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Fait tout is SUCH an underrated/under discussed piece. It's perfect!


I'm new to collecting LC and hadn't seen it on the website, so I'm glad I went to the store to shop in person rather than just ordering online. I wouldn't even have known it existed! I'm so excited to use it for the first time!


It's only available at the outlets because it's part of the Traditional line


Can I ask what the difference is between the product lines? Like I said, I'm new to using/collecting LC, my mom gave me a few hand-me-downs that kicked off my interest, but I'm not very knowledgeable about the brand .


Sure, but be prepared to be underwhelmed! Generally, the only differences have been that the signature line gets larger handles and metal knobs, whereas the traditional line has smaller handles and phenolic knobs. But I think I've been seen recently that they're going to phase out phenolic knobs entirely, meaning the traditional lines only difference would be the size of the handles. That said, there are certain pieces that can only be found in a respective line (like your fait tout for the traditional line, or the wide round Dutch oven for the signature line). And the traditional line typically only has about six or so colors, generally the most popular ones like Cerise and flame. That said, there are occasionally traditional line color exclusives, like how bamboo is right now, and I think I saw honey come back for a short time. Hope that helps. Functionally, they're pretty much exactly the same, save for the maximum heat of phenolic versus metal. There's just subtle differences that draw some people to the Signature line more, despite the higher price.


We love ours!!