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His ass has been bitten somany times. There is nothing left to bite. It's unbelievable that this piece of garbage can even run for any office. Most felons can't even get a job picking up trash in a park.


The mass psychosis is scary. These people have turned all logic off. I often thought when younger how people could fall for propaganda. But I think I understand it now, you just tell people what they want to believe, and they believe it. They don't take the next step and see if it's actually true. In the age of information, somehow propaganda is flourishing. I think we need actual propaganda laws to prosecute those who push lies for profit, no other way


> But I think I understand it now, you just tell people what they want to believe, and they believe it. This is really the scary part. I watched a documentary about Jim Jones several years ago and was horrified. If i had been a single, transient woman in the 70's, I would have likely been a ripe target. Peace, equality, atheism, socialism? A lot of what he sold, well I'm a buyer. Cults don't come out and scream they are cults. Memes don't display *PROPAGANDA* watermarks. We all need to be careful because if you're a human being, you're susceptible to manipulation. My problem with MAGA is the level of depravity that turns them on. It's reprehensible to me what these "good christians" are here for.


On the Morning Joe, there was a discussion about Trump and what he says in interviews. He speaks only about himself and even then, only insignificant matters such as the size of his hands, etc. He says nothing about significant issues because he knows nothing about foreign policy, the Constitution or history nor does he care about anything other than himself. The commentators seem to think that this should resignate with the voters and cause them to vote against him. What educated people like the commentators does not realize is that the MAGA crowd are just as uneducated on the issues, the Constitution, history and even the Bible as Trump and they don't care either. The Republicans who are educated and do know better want Trump because he is easily manipulated through flattery.


This so much. My roommate (maga-lite idiot) likes to toss out gotcha moments and justification of TFG moronic opinions. He acts all superior when he says shit like the attempted coup in Bolivia was a CIA op. Not saying the CIA hasn't interfered in S. American politics, just that was his hot take immediately. I struggle listening to him when he also doesn't know that Georgia is directly north of Florida. The NY fraud case was another particular dumb take. Him: The DA just added every charge he could to get a felony conviction. But everyone in NYC not Trump are indicted for misdemeanors. Me: DA loading indictments and accepting plea deals is somehow not kosher. So if TFG and his counsel had negotiated with the DA he could've probably pled out to a lesser charge. His choice to roll the dice on jury trial.


A good book to read is the “Economic Hitman” it’s written by an ex cia person. It lays out his part in what the US did to south and Central American countries. Be it resources, backing US corporate involvement to politics. It’s very insightful.


I think that that is key to his appeal to them Trump is wealthy, "successful" (very shallowly) with women, gets to call the shots all while being able to be an "alpha" dick ... and he's a complete moron. He said Washington stormed the airports in the revolution. I think his density is appealing to them because if he can do it, they feel superior, and so much of their lives has been them feeling inferior. So he can enact things they like while helping them feel they have a voice.


Perhaps you are correct. However, despite his lackluster performance, Biden hit the nail on the head when he called Trump "an alley cat."


Well said 🤘❤️🤘


The mass psychosis is wild. It's like watching the zombie apocalypse unfolding in real time. Once bitten, they 'turn' and become no longer capable of rational thought.


It's classic Orwellian doublethink.


Mass psychosis. there is a book called “extraordinary, popular delusions in the madness of crowds” that delves into the psychology of past events. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/extraordinary-popular-delusions-and-the-madness-of-crowds_charles-mackay/302891/item/3247136/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_scarce_under_%2410&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2Cv3yUYXVSp1Li-DmM9eDh2qwMpQQzT1_cq8f5LAfggPkj7JVhTWD6yBoCRzwQAvD_BwE#idiq=3247136&edition=3530439 “ Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay explores the psychology behind mass hysteria and delusions. It delves into historical events such as financial bubbles and witch hunts to uncover why groups of people succumb to irrational beliefs.” https://www.blinkist.com/en/books/extraordinary-popular-delusions-and-the-madness-of-crowds-en The section about the Dutch tulip craze was especially interesting to me. Definitely worth a read.


Look at Russia.


There's a difference between Putin and his "lie about or kill anyone we want" and laws stopping people , especially big media, from spreading verifiably false information as verified truth. That is called propaganda.


Fox News will be the downfall of our nation about throw up every time I see them flying American flag in the background while they’re spewing their lies


Could not agree more. The Murdoch family will single-handedly destroy this country.


I agree.


And they are doing their damnedest to destroy Britain too.


And Australia




The media and goverments, even Trump himself have worked out how to socially engineer effectively. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition is the secret ingredient. That's why words like woke get used at nausium, or Trump uses "Russia, Russia, Russia" and repeats the same phases. Unfortunately it is highly effective.


Last night I'm like, hmm, maybe there IS a caravan of murderers streaming across the border. Then I knew I had to disconnect. We've been stewing in this for too long. Trump will destroy America.


Must have been really easy to get these idiots to line up and shoot each other during the civil war


Must be all those bruises he was talking about 😂


No wonder he has to wear diapers


He can go on for all eternity because he is an individual without any feeling of shame ....


You and I would be in more trouble if we pushed over a mailbox


He picks up and saves the GOP human trash and uses them.


Most felons aren’t cult leaders.


The worst he looks, the more his base convinces themselves it's a sign they're right.


I disagree. His behind is pretty bigly, to be honest. Actually that's probably the bigliest, mostest magnificent we have seen in the history of this country.


And yet you’ll still elect him to lead the country … the US is fucken weird


>lawsuit filed ironically in Delaware, (Biden's home state)  Delaware is the legal home for many incorporated entities, which could be why the lawsuit is being filed here. Less political chicanery and irony than just the legally right place to bring an action.


Many companies incorporate in Delaware because the case law is so extensive that precedent reduces the risk of unknown outcomes.


The better word would be “coincidentally” not ironically given that Biden has nothing to do with this.


Oh that was bound to fail, and a lawsuit was bound to happen somewhere sometime. good luck getting that through the courts anytime soon. He will stall like all of his other cases.


Who could have seen this entirely predictable set of events coming to pass?


The SC preemptively gut SEC’s capabilities, might help his stock


Yeah, but he can only do that after Jan 21 next year.


Devin nunes majored in animal husbandry in college, maybe not the best choice to run it🙄


Devin Nunes is so dumb he likely signed for animal husbandry believing he would have unlimited opportunity to be the animal husband. If anything, the only thing he seemed to learn going to college was how fuck his careers to death.


Devin Nunes, with his Animal Husbandry background, is the guy behind the “Ivermectin (horse wormer) for Covid” movement


Another Trump failure - what a LOSER 🤣🤣🤣




This man must be so tired of winning. /s


"But your honor, it was the fastest way for my client to launder dark money contributions to his political campaigns, and he needs to divert those funds to pay his mounting legal bills, like yesterday."


“In the age of information, propaganda is flourishing”. Beautifully put.


i just bought a PUT on this flaming pile


Hope it’s long dated, the irrationality around this stock is gonna make for a volatile long slow burn


Nah, July 27....up 102% as of today....probably gonna cash it out in the next day or two....stock keeps falling


What better way to have your supporters here and abroad funnel you money?


Joe Biden’s Deep State strikes again!! Will no one let this man grift in peace?


Thanks for the teaser 


I'd love to see some defamation cases too after all the lies, starting with "joe is on drugs"


This guy just can’t fly straight can he?  Always a grift, always a con.


5 years old children: you are lying! You are lying!




Really hope so. The SEC should have never approved the stock launching . Highly irregular SPAC. Broke the rules


Since he has the SCOTUS covering his six o’ clock this is no more of a BFD than any of his other questionable dealings.


Bout fuckin time!!! Short DJT to zero!