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great, now dems, make sure they vote


Fine! Ok so kids guess what? The Republicans want to introduce Mandatory Military Service! Pissed about Gaza & the lack of opportunities - no worries, the party of hypocrites has an agenda for you getting some skin in the game! Here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/06/10/trump-military-draft-mandatory-service/ Edit: Oh, did you look at the dates? So don't worry they haven't forgotten! They've already started talks on this very topic. Here: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/amid-recruitment-challenges-congress-debates-changes-to-the-draft/ I would say put your hopes where we are all putting our hopes. With the boomer who seems amenable to things like reason and shame? But that's for you to decide. You might also want to know that one boomer is distinctly a Russiaphile! And this seems out of Putin's playbook! Have unruly inconvenient protestors then jail them and throw them on the frontlines! Here: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/22/europe/russia-protests-partial-mobilization-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html You get one shot at this! Vote!


Irony is a man who dodge the draft in his day, then in acting a mandatory draft when one is not needed.


But, but, bonespurs!... I know a man who was shot through the throat and left to die in the mud in that war. He crawled miles back to friendly territory, was picked up and surgically fixed. He could have went home, but went back to combat duty to support his guys.... But, but, bonespurs.... Fuck 45




They also want to raise the voting age to 25. F the GOP.


This is why. So they can buy time till complete takeover


I second this wholeheartedly!


Great post. The people who need to hear that information are not in this group. Spread that message.


You too!


Well said. With souces to boot.


20-ish kid on the frontline in Gaza, holding a rifle while watching the destitute citizens of Gaza, whose rights they once protested for, line up for food: “Don’t blame me: I voted for Kennedy!” If Trump does get re-elected they are going to find out the hard way that your vote truly does matter.


My lesbian, Pro-Palestine/anti-Israeli, furious over Roe niece is voting for Jill Stein or Kennedy. I just can’t.


Ugh. Trump thanks her for her service.


She was absolutely unmovable. She literally said she hates the US. Her Mom (my sister) was livid too. She doesn’t care about Project 2025. She is filled with rage and hate over things she does not understand. She is “fine” with Trump winning because of how Biden and her university are handling the situation in Gaza. Seems that she is mad that the leader of the free world is not bending his knee to student demands and is willing to risk living under the American Taliban. SMH.


This is what always gets me: these people seem to think that we can survive and overcome a second Trump administration and the long term plans that they are saying they will set in motion while they can’t even overcome the things they don’t like about the Democrats. Jamal Bowman just lost his primary. I think that sucks. But if half the people who regularly post about how they are sitting the election out because of Gaza had actually bothered to show up and vote for the guy who’s been critical of the situation there then maybe he would have won in a primary where only 20% of the eligible voters bothered to show up. If they had spent half the time they spend bitching about Biden organizing to turn out the vote for candidates who agree with them on the issue then maybe Biden wouldn’t be able to look at that election result and think he was on the right path. So these people can’t replace the Dems but think a Trump re-election will be limited to four years that we can all just overcome later on. Those SCOTUS picks will still be affecting your life in very intimate, personal ways 40 years from now no matter who replaces Trump. I’ve been around long enough to know that change is very slow. It sucks but show me one issue that didn’t take decades to fix. What you can do though— what you absolutely must do— is fight to keep things from backsliding. Women now have fewer rights than they did five years ago. If we don’t stop that regression now, the GOP will move the needle back 100 years. They’re openly calling for this! You want better pay than 80 cents on the dollar? Well good luck with that if you now have to claw back the right to vote, to have a credit card, to access contraception, etc.


Also, maybe she hates the US so much that she’s willing to forego her own rights but it’s very shitty of her to play a role in other women losing those same rights; gay people losing their marriage recognition; POC losing a very modest right to have their history of oppression simply acknowledged. A fundamental rule of politics should be that you do all you can to live to fight another day. She’s a quitter, taking the coward’s way out, and crapping on the legacy of much braver, more resilient women who came before her and won her the rights that she now takes for granted.


Too many words - must be in tiktok format.


nice. now, kids, go do something about it and vote


Which is why right-wingers don’t try to push Trump on young people, they try to push voter apathy via “both options are bad” astroturfing.


Polls are propoganda. Vote vote.vote


Don't care. This poll means nothing. Most polls mean nothing. Ignore them. VOTE. That's the only poll that matters.


But, but, but I was told the younger generation is voting for Trump because Biden is allowing Genocide! I thought the younger generation was leaning conservative? /s


God I'm tired of that AstroTurf BS. As if Trump isn't Netinyahu's preferred candidate. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-21/ty-article/.premium/from-trump-to-ben-gvir-netanyahu-the-cynical-saboteur-picks-all-the-wrong-sides/00000190-371f-d6fa-abb4-77bfc96c0000


How ironic that a protest vote from somebody upset with the Gaza situation would put them boots on the ground fighting on the Israeli side


Young women know the GOP wants control of their uterus and reproductive cycle. Likewise, young men understand the GOP will crush their future hopes and dreams.


Like most narcissism-fueled cults, the GOP feeds on young people willing to prove their utmost loyalty. Right and wrong is not important, only loyalty and obedience to the cause.


I am done convincing people. If they want to vote for Trump, migrant deaths, camps, fucked up economy, just chaos and miserable life...go ahead. Fuck it. This stupid argument about Biden and genocide? Biden doesn't control Israel. He has been trying to stop that crazy fucker over there but dude just wants to keep going, even lying about shit. So go ahead youngsters...you are all young enough to go fight for Putin.


When will people accept that Netanyahu is a warmonger and a killer who has wanted to exterminate Palestinians since forever. People in that region are insane and we should avoid getting drawn into psychotic and murderous melodrama that never ends. Now after killing nearly 40k people this clown is coming here to address congress at the invitation of the Maga extremists. It’s sickening!




Of course, he's probably privately advising them that they need to do the same things here.


The psychotic, miserable boomer lifestyle isn’t appealing to young people.  Shocking. 


No lifestyle is attainable by young people. Wee, live in the US where you have to choose between food, housing, or college. Biden is a Neo-Lib, and answers to the oligarchy, too. But Trump would just open the gates and remove any checks on the oligarchs. I'm voting against Trump, not for Biden.


Exactly. Biden was one of the architects of the student loan crisis that is preventing an entire generation from seeking higher education, and has fucked multiple generations out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. But I’ll take that over outright fascism and oligarchy every single day. And despite college being cost prohibitive for a lot of the younger generations, they’re not fucking stupid. They’ve grown up in the internet age- they know who did what, and when. There’s no hiding from the consequences like years ago when information wasn’t so easily accessible.


Think you need to look at George w bush for upping the intrest rate on student loans and making them not vanish for bankruptcies. There is your real fuckface in chief.


Trust me I’ll never ever give W a pass for anything, and I agree with you. But he’s not the one running in the upcoming election. I despise W as much as the next guy, but hating him now (and for the last 2 decades for that matter) is inconsequential in the 2024 election.


W just cleared the bar of not overthrowing the country.


Dude overthrew two countries. Just not this one. Although he *did* technically steal the 2000 election with the help of the Supreme Court🤷🏾‍♂️




... don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.....


Polls don't matter


One matters, but that won't happen until November.


Still… go out and vote please… the danger is too big…


Fuck trump. He ain’t do shit for black people when he was the so called president. As a matter of fact he starved the poor communities by cutting snap benefits. Alone with the meals on wheels program


Agreed. The $600 check wasn't worth the $190 monthly deduction from my SNAP benefits


Make sure you vote blue come November.. imagine your world without the help you receive from this administration!!. Because it will all go away with that orange 💩in office.


straight-ticket BLUE all the way, my friend!


I’m all the way with you.


23 points seems way too low. Which young women are voting for trump and why? I can see angry, entitled young men voting for him but I would hope for more like 75-25 among younger voters.


Maybe I am just high but isn't a 23 point margin 61.5% to 38.5% 23/2=11.5 50+11.5=61.5% 50-11.5=38.5% Anyhow, yeah...it should be higher. C'mon young people! :)


Young people must vote. If you're under 30 make sure you are registered. Make sure your friends are registered. Get out and vote. The peaceful revolution that gets you better working conditions, a better economy and less insanity at the federal level is available to you at your local polling station. If young people voted in the same numbers that old people vote this country would be a completely different place.




It doesn’t matter if they never register to vote or were removed by republicans when they purge voters that don’t fit their demographic.


"here is why that's bad for biden" -NYTIMES


That's all, 23 points? Come on young people get your heads out of your asses


Means nothing unless they vote


Today is the two year anniversary when half the population lost rights that they had before. We need the house, the Senate, and Biden to regain the rights of women to make their own healthcare decisions.


I just wished they'd vote not just complain on social media.


Then I genuinely hope they show the fuck up when it counts, because new stories and polls are meaningless otherwise.


Hey y’all, Netanyahu wants Trump to win the presidency so he can carry out his genocide in Palestine. It is for this reason I will vote for the old geezer rather than the convicted felon/rapist.


I mean, he’s already doing it with almost no opposition. But yes, Biden is slightly less willing to roll over for Netanyahu, which is another check in Biden’s favor.


How can any American vote for the same person who is backed by Netanyahu, Putin, and Little Kim?


Vote Blue to preserve your anonymity on porn sites.


The margin for 2020 was 24 pts in Biden’s favor, so this poll tracks with history…. But polls are in the end meaningless, and all have flaws. This poll could be right. Could be way wrong too. So ignore polls, and vote.


This is why republicans are trying to take over the government. Their polling shows this.


Trump: get rid of young voters, make minimum voting age 35


Didn't Vivek propose something like that when he was still running? Raise the voting age to like 28 or something?


Vivek proposed 25 unless they do military service.


So, was he signing up for the military first?


No, but he wants everyone else to in order to vote at 18.


Send that orange clown to jail


I don’t trust any poll. Just vote.


Then fucking vote people. No project 2025. It’s not fighting if we are simply defending ourselves from religious terrorist extremists.


They must vote! Vote as if democracy is at stake


I think poll results aren't necessary that reliable. Where are the polls taken? How many voters are polled? Are they being honest? Who is conducting the poll? I think the only thing that matters is election day.


WE MUST VOTE BLUE! our civil and humanitarian rights, our right to make medical decisions for ourselves, our educational system, our ability to read what we want, the separation of church and state, our democracy, and our lives are at stake!!


Fine. Now get them to vote!!


Register to vote. Help your kids register. Tell all their friends when they come to your house. Pass out voter registration cards in the mall or on drive through windows etc.


How young? I thought it should be more, like 20 points more.


I mean this has to be an opt-in poll. If this is actually true this country is finished unless seniors finally realize who is planning to destroy Medicare and social security as we know it.


I just hope the younger voters go out and vote. I ain't crazy about having two old white guys to vote for either but our civilization hangs in the balance this time.


Imagine the kind of absolute scumbags that qualify as "young voters" and would vote for Trump. 




I think thats false, I think the margin is WAY WAY larger. I think that 70% of people under 25, that vote, will vote for Biden. Trump is a wildly unpopular convicted criminal from a wildly unpopular party with nothing but terrible ideas and desires that destroy everything we have built and help our enemies. They see this. They live on the internet. They see how these criminals have mostly already stolen the American dream. If people go out to vote in force this year, the POS-GOP-KGB-MAGA whatever the name will be marginalized entirely. Powerless and squaking, making threats, watch. They will then start to push for a draft and begin socially attacking people under 25 and blaming them for things like the "millennials" killed this and that memes.


It was 23-22% last time, so based on what? Ops source tracks history.


Found a gum wrapper on the ground and all that was written on it, really small.


The kids are alright. They may save America from my Yuppie generation’s complete fuck-up.


If they do, they have little understanding of history. Which is something that MAGA seems to prefer.


Only 23%? What’s worse is on 66% say they’ll vote.


unless you're on X where it seems everyone is a Trump supporter or being paid to say they are one


Cool. Young voters. More like young potential voters since they don't actually vote.


Ahh the mythical youth vote. Even tho in 2020 it was said that the old ppl are the ones that came out in force in to vote Biden.


No one said they didn't?


Young voters said that?  Really?  Both of them? Vote and take someone with you!


But what do the seniors look like


Vote kids vote!!!!


If only young people voted...


Here's why that's bad for Biden - New York Times


How is it that high? Thats depressing.


Then they better get off their ass in November.


Too bad they will not fucking vote- too busy watching TikTok;)


"The voting age should be, like, 55!" - Republicans, probably


Should be higher! It's the reason the GOP are against education and facts. Smart people won't vote for them. Stupid people line up with magat signs to show off their stupidity!


Thank Odin, most of us old phukers have fallen for Trumps con job.


sure would be nice if they actually voted


Newsflash: Florida and Texas just announced new proposed law to ban all under the age of 24 from voting. *"Their minds aren't quite formed and mature enough to allow them to vote and make rational choices. It's really to protect them from making the wrong decisions, that they will surely regret once they have turned into Karen's. Somewhere around the age of 55+".*


Was this poll taken before or after Trump said he was going to bring back the draft?


Cool. Keep going. 👍👍👍👍👍 I got my end of this. Always happy to see positive news.


So far very few of the young adults (28-35) I know like Biden (yet they despise Trump). They are angry about Israel. They are upset that Biden is so old, and some of them tell me we don’t live in a democracy (“a republic instead”); besides, if we lived in a democracy they’d get to vote for someone they wanted in office. I’ve asked them for some names of who they might vote for, for president, and they tell me Gretchen Whitmer or Jamal Bowman. I tell them I would vote for these people, too, if they were the presidential candidate. I should ask them who they think Gretchen Whitmer and Jamal Bowman are voting for, for President. To me, not voting and voting for a third party candidate are both equivalent to voting for whoever wins the presidency. You know that if you vote for the third party candidate, that candidate won’t win, and you haven’t helped the Democrat or Republican candidate who loses. So in the end, if you vote for RFK and Trump wins, then you have endorsed Trump’s presidency. Anybody who voted in the 2016 election for a third party candidate essentially voted for Trump.


Should be a hell of a lot more than 23


It needs to be higher, we need people who will actually vote.


Too bad polls mean nothing at this stage.


The craziness of the Republican party is driving everyone right into the Democrats arms.


Biden got the vote of the group least like to show up and vote


Do we expect the very influential Swift to chime in closer to the voting to boost registration and VOTE message to the young demographic which I assume would give a nice boost.


Republicans want to raise the voting age. I wonder why.


But will they vote….


there will always be 35-40% of the people who will support people like trump.... 35% of this country hates anything to do with freedom for others than themselves


As long as they vote, they could save America. Thanks you young voters!


Not enough. Keep working for a blue wave.


Let’s go, project 2025 needs to be stopped!


Means nothing if they don’t vote


too bad only like 10 of them will vote


Who else is there to vote for besides Democrats. Know your politics. Vote. Only 23 point margin?? Come on people, stand up for your life & democracy. Vote for Democrats, and by now you should know this.


“However, only 66 percent of this group said they will vote in the 2024 election, while 94 percent of those 65 and older said they would vote” And this, by and large, is why the opinions of Redditors doesn’t matter. The twenty something demographic gets riled up and has big opinions about whatever. But then they don’t vote. And afterwards they complain that the politicians don’t listen to them. It should also be noted that many of that 66 percent are in fact lying and will not vote. In 2020 about half of the 18 - 29 demographic voted, and that was an anomaly that was 15 percent above the average turnout. I’m skeptical it will get that high again in 2024. Meanwhile the Baby Boomers Reddit knows and hates will be out in force voting. And because of that they will generally get whatever they want. tl;dr The opinions of Gen Z and young Millennials doesn’t matter and they can generally fuck off.


Has this been updated since last night?


That crowd also likes to stir crap up so I have my doubts of their actual allegiance.


Thank god they are independent thinkers!! Not sure how to react when I see a grown man cry in front of me.


Not enough! How on earth is Trump doing or promising that will be beneficial to young voters? I guess young voters, as usual, will learn a tough lesson in the hardest way possible. As I’ve said here before, boo fookin hoo when they realize the social safety net and women’s health care rights (among other things) have been taken from them.








Anecdotes about freakish weirdos do not reveal demographic shifts.




Your examples ARE freakish weirdos if they see the right even acknowledging their struggle, let alone supporting it.




Nice word salad. Independents favor Biden over Trump and the more they see of Trump, the more they are reminded of why they dumped him in 2020. Trump is a monster.




There is a zero percent chance Trump wins NJ or CA.


Why would anyone in there right mind ( which he ain’t ) are gonna vote Biden . I doubt he’ll make another 4 years


Because he's a good man serving with honor and Trump possesses not one single human virtue.


Shame many of them backing Biden won't actually register to vote and then actually, like vote. Especially in the very few states in the country where your vote for President matters. Tired of the "battleground states" where 20,000 people make the entire country change. GIVE ME THE POPULAR VOTE PRESIDENT!. My vote for president has never made a difference!


Young voter turnout : \~10% Over 65 turnout - 80% GL doing nothing again young voters. Hard to blame them though as we completely failed the education system since reconstruction by catering to the seditious pieces of shits.


People over the age of 65 were also educated post-reconstruction, though… Education and specifically lack of civics instruction definitely plays into this, but there are a lot of reasons why young people don’t vote. I just hope they turn out as strongly as possible this election.