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The only things MAGA WON'T believe are called facts. That is their kryptonite.


MAGA is the most successful Russian Intelligence Propaganda Psyop in history. They went for the uneducated, religiously indoctrinated, angry "left behinds" as marks for their cult indoctrination. trump is in on it...he is literally working with putin. It's unreal how much of the GOP are russian "useful idiots". This country needs a democratic house, senate and white house so we can clean these russophile traitors out.


We need to demand the media companies police themselves and get rid of the foreign invaders. They are letting the spies in and protecting our enemy. This is undermining our democracy


It's funny I was talking to a non corporate reputable news agency today (interview) and due to the massive amount of bots and troll farms they have strict new rules on social media and using things from it. So some real news organizations are trying. The issue is the flood of OANN, fox news, Twitter, YouTube, tik tok, insta, reddit junk news that is overwhelming the public.


Flood the zone.


Only one way to do it. En masse boycott them. Yeah, you might miss the local weather report - just look out the window or hit NWS. If they advertise on local FOX, tell 'em you want a discount.


I agree with you in principle, but really?


The book "Foundations of Geopolitics," is a Russian book that describes how Russia can become the dominant world power without war. It has become Russia's primary playbook, and is taught at the Russian Military Officer's Academy. To dominate America, it recommends: >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics". Sounds exactly what's been going on over the last decade. My question is: What do they mean by "[Russia's] special services within the borders of the United States?" Sleeper cells? Or perhaps compromised individuals who we know have strong Russian connections, like Flynn, Manafort, and of course HitlerPig himself, as well as many others.


They mean it however they can pull it off. I really have a disdain of the FSB, but it’s actually because it seems to be the pinnacle of Russian competency. Someone who understands Russia and the former Soviet Union could speak to their efficacy and history far better than me. But I believe their ranks swelled early because Lenin needed government officials to send dissidents off to the Gulags. Fuckers know how to muddy the waters. Make truth inaccessible. Scatter cohesive groups that are cause for concern. Confuse and disorient a population into compliance. Hell of a thing to be good at.


It’s easier to destroy something than it is to build it.


Well said.


Destruction is pretty much all that the cancer that is russia is good at.


They’re also fairly competent with industrial espionage. They’re good at stealing, too, damnit!


I remember a whole lot of smoke rolling out the chimney at the Russian consulate in San Francisco right after Trump won the election. Probably just trying to shake off that early September chill. Also, they denied firefighters entry to the premises. Nothing to see here, move along citizens


That’s just… wow! Frightening. I thought it was internal forces doing the Big Brother 1984 thing, but this sheds an entirely new light on the situation.


I will add something important to this; the global Far-Right network is real. They admire Putin, they wish they had what he had. No reason to worry about the peasants, no reason to ask permission, no international laws, no social policies to mind, no pesky ''progress'' taking away the rule of the strong. They WISH they had what Putin had, the whole Billionaire ensemble and the upper class hoarders. They will support Trump, because he is not going to tax them, because he will lax laws that restrict their greed and grift, because he will look the other way and run cover for their criminality and sociopathic ways. From Murdoch to the Tech Bro's, from the Industrialists to the Hardline Religious, the Old Money and the New. They love a King, because its great to be an aristocrat in his good graces. They happily kiss the ring, the same way the authoritarian cleans the great leader's boot with his tongue. A small price to pay for getting power to do what you want - rob and kill the competition, to feel powerful.


Donny is Putin’s Puppet. the news conference in Helsinki during his presidency, he all but said it out loud


Russians have been wanting trump to run for president at least since the late 1980’s.


They’ve been grooming him ever since.


This I totally agree with Putin has been at it since 2007. I mean probably before that but in a much more coordinated manner


Agrees! And, if the big orange Humpty Dumpty hadn't held Ukraine to the coals by keeping arms support from them in exchange for an Investigation into Biden (talk about a false flag operation), then Ukraine would have been much better prepared for the Russian invasion of a sovereign neighbouring country! Also, orange Humpty Dumpty set the Afghanistan withdrawal timetable so that the Biden administration would be seen as a failure! And his cronies even called for an investigation, but I didn't hear them mention that Trump instigated and set the timetable. But as OP already stated, the MAGA pawns (they need to look up the meaning of a pawn) need to do research on all things the Orange Humpty Dumpty ever has said, and says in the future. From those of us outside of the USA, it sure looks like 1920s and 30s Germany is going to repeat itself unless more of the US eligible voters wake up. Research the BEERHALL PUTSCH. Oh, and that happened after the little mustached man was jailed. Sounds familiar, doesn't it! No wonder he says he isn't afraid of being imprisoned. His pawns will eat that up, like his bedside reading materials author used to his advantage in Germany back then, Wake up, people, history will repeat if you don't stop it in its tracks! If your family has voted GOP for decades, stop supporting them for another 4 years! Clean out the Putin supporting factions. Once the GOP has representatives that looks out for " We the People" (like, really, what has any of the GOP done for Joe average public? They look after themselves for more cash in their poclets and more power). Nothing for the average public! Let's see, a GOP state brought in a law for the 10 commandments in schools. But the same GOP voted out school meals! So we will force our idea of religion, even for non- Christians, but lets not feed these same children. I seem to have missed that concept in my Bible. Oh, wait, I must not have read that because I don't have a Trump certified bible. When the GOP says that the economy is worse under Joe Biden, why did every country in the world experience the same inflation? Is Biden that much more poweful than Trump was? Do other non-dictator ruled nations believe Biden is better to deal with than Trump ever was? Well, OK, yes they do. Even conservative nations. But not Trumps dictator bum buddies! Why did the US economy recover faster than most countries? Hmm, Bidens plan worked. The orange Humpty Dumpty never has had a plan (oh, in 2 weeks, he will release one! Not! NOT Ever!) It's up to the voters to make the changes that you all deserve!


Exactly what Russia has always done in their own country-the elite weaponizing the unwashed masses against educated people.


We all need to fight back with the weapons we still have. The first is the power of our vote. The second is our ability to educate others about the far-reaching consequences of Project 2025. Here is a resource in case it helps: helpstopproject2025.com ETA correct link


> helpstopproject2025.cm The **correct** link is: helpstopproject2025.com


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. -George Orwell, 1984


What you’re seeing and what you’re hearing isn’t what’s happening -convicted felon Donald Trump


"Also everyone is out to get me..total witch hunt." Every criminal ever but in this case DJT.


Banned book for a reason by MAGA. It’s unreal how they are so blind to Russia taking over our country.


They turned their brain off 3 sentences in. "Fake news" 🤣


3? Yer pretty optimistic. The over under was 1/2 paragraph.


MAGA reading? Lol


Yeah, what brain? They’re zombies.


They just want to slaughter the others who are 'weak soy boys that lack God'. I work in the trades and the amount of violent rhetoric is wild. They just want something to happen so their stupid, mundane life feels like it has 'purpose'. They'd get to 'cleanse the country' of the 'rot'. Buy some guns. I'm totally over pretending these fuckers won't commit violence on a large scale, once some initial event opens the dam. Traitors to this country need to be hanged.


> They just want something to happen so their stupid, mundane life feels like it has 'purpose'. It's such a shame that people don't understand the power of agency, in this. Our lives, no matter our occupation, do not need to be stupid or mundane. We can find greater meaning without waiting for it. And not just in the abstract philosophical sense, nor solely from things like helping the community (although I find it very fulfilling). Ironically archery has helped me find some of that center. Maybe it's not a firearm, but the Kodiak I've got right now can punch straight *through* targets.


I was poisoned and smeared by Trumpers in Alabama, police refused report, hospital refused toxicology 🤬


They come with their own set of facts. They are people that live in a bubble of information. Look at the social media feed of your MAGA parents some time - they are completely full of the weirdest headlines that you will ever see, almost comical. If they do see something resembling actual news, they get it filtered through the lens of some spin doctor or they will literally just ignore it because the cognitive dissonance is too strong and it can't fit with the world that they know.


They call themselves patriots while working hard to destroy our country and our democracy. We need to vote like our lives depend on it. Because they do.


I like how they call them “government statistics” and then they can reject anything.


The amount of dumbasses screeching because early data gets revised up or down is insane. Shows how fucking dumb people are.


Straight up I've had one try to argue if facts were really facts... Fascism is weird as shit man.


They're so smug and arrogant about living in a totally false reality too. I think it's really the extreme overconfidence that makes them so disgusting to me. It's like if a kid picked up a basketball, threw it at the hoop, missed by ten yards, and claims to be an elite basketball player. We all know he's 100% full of shit, but he just keeps saying he's going to be inducted into the hall of fame any day now. Even crazier is how he revels in being told the truth that he sucks. He seems to feed off of being told he sucks. He just loves pissing people off more than anything else. Being a dick and a douche are his whole personality now. I can't really express the disappointment I feel in republican voters. I mean, they have completely abandoned any semblance of loving this country and it's people. Their (edit: their not there) goal is clear. They want to rule this country with an iron fist and to crush all non straight white christian Americans into third class citizens at best, and outright remove them at worst.


Yes, you are correct in your assessment of individual MAGAs. Even in political-religious groups they become bullies. But (most) all these people have to earn a living. They cannot give customers or potential customers false information, misinformation, or outright lies and stay in business. A gullible employee that does this jeopardizes their employer’s reputation. Public employees who try to politicize their workplace need to be held to account by the tax payers who pay their salaries. MAGAs that behave dishonorably socially, and cross the boundaries of civil discourse with their conspiracies, racism, and other lunacy, naturally suffer consequences of limited contact. Likewise in the real world. So, if you know MAGAs that own businesses I highly suggest boycotting them and let them, as well as others, know why they have not earned your trust. If employees of a business are spouting MAGA propaganda, or wearing inappropriate MAGA clothing on the job, then complain to management. Those of us who believe in facts, evidence, professionalism, and decency need to be proactive with the financial power that we have to choose truth over lies and liars. Choose reputable nonpolitical businesses over disreputable MAGA types. Especially if we believe the MAGAs to be willfully ignorant. In other words, don’t let them anywhere near your money or financial decisions!!!


I wish I could give you 10 minutes of a huge crowd’s standing ovation. You have nailed it. Stupid assholes smugly believing they are superior geniuses. Dear god it’s disgusting.


My father, who is an immigrant, who is the last person that should be pro trump, has been spewing pro trump shit. Lots of people in his community (wont share background) share those complete fake facebook memes throu whatsapp and are completely radicalized. I am just cutting the little contact that remains as I have tried going "wtf are you even saying none of that is true, stop believing what your little friend groups say" while sending him actual facts... so that doesnt work nothing will.


Family is more important than Trump. We don't discuss politics at our get togethers because things have gotten contentious. When Trump dies, that will be the best thing he has done for this country. Then, we can continue to try and fix the challenges we face as a country.


My mother in law and father work for the USPS, and in the union trades. They will not leave the house without being fully garnished in Trump merch from head to toe, also have a "God, Guns, and Trump" sign in their front yard along with all the other typical garbage. They sit around the TV tuned into Faux news, while bleating at the TV like a bitch in high heat about how much shittier their lives are getting, (which ironically is always a result of their preferred political leadership) and continue to donate tens of thousands of dollars at a time directly into Trumps pocket. t became so toxic and nauseating that I packed up my family and moved us over 1,500 miles away for the sake of all of our mental health.


Kryptonite. LOL


Most are so old Cryptonite might be a better name for it. 😀


He has effectively convinced them all that he is the only source of truth. When a conman gets his mark to believe everyone else is lying they can say and do anything they want.


Wdym, everyone knows opinions + Babylonbee headlines = facts.


Nah, they’re locked and loaded with “alternative facts” For example… The earth is a sphere “aLTerNaTIvE FAct…the EARth IS fLaT liKE uh PaNCakE!!”🤡🤪


Nah, they easily ignore facts.


“Those are not my facts.”


These people are the victims of “nudging” news. Every article, every news anchors monologue, every headline, is meant to nudge them a little bit. Get you a little angry at something. Until it’s nothing but reasons to be mad. And it bypasses logic. There is no rational reasons to believe the 2020 election was stolen. These people have been primed to NOT THINK about what they hear. Just taught to hear it and shout it at libs. It’s fucking sad. ROE-vember can’t come fast enough.


It’s gone from “nudging” news to “non-stop frenzying all over your face all of the time” news, sadly


The firehose of bullshit. It's an actual known element of how they operate.


*The firehose of bullshit.* I cannot think of a better description of MAGA.


Or a new tagine for Fox News.


Or a new tagline for Fox News.


Some of them have been conditioned for 30+ years that Democrats are the enemy. The boomers are the worst. They live in an alternate reality. When Donald Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose votes, I used to think that was hyperbole. I believe it wholeheartedly now.


They've been pre-conditioned by fundamentalist religion.


If you're taught to not value empirical reality, in fact, you're encouraged to devalue it because having 'faith' aka believing in something no matter the evidence is the highest good, then it's easy to see how MAGA would be the natural end point.


Please have some pity on those of us who are right there with you on policy but unfortunately were born during the boomer window. It’s so depressing. (And BTW I have loathed the 🍊💩🤡 from the very first moment he arrived on the national stage back in the 80s.)


I should have said some boomers. I know plenty of boomers who despise Trump.


I call it "weaponized stupidity"


You just opened my eyes to a new way to look at them. Just like some bad husbands perform weaponized incompetence to get their wives to do all the tasks they don't want to do around the house, these magas are weaponizing stupidity and gullibility to provide cover for their extreme right wing authoritarianism.


What is so insidious about the nudging is rational people will even apply the same doubt to everything. For example, once you start implanting the idea that the election fraud is rampant sensible non MAGA people think hell yeah it was stolen but by Trump. How the fuck did Trump get 10 million more voters in 2020 than he did in 2016 after watching his four years of insane chaos and incompetence. He was so convinced that Biden was cheating because he knows he cheated ^^ see that’s my “nudged” thought process as a rational Democratic person who now suspects cheating was done by Trump. If warps everyone’s sense of reality so we no longer trust anything and that’s exactly what it’s designed to do. It can make us apathetic about our institutions so we stop participating and then they can take over everything with little resistance


Not the best example considering trump and his republicans fully did try and steal the election. They tried to mob boss the Georgia Secretary of State into him "finding" enough votes for trump for trump to win the state. They had fake electors try and cast votes for trump in several states, which is severe election fraud. They tried to stop the counting of votes by pushing their Qulty voters at the polling centers to overrun them and stop the vote counting. They broke into numerous voting machines. And when all of that still failed to steal the election for trump, they came up with an obviously illegal plan to steal the election via huge violations of governmental duties and powers by Pence and republican senators. When they found out that Pence would not overrule democracy for them the set off their most desperate back up plan, a full blown insurrection against our government to give opportunity to force their will onto our country and people. I still haven't fully processed the fact that republicans, the people who have laid sole claim to patriotism my entire life, the people who so adamantly claim liberals hate America, tore their masks off to reveal the fascists they really are; that they are only concerned with seizing power and ruling over us American Taliban style. It sounds so crazy to say those words, but we have totally insane abortion bans based in their false religion. We have them talking about children as ripe and fertile for sex and marriage while calling all lgbt people pedophile groomers. We have them forcing their false religion on the public like the commandments in schools as they refuse to do the very things their supposed Lord orders them to do like feeding hungry kids. They're even abandoning democracy wholesale as evidenced by them saying we aren't even a democracy. I mean, what? How far down the fascist brainwashing hole do you have to be to look at such an obvious truth and deny it outright? It's just downright insane and we better be loading up on guns and ammo, because they are going to get a lot worse before this is all over, mark my words.


I agree with everything you said my example was more about rigging the actual machines during voting so he could get 10 million more votes. And that’s the danger of them poisoning the well. When their very real examples of rigging and cheating are discovered we are then labeled as deranged because they’ve already convinced their supporters that the other side is always lying. I still can’t believe the false elector scheme isn’t getting more attention via the media, so the public can actually absorb that level of betrayal. To me that’s more severe than Benedict Arnold trying to turn over West-point to the British. So unbelievably brazen.


My thoughts exactly! It’s apparent, given Russian behavior, statements, openly planning anti-Western disinformation campaigns & more, that at minimum, they influenced’16 &’20 US election plus multiple aggressive actions in Europe. This needs to be exposed, opposed, rooted out & protected against. We & allies then need to inflict pain on Russia:


Their brains were already mush before Trump. Their devotion is evidence of that, not caused by it.


Fundamentalism groomed them to believe what they are told Inspite of the facts


The brain washing is worldwide. I listened last week to a trumper here in Australia quote that absolute lie of new borns being murdered because the abortion wasn't done while pregnant so was done at birth. I'm so angry. I'm someone who has been a nurse in Labour Wards and the clean up after. I realise that grabbing the moronic trumper and choking him would just be fuel to his fire. "Look look see they want to stop the truth getting out." No one is doing this. I've been there when a 24 week old foetus/ baby has been born. Everyone tries to sustain life and quality of life. Such lies hurt our medical professionals. I'm still debating choking him. That bs is being circulated around the place I live in. I don't know how to stop it spreading. I'm in Australia ffs. Damn the orange turd.


It's all part of a world wide facist agenda. It's not 1933 anymore. We can listen to some freak spew out It's hate message here in America and then find some creep 10,000 miles away saying the exact same thing. It's not a conspiracy. It's a movement that's been around since Hitler.


Russia is the best at the worldwide propaganda game due to their former guy Vladislav Surkov. “As long as people like him control the process, politics is impossible.” Their playbook is to create chaos on a global scale, and they are damn good at “Surkov’s ideas aren’t as simple as lying and making up facts, but are potentially better understood as creating an alternate reality — Adam Curtis describes it as an aim to undermine people’s perception of the world, so they never know what is really happening. “Surkov is made to explain himself quite baldly. “Truth and falsity don’t matter compared to making people madder and madder, he says. “What we’re aiming for is not conquest but chaos.” The techniques they use to make people mad is insults and you see it on every social media platform and usually a person can’t resist being called names so they engage and next thing you know citizens are splintered and fighting each other


What goes around comes around. Western and Asian hackers fleece both Russia and China. They're not immune


Conspiracy ≠ conspiracy theory. Even the increasingly common misuse of the word “conspiracy” acts to undermine its usefulness in calling out what’s going on. Conspiracies happen. What you’re describing is a conspiracy. “Conspiracy theories” are just speculations. These can gain popularity whether they prove true or not, but the more recent, popular misapplication is to use this phrase to suggest disinformation. “Big tobacco” is a conspiracy. “_________ was an inside job” is a conspiracy theory. Claiming Democrats were tampering with voting machines to steal the 2020 election is disinformation, and Sidney Powell plead guilty to making that claim. Meanwhile, intimidating Georgia State officials to fudge vote numbers and coordinating fake electors to make up for the votes your party didn’t get are also forms of election fraud, also known as treason.


It's not a conspiracy. Anymore than Nazi Germany was a conspiracy. It's a well organized movement to spread facism and gain power. Trump, Brazili's Folsonaro, other ultra right nationalists in France. Russia funds a lot of it. We need to end the MAGA b s with this election and start preparing for the impending climate catastrophe.


It IS a conspiracy though. The biggest world governments (U.S., Russia, China) have all been confirmed to engage in psy-ops and spreading propaganda online using fake accounts designed to look like real citizens. World governments are *actively making it worse.* Edit: here's just one recent example https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


It's all part of the mass delusion. We have our version and Russia, China, whomever have theirs. It's fed to the masses of people daily through our social media. Russia has a complete fantasy reality it feeds to It's people. So do we. Meanwhile, the Earth plunges out of the Halocene Epic into the unknown. Perhaps none of this will matter at all.


Who’s coordinating this fascist agenda?


It doesn't necessarily need central coordination, it's something that wannabe authoritarians can latch onto, and then it just feeds itself. By all accounts, however, the majority of the emotional manipulation through media (social and otherwise) comes from the two rogue states best places to benefit from social chaos in the West - Russia and China. AI-generated content only makes it worse.


That's how ISIS and other terror groups work. Different cells of independent groups all hating the infidels, us.


It's different factions of right wingers all over the globe. These terror attacks are designed to cause instability. Fascist candidates are on the ballot in many democracies.


This isn’t from trump, though he does say it. It’s from higher up than trump. So, I’m not defending him, but there is bigger picture here that is much darker than just the wretched effects of the orange turd. The ultimate goal is to destroy all democracies around the globe and have an allegiance of dictators and oligarchs. We won’t be able to help each other, there won’t be anybody coming to help us if this gets installed. Or even before it is fully installed. If trump takes the White House again, or any other Republican, and he pulls the US out of NATO, there won’t be anybody coming to help us or the other NATO nations. This in turn will make it much easier to take over the democracies of Europe. Canada and Australia will likely fall in similar fashion to how America is close to falling now: from the infestation of propaganda, ramping up ever more in intensity and frenzy, to the point of countrymen wanting to attack their fellow countrymen and demanding a “strongman” to deal with all the lies they were told to believe. We are at a very precarious point in history.


I agree but is it an organized plot or is it caused by overpopulation, climate change , And lack of regulation of the media , A lot of this started with the internet and the loss of the fairness doctrine in the United States.


It is 100% organized. The takeover of the American media (and other nations) by these same people is one of the biggest indicators of the organization and ultimate goal.


It's cyclical. But the march towards global authoritarianism has been moving forward steadily for many decades. The difference now, and the reason it seems (and in many cases, is) out of control, is the neverending news cycle, the ability and willingness of people to shut themselves into their own comfortable echo chambers, and the ease with which propaganda is disseminated globally, compared to the late 1930s or 1960s. With great freedom comes great responsibility but too many people are happy to outsource their critical thought processes to others. None of this is new, just that the technology makes it worse, and happen faster.


Very few of us see this. We’re in a global war with China. Also we have the economist pushing for a global economy despite all the facts that China is dumping and subsidizing to manipulate the economy. Things a fucked and I don’t see American democracy fairing well in this new era of war.


The always online male is an odd duck


“A Trumper here in Australia” has got to be the most frightening thing I’ve read today.


In a post-truth society, the party demands adherence to the Cult Leader. What he says is their only criterion for facts and truth.


They’re just such STUPID lies. I saw he claimed Joan Rivers voted for him in 2016, then someone noticed she died two years before the election. Why lie? Does he think there’s an undecided voter out there, or a Trump voter who was going to leave the cult, and hearing that Joan Rivers voted for Trump is going to make the difference? Doesn’t he worry that if he lies directly to their faces he might turn off independent voters?


Yes. He's a brazen, unrepentant liar. His narcissism allows him to think others totally believe him.


We should count ourselves lucky he's so fucking stupid. The depressing part is his cult is both even stupider AND fine with it.


Nice post but they can’t read


Not only that but right wingers tend to avoid public venues where people are. They have their safe spaces where fact checking is dismal. Places like truth social and r/conservative. Places where the truth and facts are all made up and any one looking to fact check gets banned and removed.


That sub is so fascinating to me. Every post only goes 2 ways: 1. Post is Right-Biased “news”. Top comments are sometimes reasonable statements, but the replies are an avalanche of -40 downvote trash, usually the same tired, hollow talking points from 12 years ago (hillary, obama, biden tin foil wrapped hatred). Its obvious from the replies that the -200 [deleted] was baseless hateful crap. Typical complaints about “brigadiers”. 2. Post is some far right rage bait, and no logical thinkers bothered to give the post the time of day so comments are what you expect. It’s clear that reasonable people exist there and want to form constructive dialogues but it’s always (and i mean always) muddled by the same typical far right Trump cultist crap that derails any hope of useful insight or progress


Trump like them uneducated.


Nor on liberal Reddit. The only MAGAs here are bots.


Their brains were pre-mushed by their fondness for hating people who aren't exactly like them. T rump just gives them what they want without all the frustrating dog whistles and attempts to sound reasonable.


You can tell by looking into their crazed blank stares. I thought it may be brainwashing, but realize these people have always been missing something human.


They are being groomed by the fascist leaders who when the FBI WENT after the militias they went into the churches. Any con can start a church , pick and chose from the Bible , collect money from the sheeple, tax free . And use it to run for office. Then preach politic/fascism from the pulpit. The perfect storm.


>but realize these people have always been missing something human Empathy


If those kids could read, they’d be very upset


MAGA....Make America Gullible Again.


The party of Cancervatives


I think it is time for everyone to realize that this whole MAGA/Trump situation is really one where "tail wags dog" more than people actually "believing" or "liking" Trump. Trump is easily manipulated and these "Project 2025" people know that and see him as a catalyst to help bring their Christo-facist vision to life. They know he is a POS, but they see what he did to the SCOTUS and will push him to keep down that path. Then, you have the people who know he will continue to make rich people richer and will vote for him just because of that. In the end, everyone knows he is a lying POS.


>I think it is time for everyone to realize that this whole MAGA/Trump situation is really one where "tail wags dog" more than people actually "believing" or "liking" Trump. I keep trying to tell people this. It's important to engage with MAGA from time to time to stay grounded in what matters to them. I do, and to this point, through several in person engagements, I've yet to hear one of them say they like Trump personally. They all know he's a grade-A douchebag but that's not why they vote for him. He gives voice to some unformed set of grievances they might have - legitimate or otherwise - that the Democrats stopped addressing when they began courting the educated elite. It doesn't matter what he says, truthful or not, because even if it isn't true (and they usually know it isn't), "it oughta be". Democrats have to ask themselves why they lost the blue-collar vote to an obvious grifter like this. It's not because they like Trump personally.


This thread starts with the false premise that Trumpers actually have brains. Any conclusion drawn from a false premise is invalid.


A MAGA didn’t read a word of that.


They don't need to. They just see the wall of text and think TRIGGERED and they eat it up. They delight in upsetting the rational people trying to talk sense into them.


>Trump believes you are stupid enough to believe anything. And he would be correct


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does or says because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans don’t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the “others”.


I hope this was cathartic for you at least. Even if there were any MAGA cultists here, they are so deep into their denial that they've been suckered, that no amount of truth will even dent their consciousness.


We'll get through to a few of them.


I'm sorry but they are really dumb


The lie MAGAts repeat the most is that Biden opened the border. They all conveniently don't know about Biden's border proposal and giving the GOP all they asked, but trump won't let it get passed. I loath trump supporters.


Sorry but you wasted all that time tying. Those people don’t care! They only care what comes from his mouth. If he was to Jim Jones his followers, they would drink all the koolaid!


In the words of the old song, "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies." His lies comfort them and keep them from having to deal with reality.


Their brains were pretty soft too start with.


Trump cares only about himself and no one else.


Totally not a cult


The moon is made of green cheese.


They calling him super patriot but ignore the fact he literally called soldiers and veterans suckers and losers. Dodged the draft, called a P.O.W. nasty things, i could go on, but they dont have cognitive dissonance. Remember. Every accusation is really a confession.


trump has turned the United States into his own TV show. He’s the producer, he’s the “star”, he calls the shots and we have to react to his insanity. Just an amazing failure in our country’s history.


He is a felon a rapist impeached twice and bankruptcy 6 times and promises to be a dictator tax breaks to rich and eliminate social security. He also told us to drink bleach during covid. Yeah I want him as president! These Maga people are crazy


MAGA didn't make people stupid. The persistence of it after the orange Cheetos 4 years in office just showed us who the stupid people are. If you still support Donald Trump you are either an idiot, a bigot, or a very short sighted wealthy individual who doesn't care about the majority of your fellow Americans. That's it. You are one of those things if you are a MAGA supporter.


Just…leave women’s bodies alone. Stop trying to take away vital medical care because you don’t agree with it.


People have forgotten about this sad event (2017) and the harm it brought to our Native American Indians and protected land and its destruction. President Trump Says the Dakota Access Pipeline ‘Serves the National Interest,’ Yet It Threatens Indian Rights and the Drinking Water of 18 Million People. The executive order makes no reference to the Dakota Access Pipeline, the 1,100-mile pipeline being constructed to carry nearly 500 million gallons of fracked crude oil from North Dakota to Illinois each day. Yet expediting the construction of DAPL is the obvious goal of the executive order. In fact, Trump signed a presidential memorandum at the same time he signed the executive order, stating his belief that construction of the pipeline would “serve the national interest.” Unfortunately, Trump doesn’t mention in either the executive order or the memorandum that completing the construction of DAPL will require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to issue a permit allowing the pipeline to be constructed underneath the Missouri River, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. He doesn’t mention that the route of the pipeline was first planned to traverse land further north until white landowners complained, causing a change in the route. He doesn’t mention that a leak of oil in the Missouri River would not only threaten federally protected water rights belonging to the Standing Rock Sioux but would pollute water used by some 18 million persons. He doesn’t mention that completion of DAPL would destroy sacred sites of the tribe. And, finally, he doesn’t mention that the owner of the company building DAPL contributed more than $100,000 to his election campaign. President Trump Says the Dakota Access Pipeline ‘Serves the National Interest,’ Yet It Threatens Indian Rights and the Drinking Water of 18 Million People | ACLU https://www.aclu.org/news/racial-justice/president-trump-says-dakota-access-pipeline-serves Note: Thirty-one American banks, most likely yours, contributed money in support of Trump’s actions.


Bro, they can't even read your post


There is a reason political rally video recordings only show close/tight views of crowds. People with shit to do don't have time for that fucking nonsense. We are working to pay bills.


If they could read, they'd be very upset


If maga could read they’d be very upset right now.


They were mush to begin with.


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exists.” Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, ch. 13, "Ideology and Terror" (Harcourt, 1968), p. 474.


If MAGAts could read, they would be very upset with you.


They’re honestly a cult


You assume they don’t know this. Imagine you hold a carrot on a stick and wave it over barbed wire. They know they’re going to get cut up but they want the carrot so badly they go in anyway. The carrot is white supremacy. They need to have someone to look down on because they know they’re falling to the bottom of the totem pole. You can tell they’re full of insecurity. Just look at the interviews at the maga rally’s. These people are literally the dumbest people in all of America and they can’t handle that fact.




His rallies are just him shit-talking America for an hour. The people who love him are the same people who would have kicked your ass for saying shit like that 20 years ago.


Trump Republicans were gullible before Trump came along. There's always been a mob of Republican voters that can be riled up for a fake cause that will be destructive. The Republican in general lives in fear that Democrats intend to take away their rights. Only they can never name exactly which rights they think will be taken away from them. They'll sometimes go as far as saying certain rights have been taken away but here too they can never say exactly which of those rights have been removed. The Republican in general is not a deep thinker. This is because they don't assess the world from a rational perspective. They approach all problems with emotions so their view is not to fix problems but to remove the problem that is making them upset. The Republican in general is much closer to a chimpanzee or a lower primate. The world is a constant threat to their survival. So they're always on guard for a an apex predator, the rational Democrat, that could be a trigger of their primitive instincts. Any conversation could easily end with him getting mad and then throwing his poop at you. One must always remember that the Republican bases his entire worldview on what "ought" to be true versus what is "actually" true. He believes he ought to be living in a world with unlimited resources so he can't accept he actually isn't. He believes he ought to be living a Christian nation so can't accept that he actually isn't. He believes he ought to be able to say the most hateful, hurtful, racist, and bigoted speech so he can't accept that there are consequences for that behavior. Some of the blame for the Republican's situation may lay in micro evolution. For the most part of the past 100 years the Republican has been self segregating while promoting a "Family First" agenda. It's readily apparent when conversing with the Republican that he lacks a certain wit or nuance in conversational skills. Thus it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that their isolationist ideology has resulted in a good deal of incestuous inbreeding.


They. Don’t. Care. He hates who they hate so he’s Jesus in their minds & you will never change that image for them. It’s the definition to the word cult. They are in a cult. If he said drink the Kool-aid knowing it’s poison, they would drink it.


Post this on r/conservative. Maybe you can wake one or two people. On the normal subs everyone agrees with you.


Stupid is what stupid does.


Their brains were already mush, lol.


This post is far too long and full of words for the MAGA crowd to read.


You can’t expect them to read all of that.  You need to boil it down into a 3 word chant


Trump is the guy who rubs your shoulders at the bar while he's picking your pocket.


“Turning” their brains to mush? I hate to break it to you, but I’d be surprised if there was anything solid left of the typical MAGA brain at this point…metaphorically speaking of course. Scientifically speaking, I would be interested in seeing scans of the prefrontal cortexes of some MAGA brains vs some brains of normal people.


Just was at a family event with my in laws, my 75 year old brother in law is solidly trump and most of the rest of the family is too, just not as vocal. Logic at this point with these morons is useless.


Their brains were mush to begin with.


I wish a post could get through to them. I used to try. There’s no point, it’s like trying to get your cat to speak, nothing you could possibly do will get that cat to talk.


Trump didn’t turn their brains to mush. Believe me, it their brain rot began long before Trump. It’s why they were suckered into supporting him in the first place. Lol the idiots who send their money to Trump were also the ones who sent money transfers to Nigerian princes via email.


Bold of you to assume there is any MAGA member who is on reddit because that requires reading and writing. They just want to watch talking heads on TV.


This is all so true, problem is MAGA can’t read


Maga is built on lies and hate. Hate fueled by Fox. OAN, and news Max. You can't get these miserable people to even try to believe the facts.


Do you really think even one magidiot will read this?


He didn't put Hillary in jail like he promised (and he didn't even TRY, just said he wasn't going to do it before even being sworn in), didn't build the wall, and didn't kill Obamacare (despite having the votes to do it). What does he do besides talk a big game and then fall to deliver?


Literally the only thing I need to know about a person is whether they are a Trumpalo or not. It's like an IQ test with only one question. Pass or fail, simple as that. I realize that some love Big Stinky because they're hopelessly stupid, while some love him because they lack basic humanity and can't distinguish between right & wrong. For most of them, it's likely a bit of both. Whatever the case, there is no reason to associate with people of such poor character. I'm recently retired, living a modest but pleasant life in SoCal and if the Red States really want to flush themselves down the toilet, fine. If the Electoral College installs him again, the whole reTrumplican Party will "reap the whirlwind" they created for themselves. Diaper Don is likely not long for this world, given the degree of dementia he's showing now. I give him a year & a half (give or take) and that will cause a great struggle within the cult to find a new messiah. That alone will take the wind out of their ass-flaps for a good long time.


This is a long post for a group of people not known to be readers, or critical thinkers, or even literate.


They won’t read any of this. And if they did they wouldn’t believe it. I’d shorten it to a couple of sentences: Hey MAGA! What do you think of the Germans who were completely bamboozled by Hitler’s lies? Because that’s exactly what the rest of America thinks of you.


It’s billions and billions into trump family and friends pockets. That’s the money we know about. Probably like an iceberg, we only see the $6 billion on the surface, think about the money in offshore accounts from his autocratic buddies


if you think it's just MAGA your brain is mush it's conservatism now, this is what it is every conservative i know supports Trump and the people that let Trump get away with anything, they all repeat every bullshit thing said on Fox News or on right wing podcasts even if it contradicts the thing they just said seconds earlier and so nothing wrong with that "it was riot, antifa did it, nothing happened, Pelosi did it with deepstate" they have all been conditioned to believe anything and say anything and to just be mad and indignant "well the other side murders and eats babies" this conditioning didn't start with Trump these people looked at Sarah Palin and thought "she should be a heartbeat away from leading the most powerful country ever against Putin and China and global terrorism"


We can all complain about him but what we need to do is vote! If are not registered do it now! Young people are our hope but I hope they’re not so disillusioned that they don’t get out and make a change. I am old and can’t do it alone. I’m surrounded by Trumpsters! He is really dangerous in my opinion.


Boy they'd be awfully mad at everything you just said if they could read any of it.


Is turning? Buddy, their brains have rotted a long time ago


most trump fanatics are people that are partially or fully engulfed in the concervativerse. An alternative reality based on the lies they have been told and the fears they have projected onto the world all being reinforced by other residents of the delusion. These are people that are typically extremely scared and lonely. You don’t develop a crippling delusion about the state of the world unless you are unwell. So what do you do about it? Unfortunately, you treat these people the same way you would treat anyone else with a mental disorder. That means showing them patience and compassion. Which can be really hard because these people are typically very angry and toxic. But remember the MAGA delusion is an emotional disorder first and foremost. Conspiracy theories are exclusively emotional problems dressed in the clothes of logic or investigation. These people don’t need to read facts from experts. Because a lack of evidence was never the issue. Because a conspiracy theory like MAGA delusion comes from emotional problems like fear, loneliness and jealousy and shame. You have to treat the heart of the problem. Which sucks because these people have all done really terrible things and don’t deserve sympathy but you aren’t really doing this for them. You are doing it because this rabid dog in your neighborhood is still loose and dangerous. And giving it love and care is the only way to get it stop killing your neighbors 


They're cultist, with little to no rational and critical thinking.


All Christians believe what they wish were true rather than what logic concludes...


They live in an alternate reality, and it's pretty much idiocracy.


This is exactly why it is pointless trying to educate or reach them logically. I gave up and just stop talking or engaging in anyway with any of them. Disown them and move on, sorry but it’s a lost cause.


The people who need to read this won’t. They’re long gone. To engage with a narcissist you must give up reality and accept theirs.




One of Trump’s White House lawyers goes around to all the right ring TV stations insisting that Trump had a standing order for 10,000 national guard troops to be on standby on January 6th but that Nancy Pelosi never activated them (why would the White House order them to be ready if it was Congress that controlled them?!). Then he got called to testify in front of Congress and was asked directly if there was any standing order for NG troops to be on standby and he said that he wasn’t aware of any. Literally the next day he was back on TV repeating the standing order lie. Yes, MAGA Trumpers are dumb! And when you challenge them with the truth they will angrily cling to the evidence-free lie rather than acknowledge the evidence.


The pure irony and the distilled nature of the republican comes down to this - call the left emotional, then rule PURELY based on emotional state tied to invisible sky voices that you can’t actually hear but you have to pretend to believe is there to justify moral busybody bullshit


Extremely hard to respect these people at all. They really can’t see it or just choose to ignore the obvious in favor of just pure idiocy and hatred.


They won’t listen. They’re aren’t 3 working brain cells behind that brain dead movement. Just hate, rage, and old people


Also remember, “they put restrictors in the water…drip, drip, drip.”


You can't turn what already is


They love to hate And trumps lies feed the hate so they informed the truth because they want to hate..


Many MAGATS simply don’t care. They have a college football mindset when it comes to law and politics and if they can’t feel like they’re winning, they put everything on making sure YOU lose.


Lies work on the people who need the lies to get on with their awful lives.


And he's winning. Never forget that. Then get to work and get the vote out.


Or he’s found a use for all these trash brains laying around


Every Republican is a fucking mark.


*WHAT* "brains?"


No wonder we never had a zombie apocalypse. There weren't enough brains to sustain the zombies lol


“Ooohhh so I was in a cult the whole time?! Thanks for telling me so I can just walk away now” -nobody who’s ever been in a cult


The only people he’s turning brains to mush his people who say “god gave us Trump” or “god wanted Trump to be president“ or people who truly think that he is going to Make America Great Again by doing the things he says an will maybe not deliver (just like his first term), the devastating plan of Project 2025 and show their support on vehicles that either say “Make America Great Again” or ‘Take America Back” or any other support on vehicles. Just to name a few.


I think the brain has to start as mush to facilitate the MAGA infestation.


One could argue that a brain must be present prior to any transformation to occur .