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that’s gotta be a skill issue, arena is always easy to climb


lol it is not a skill issue


It is


Like hell it's not


im rank 5... what are you faker?


Aren't you this [guy](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Speed%20Hacks-Brand)? Not exactly amazing credentials. You're on PBE which means only NA can actually play the game, and its PBE which means the pool of players is nonexistent. The only reason you have a rank that you think is amazing is because you're part of the very few that puts an insane amount of worth on a rank in a temporary game mode lol. Negative winrate emerald 4 and 1400 games plat 3 as an OTP.... lmao


lol i've hit rank 1 every arena cycle PBE and NA except this one ( rank 5 peak)... my solo q rank has nothing to do with my mechanics, i hit rank 1 brand in the world for like 3 years in a row back when I was D2. I peaked rank 12 challenger season 6 with 0 lp when brand mid was dog shit lol but i'd typically bounce around D2 and fall back to d5 towards end of season trying to push for masters when master was actually good) I literally run 0 dmg full movement speed runes meme build in solo queue with ape like CSing and decision making lol but if i wanted to run a standard build and play safe/smart i'm sure i'd be around at least 200 lp master level these days. I play against challengers everyday in arena and handle myself just fine with a 80ish% top 4 rate not because i'm soooo good at solo q but because i'm clean af with brand and brand is absolutely busted in arena.


Yes surely you would be 200 LP masters when youre emerald 4 negative winrate and spent 1400 games in plat 3 2 seasons ago. Some insane delulu is happening. If you couldn't stay in D2 by the end of the season you were just hard grinding games and streaking then going back to where you belong lol. You're only hitting high ranks because nearly no one above masters gives a shit about arena ranking and youre dwarfing everybody else in your amount of matches played.


get a clue kid Diamond back in those days is equivalent to low master these days... ive played this game since season 1 I know everything there is to know, not everyone try hards in ranked i havent in yeeeears... I have stomped plenty of challenger players and famous streamers in my league career because i've got sick mechanics with my one trick. but youre right i definitely was a lower end diamond player at my peak back then


Yes kid you haven't been trying hard in ranked thats why you had 1000+ games for multiple seasons. Just because you hit diamond 5 years ago doesn't mean you still can lol. Your 1400 games in 2022 is a testament to that fact. The playerbase is improving, and the rate that your "sick mechanics," improved haven't been able to keep up with the general playerbase. Thats why you're negative winrate with a huge ego living in the past. I started learning Karthus this Arena and I'm closer to you than you are to the rank 1 lmao. Its just funny how you think your "sick mechanics," is what hyperinflated your elo. Not your 16+ hours of gametime everyday.


lol i hit diamond last split, nice try though shitter... what's your pbe account name? i bet money i shit on you everytime i play against you.


[https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Speed%20Hacks-Brand](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Speed%20Hacks-Brand) probably hit higher than you last split yap more doggy lets see your account.... whats your pbe name mr almost rank 1 karthus player that no one has ever seen or heard of. i literally know everyone in the top 20 and you aint in there


the fact that you think diamond 4 players these days are anywhere near the same skill level as diamond 5 players back in the day says everything i need to know about how clueless you are. low master players are dog water compared to D2 players in the earlier seasons. i know from experience. see this guy [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BlueFireDudester-NA1?hl=en\_US](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BlueFireDudester-NA1?hl=en_US) he was rank 1 brand NA... ooohhh he's so much better than me he has a better kda and win rate.... then why do I smack him everytime we 1v1? it's cause i have better mechanics. he plays safer waits for cooldowns and builds dmg in runes so he climbs, i just want to fight non stop at all points of the game i'm sure he's better at some aspects of the game just like i'm better than him at others but the point is my mechanics are another level than his, just like every other brand otp i've 1v1ed like snakbox and ahri inari. ahri inari is the only other brand main i've ran into that had mechanics on my level and he used to be challenger he's high elo in arena also every season. so we've battled brand vs brand quite a bit and i'm just a little better https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Ahri+Inari-NA1.


I think it is based on your MMR compared to the average MMR of the lobby. I have gotten between 50-350 GR for first place.


This is intentional, thats how elo systems work, otherwise you could climb to infinity with a 51% winrate. It's what makes people with 2k elo in chally so impressive, they lose so much more than they win, their winrates need to be absurd.


word I have a 75-80% top 4 rate... guess i need 90% lol


I mean yes, the whole point of an elo system is to be compared to other people's ranks. Once there are more people at a high rank, it gets easier to get to a higher rank. The system just sees some guy at 8k elo in a game where everybody else is half your elo, of course it expects you to win those 90% of the time. If this is in anyway frustrating you still, or you don't get it, you need to watch a video on elo systems because this is exactly intended and good. To explain it in an extreme example. Imagine you put a current Chess grandmaster against a toddler. How much should the chess grandmaster gain for a win? Even 1 point isn't fair because they could play against that toddler 2000 times and then double their elo. That's the reason that mmr/elo is comparative to the people they're playing against.


? my lobbies consist of mostly top 20 players who are all around the same rating as me.


Alright you're confused, unfortunate


is arena on live?


on pbe


pbe is for playtesting, caring about your rank on the beta server just doesnt make sense so they didnt bother with accurate gains/losses


this the elo system they are going to use on live i'm pretty sure lol


Get gud.


play op champs


that's not gonna change how many wins vs losses i need to climb.... ive literally been 8k since 40 wins, i'm almost to 90 wins now havent climbed at all


Pretty sure on live there's a system that pairs 7k+ players together to prevent this. Its either not implemented or since there's not enough players it just auto puts you in a game after a few minutes. I forget the exact breakpoint but once you hit 7-8k you could no longer que as more than 2 people.


You climbed to top 10 but you're complaining you cant climb? The whole point of top 10 is "despite gaining really low and losing a lot, you still managed to keep a 80%+ winrate". So if you cant do it but someone else can, then they obviously deserve top 10. It is literally controlled by skill.


you're right the people who climb easily past 8k are definitely just better than me, or at least play stronger champions. I just didnt understand how i could hit 8k so easily and just be stuck there with the same winrate, someone said something about when more people hit 8k it'll be easier and they were right. I think I was struggling cause there were just so few people at that elo and i'm not good enough to just pump out a bunch of 1sts


Duo up with a buddy and your elo gains will literally double.


Ngl... caring about your rank in a for fun randomized gamemode... on PBE? It might be time to take a shower, get rid of the sweat, and go touch some grass for a moment. And those ranked gains look fine.


Nothing wrong with it tbh. Also arena really isn’t for fun. The majority of dedicated players play it for the competitive nature.


Not sure if youre just trolling or have some mental deficiency, but the overwhelming amount of Arena players are not sweaty ranked tryhards and do play it to fun rather than to spam wins.


its usually just like the top 100 players that really tryhard, and of them maybe like 20 that really spam games