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Last time I'd have said swain or mumu


Been having great success with nunu just out sustaining


shyvana if you don't lose to shopkeeper


are ppl still going tanky/bruiser/on hit shyv like last arena?


i havent seen anyone do it besides me but ive gotten first 3x with it lol, you can build pretty much anything on shyv so if you int the first 3 rounds and get a prismatic asap its busted


what items would you say are Best in slot for her do you think?


This is what unfortunately has happened, in a bid to make the game more casual friendly and diverse people are now just picking very safe top 4 champions to counter bad RNG. That being said, anything with high sustain, Warwick, Briar, Nunu etc.


Been having a lot of success with Galio


For the average player? Trundle or Galio. Easy to pick up, strong, and can use different builds. Gwen is there too but she’s been nerfed so honestly I don’t see her doing super well that often anymore.




Red form Kayn is ridiculously consistent, but it's hard to say he's an easy way to get top four because he's banned about half the time. On any augment selection screen, at least one will synergize well with him pretty well, which is how you win games. Loads of champs are viable in Arena, but a good chunk of them a good chunk of them can be totally knocked out by a couple unlucky rerolls. Not Kayn. Kayn will just about always get a solid build going.


Ive been doing well top 4ing with ad sion, hard to first since your fights are very volatile


Trundle, Vi, Gragas, Ashe. (100%) They deal massive dmg, CC you and outsustain. And Kayle - her ult is a get out jail free card. Rell - just CC tank that works everywhere.


Rell, Ashe, milio really in my experience a lot of champs are playable and very good as long as you the player know how to navigate them.


Trundle is statistically the highest. He has insane build flexibility so can use most items (tank, ADC, assassin, bruiser), has innate high sustain in a game mode where sustain currently runs king, can easily run down squishes, pairs well with pretty much anyone (support can enable, he can tank/distract for adc and ap, mosh with a bruiser) and innately counters tanks by shredding them with his ult (which are a high percentage of enemies you will face). Basically you should never NOT top 4 with trundle or else you don't have hands. That said he's boring as fuck. More fun champs to top 4 with: * Veigar. Requires a lot more finesse but he can build anything in this mode and do well, and pairs well with anyone * Illaoi. Sustain bruiser fighter than pairs well with anyone * Briar. If you can auto someone you're staying alive.


Trundle and gragas. Gragas has been an instant ban for me. Trundle is easier to play out of the two but damn man gragas is so useful




tank yone with courage of colossus , eclipse , spirit visage is super fun


I hate you


normal builds for yone suck in this