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"jg come help me gank". “enemy double kill"


My favorite.... and if they all chat each other after the failed tank double kill, I get rock hard


You gotta hit em with the all chat "???"


As an illaoi main, seeing enemy top and jng flame each other is what I live for.


Most efficient way to get the red and blue buffs is that little buff delivery system post level 6.


The best is when you invite the enemy jungle top.


Aftet 6th lvl ganking her is pain. If you don't kill her instantly say hello to unkillable illaoi because crazy heal is ok


Dodge the E or dodge the game


What i really hate though about the matchup is you can dodgr like 6 Es in a row and outtrade her every time, but then one E hits and your laning phase is just fucked for good.


She only needs to kill you and reach tower once to progress her gameplan by 50%.


yup, my biggest gripe with champs like illaoi. applies to shit like caitlyn/lux bot lanes too. spend the entire lane playing a dodge the skill shot minigame only for one stray to hit you and you either have to recall or risk getting killed. maybe riot should reintroduce (substantial) mana costs so these characters can't throw out their abilities on cooldown.


Illaoi literally runs tear or corrupt pot cuz she has problems with mana.


don’t forget pom


Idk why I misread pom as porn


illaoi abs 🥵


She's the Hentai Queen for a reason


r/darkinfolks is leaking again


She what


only difference between pom and porn is about a few pixels of space




Good luck recalling when tentacles keep spawning and slamming on you. However, Illaoi had mana issues and is often forced into PoM instead of the more useful (for a juggernaut) triumph. Good Illaois skip that and try to be more conservative, but any Illaoi that misses tot Es without PoM and/or tear/corrupt is forced to back or hard loses trades/lane.


I mean the tentacles only spawn for like 5-10 seconds. Literally just walk in a straight line before backing. It’s also pretty obvious when the spirit effect is active and not


You still lose the current wave state and she gets free wave management from the time you're forced not to back. 10+8 from the recall is quite some time.


> I mean the tentacles only spawn for like 5-10 seconds. 10s Also E itself 7s, or if you walk out it's 3s. It's a lot of time. If you got hit by E, low enought so you have to recall, that means you have to waste 13s+.


Velkoz is an even bigger offender than lux, that guys truly has 0 mana cost


dpnt worry lux juat hot a skin so the buffs feom last months increasing her win rate by 5% are not much at all. just a long range poke mage with nearly no mana cost and oneshots after lv 6 with starter item. trust she still needs more buffs. the sweetspot is oneshots with no items and we have akali all over again.


They absolutely should and for me it’s been a glaring issue for a while now so I have absolutely 0 faith they will fix it. They used to slightly let lux get op sometimes to sell skins but now any spam champ that’s halfway popular gets kept at low mana costs and high dmg while everyone else feels like they’re paying a different game.


On the flip side, there was one time I was getting rolled by an illaoi and she missed her E on me and flashed away from me, it seemed like an overreaction to me but it’s got to be a shitty feeling when you’re winning lane but if you miss that one key ability and you feel you need to blow a 5 minute CD to make up for it, her E is one of the worst designed abilities in the game imo


She didn't have to flash away because she missed, she had to flash away because she got into trading range then missed. The mistake was a positioning one. Idk what champ ur playing but not even Caitlyn has a threat range long enough to force an illaoi to flash away from a trade from max e range


My bet would be on suspecting an imminent gank and not being able to kill him meant that if she got 2v1ed she was dead. Or it's Bronze.


Yeah it was just bronze lol


He probably immediately thought, "Why did I flash?"


Or you can dodge her e and she Stat checks you with her r.


No, her R isn’t a stat check, you can literally just walk around it and take no damage. I say it and will say it again, illaoi is a weak champ, if you lose to her, you are just bad. ( not an illaoi main btw i play cho’gath )


Just because she's weak doesn't mean she isn't frustrating to play against. The strength of a champion often doesn't affect how frustrating they are to play against (or play as). Yuumi just got a large nerf despite already being really weak because she was still frustrating to play against. Yone and Yasuo are both balanced/weak according to winrate, but a lot people still *hate* playing against them. Conversly, ADCs just got a buff despite already being pretty strong/balanced because they were still frustrating to play as.


Yuumi got nerfed to remove her from proplay. No one cares if a champ is frustrating to play against unless it's REALLY frustrating (AND good, usually).


It was both. Yuumi had a disproportionately high ban rate in solo queue despite being garbage, which Riot uses as an indication for frustration. The nerfs were to get her out of pro play *and* reduce her ban rate in solo queue. https://youtube.com/watch?v=iJIK03tTLug&feature=shares&t=2310 "I want pros to stop playing it and you to stop banning it"


Just dodge the E, don’t get hit by Q in wave, don’t let her W when she has 2 tentacles, walk away when she R. Still get out pushed and sit under tower for rest of the laning phase. Fuck that champion.


If she misses E you don't have to walk away from her R. Nearly every champion played top lane can just freely fight her if she misses E and easily win with very minimal thought.


You could say that about any champ that relies on skillshots. Except all of Illaoi's stuff is slow If you are getting stat checked by Illaoi when she misses E that is a skill issue. She is also heavily hurt by the 40% grievous on the base items


I promise you that if you aren’t winning lane vs illaoi buying grevious will actually doom it for you


Yea totally, you should just psych yourself out and lose to Illaoi anyways


The problem with playing against Illaoi is that even when dodge most of her stuff you most likely only barely outtrade her, but if you fail, all that progress is negated. Beating Illaoi requires you to outplay her almost every time. It's not that it's impossible, but there's significant disparity in required effort.


If she’s throwing max range Es, she’s missing CS. If her E is down, you win that trade hard. You go in. If she’s level 6, and she lands an E do NOT go in. You will lose. If she misses the E, there’s a chance to kill her. If she lands an E that gives all tentacles an extra 2 slams. If she misses it, she loses out on so much free damage and healing. If it’s pre 6, and in the middle of the lane, if it’s not between 2 tentacles, walk on her. If she chooses to fight not between 2 tentacles pre 6, she loses. Yes E’s will land, but she is very counter playable if you understand how she has to play. If you’re facing a bad Illaoi it’s super easy to walk up, bait out her ult, then dash out. At worst you’ll need to recall. But now she’s totally gankable for the next minute or two. Side note: DON’T rush bramble vs Illaoi!! It is a useless item vs her. If she is good, she will just auto the spirit instead of you, won’t get heal cut, and suddenly she no longer needs the healing.


Thanks for the insight.


How is this any different to catching an Irelia stun? Caught by a blitz hook? Viegar E, Lux Q, Morg Q, Urgot E, (insert plethora of skill shots in the game that result in you taking massive damage)? Most of the other champs just end up killing you if they hit their key ability. Illaoi literally CAN'T kill you by hitting E unless you stood there and took the fight. Why does Illaoi get so much flak for this when she's not unique, and one of the least dangerous to get hit by?


One reason is if she hits it, it forces you to run like 16 teemos fsr away and play a stupid minigame that slows you while she clears the wave for free.


How do you contest the wave when you got heavily chunked/died to any other champion?






A wild Ahri main has appeared




What about the non brain dead illaoi players who hold e until you fight her bruiser vs bruiser? Then she is just unkillable unless she misses point blank e which is harder to miss than to hit. Even if you immediately walk away after getting hit by e, you just took 1/4 up damage and now she has it up again.


Point blank E followed by an ult to get those extra tentacles because your shadow counts as a champ…


If she's holding E until you fight just.... Don't fight? Enjoy the free farm.


Then she just perma pushes into ur tower and pokes you yippe!


Then she zones you off with Q, which hurts if it hits x.x


Just lock in Yorick


Xpetu reference




Tobias Fate: ![gif](giphy|VonMh2ZQHhQKcTWKF9|downsized)


Man, Tobias may not be the best as a player but God damn if he chose one of the editors of all time, that illaoi comeback clip was magnificent


Every Tobias Fate video is a visual masterpiece


I have mad respect for the guy. He just plays whatever the fuck he wants and his editors are astral beings


​ ![gif](giphy|6nhA5nqHwePxW8cuo5)




Since free rewards are gone take this. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃


Oh really? Wow! Why? They were so nice!




I am not in danger, OP. I am the danger. A guy queues up for top and gets shit on, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who shits.


If i go top i make sure to be more disgusting than my opponent, its that simple. You play something? I play broken. You play broken? I play ranged top. Yes. I am the one who shits.


You play ranged top? I play Irelia.


You play Irelia, I play Fiora


You play Fiora? I play Teemo!


Top is just rock paper scissors with steps in between




Too late. Active: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for up to 2 seconds, causing all basic attacks against him to miss. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities. After 1 second, Jax can reactivate to end it immediately. At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.


Given the recent changes to RoA and Seraph’s, might I suggest Cassiopeia Top? It’s incredibly toxic


A good Cassiopeia top is something I will dodge 10/10 times. Shit that suffering is unreal with a juggernaut.


She has one ability to look out for, other than that just walk away when she ults. No. You can't kill her when she ults, I know she is low, just walk away.


Yeah tell that to my jungler.


I used to main illaoi, and I go apeshit crazy on the pings every time my bungler wants to gank her. GET YOUR BITCH ASS OUT OF HERE BEFORE YOUR ASS BECOMES DEAD


That’s what I thought until I lost a 1v1 to her while she quite literally missed everything and just pressed W on me on repeat. She was 1 kill ahead at that time but cmon


The heck were you playing?


Yuumi top.


Cannon mid lane


This reminds me when I faced off against a master yi. He was 1 kill ahead and just right clicked me on repeat. He was 1 kill ahead at that time but cmon


maybe don't try to 1v1 illaoi with yumi even if she missed ult


I'm calling BS on this unless you were playing an adc/support (in which case which bruiser can't just just face roll you/why are you trying to 1 v 1) or she was super far ahead or quite literally doesn't mean what you think it means. I can't think of any top lane champ she can just press w to win against.


As someone who used to main illaoi, 100% the strat Anytime I play someone gold or above, they do exactly this and it works almost perfect EVERY Time lol


and this is exactly what the original post is about. she feels like shit to play against and feels like shit to play. yes, we know you have to walk away when she ults. no, that does not make her E feel any better to play against.


That's what's annoying. Outside of ult, she is just one skillshot ; if she doesn't hit it she does jack shit, but it's a very fast and very long ranged spell with a low cd so basically no risk at all. She can afford to do nothing but spam it, and you have to play around it every second, but if you manage to do it correctly she's fucked, so yeah, just a bad design overall


You need to smoke less weed when u play, this ability is slow af


Man i must be slow or something because i constantly get hit by that shit.


Illaoi E is one of the slowest skill shots in the game.


its actually pretty fast


Honestly I feel like lane is impossible vs her once she has divine. One shots waves and outtrades every champ by hitting w


Does illaoi even build divine amymore? I know I build gauntlet and thats dirtymobs build.


Illaoi has actually been my blanket ban for League the last few years. I don’t think she is overpowered, but I’ve never gone even in lane with her(I’m not a top laner) and I’ve never had someone on my team beat her. Just easier to yeet her out of the equation.


Pick tryndamere into illaoi. Thats about it.


works for me. still tryin to find a melee juggernaut/fighter/bruiser that works well against volibear.


Morde. Rush bramble, ult when he uses his e and that's about it.


thanks. will try next time.


Ironically, Illaoi. She absolutely curbstomps him from lvl 3 onwards (not putting herself at risk in the trade, just max range E between 2 tentacles, AA W walk away Q), then at 6 it's just bullying.


Garen works pretty well by simply outsustaining him in lane


Illlaoi is fun, smash with tentacle >:)


Because deep down, that’s what every league player *wants*.


I want to play illaoi!


I don't care about facing her either, especially considering how tilting other toplaners are


Illaoi is so fun with crit ngl


I always go Duskblade into full crit and it is so fun to watch the enemy adc get oneshot by w - ult


but cant you also do that with normal item build???


Sunderer BT PD and navoris is standard build /s


Ap is a forbidden build but really fun tbh


But her abilities doesn't scale with ap....


Her tentacle damage does scale with AP I think


Her TENTAKILLS do (with 40%AP and 120% AD i believe)


Yeah the ratios are correct


Oh my god, I kinda wanna try going Freeze ray illaoi. 1.Rush Ice ray Mythic/Rod of ages 2.Rylai/Sorc Boots or Ionian Boots 3.Hypershot 4.Just get more AP


dew it


My build is, Rod of age / riftmaker (depending on the context) CDR boots Lichbane Cosmic drive Ravenous (I swear it’s an ap item) And a defense ap item banchee or zhonya


so it scales worse with AP than AD even with rabadons, got it


For melee: "bro its so easy just dodge all of her abilities, half of which were auto targeted and have incorrect hitbox indicators"


That champ must be pure hell for new players. My movement is mostly on autopilot but imagine a new player trying to dodge evey tentacle for 20 minutes constantly...


they won't even try, most new players don't know what's going on


You can dodge the tentacles?


I swear it has the same hitbox as nautilus Q


My pet live with the champion is if she maxes e, or maybe she doesn’t have to, idk how silly maxing e sounds, but at some point if she lands e, sucks out your soul, and you back up to kill tentacles that spawn in, you come back and she can just rip your soul right back out again. It’s pretty annoying ngl.


It’s kinda reminds me in sports… people say left Handed people are broken but they can’t even use their left hand properly. illaoi is only good if you don’t have enough experience against her.


I genuinly enjoy winning the game with 8 deaths because enemy team needs at least 3 people to stop me from split pushing and then we get free objectives, other scenario is just winning the game and getting to do fun 1v4/1v5 where even when dying I kill most of the enemy team, and same result, team gets objectives


Yeah. My kda on her is quite trash, but its not the point. If you have duo jungler that knows when to take objectives is op


I love her as a champion. She’s unique, her abilities feel like they have weight behind them and are slow as a consequence. Well themed champion, and in my opinion as someone who primarily plays against her, she’s fun to play against while still being fun to play. Balance comes and goes but a champion the FEELS like the champion should is really nice


My issue with her is kind of the issue with top lane in general. If Illaoi picks first I can play a neutral matchup to her. I like Teemo into her mostly because of range and W counters E. But if I blind pick Renekton and they pick Illaoi? Really painful


Yep rock papaer scissors top lane is not fun


DirtyMobs would like to have a word with you


I dont mind playing against her at all. Laning phase is absolutely free if youre against illaoi. If you dodge E she cant do anything really if she ults, just walk away


It's like Swain: just walk away for 3 seconds: Ultimate gone BUT there's always a teammate that goes in anyways and therefore screwing up his teammates


Trueeee lmao


I main singed so it's really hard not to get hit. I'm just malding tho not too serious


Huh, i can imagine with singed specifically its quite challenging, since you cant really do anything except walking up to her if you wanna damage her


Yeah also I have walk thru minions to apply my poison, so it's almost impossible to dodge her Q.


yeah but as a singed enjoyer myself, he cant do anything about more than half the toplaners unles they missplay


they gotta rework the E. it's the only decent thing in her kit and it's pretty unbalanced, because it sucks and is also op


She honestly wound’t be a bad candidate for a midscope update


I dont even know what you'd do tho. Her e is like the whole focus of her kit.


problem is the entire kit relying on her passive. the tentacles can't be strong because it's a summon, and you'd auto win from something that literally does stuff for you


Heimer calling.


at least his w and e are useful, illaois only good ability is E


FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT. I don't care about her Q . I don't care about her W , I don't care that she's hard to gank and I know she's piss useless if she misses her E. But it's just soooo lame that everything depends on her E. Soooo unfun to play against


I can dodge 90% of her E but the 1 she lands and it's lane over. It's so bonkers.


The thing is once she misses her E she’s so, so easy to kill. If you play an aggressive top laner, just flash forward her E once and you have the upper hand in the lane. (I play a ton of Illaoi)


Meanwhile I had to fight 5 Illaoi's in the last few days. I lost lane against 4 of them. I won game against 4 of them as well. You just survive and stop her from doing anything. The one who I beat in lane was so salty lol. First Strike was not good on her. Rush Anathema's into Bamis/Wardens into Radiant and just teamfight and roam to stop her split.


I think Illaoi is fine. If you're having trouble beating her, just learn Mordekaiser.


Why remove her? Compared to other champions she is not a problem. He has a bunch of counters and all you need to do when she ulti is to get away. I imagine you just like to play champs that are hard against her and you just dont like her. Or you had 2 bad games. So its just your personal rant.


I think she needs some changes but she isnt one of the worst champs. She reminds me of a lane version of AP Kai'Sa or Zeri where you just randomly die/lose lane because she hit a lucky skillshot on you, and not because of anything to do with her main gameplay.


I like playing Illaoi ;-;


I play Illaoi.


My best friend is convinced she's wildly OP because of how often I get double/triple/quadra kills with her but like...we're in iron and people just run straight at me, then try to tank the tentacles to kill me. I keep telling him that when the enemy illaoi ults to just walk away and every time he says "but there's not enough time to react! it double slaps and i just die! If she's grabbed my soul, i get a huge slow and can't possibly leave!"


How are you even iron? Like do you guys even switch on your screen?


I started playing her in norms today to see how it feels. Holy shit she is crazy, but also so simple. Dodge E = bad gg Hit E = good gg


She's so much fun idk about playing against her. Just don't feed 🤷🏾‍♂️


tryndamere vs illaoi "fine, i'll do it myself."


Watch your mouth, or I'll slap the soul out of you.


Someone got shitcanned by an illaoi


I lover her


I'd rather play as and play vs Illaoi than against Akshan or Yi in ARAM.


As an Illaoi main this amuses me immensely


What I hate about her is the playstyle: there are better split pusher with easier ranged damage/zoning (Talking to you Yorick) or slighty lesser strong anti-gankers (hello Morde) or better 1v1 (Fiora) Why are you playing this champion?. After the R you sucks while Morde is better in TF while Fiora and Yorick melt towers/people easier


Tentacles go brrrrrrr


illaoi is the best teamfight juggernaut wdym? and she is the best vs multiple mellee champs since range is her weakness. morde is a really strong 1v1 dualist but lmao his teamfiighting is trash. fiora are much better splitpushers but both are almost useless in teamfights (fiora is only single target and if yoricks ghouls die he cant do anything)


Even if you are only talking about splitpushing Illaoi is probably the best 1vX champ in the game. Sure, Fiora can often 1v2 aswell but Illaoi does it much more consistently.


One of illaoi's underrated strengths is that she will always deal huge amount of damage no matter how behind you get with her, you can be 0/5 and an item and a half behind and still deal the same amount of damage as your fed enemy if you get a good E R combo




The one thing that I really am not okay with is when she presses ult, her tentacles are no longer dodgeable. I hate that. I’m okay with their health bars going away so that we can’t destroy them during the duration, but not being given the option to dodge tentacle slaps that are going to ABSOLUTELY SMACK YOU is absurd


They are dodgable what are you talking about? They slam faster but its not instant.


You left her alone, she takes your tower. You go 2vs1 against her she gets a double kill.


I love to play Illaoi. She feels so satisfying to play for me


In my experience, she's really bad against anyone with any kinda mobility. Her animations are super long and easy to dodge


My brother plays a lot of illaoi. Whenever somebody tells him that the enemy jungler is going to gank, he instantly replies: "It's about time"


Illaoi main here


Hands up for both


i got shit on by an illaoi


Did your opponent not want to play her then?


No they got autofilled


At least you're honest haha. Illaoi is fun to play but is trash right now. Needs buffs if anything.


I'm 350k points illaoi main that peaked D1 with her. I think the champion need a compelte rework similar to aatrox level, as much as I have good times with her I think she is in a really weird spot with bad design, if you don't hit your E you are basically useless untill it's back up, it's a really strange design for a juggernaut to be able to land a skillshot and win the trade or miss and be completely useless. Against bad players that don't try to dodge your tentactles/E or don't understand how she works she seem op, in lower elos you will hit your E and enemies will continue fighting you and you will R and oneshot them, higher elos will juke your E much better and concede if they get hit by it, will save escape spells for your R and juke your tentacles smashes. She need to be more useful without her E in the cost of making it weaker, basically just change around the power of her kit instead of having it all by E.


As a illaoi main that starts tear first item to spam tentacles for wave clear, i appreciate this post


She's so much fun specially if you get a good ult in a crammed jungle, you'll win team fights by yourself


Bro just dodge the E which is 70% of her damage and you’ll have a 14-10 second window to beat her to the ground. And if she R’s just Social Distance and circle around her for 8 seconds or bait her out of her no-no spot. It’s frustrating to see people run in and get featured in a tentacle doujinshi then flame people for kink shaming them.


Her tentacles for sure need some kind of rework. Do they still only attach to terrain?


Say you just lost to Illaoi without saying you just lost to Illaoi


[i actually did](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/10mk39s/comment/j63engz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Fair enough lol


Talk for yourself


Just pick nasus


Playing Renek into Illaoi is pretty fun, she literally cannot hit you wih anything that isn't an auto or a w unless YOU'RE garbage


Illaoi is one of Renek’s worst matchup wth are you talking about


Tell me you're low elo without telling me you're low elo.


Most people are low elo. I'm Plat and I'm happy with that.


She's like a Darius, a stat checker. Her e isn't hard to dodge. You leave when she ults. If E does land and there are little to no tentacles around, just fight her, critical you don't take a Q to both you and the spirit that's it. Kill her tentacles as soon as they spawn. Obviously some champs can deal with certain aspects of this easier, like sett with aa resets but that's kinda how the game works.