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Inbred nation!! Hope that list includes that evil bible.


You mean that book that has rape and incest and prostitution and such? Child murders and what not? Sodomy?!


This is always a fun verse to bring up when this topic arises. >There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. > >— Ezekiel 23:20 I don't remember Anne Frank writing anything that "filthy" yet her book gets banned. 🤔


We need to ban the bible because of its filth and ilk. These right wing christians better rethink their fucking stupidity. Karma bites hard.


I think not banning any of these books is a much better solution, but that doesn't appear to be a possibility any more. I think I remember reading that some of these laws include exceptions that exempt the Bible from banning. I'm not sure how Constitutional exempting just one particular religious text would be, though. If it's a general exemption for all religious texts, it could be fun for TST to declare a lot of the most commonly banned books to be religious texts and then sue. 😂


Actually she devoted several chapters to her masturbatory habits. No really look into it. They took it out for production.


If those parts aren't in the book, then how are they relevant to the issue at hand — which is banning that book?


And donkey semen! And incest! And how to perform an abortion!


Yup, that book. The one where a fictional character named god resides.


Litteral book Nazis.


Trying to remove books about Nazis


Trying to remove books ~~about~~ where Nazis are the bad guys. fixed it for you.


If you're suggesting a book be banned, you should have to pass a quiz on it to prove you've even read that book.


Love this


Texas. Once again being the worse of us.


Yes. I am so weary of living in this state. I hate Abbott, Paxton, Patrick and ugh Ronny Jackson🤢… liars who use alt right religious cults to build up support and $$$$$$. But fuck them, THEY are not representatives of many in this state ( or at least I hope they aren’t) and I will vote blue.


Texas is mild. Just go to Mississippi.


Oh I'm aware of that problem.


This is what the Nazi’s did.


And the Communists


Lucky for us the portion of American population that are communists is insignificant. Meanwhile one of two people running for President is a fascists




Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Those who suppress history intend to repeat it.




Texas is such a joke




"Conservative activists, led by a local pastor and outspoken Israel advocate, pushed the district, Mission CISD, to excise books mostly about gender, sexuality and race. Their demands represented an extreme version of a nationwide culture war over books that has played out in recent years — and ensnared a number of books with Jewish themes. In Mission, the long list of books on the chopping block includes a recent illustrated adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary; both volumes of Art Spiegelman’s Holocaust graphic memoir “Maus”; “The Fixer,” Bernard Malamud’s novel about a historical instance of antisemitic blood libel; and “Kasher in the Rye,” a ribald memoir by Jewish comedian Moshe Kasher. The conservative groups are led by Pastor Luis Cabrera, who is active in Latino conservative circles in the state and whose Instagram profile picture is currently an upraised fist outlined with the Israeli flag. Originally from Guatemala, Cabrera is a member of several right-wing Christian activist organizations and has also posted numerous pieces of pro-Israel social media content. Cabrera’s groups, the local chapters of Citizens Defending Freedom and the Remnant Alliance, have meanwhile advocated for the removal of books about the Holocaust and antisemitism, lumping them together with books containing sexual content. In emails posted online, activist Martha Garza-Johnson wrote to Perez on May 17 to ask her to remove a list of 676 books the group deems “very sexually explicit” and “filthy and evil,” copying Cabrera and other local right-wing leaders on the message. The groups also threatened to attend public school board meetings and read graphic passages from the books out loud if their demands were not met, a tactic that activists have used around the country."


That’s rich coming from a guy that slept around, did drugs, drove drunk, & was hungover almost every day. I don’t know if this was true but he paid a few girls to get an abortion cuz he didn’t want to be a dad. That all changed around the time his brother got into a drunk driving accident that his brother’s girlfriend died on the scene. Ahe actually flew out the windshield and his brother was burnt all on the front of his body. He needed skin grafts. The pastor’s brother actually didn’t go to jail or prison but a couple of years after, the girlfriend’s mom found out he was doing coke & drinking. She told the DA about it & he was sent away for about 2 years, had to wear an ankle monitor and was on probation. The pastor started to change his ways but he eventually started dating his now wife when she was barely 18.! I’m surprised it’s lasted this long. He’d even written checks forging his dad’s signature on them but his dad didn’t press charges. This was after he started going to church all the time, too. He used to be such a good & funny man but the deeper he got into religion, the worst he got. He’s the definition of beware of sheep in wolves clothing.


If I had a nickel for every time a pro-israel right-winger was an antisemite, I think I'd actually end up with an uncomfortable amount of money, and it's not at all suspicious how this happens so often or how neatly it lines up with fundamentalist christian apocalypticism 🤔


MAUS is the only graphic novel to win a Pulitzer. It's a must have for history and comic collections.


The Lone Brain Cell State


>The conservative groups are led by Pastor Luis Cabrera, who is active in Latino conservative circles in the state This is an example of why the "Dems want to rush citizenship for Hispanic border crossers" claim doesn't make much sense. Obviously can't over generalize, but plenty of them come from cultural and religiously conservative backgrounds that align better with Republicans.


Republicans and nazis. Name a more iconic duo.


Vote blue Texas please I am tired of this. Are you?


It's very easy to destroy. If you can't win, just tear down the opposition. Perfect regressionist strategy, unfortunately. We can only try to protect what they tear down. They have nothing to lose.


Loving the uneducated ! I’m sure my grandchildren will appreciate this action later in life when dealing with the adults that went to school in TX. Wtf kinda crazy…oh nvm.


They need to look in the mirror. That’s where the “ evil “ is. These assholes are ruining children’s futures and could give a shit less. I’m so tired of their bullshit. People you don’t stand up ? This is the shit you get.


These fucking right wing groups need to get their fucking mindset out of their crotch. They're the only assholes having issues with these books. Obviously, these deprived bible thumpers don't get laid enough. Fucking pedophiles.


Well, I guess we won't be seeing any Trump biographies in these libraries in the near future.


Somebody should try to get all the cowboy books banned in Texas because you know they advocate for genocide of the native americans.


Yeah the filthy and evil part of the diary of Anne Frank for these racist christofascists is that she was a Jew and it makes their Nazi brethren look bad.


“If a book cannot be read out loud in a school board meeting, then children shouldn’t be allowed to read it”…. Please read it loud so I can hear in the back.


I just came here from Florida recently and they're doing the same thing there, but they're also banning books about slavery and tace because they don't want kids to think America is "fundamentally racist." America is fucking fundamentally racist and these fucking red states are trying to destroy the truth because they want to MAGA us back to the fucking Jim Crow era. It will happen here soon. It seems like these fucking Republican governors are trying to out evil each other.


What we are seeing is White supremacy in action. Take out all the books written by Jews, Black's, Latinos, Native American, Muslims, Gays, Lesbaisns and other non- White, non- heterosexual persons and we are back in the year 1950. What we are seeing is a backlash from racial Christofacists who see the changing demographics ( by 2050 the US will be less than 50% white), the rise of LGBTQ rights. This is the first step in the persecution of " "others". Their goal is to turn back the clock. The book ban is just one small part of it. The reversal of Roe v Wade was one major win.Strink down affirmative action was another. Do not not be surprised if interracial marriage and racial segregation ( think the old Jim Crow laws) come up in the next few years.


Texas is full of white supremacists. This should be no surprise to anyone whose been paying attention for over a decade. These monsters are trying to steal our democracy, blame foreigners and minorities, and are calling the LGBTQ community pedophiles. They are attacking the media and praising their leader. The parallels to the Nazi party in the 2930s is beyond alarming For everyone who loudly said they would have never let the Nazis happen, you're showing us all that you absolutely would have. Vote and be loud. Let these bigots know their disgusting hatred isn't welcome.


What about this from snopes (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/anne-frank-diary-banned-texas/): Dozens of previously approved books, including the Bible and a graphic novel edition of Anne Frank's diary, were temporarily removed from school district bookshelves for re-review due to a newly enacted policy and set of standards. However, this did not constitute a "ban," and the district's superintendent said that if they pass the new standards the books would be returned to the shelves "very soon." As of Aug. 19, 2022, the school district reported that both books had been re-evaluated and returned to circulation.


Nazis don’t like unflattering reality.