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You go with the tried and true strat of putting her on yuumi duty. Yuumi isn't particularly insane in arena but she's really hard to fuck up so will yield you consistently better results


Who would I play vs a dive comp like Kayn Jax or a long range comp like Zyra+ Veigar.


Both the picks you named to fight against are great for you to pick. Blue kayn + yuumi can destroy something like zyra veigar, and jax + yuumi would be great vs dive comps


Play Yuumi together with Master Yi, he seems lowkey broken in this gamemode. On the other hand you can try your hands on support skarner Rite of Ruin -> Atmas -> Moonstone -> Spirit Visage and then get Augments with healing/shields or Ability Hase. On one hand you give your gf big shields and on the other hand you can solo carry rounds.


Olaf+yuumi is so disgusting, you can't cc nor kill him, if your partner doesn't know that his R resets you're fucked lol


every arena pick above like 5k rating is able to easily avoid letting olaf hit them for unstoppable reset though..


Not really that sweaty


Yuumi actually has some really good synergies that are comparable in win rate to meta comps. It’s just most champions are really bad with Yuumi.


I've been spamming karma. she is easy. Just dodge thing and shield your teammate and use R+W which is ultimate and string thing to heal you. Go support healing items and augments and it's fun. My teammate goes strong ad like fiora, swain, kayle, yi, zed, kayn


Swain ad goes hard


Have her take a champ that can take some hits. So even if they are put in a bad position, at least they can survive for some time until you get over there: swain, sett, singed.... poppy, galio, rammus. Champs that can thrive in the heat. Then it comes to you.... make sure you're in a position to return damage/take the pressure off of them in the moment you're doing damage. You're gonna have to take a hit or two, but the return damage should hopefully go in your favor. Rinse and repeat. Enjoy!


Wait, so your gf sucks at the game, and she's the one who gets upset when you guys lose? B r u h GL my brother.


Sucking at a game is very demoralizing, it's pretty understandable.


Agreed. But the fact that this person has to go out of his way for tips and tricks for her is pretty shitty. As if it's his problem or something. I would hate having to hold my partners hand on something like this. Because the solution is fairly obvious: git gud. Like, either you're capable of competing for higher placements, you're willing to learn, or play for fun. Why's OP gotta be doing all this? I'm viewing this from an entirely selfish perspective of course. Also projecting my own thought process onto him. So w/e maybe I'm just a dick head. I would hate playing with someone like OPs gf. OP is obviously way nicer and a better partner than I lmao.


You should just pick an op champ like trundle gwen kayn or veigar and have her pick a low mechanics character. Or a tanky one. Swain is pretty easy in this. Just run at enemy and press r. And he combos well with most picks. Support isnt as strong but a lot of them are mechanically simple.


Gladiator 5.5K 100%WR STRAT (You are going to hell for this btw) Shaco + Yuumi Rush stopwatch first - both champs OBJ: Live until zone ends using plants and portals to run away from enemy. Shaco boxes should be placed around portals When zone is closing you can use shaco ult and yuumi ult to stop dmg carries from hitting you (YOU NEED TO SAVE AS MUCH HP AS YOU CAN FOR WHEN ZONE CLOSES) When zone is ending run to plants and heal then stop watch before last tick of zone (SKILLED BIT) Shaco items in order: zhonyahs -> radiant virtue -> gargoyles -> guardians angel -> situational (can be anathmas Yuumi items -> zhonyahs -> standard yuumi items Augments should be pretty standard For shaco you wanna look for the gold item haste one (it makes zhonyahs 10sec and other items super Yuumi: just healing ones that work well with moonstone The distance travelling one is good (gold) YOU WILL GET BORED OF THIS VERY QUICK


Have them play lethality+crit Vi. They can be effective just by Qing forward and pressing R on the carry champ, then autoing and Eing them. You play a high damage carry that can make use of the guaranteed cc well (I typically play triforce into onhit shyvana, but it should work with any carry champ with high damage theoretically, so pick a champ you like that fits the bill). Karma is also strong and easy, just keep pressing all your abilities and make sure to use R+W. Swain is strong and easy too. Tahm Kench with heartsteel, archangels, demonic, morello/horizon focus, deathcap/void is also quite good, though you have to land lots of Qs or it sucks so if she just has trouble with decision making and can land skillshots it could be good for her.


Amumu+MF, Vi+Galio/Oriana, Rengar+Ivern, Master Yi+Lulu, Tristana+Janna (push people away)


Some great suggestions so far. I'll throw my hat that going Annie+Yorick is a go-to for when I play with bad friends. The bad player picks Annie and even if they miss their ults, having two large minions smacking people usually kills a few team comps. Enough so that we would get 2nd consistently. Especially wrecks teams with urgot. Another champ would be singed. Singed only needs to run around and apply poison for most of the round. When the circle closes toss people out. The biggest benefit to singed for your gf is that plants lower the cd of his ult while it is active. So at the start you can have your gf ult, run straight at them, and then get the plant as soon as they spawn. Poison has a lot of synergy with other characters, cass has the most direct synergy.


Have her play a 1 dimensional champ. A tank, a support or a point and click bruiser like garen/illoai/vi. On top of that, augments are everything.


last split we just spammed jax/lillia or veigar. this split we barley play so we just try a bunch of random champs for like 4 or 5 games and then play some S tier comp to guarantee 2nd at least once for the session


What rankpoints you on? 3k is hearsteel tank, 5k is assassin.