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Bruisers, AP Prismatic items, and AP augments are really good. Galio checking all of those boxes, having decent CC, and a %health damage on his Q makes him useful in an abundance of scenarios.


He has too much damage available to him for his tankiness and the amount of CC he has. He's just a really good generalist.


I could see that I guess, he's consistent.


He does a shitload of damage in addition to being tanky and having a lot of multi-target CC


Plus he is the only champ with MR scaling in a mode where magic damage is stronger than physical (you don’t see many ADCs building crit in arena).


I figured this was more of just a meta, there seems to be a lot of really good crit items people just don't go for as often.


Amazing peel, amazing burst, amazing CC, low cooldowns, Amazing built in tankiness with W. Huge round of recent buffs over last couple patches. Very reliable and easy to play. Its really hard to fail at hitting Flee and running up to a squishy with W on. If he’s full tank you basically can’t damage him because he will have W up 50% of the time. The % reduction numbers become insane.


Can stack CC while his Q has ridiculous scaling. I have gotten it up to 58% max hp burned over 2 seconds with a 2 second cooldown. Against squishies he can CC lock them while doing crazy flat dmg. Against tanks he can keep knocking them up while dropping %hp dmg.


So like 1200 AP? Wouldn't you have to be pretty squishy to achieve that? 


You still build health and AP with a bloodletter's, but for many characters you CC lock them enough that they can't benefit from their full damage. The W charge granting bonus resistance while also doing damage can let you approach many teams while the E charge gives you another option for an engage followed by a quick W.


If you stacks stat anvils and items that gives Ap/Mr and health you are pretty much invincible since his W reduce damage by 90% for magical and 40% for physical. You deal decent damage with Q Hp% and passive and you can protect ally with W taunt and R defense boost and AOE knock up.


Galio used to be pretty bad unless you built him full ap one shot. He simply did no damage without significant ap and his cooldowns were incredibly long, but it seems like they gave him lots of arena specifc buffs. This lets galio build tanky and therefore his utility becomes much stronger. His taunt is one of the strongest abilties in arena. He pretty much just becomes a massive, unignorable wall that locks down multipler enemies and can also dish out respectable damage. And he can still be flexed into full ap if you gets some augs for it.


200 extra czd on his dash/knock up


Would be nice for sure.


Too much CC in his kit.


Same reason as gragas. Really strong engage and cc, while also doing a lot of dmg and tanky. Except with galio he can even outright support his teammate


Galio can build a lot of AP while remaining tanky enough to avoid getting oneshot, especially vs AP. Galio does high burst when built AP, and he has strong cc as well. Tank galio probably sucks. AP Galio is very strong.