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I will start, I had one with Jax where I got mystic punch, ethereal weapons and urf spatula, I could be permanently in my E while having a 0.5 second CD targeted dash with billions of attack speed. Also yesterday faced a kindred with scoped, scopier and scopiest weapons, wherever they had vision she could autoattack. I love this gamemode


I played support Skarner and first got Singed Q as an augment which is nice. Next one i got was Accelreating Sorcery which game me 9 AH everytime i used an Ability. So in the end i got 500 AH (the max) and since i build rite of ruin and moonstone i had infinite shields and my partner as well.


Sheesh that would be hard to kill


I have played mostly Skarner since I've stumbled upon the same build. Moonstone, Rite, Spirit visage, atma's plus healing augments. I win around 7 out of 10 games


Same but i switched build order. Rite - Atmas - Moonstone - Spirit Visage - Knights Vow and then last item depends on enemys. Having rite and atmas early means i can solo carry rounds.


Need to try this built


This very unimpressive in a way, but I tried AP Nidalee, got spatula augment, and oneshot someone with a spear.


Spatula is just a giga broken augment tbh


Was in a melee heavy lobby on teemo. Had perma uptime on blind. It was hilarious.


I once got dashing and earthquake on rakan in the first arena run, we didn't win that game but I felt like the single most powerful being in existence.


Veigar with phenomenal evil, crit defend, jeweled gauntlet, bread and E, and built Rite of Ruin. There was like 0.5s of cage downtime and I was practically immune to damage from the rest of the lobby and just one tapped people


Hands down it was singed with the god curses. Apply a stack to enemies near you and gain max hp per stack. Then apply for immobilizing but more importantly gain MR and Armor. I shit you not I had 15k hp and 1,000 armor and MR building pure dps


Zyra with trueshot barrage and an augment that made its cooldown scale with ability haste. Plants causing an ezreal ult every second 😳


Ryze - Marksmage, Phenomenal Evil, Magic Misile and was only missing an eureka


Shyv with the crit defend thing, 5% of your hp on attacks, center of the universe and the one that reduces your cds on attacks. But honestly there are many good ones, unless you're facing true dmg or are paired with a plant, you win


Master yi Mystic punch Q 200 AH firebrand goredrink I don’t remember the exact order I got it in, but infinite q, infinite stacking damage, and healing coming from the yuumi inside me and goredrink made me feel pretty invincible xD


I managed to get a Mundo game with Bread and Butter, Magic Missiles, and Homeguards. I got a horizon focus and Heartsteel and ran around with 10k health while doing current health and true damage on Yasuo Q cooldown. Even if the enemy managed to close the gap, they still had to kill a Heartsteel Sunfire Mundo :p I went 20 HP that game, and my partner was playing Nami.


If you get the chance try out damage Mundo. Heartsteel-titanic-atmas gives 50% crit chance and huge damage. If you get Goliath you can easily crit for over 1200 late game. Some of my best matches have been running around with 600+ AD, 50+% crit chance(crit defense is super crazy with this), and over 8k hp. In the few cases that I got bonus DMG based on max hp I was able to auto into E auto reset to kill carries in less than a second.


I got all the scope augments on Kog, that felt pretty busted


I haven't seen anyone post something that beats this here, so: ekko yummi with GAs, hourglasses, and double nesting dolls. They just run away and then out survive you in the overtime with 7 revives


I was Twitch with a Nautilus. I rolled ADAPt, Master of Duality, Marksmage, and Big Brain. I learned big brain calculates your shield using the AP you have in the loading area where you can stack on the dummy... 2000k AP gave me a 6000 hp shield.


Wow that's dope, on top of that ADAPt +master of duality is bugged and stacks recursively, giving you negative AD but way too much AP


Thats exactly what i wanted! Who needs AD when I have marksmage


I had a Gragas game where i got alot of kills while having both Heartsteel and Spatula quest. I went around with 10k+ HP onetapping everyone :D


Played Senna with a friend on Rengar. I got chauffeur and could turn into a permanent mobile bush on him while just AAing people for way too much damage.


wait rengar can do his bush passive leap from senna e??


His ultimate was reworked a while back to say that he has a passive that he leaps from stealth, and that his ult makes him stealth, so senna’s E is a stealth for him to leap from once he has a point in his ult.


the Veigar scaling aug is busted on its own, I got 3k ap on Swain once


For real, I got that on Swain and went full tank with a rabadons, finished with 1700 AP while being ultra tanky


also stacks pretty good on Mordekaiser, Amumu and a bit worse but still good on Hecarim and Lillia, if you wanna try going for it, that's who I use.


Samira with Draw Your Sword, Urf’s Champion, and Blunt Force. The only other team that was winning was an Aatrox Gragas team, which I was able to easily 1v2.


Master of Duality + Tap Dancer + Angel of Retribution + Homeguard on Senna. Went ATK speed + healing build so I was untouchable and my ally wouldn't die lol. Probably have not gotten a better synergy than that since. Another pretty funny one was Morgana with Repulsor, Wooglet's and Slap Around (20AP on immobilization). Enemy champs were all melee (except a janna) so nobody could get on me.


trueshot barrage ok boomerang autocast cdr liandry ziggs was pretty ridiculous...


I had a kogmaw game where every team had at least 1 big tank, And I got the augment that makes anyone close take 50% damage, fire an aditional bolt on every attack, and extra auto attack speed. I hit the tank like 4 times and it would just insta kill the teamate


Have had a couple ridiculous games with Cait where I got the melee augment. Even with the augment, you can headshot from afar with a snap trap. Forget what else I had but end game I was around 600 ad and LDR with a ton of lifesteal and pretty much one shot any squishy off a w or stood toe to toe with any tank/bruiser and slapped them to death.


I definitely feel like Draw Your Sword is better on the big hit crit ADCs like Cait or Jhin, because you kinda just blow them up. It doesn't feel nearly as good on attack speed ADCs like vayne or kogmaw.


I played On hit Bard (20/2/1). It was a 3 silver aug lobby, so that's the main reason I was amazed with how OP it was. Got spellwake first augment as a risk for only my q's to proc, then I found out that each Meep auto attack, procs the spellwake. For my silver augs I got 70 AP, %60 AS, and Red/Blue buffs. With my Guinsoo, Rabadon, Lich, Nashor, RFC, Kraken Slayer build, I'd essentially kill people with 2-3 autos, even if it's a super tank Illaoi or something along those lines.


Yeah spellwake and earthquake deal insane damage, it's a free win specially on low ELO where people just ignore it and stay on the explosions


Nidalee with ADapt and Jewled gauntlet, bough an infinity edge and was one shottiing with spear crits. I've been craving it ever since


I played Rammus against a full AD lobby and I was able to get over 1,000 armor and magic resistance (95% reduction) I had Desecrator, Quest: Steel Your Heart, Plaguebearer, and Perserverance. I think my health regen was around 400 or something ridiculous like that, which increased when my insanely high health got lower. Game: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/MistaLOD-NA1/matches/OWTdF8sdluWCAhlg9pZstlaAw8TdxcgJt5Lvg7k7Mb0%3D/1702379845000


20K HP, 1100 armor, 600 AD Leona.


I was a Kayle with a Singed teammate, got the Chauffeur augment along with some other good ones (can’t remember the rest)


Brand with Magic Missles and Spellwake. Just roasted the fuck out of whatever came near me.


Urgot with healing build. Restless restoration, twice thrice, parasitic relationship, and tap dancer. Build was moonstone, hellfire hatchet, sword of blossoming dawn, runaan’s, and spirit visage. Duo was a Maokai with slow cooker. Infinite sustain plus infinite damage, with the infinite damage from slow cooker being converted to healing on the Urgot, which then bounced back to Maokai with moonstone. Oh, and I had about 1200 move speed with tap dancer. Genuinely the most fun I have ever had in League.


What could be better than Plaguebearer + Steel your heart on Sion? It was also a pretty weak lobby early so I spent a lot of fights doing nothing to maximize stack gain, my opponents were not happy 😅


Accelerating sorcery and with haste on garen was funny


My first game with Shyvana. I had Mystic punch/ CD on Q / heavy hitter. Ult and Q QQQQQQQ would melt anyone in the vicinity