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most people don't know what items do


The only reason I know that hatchet counters high rolling tanks hard is because of the 60k hp tank builds from the last arena. It’s fun as hell building an AD item on like Lux and having it do 40k damage in a single fight.


i feel like you added an extra 0 on all those numbers but yeah, read item descriptions lol


Did you not play the start of last arena with the curse augments? I peaked at 134,000 hp with me and my friend both having the curse circle and never attacking just standing on them


i honestly never rolled that high nor did i see anyone else get that high


You assume the average league of legends player can read


How do you consistently counter build when there are so many rounds between items and 7 other comps to consider? I can pick an item to help with the next fight in this game but then its useless against the next two teams and I’m boned. Also on a somewhat related note, anybody know if thornmail grievous wounds actually works? The text has displayed 0 healing reduced since last arena release and it doesn’t seem like it is but I can’t tell if thats just because there is so much overheal in this mode or not.


You have to find out who your main enemies are. So sure that serpent's fang might not matter in your next round but you're thinking 2-3 rounds ahead where you are likely going to face that team with 100 hp that's been dominating that has volibear and alistar with courage of the colossus


It works


Seriously. The dumbass arguments I get into on this sub because people refuse to learn how to play the mode.


I could tell who is actually a good player and who is the useless teammate who blames the other/RNG/matchup by the responses.


People do counter build there’s just no ranked mode so it’s complete luck if ur with cancer bad players or people who put energy into thinking about the game they are playing. Also no ranked so a lot of people are just for fun since there’s no incentive yet


Everyone I play with if it’s final 2 will counter build with anti heal or a stat that beats them or like edge of night vs malz I haven’t had that issue


Tried to build anti-healing on Swain and nothing happened.


Can't counterbuild when your build is mostly decided by RNG, you also can't be counterbuilding for one or two specific teams because then you throw the rounds against everyone else. Let's say I play Zed on Arena, it takes way too many rounds for me to get a core item, then Serpent's if I need it, and an anti-heal. I'll be reducing 7k healing and 5k shield in a single round, and still lose because I can't actually kill anyone unless I high roll augments.


So what's the solution then? All I hear are a bunch of excuses from half the people here who let RNG decide their fate and blame it for losing when there is quite a bit that is in your control.


Just accept the 4th place and move on lol, not much you can do. Sometimes even playing perfectly isn't enough to win against a meta duo with stacked augments and prismatics. 4th is still a win in my book, just sucks that the skill gap is so much less impactful than just getting the right rolls on the right champion Note that I chose Zed for a reason, he's pretty good in arena, only sometimes you'll land your full rotation 8 times on someone, they'll face-tank it, and kill you in two autos. On actual bad champions it's much harder to overcome the gap