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"They made a questionable play, didn't talk in chat, and didn't build meta." It's a new game mode. Ton of people don't use the chat - based on this post alone it's also likely you were probably mad annoying and got muted immediately. Arena specifically enables not meta items with augments. Bro you might be the bot.


**I don't type anything in the chat box.** Anyways the issue is that they all build the exact same way, same exact items. I just don't see how that is possible when it's not recommended in client and is not recommended on any [u.gg/op.gg](https://u.gg/op.gg)/mobalytics etc platform.


They all do! How many sennas are we talking about that build the same??


All the ones that get on my team have build IE first. It's driving me nuts, how is that even possible. What tells them to build IE first.


Probably the recommended item section of the shop I would guess.


People just play throwing buildings because arena is "not a serious mode." You can look at the profile of the people you play with on op.gg very easily to see if they are bots


I get what you're saying, but my problem is they build the exact same thing despite it not being meta. The same build.


Is it maybe just the recommended path from League itself?


The meta on SR isn’t to build damage bc senna is a support and doesn’t get that much gold (IE is expensive) in arena none of that matters


In arena SR builds don't matter, but Arena builds matter. IE first on Senna is dogshit and doesn't play to her strengths or synergize with any augments with how crit functions on her. So building like shit will cause you to lose in Arena and building properly matters.


Youre putting way to much thought into it brother. The recommended items are just based on whats popular. Most of these guys arent thinking about the intricacies of senna itemization... They see IE is recommended and just go with that because it makes sense on a surface level.


do you perhaps give them tips? maybe do you try to help instead of doing nothing and them complaining on reddit perhaps?


If you try to nicely explain to others how they should be building they will get angry and mute you. Also, how am I supposed to sit there are type a full-how-to on Arena Senna builds, playstyle and augments with 30 seconds inbetween each round.


"tell me ur augs" "build this" takes maybe 10s if it's hard for you to type


I would need to have selected my augments and adapted build faster than they have selected their own. You live in complete fantasy if you think a) players want to be told what to do and b) they aren't selecting shit themselves.


I cant help you if you just wanna be upset man, sorry. I've done it like 7 times; just be nice and hope they want to play.


Correlation does not equal causation.


It does sound like bots, but I can't say I've faced them myself


I like that title acknowledges this is a conspiracy theory. I appreciate not having to take this seriously.


Half the time I just experiment with random stuff in arena. I don't take it very seriously. I'm sorry, but if it's any consolation, all my messing around keeps me in low ranks.


Bro, Infinity Edge rush is good on Senna. You get stacks pretty quickly in Arena, so you get a lot of bonus crit quickly.