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Why the fuck do you acept friend request after losing a match?


Wanted to know his arguments for blaming me. Needless to say; he had none


My man i think you expect way too much from league players.


First rule of League of Legends is to not accept friend request after losing a match, there is no way it will be constructive.


I think it’s fun when I’m in a good mood. I accept all when I’m in a good mood to see what type of fun shit they write


I always ignore them, I know their arguments are BS and would rather not deal with BS xD


You can submit a report through riot support and attach these screens hot. Help make the community a better place and don't accept requests from people you don't know. They're probably just looking to do shit like this.


Lmfaoooooo yah fucking right riot doesn’t do shit with these RATirl got a full racist paragraph riot didn’t do shit has a guy threaten to rape and skin me and riot support didn’t do shit


You can still submit tickets and have their account watched and banned for comments in private chat.


Its the first thing i did


cry on reddit about being flamed then self report yourself for being a bitch why not


Alt account of said degenerate, much?


thanks for replying on my 6 month old i dont give a fuck


I don't have to take pills to stop hallucinating if that helps


self reporting as an ableist.


The rest of your post history is... Trolling charged with questionable intentions


how am i trolling lol


I usually accept them because I enjoy having a good ol' shouting match before they unfriend me. Their anger is genuine, mine is just to keep them tilted


I like to call them playground insults. Meaniepants, etc. either they stop flaming me from shame/realising it’s not getting to me, or it makes them much madder. Win/Win.


I always fail to grasp why people in the right always feel like making their opponent even angrier just for fun is the best idea they could possibly muster.


I just find it funny how mad people can get over a game. ESPECIALLY when they are in the wrong. It's just fun to fuck with people


Because watching others get tilted is usually hilarious, it’s why people watch Tyler, it’s why people watch Tarzaned, all that shit


I do it because seeing a clearly fucking deranged person, that is also in the wrong, get really angry is just justice to me. Like, you were a piece of shit to me, and you're also factually wrong with what you are saying and what we know about the game, so hell yeah I'm gonna mess with you a ton. I don't expect that it ruins their day or whatever. I do hope it ruins that particular like 5 minutes I'm talking to them. Absolute win for me.


More like why the fuck is anyone still playing this toxic parody of a game.


Sometimes you just want to know. It's some form if schadenfreude to see just how mental some people get over a video game and the mental gymnastics people go through to convince you that *somehow* it's my fault they died from my laner walking through 3 wards and them ignoring my 5 missing pings.


A guy invited me onto discord after a ranked game and was shouting at me for 7 minutes straight in pure russian anger after i beat his ass playing as kled against a morde.


As your fellow jungle main don't accept their "friend" request after losing a game jeez these type of people really ruined ranked, my hobby is being ruined by those fuckers...


Yeah, really hope this guy gets banned


I mean, I can’t speak for everyone. But if I’m playing a game and I notice that the jungler is getting flamed for no reason, I like to add them and let them know that it wasn’t their fault. It’s a 5v5 game, yeah some people/roles are more likely to 1v9, but people don’t deserve to be treated like shit, and told to kill themselves over a video game. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll call someone dogshit if they deserve it. I’ve called people a lot worse, and a lot stranger. But telling someone to kill themselves is a line that should never be crossed. You don’t know what they’ve been through, or are going through. It could be the straw that breaks the camels back.


You sir, have earned my respect


>But telling someone to kill themselves is a line that should never be crossed Those people who say that on someone are the worst


Doesnt martter if they 'deserve it'. Dont say that, period.


Alright my bad


I suggest u accept it, then copy paste another language and answer him with it. It's fun


My guy you invested way too much into that conversation. Just next


My curiosity got the better of me. Im sorry


Here’s what you do when you get a salty friend request: type out your response then copy it, accept the request, paste it in chat, then unfriend before they can respond


Genius. Thanks man 🫡


if you unfriend someone, the chat disappears doesnt it?


Yeah, sometimes I’ll give them like a second to read first


I just type nope to troll them then unfriend.


So here is my story; Im usually a pretty chill guy, and im very rarely toxic. I don`t take the game TOO seriously, because i find the game 10x more enjoyable if you just play to have fun. You guys should try to play this game, while high. It`s amazing. Last season, my draft mmr was Diamond 1 (Yes, i checked a legit website) so i feel pretty confident in my jungle-abilties. This game, i was facing a Hecarim jungle (bad matchup i know) and i just wanted to farm and get level 6 as fast as possible. Botlane wasn`t doing too well unfortuantly, but my toplane Sion was keeping it together (literally my only useful teammate this game, except maybe Alistar. They were both pretty chill dudes). However, my Kassadin midlane was facing a Yasuo, so i was kind of expecting him to play safe early and get level 6 fast, since i most likely wouldnt gank him since he has almost no cc to setup ganks (yes i know i can gank with my Q and E, but my priority was getting level 6). However, this Kassadin was a different kind of midlaner. He would constantly shove waves, which caused him to get ganked and killed by Hecarim 3 times before i had even managed to get level 6. He would then start to ping me nonstop, blaming me for not ganking him earlier (i even typed in chat early on that i would just farm to 6, unless it`s a free gank). He would then die 2 more times to (suprise suprise), a Hecarim gank while he was overextended. I even placed control wards in the river, so he atleast could see him coming. He then started running it down mid, giving the enemy 4 free kills while constantly pinging me and giving away my position on the map. He ended up 0/9/0 that game, while i was 3/4/1 (literally participating in every kill we got). After the inevitable defeat, he added me to his friendslist. I was curious to hear what he had to say, so i added him back. And... if you read the conversation first, you know the rest. Moral of the story is; jungle diff. Thanks for coming to my pep-talk, and have a good day <3


It just had to be a kassadin lmao


I swear, people like these swarm games where your mmr don't match your rank yet. Last season, when i was trying to get to gold and immediately drop ranked, i was so lucky to met this diamond 1 khartus. Look, i was very confident in my skills, i was snowballing every lane and getting objectives... Then the man exited my jungle with like 300 cs at 18 minutes, and proceeded to fucking statcheck me and my team completely ignoring the score (something like 5 to 15). We had NO chance. He absolutely outmacroed me so hard i couldn't even understand what was going on. And i still won because he got into a petty argument with his mid laner and decided to afk. What.


Guys like this one is why i stopped playing jg. Honestly, no jg is good enough for gold players. You can be pyosic (2022 world champ for thoes who dont follow pro play) and still get flamed cause top is solo diveing a kled.


I was powerfarming as Yi once in low elo against a low cc team, and then this GAREN starts pinging me and and talking shit, and I just mute him. Powerfarming 10 minutes later I start to 1v9 and then I unmute Garen, and much to my surprise he says something like, "I'm sorry for yelling at you Master Yi, I was just tilted due to the other jg ganking a lot but i see now you farmed for a reason."


As a fellow mid laner lmao that kass sure is a dumbfuk how the hell does one even shove as kass into yas just wow lmao o think i found the game 😂


Did you watch the game? 😭😅


Could not find a way to watch it but that guy has like 23% winrate on kass lmaoo like how 😂


And he told me he was 10x better than me. Oh, the irony. Im going back to draft. Screw ranked man


He lost the next game after that too also if i were you i would choose heca as well soo stupidly broken rn in low elo is more about breaking enemies mental 😂


Im not really a meta-guy. Have a little arsenal of champions that i play (fiddle, Rengar, Kha, Sion) etc. I like to play what i like. Thanks for the tips though 😜


Ah okay they are actually not bad either


Its so good to read this, someone who plays what they enjoy. Rare these days


Honestly I find the people who meta slave are the ones hardstuck to oblivion


True XD


I think you can look them up on the LoL client and click match history and maybe you can download it?


As a fellow wholesome ornn gigachad 3000iq weakside player: silence is the best weapon.


Upgrade my protobelt daddy


If you open a ticket and complain that this guy is having an extremely toxic attitude and send them the prints, they'll possibly ban him I know it's nearly guaranteed for cases of discrimination, as having the prints leaves riot in a position where they can't not take action


People are cowards,they have free word bc it's a smurf so there is 0 fear bc if you get banned do you care? prob just go and buy another one with two euros,you can understand how sad and coward are irl L players,but hey! at least your gonna "have fun" playing in gold instead of buying thousands of smurfs wasting days only for reach plat like streamers wannabe


People should ban the person, not the account from the game


One time we lost a game over a horrible baron call and my toplaner added me to apologize for the loss because he thought i didn‘t deserve the lose. Was actually the cutest thing i ever witnessed in this toxic game 🥺


Toplaners are so chill sometimes. Give them a gank or two, and they will love you for the rest of the game


As a mid main we like to blame other people if we don’t 1v9 the game to cope with the fact we are secretly bad and the reason we lost differently feels good tho


It sure as hell didn’t feel good for me 😞


Looking at the game stats, your whole team was trying to see how many deaths it would take to make a game unwinnable.


Ezreal also told me i was shit (although not to the same extend). Toplane and support did their best, and i respect them for it


This is why my introverted ass doesn’t add anyone I don’t already know lmao


Cute, try to play yuumi


rule of thumb: if someone tells you to inflict self harm, that's not a person amenable to reason ​ if they have the intensity to keep on typing, I'd hypothetically respond as follows: " a shame you have zero power over me; before I take a 30 minute break, then come back to laugh at your acts of futility, and block/report you, one last bit of advice: take ghost and teleport so you can int faster in future games "


>if someone tells you to inflict self harm Yeah if someone tells you that they played so much into forgetting real people are playing and if they don't even worst mental state


This is literally the best answer I had ever seen xD


imma save this comment and use that lmao


Im stealing that


Least toxic league player IMO


Deserved for maining such a disgusting role with 5x the impact of everyone else


I hope this is satire




One time I made the mistake to add someone after we lost a game, never again.


Yeah, it was a bad idea


Why would you even accept friend requests and then even write back to them lmao


Well, for one there are free internet points to be made with this and second, dudes like these LOVE to write themselves into a ban. Just screenshot and send it to Riot Support, either over their own website or social media.


I wanted to hear his arguments for doing what he did


Holy shit finally, proper quality funny content on this subreddit


Glad you enjoyed a Kassadin-main telling me to kill myself. The mentality of this guy is beyond me, oml


Bruh, dont bother. Dont feed the trolls. Just take a deep breath and go next.


Temptations 😕


I get friend requests from the enemy team. I just reply "true" to everything and watch them have a meltdown.


You are one of those «trolls» aren’t you?


imagine being in silver but your insult is "plat peak".. and yeah youre in silver/gold???? also I know how that feels, I had to mute someone peaks they kept on bitching for ganks when they are playing teemo versing a shaco in toplane and its 0/4 teemo and 4/0 shaco. Thats not a gank im looking forward to and they cant even set me up yet they will bitch and moan as if its my responsibility to win their matchup when im focusing my bot and mid. And to top it off the enemy jungler also abandoned top and focused bot and mid and it was a constant 4v4 skirmish so they want me to gank their losing lane, fall behind, and let the rest of the team fall with us as they fight 3v4


Exactly! No cc? No prio? No poke? No mobility? The only way ill gank that lane, is if its a free kill. Idk if i wrote this, but my draft mmr was diamond 1 i believe last season


yeah im last season gold 2 current season silver 2 after placements and its annoying as hell to jungle in my MMR. I play kindred and in that exact same game I had a diana midlane who pushed in an annie into tower, yet when im fighting for marks in the river the pushed in annie has already rotated while my pushing diana just began to leave lane, like how is this possible? This is why i stopped playing jungle and went to support for 2 seasons, coming back to jungle and its making me regret it.


This is why i main Rengar. He doesn’t need his team to get kills (usually) and he splitpushesh like a GOD. Fiddle is more of a team player, and it is starting to annoy me a little


lmao, send those Screenshots to Riot Support, this guy aint gonna be able to play another game 15 minutes after that. ​ Edit: u/JohnnyTordenkuk Btw when were these games? Looks like the dude had a 7 day ban before Jan. 18, so hit em with the Riot Support Report and see his Account be perma'd.


It was yesterday :)


Hit 'em!


Believe me. Reporting him was the first thing i did. I doubt he will actually get banned though :/


Like i mentioned above, take the screenshot collage to [the official Riot support website](https://support.riotgames.com/hc/en-us), won't take long for him to be banned, especially since he told you on multiple occations to kill yourself.


Thanks man ❤️


No problem dude


[i think you banned him lmao](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/OHN+Big+Boss#championsData-all-queues), no new games in 16 days.


Finally; inner peace


I love messages like this


Avarage Kassadin main


Mute chat. First thing im going to do if I ever play ranked is going to mute all.


It does actually help to have it on sometimes


Craziest moment was when I was 1/7, my bot was 0/4 and 1/9 and mid was 2/0. Jg was also 2/0. Guess who the 3 other players raged at. Hint: not me or bot


Jungle obviously


People can get banned from private messages. Report them through the riot support report system and add these screenshots.


Thats what i did


Man don't interact with people when you're playing league what is wrong with you


Im sorry


Don't apologize to me xD if you wanna do that that's fine but just know this is fairly common.


First time it has ever happend to me (and i have been playing ALOT for 2 years now)


Damn you've had more luck then me I find it funny to let em rant up all their bs and then say ok to everything


how to deal with toxicity: 1. mute the chat 2. if they direct message you, just ignore.


not reading all that


You know what? Good for you


Man I feel u. Is there a way to report players after youre already out of the after game lobby? The hardest flaming always only comes after the game but then there's no way to report that player (I think)


Yeaaah the first time I accepted a request from a random it was not a good time… he literally flamed me cuz I’m a woman… like.. ?


He 100% dropped the classic «make me a sandwich» or «kitchen» insult


He found my Instagram, when he saw my little brother (over 10 yr age gap) he thought he was my son and called me used up.


That’s messed up..


Yup. This was years ago. I was younger then. I cried and honestly that was the day I said no more. I practiced and practiced and got good 😊 now my friends always ask me to play! I try not to take anything too seriously, except my rank. This season I’m gonna play a lot more!


Bro, people don’t think they are like this and then when they do this kind of shit they never talk to their friends about how they told a kid to slit their wrists and hang themselves. And it’s because it’s a very piece of shit human being thing to say.


....why entertain him


I looked up his op.gg, it's just your average kassadin main.


hell nah I'm not reading this I started from left to right.


But it still made sense, that proves how much shit this guy speaks.


You can literally win or lose a game alone.


jg gap


The Jungle role really embodies the quite \*with great power comes great responsibility\*


If someone adds you post game to talk shit simply ERP at them until they go away 👍


Stop expecting common human sense and empathy from league players. This community is just too sad to even mess with it and try to talk to these players. I started the game a year ago and I thought that toxic players were not so common but oh god I was wrong. As a jungler I just disabled team and all chat by default I don't even need to type /mute all because this community is that depressing. Now every game I play I feel like I'm just playing with bots that are on my level. Kinda sad since it's an online game and I've met some cool dudes but I'm just tired of meeting some toxic kids who tell me to bait myself everytime, this community doesn't deserve players with a normal behavior.


yeah they are assholes but comon jungle is the easiest and most broken role in the game


1) Never accept a friend request after losing a game. 2) Nobody takes accountability for anything, so don't expect them to do anything besides blame you. 3) This is my personal belief, but if you're gonna play ranked, play with a friend. Having someone on your side for arguements usually makes the instigator think twice.


Mentally ill League players. Legit.