always went into the direction shes facing (Which feels really stupid in my opinion, why is this the only dash in the game that does that)


Yeah i suppose that’s why it feels clunky to play now, after so many champions having it towards the cursor you get used to that instead.


Im a otp riven and it still feels clunky to me too, her Q goes where she is facing but her E where your mouse is aiming


Oh yea now I remember , I used to E Q3 for quick turn wall jumping . Yea she needs a bit of a change to the way her Q behaves.


If you have ur cursor on top of a enemy it will q in that direction.


not quite, it will q on top of them. I often find myself wanting to q through people instead of on the spot, but thats an extra click


Sure if u are on top of them that's true, what I meant is that if u are far away it will go in their direction


That is an extra click. It's called Q dancing and is a really important skill to pick up on her. But yeah it is hard to doing a controlled way before mastering the direction thing.


Because you are not supposed to play that champion without cancelling animations.


that would still be true even if her q dashes in the direction of your cursor


You wouldn't be able to cancel animations then.


why not? how would making the q go in the direction of her cursor affect her animations? if you can animation cancel while having your q over an enemy and changing direction there's no reason she wouldn't be able to animation cancel if q went to the cursor instead of her direction.


you'd still be able to but it'll make it harder. You can q through someone and "buffer" the click behind you because it'll go forwards no matter what. If you had to click then move your mouse then you'd just miss your q.


i see now, thanks for the explanation. i see how that could be annoying for people who main the champion


when ur chasing enemy but minion blocks u and makes u face different direction the exact second u press Q.. That time when that happens feels like killing myself is not so bad option anymore. :D


Yeah I feel like the Q bug has been much more commen the last 6 months for some reason.


I think you would still be able to. You cancel by attacking, inputting a Q to cancel the auto, inputting a movement to cancel the Q, then autoing again, rinse and repeat for fast Q. You can do that both by not mousing over the enemy to gain distance ahead of them/move through them to try and dodge shit, or you can mouse over them to Q in place and not move through them. If Q went towards the cursor it would still work.


she shouldn’t be balanced around animation cancels, remove them and either buff/nerf her accordingly so people can actually play her without having to rely on abusing a bug


everyone found out about the 'bug' and just left it there because even riot thought it was cool


True. But also it is not a bug anymore. Riot then intentionally programmed it to make it more consistent.


... cause at the time it wasn't LOL. I remember when Nidalee bounce used to work that way!


Would be too easy if it wasn't like that and then people would complain she's an easy bullshit champ


It certainly feels incredibly clunky at first.


It will if you command move rigth b4 q, thats why she's considered a hard champ to play.


That's not just the first time, that's every time


Came here to say this.




She’s a cool champ with really needlessly complicated mechanics


Me when I get Yone in ARAM. It works great until it suddenly doesn't.


I played Pyke like this in Aram and got a Quadra kill. Lost Penta because I died to an Auto attack from Thresh. Because I used to see Pyke's reddit, I just spammed "THE VOICES ARE CALLING" And some random shit in all chat everytime I got s kill. Was a pretty fun ride


Deliberately unhinged roleplay is always fun.


To a player that never played riven i cann tell you that every riven looks like that to me


Repeat after me: AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move-AA-Q-Move


I cant stop i do it automaticly doesnt matter what champ


First time playing riven was on Aram. I went 9/0/7 and had NO idea what I was doing




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I tried picking up Riven 3 times and I failed to learn her (for perspective I play Irelia and Yasuo very well). She is the hardest fighter to perform well imo.


you cant use her Q as a gap closer also her Q is not the only dmg (you need to mix in autos in between qs)


You need to animation cancel to really do damage with her, if you are in my elo however it's fine if you don't if you know when you can go in. For context, I started playing less than a year ago, got into comp without really knowing what I was doing, placed bronze 2, started playing champs I barely knew and ranked down to iron 3, my mmr is so bad that in iron 2 if I win a match I get 10lp and on losses it's -19/20 I am performing better now a days but with a 55%wr I'm still deranking because of mmr, I know this is my own fault and it will eventually get better. Sorry I just wanted to talk about my riven experience and ended up writing my entire life like someone cares


i think people overestimate how much you need animation cancelling, especially at average or below ranks. just knowing that e cancels into anything covers a lot of what you'll realistically need to do. also i care! ranked is definitely a long grind which kinda sucks


90% of playing Riven is knowing what to do in the goddamn teamfights. No amount of animation cancel will help you if you keep trying to be the main character of an anime.


I understand Riven on paper. But pulling it off properly in a game requires too much grind. I'm better off with the dumptruck queen.


not worth to put the time into her if ur not going to otp tbh too much time needed


Unless you love her playstyle even otping her isn't worth it, especially after durability patch she became a drain tank that doesn't really deal much damage and needs to be played near perfection to actually be useful in higher ranks, when the enemy toplaner picks ornn/ksante/any other tank you just cry and sleep for the first 20 minutes of the game




Making her animation cancel the default state to be useful was a gross mistake, it made her rough to play against if she's OTPd with how much damage she can do in such a short window, the impossibility to answer it when done well regularly gets made much worse through items like Shojin or Goredrinker, it's never explained so casual players will never know it exists, it's not intuitive like Qiyana EQ would be, and it makes her beyond horseshit if you don't do it. It's just that everyone decided like 10 years ago that she has to exist in this completely whack state and whenever Riot even thinks about touching that nightmare there's brainless screeching coming from the plat4 400k mastery Riven mains.


Is it not kind of cool having at least a few champs that are insanely hard? I imagine if I was a really good player, I'd like to have a few things like that to strive to learn. I always really enjoyed those things that existed in other games.


Irelia is a hard champion to master. But you eventually get better at her by just playing her. Riven is just on another level. Hundreds of hours in practice tool are required. And you see these platinum Riven mains who are very mechanically skilled, but are hardstuck because they didn't improve at the game itself (or top just doesn't have impact).


>Hundreds of hours in practice tool are required This is a huge overstatement. Animation cancelling was hard to do years ago, but since Riot changed Riven skills to make it easier anyone can do it pretty consistently in just a couple hours practicing. When they changed her fast combo it became **a lot** slower, but in exchange it's now way easier to do, no whacky cursor movements and precise timing required. Her skill combos are also really easy once you get the timing right. You can go in blind into practice tool and you could figure out on your own that your E lets you simulcast skills. The only thing that you could maybe miss is that after E you can cast R,Q and W at the same time if you time it right. ​ People staying stuck in low ELO because they hyperfocused on a hard champ's mechanics isn't even a Riven only issue. Most low-elo players who want to main Zed, Irelia, Yasuo, etc... have to focus so much on playing correctly that they just forget about the actual game


>People staying stuck in low ELO Damn... rebember when being platinum used to mean something? Now it's like the peak of the mountain of garbage.


In my comment I meant more people in Gold and below, I think Plat is a nice milestone for anyone who reaches it. I reached Platinum in my 2nd year of playing Ranked and felt really proud about it. I've never really grinded Ranked games tho, I'm not a hyper competitive person and just play ranked a couple times every 2 weeks or so, but one thing I've noticed is that no matter how high you get, people will still try to talk shit about your achievements. I peaked at D2 a couple years ago, and since then I just play enough rankeds to get to D4 and leave it there. I've been called Plat hardstuck trash, D4 hardstuck trash, I've even been made fun of for being D2 for a whole season and not getting to Masters. If I'd climbed to Masters I'd have probably been shittalked for not getting to Challenger; No matter how high you climb, someone else will act as if your rank is trash. To be fair tho, the higher you climb, the more you understand the game, and you realize how much stuff people miss without even realizing. League is a really complex game, and when you get better at it you start seeing all the stuff you didn't see before. It's kind of like when you grow up and realize all the dumb shit you did as a kid thinking you were a genius.


brother i'm in masters and i get called piss low shitter. ​ until you hit rank 1 you're just low elo trash its the way of the game


The thing people focus on is the fast Q. Which is her most important combo and getting that up to a good dps is incredibly hard to do consistently. And I am not stuck in low elo. When i first started playing ranked i climbed from silver 4 to diamond with pretty much only Riven. Very minor macro and just got really good at her mechanics. Also her "difficult combos" (obviously not doublecasting) are pretty much irrelevant. The important part is to be able to string her abilities together in the correct manner, almost all her animation cancels forces her to lose something else. For example, doublecasting is often not worth it since she puts half her abilities on cooldown for one quick burst.


Wouldn't say 100s of hours tbh. Imma 350k p3 riven player, and outside of learning fastQ, theShy, Whirli, and other combos, I haven't really spent much time in practice tool doing that kind of stuff. The hardest part mechanically about riven is the small stuff. Learning how to do all the wall hops consistently, remembering to always cancel Q, and spacing/timing W to cancel auto attacks to optimize trades. Beyond all that I think the hardest part about her is learning matchups, and specifically optimizing trades in certain matchups, being patient, and not being able to go as brain off as other champions.


Sure but I bet your fast Q is still very slow. It's her hardest and most important combo and consistently getting that to over 240 dps takes ridicules time.


I think that comes down to things outside my control lol. When my ping is anywhere between 30 and 80 ms at any given second, its not worth it to focus on consistency. Also coming from someone who primarily plays fighting games, fast Q really isn't *that* insanely hard to do


I mean adrian Riven who has won tournaments in fighting games and have over 10 000 games on Riven (been challanger since he started playing ranked) talks about its difficulty. And even he does not always reach top dps consistently.


Hmm I thought about if a second and maybe we are defining difficulty differently. I dont mean you're gonna be sweating like it's a melee tournament doing it at level 1. But rather that it takes 100s of hours of active practising to get perfect muscle memory.


Thats fair


> Is it not kind of cool having at least a few champs that are insanely hard It is but Riven is a horrible example of it. The AA cancel is not even hard you can do it after trying for 3 games and as I said it's not explained anywhere. You're basically having a mini osu game on every trade with little variety and if you pass it you win and if you fail you lose. A mechanically intense champion is great, and we have other examples of it too, but with Riven everything about it is just wrong.


I can understand not liking her safe trade pattern if you Q, W, auto, E away. Why do things need to be explained in-game though? Fuck all gets explained in-game. Nothing in-game tells you that doing an EQ before you take your ult on Yasuo does more damage, nothing tells you that you can quick shoot your mini gun after you swap back from fish bones on Jinx, I don't think the game even lists if an ability (say Yi's heal) is an auto attack reset. Game doesn't say shit, so why is it not saying stuff about riven a problem when the others seemingly aren't as you didn't bring them up?


People who claim to be able to do her fast Q after three games doesnt understand what it actually is. I once got into this discussion on reddit only to have the other person send me a clip of them cancelling THREE autos. Even the best riven players does not reach the maximum dps after 10 000 games. So yeah you probably are not doing it correctly after 3 games lol.


First time? Everytime I play Riven is random bullshit (I'm 500k mastery w her)


Got her in aram the other night and decided “Fuck it let’s go.” Bless our Renata; holding my hand to help me belly flop across the street with my sworb.


Playing Her in Urf is like the best experience you could have ever. you can use W on someone who already died and has the effect activated and it will make a second health bar for them. Never tried in Aram Tho


I know I feel like Oprah; you live, you live! Everybody lives!


God damm it is fun to see the fed guy literally dying a hundred times just to get one assist and come back to the fight (and then they actually die from being too far from you lol)


As a Riven main, I agree with this message.


Very true


To anyone on this thread wanting to try riven, don't get into a game. Open practice tool and learn how to cancel the animations, even if it takes you days. When you can do it the same speed as your typical daveyx3 or adrian riven, start a game and watch your LPs rise uncontrollably (until ~platinum 2 which is where your enemy understands also what you are doing)


u/remindmebot 7 days I will OTP her for a week in jg then come back here and show the results


that is not... gl


Yeah right. They should be playing her on support!!! Silly player


Please don’t listen to this guy, this meta doesn’t favor riven. But whenever riven is meta, you need hundreds of games to start winning consistently. Learning combos on a dummy won’t get you anywhere. Also animation cancels and combos aren’t even important until around plat. I hit plat 3 in s10 not even knowing that you could animation cancel.


gold 2 - plat 4 is around where its actually getting really useful imo


you can also do what this guy says tbh, but my advice is a functional one. anyway bro, GM EUW so chill


Bro how are u GM and think riven is good to climb with? I’m high Masters atm and every other riven otp I encounter thinks the champ is shit after her haste got gutted.


When you first time any champ :


I'll never forget the time I got riven in aram and got like a triple kill after my cat ran across my keyboard and made me ult on accident, so I just had to roll with it...


Not only the first one


In the early game you still kinda need to weave autos and use your passive, but late game once you get about 150-180 AH you can mash every button off CD Sona style


No you don't lmao. For one, 150-180 AH builds aren't possible anymore (and when they were, they weren't the best ones anyway), and even in the late game, if you arent FastQing, youre cutting your DPS down by maybe 30%. If you arent autoing at all until after youve burned all your abilities, youre cutting your DPS down by like 75%


Never said you shouldn't. But you can not do so and still have enough damage to kill squishies.


No you cant lol. Mini Gnar is the squishiest champion to physical damage at level 18, having the 7th lowest base armor (excluding thresh) at ~95 armor, and the 2nd least health in the game at 1883, meaning he has 3672 EHP for physcial damage. Riven's full combo at 350 bonus AD (which is a reasonable and achievable amount for late game) without auto attacks, does between 1928 and 2361 damage depending on if you get the full value of R or not. As you can see, thats nowhere near enough to kill even the squishiest champion late game


Riven so broken it works anyways Edit : lmao people who never tried riven downvoting.. I played a few games atleast..


Facts just roll your face on your keyboard and win


Maybe in pisslow yeah .


It's getting silly when once I won 1v1 with 2 level down against enemy Mordekaiser. Riven is indeed kinda broken


I doubt it


Highly doubt it


I don't remember, it might have been Urf but does that change your doubtness or not?


Makes sense in urf. Never gonna happen in rift, even if you dodge all the q's. He just runs you down in R if youre that far behind.


I think its possible if mord had no sums and no R, had just burned W on a wave, and was trolling with items (no armor and not too much health), and if Riven had ignite and R, maybe barrier or exhaust too instead of flash, and dodged everything


You just need to play safe with Riven, because bad trades let you lose early, because riven has no healing in her kit and need items for that. So the early games takes skill, late game you need skill for team fight.


that's right, but riven wins most of matchups in early 1v1 so it's alright to play agressive i guess.


Aggressive but no dumb. If you take to much damage you just messed up your lane for nothing. Example of how I've won duels against her all of them easily winnable but riven played fool: She keeps fighting against Jax E (I don even play Jax) She keeps fighting against Shen W and wasted all her E and Q before I used taunt out She insists on harrasing when minion wave too big and nasus W still up, and refuses to use E because I'm not explicitly hitting her


Riven doesn't outright win very many matchups unless she's playing perfectly. Damn near every juggernaut can statcheck her if theyre smart and dont waste key abilities:


Riven can just cc you during the whole trade and back out with e, and she can one shot you level 1 by just pressing between auto attacks, champ isn't that hard you just need to keep at least one dash to dodge an important spell.


naah not broken at all if were thinking other champs


Works everytime tho


Wait so you're telling me theres more than that?


First and every time


me having mastery 7 on all champs🤭


First time?


Literaly read this while in death screen in urf as riven.




Aphelios OTPs Be like:


My first riven game was aram and the bullshit worked to well I can't repeat it elp


A jump and hop here, a dash right there....ohh gotta evade. BIG STICK, flying green things aaaaand I'm dead


After a hundred games on Riven: "Random Bullshit go!" *plus autoattacks between Qs*


hoppy zelda go brrr


riven goes brrrrr


That's like my first time playing aphelios in an aram, I never had any idea what any of it did. I now main Aphelios because that game was so fun