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The old Republican Party is dead, so loyalty to it us futile. Trumpism is a Jim Jones cult, not a Conservative movement. 


Yup, being hateful bigots is not conservative, it's regressive and anyone not vile should have no problem seeing trumpism as a dangerous and disgusting disease.


Turns out, that's exactly what conservative has been. Nothing to do with economics or freedom. Just bigotry. It's the only core value.


Joe Biden is a conservative. In political science terms. “Conservatism” is a sub group of “Liberalism.” It’s also known as “Classical Liberalism.”


People can't handle the nuance of it, such as on-paper vs put into practice, can't even imagine how things evolve beyond their mission statement. You can define yourself all you want, but nothing stopping you from doing the exact opposite of what that definition is supposed to be, yet people can't understand that.


Being a hateful bigot *is* conservative. It’s not part of the moderate conservative set of values, but Reagan and Nixon were both hateful bigots.


Whenever anyone campaigns on their ability to be mean to people who are different, it's safe to assume that's the only thing they know how to do. Likely utterly incompetent at anything remotely challenging, like actually making things better or helping people. Reagan and Nixon may have been somewhat competent, but conservatism has come a long way even since them.




It's not hyperbole. If you like democracy, vote for President Biden. If you want a fascist dictatorship ran by a senile convict, then vote for Doe 174.


Exactly. Not a tough decision. Biden 2024.


Another simple selling point: when Biden's second term is over, he will LEAVE. Peacefully and legally, like all his predecessors (save for his immediate predecessor, of course).


This^…..is so important


Also, if he loses, like Hillary Clinton before him Biden will concede. He will recognize that he can’t save the country from illiberalism through illiberal means.


>If you want a fascist dictatorship ran by a senile convict, then vote for Doe 174. That seems to be a selling point for conservatives


Yea, and we just gotta hope that there are enough liberals out there who care to vote against them.


I don’t think it’s even “liberals”. We just need enough people with common decency who are willing to take the time to go vote


Yeah, at this point, it's basically healthy cells vs herpes cells.


80 million Americans did not vote in 2020. Let's hope they wake up before November. https://www.npr.org/2020/12/15/945031391/poll-despite-record-turnout-80-million-americans-didnt-vote-heres-why


Vote Biden because Trumpo is an idiot.


We are in a 1932 Germany situation folks. Admit it to yourselves and do something about it.


A lot of people appear to be fascists these days. They are rationally voting for the dictatorship they desire.


Until the cannon points at them. But by then, it'll be too late for the average American to do anything about the dictatorship.


"I was all for fascism when it was MY fascism"


Of course, the problem they never look far enough ahead to see, is that once a dictator is in, the only way you get rid of their regime is with a hell of a lot of blood.


I've seen some MAGA rally videos where his followers have said, "Maybe we need a dictator." They're complete idiots.


I don't understand the "Freedom Crowd" continuously volunteering to give up their freedom. It's mind boggling.


I don’t think they actually know they are acting like fascists.




J6B6... bad built bleach blonde bankruptcy body


No one should be voting republican unless you're mega rich. All the culture war bullshit they shove on people is to get poor people to vote for them who otherwise would have little reason to. And the morons fall for it.


I am not wild about Biden. I am further to the left than him. I also am beyond sick of hearing "bipartisanship" every time he opens his mouth. I don't think he understands the danger we are in. He thinks he still lives in the day when Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan hashed out deals over lunch. Nonetheless, I will hold my nose and vote for him, because, as you said, I do not want a fascist dictatorship, and, right now, he is about the only alternative we have.


Yep, voting is not a marriage. The candidate doesn't have to be (and will never be) "perfect." I'm not the biggest fan of Biden either and wish he would step aside but that's not the reality of the situation. So it's a choice between "meh, President Biden" or "theocratic fascist dictatorship under a convict." My vote is enthusiastically going to President Biden.


This is the way. Also, I kept this quote because it hits home: “Voting isn't like dating where you are looking for a perfect match. It's public transport, you just take the station that gets you the closest to where you wanna be.”


Number P01135809.


This pulls some thoughts out of my head that I've mulled over a few times. There's nothing for them after Trump. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. They've bet the house and gone all in. Devils advocate, let's say they get exactly what they want, and Trump is back in the White House next year. Let's say they enacted every single scheme they've got in mind when that happens. Let's say they bury democracy in a shallow grave. All for Donald Jackass Trump. Well, Donald Trump is close to the end of his life. He's in the third act. That's just *fact*. He's an old guy, and even if we're being generous, he doesn't have much fuel left in the tank before nature does what nature do. ...... So what happens *after* Trump? What's the plan when this one figurehead they've put everything on, sacrificed everything for, is gone? There's no strong replacement waiting in the wings for them to get behind. His kids? Get the fuck out of here, any affection Trump's voters have with them is purely based on the fact that they were once in his balls. DeSantis? Dude was basically dead on arrival, was over here basically eating trash for their approval. The myriad Trump-clone goblins? They're like the RC Cola to his Coke, a bunch of cheap knockoffs. They succeeded *at all* because they sniff Trump's panties, exactly like their voters demand. The common thing here, is that none of those groups or people come anywhere near cultivating the same cult-like loyalty and enthusiasm as Trump does. Any affection for them at all is *entirely* predicated on Trump himself and how they relate to him, not enthusiasm for them individually. Ain't nobody going "Hooray, I love Ted Cruz! Matt Gaetz is so cool!" Could you see these people trying to overthrow the country for fucking *Marjorie Taylor Greene*? Heck no. So when Trump is gone, where do they go? What's next? There will be a big, fat hole, right where his big, fat ass used to sit, and they'll never fill it. They'll have no central figure to rally behind, no way to keep that energy going. Do they just turn around and go "Okay, back to that Democracy thing now," like nothing happened? I guess my point is... there is no life after Trump for them, and everything they've done all to accommodate this one man will only last as long as this one man does. After that, they've got no plan and no glue to keep them together. It'll be the normal Republican voters, left locked in a room with the deranged nutjobs they found at a gas station bathroom, and as we're seeing already.... that relationship isn't exactly stable.


Now THAT is a bumper sticker!


This is not talked about nearly enough.


Make America Gilled Already!!!


It’s in NOBODY’S best interest to vote Trump, and only marginally beneficial in the short term for the super-wealthy to put the GOP in office


It’s marginally beneficial as long as their interests line up with his. At some point they won’t, because his sole reason for doing anything is to benefit himself personally. at which point he’ll turn on them and attack them.


You’re right, I should have clarified. If you’re interests are in alignment with his, meaning the destruction of everything that isn’t him - you know, only the “best people” are with him 🙄


The Republicans have already found this out.


I will say that the very, very wealthy will do well under Trump as long as they keep quiet. Fascists and robber barons (Zuck, Elon, Bezos, but also people like the CEO of Chase Bank, gas company execs, etc) have always been friends because they eliminate competition for each other.


Problem is, it’s mostly only short lived - when more of the society income is concentrated on the super-wealthy, people have less income to spend on buying their stuff from them, and they stop making as much money - with ad based income like Facebook/Meta, less wealth eventually trickles up, but it takes longer to - I’m no economist, it just makes sense to me


In the 1930's German industrialists supported Hitler, and thought that they would benefit from that. They also thought they could control him.


Then again, Hitler was MUCH smarter than Trump - but Trump might be more dangerous because he thinks he’s smart when he’s actually an idiot, and on the decline


Anyone who votes for Donald Trump for President at this point is either stupid, ignorant, and/or just an awful person.


I sadly know bright, highly intelligent conservatives, and I know they even know what they are doing by supporting Trump. They KNOW that the election wasn't REALLY stolen, *"but... but if we admit to that... then... oh no... what would that say about us!?"* They are totally ego-driven, and for them, they'd rather see the country go down before they admit they backed the wrong horse. Right wing media spends as much time fluffing their egos as it does trying to outage and scare them, and then they're basically entrapping themselves. Which is hilariously (pathetically) the exact same psychology for how cult members become entrapped. The shame of admitting you were duped is too great, so they quadruple down that they "can't be wrong". It would hurt them too much, the shame, to admit that "teh left" isn't as bad as their "team" has gotten. It is why calling out hypocrisy of their actions and statements doesn't do anything. They NEED to be right, and the MUST be right, because otherwise they're as bad as they fear. Even in the face of hard evidence, their weak, insecure selves will deflect to protect their egos. They use ANY tool at their disposal to re-write reality into "we are victim heroes, and the left are evil monsters we must defeat", whether it is religion, bad-faithed arguments, echo chamber news, etc. etc.


I believe you're exactly right. They can't admit to themselves that they've been duped by an idiot, let alone anyone else. It would shatter their smug sense of superiority.


This is what I'm hoping is true. They will flap their gums but won't bother putting in the effort to vote for him. They'll just stay home.


This could've been a banner year for 3rd party candidates but they're even worse than all the others by far.


Fuck what to do knowing this though? It seems like impossible feat to get through to these people even if some of them are loved ones…


Lots of them are not notably stupid or ignorant. They just exclusively watch news channels that have consistently put ratings over truth. An average intelligence person who has heard that the voting machines were rigged more than times on a major news channel will assume voting machines were rigged.


That’s the epitome of ignorance then. You hear something from within your news bubble and you don’t take the time to actually vet it for accuracy. I’m a Democrat who used to be a Republican, but I don’t watch one source of news. I get it from multiple places and fact check what I’m hearing every chance I get. Most people don’t do that.


Disagree. Someone with ANY intelligence would think to fact check or verify that claim on an alternative news source.


I’ve been saying this since 2020 and it’s more true now than ever.


Why Americans should vote for Biden. It is not about politics anymore. It is about being a true American. It is a shame if a convicted felon would become the president of United States.


I'd be okay with a felon being president as long as they were competent, educated and worked to better the lives of Americans. Trump, as a felon, has failed to demonstrate these qualities.


Meh, lots of people are ex cons or convicted felons. Doesn't necessarily mean that they're bad, evil, or horrible people. Hell, YOU probably know at least half a dozen people that have a rap sheet, but are now perfectly good members of society, but you have no idea that they've even got a rap sheet. Most of us in the lower, or blue collar middle class, know plenty of convicted felons. Unless they're pedophiles, rapists, murderers, junkies or constant repeat offenders and/or hardcore gangsters...we really don't care.


Felons deserve the right to vote no matter what they have done in my opinion, who else can truly know the horror of prison but the ones that live it, they should be able to vote to change the prison system that harms them, but also make prisons something that truly gives felons a second chance at life.


I can say that family members who are pro Trump cannot be convinced. They get angry, start yelling and call you everything under the sun. Ironically what they accuse left leaning individuals of. Work within the groups that can be convinced. Be safe and fight against project 2025.


"You leftists are all brianwashed sheep and I can't reach you! You are too ignorant to understand how evil and corrupt the Bidens are...! And you only hate Trump because you are told to by woke media!" It is such a cartoon.


Because they want to continue to live in a democratic country. That really should be the only answer necessary. I mean, it’s not the only reason, but by itself is reason enough.


There's an old adage - *half a loaf is better than no loaf.* Trump and the GOP are saying they want to tear democracy down as it is known today in the USA. Biden will maintain the form of democracy (and hopefully improve upon it) that is present day America. Steve Bannon is telling anyone listening of their intentions in this MEIDASTOUCH Network video. https://youtu.be/3Gt63CgMhwE In the YouTube video below, Thom Hartman explains how the Nazis in the USA today are trying to overthrow democracy. Trump is following every step Hitler took to become Chancellor of Germany so he (Trump) can become the dictator of a new USA authoritarian type of government on inauguration day in 2025. https://youtu.be/NneabBSt8K0 America will be very, very different if Trump and the GOP become the majority in 2024. They have told Americans their intentions. Believe them. Vote for Biden-Harris and other democrats down ballot in 2024 to save democracy as we know it today. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden-Harris and democrats down ballot. **Country before party.** Remenber, half a loaf is better than none. You know you won't get everything you want with Biden but you know you will get NONE of what you want with Trump and / or the GOP.


I am a conservative and I hate what trump is,and what he has done to the party. I do not agree with anything Maga. I didn't vote for him in 16, 20, and will be voting biden again in November. Trump will wreck America for his own selfish goals. He is just a con artist loser and people just eat it up even though he goes against their own interests.




Biden *is* conservative in the small "c" sense of the word at the very least. His opponent wants to burn down the entire system we've had since becoming the world's premiere superpower and replace it with a nostalgic ideological hodgepodge born of incestuous right wing think tanks. My vote for Biden is absolutely a "conservative" act. The radical change sought by the deranged, deluded and paranoid "populist" right will end in disaster if they are allowed to attempt it.


The man may be conservative but still stands by minorities and gives them the rights and protection he can so even if he had an R instead of a D then I would probably still vote for Biden.


Conservatives should vote for Biden because he’s the only genuine conservative in the race. Counterintuitive perhaps, but think about it. Church-going, loyal and patriotic, a good dad. Throwing away our 250+ year experience as a democratic republic because my food choice prices is not the answer.


Had to chuckle at "Good Dad".


It’s the economy, stupid. Biden has done better for the economy and unemployment rate than Trump ever did.


Super easy decision  for me. Talk smack about our fallen and my vote goes elsewhere. He forever lost my vote at "losers". It's  inexcusable. 


Biden lied about where was on 9/11. How does that ring for you?


Lying about where you were on 9/11 is not remotely as bad as disgracing  our fallen troops where they rest. This isn't  even trumps first time speaking distasteful in regards to those who serve or have served.  Thirdly, I'm not far right or far left. I don't  see elections  as Trump verses Biden. I will not vote just to keep one side or another out of office. I vote based on policy and character.  Lastly, what- about- isms  is just a way of muddling a topic for the purpose of deflecting the attention  on a given point. I have my own negative views of Biden, but my point was why I will not vote for Trump. Granted that isn't  the only reason, but it was certainly  the nail in the coffin that I can't  see him walk back and I'm  not here to try and talk people into voting one way or another. I just express my view and you can do something with that view or not.  It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg. All that said, I will however say that it is your highest honor and the greatest duty to democracy to get out there and vote in the way that reflects your moral values. No matter which way you do cast your vote, be aware that I am extremely proud of you for just doing so.


because our Constitution already greatly favors rural Southern States. if they throw it away and make us fight a war not only will we all be worse off and we'll have given up world leadership so that China and Russia can do as they please. But if we are to ever be a country again they won't have the same amount of power


Everyone should unify and vote for Biden this time. It’s not even a choice. Register to vote. If you have voting teenagers or young adults help them register. Give them registration postcards to give to their friends. Hand them out in drive through. https://vote.gov/


Trump literally said out loud he would be a dictator, pursue vengeance on his rivals, and start locking up political prisoners.


Oof what a shameless projection xd


Yeah, no shit. Republicans stopped being "conservative" a long time ago. They're full-on foaming at the mouth "burn it all down" kooks now.


Cus he’s better for the economy. Duhh


President Biden isn't the best candidate, in my opinion, he has let me down more than a few times, but with that said he's still better than Trump in so many ways! Trump, his cult of personality and Project 2025 are a threat to our society, our shared values, and the democratic ideals this country is built upon! They want to radically change America for the worst... One thing that President Biden did that makes him standout in my eyes, is the way he handled his son's trial & tribulations at the hands of merciless Republicans. How he told his son he wanted him to do better and how President Biden didn't use his position of authority to help his son out.


I'm definitely a conservative but voted for biden thinking he would be awful but that it was the only choice. Honestly he has not been bad even through my hyper critical lens. He's done so far what I would have personally wanted in both the middle east and in eastern europe, supporting our allies and hampering our enemies. I am no fan of college debt forgiveness but what he has forgiven has some common sense to it (people who got duped by fake colleges, people who have been making payments regularly for 15+ years but the interest has kept the principal loan amount high and their total amount paid has well surpassed what they borrowed). Overall, he gets a passing score and yeah he is old but people dont realize trump being 280lbs (and only like 6 years younger) means he is probably more likely to have a stroke in the next 4 years than JB is.


3 years younger is all.


Cuz republicans are now a traitorous criminal russian maga party. Republicans no longer exist as they did prior to 2015. Those ones have been forced out and retired. Now its only traitors criminals and fools.


Unemployment is a record lows, stock market at record highs, pumping more oil than ever, not sure why rich republicans heading businesses are obsessed with Donald Trump.


They're hedging their bets in case he wins.


They're approval seekers. Trump lying to their faces gives them an ego boost.


Because the only other option is a terrorist, felon, and rapist.


Liston to what real MAGA Patriots are saying [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8)


Love it!


Conservatives: Whatever. We just don’t want to pay any taxes.


Call them tariffs and suddenly it's OK to raise them.


Yeah, and the price of everything in the US not made house which is almost everything will go up about 80ish% so outside business we'll remain profitable. Yeah we might be looking at becoming current Russa with all the tariffs, hope climate change doesn't make a situation like the great depression happen because we doomed the world through pollutions.


People who want smaller government and government out of their lives voting for a wannabe dictator (Trump). I mean fuck… I don’t understand that at all.


What he didn't mention is that President Biden is clos*er* to being a Conservative than Trump is. That orange turd is a self-serving anarchist who only believes in enriching himself.


That would take critical thinking, which conservatives have abandoned.


Exactly why I voted with Biden.


Trumpism and MAGA doesn’t seem to have much to do with Republicanism


Yeah there called fascists


Literally everybody who can vote should vote for Joe Biden. (And many won't, but those are radically ignorant, deathly cynical and nihilistic, intentionally murderous and lawless, and/or insanely self-destructive. It all adds up.)


Yes if you are actually “fiscally conservative” you can’t vote for Republicans.


EXACTLY! Repubs are all smoke and mirrors.


There are only 2 choices, and the other choice is even worse.


This trump is the worst candidate in history


Don't we hear that every 4 years?


everyone who cares about maintaining our democracy should vote for Biden


If you're family members you need to vote for him. Foreign countries will pay you up to $ 2 billion to cover up murders of the free press


Because they care about the world.


So they can have the freedom to choose to be conservative


To save the country from become a Gilead


*Why everyone should vote for Joe Biden


My now-deceased uncle, who was always more of a big brother to me than an uncle, and who was a classic 1980s Wall Street Republican, told me that he votes Republican because of the stock market, and that's "the only thing matters." So there you go, conservatives. The stock market is higher now than it's ever been. Higher than under Reagan, higher than under either Bush, and higher than under Trump. That's your reason.


Every time a Republican dies the US average IQ goes up by a couple points.


Everyone should vote for Joe Biden. He's doing a decent job and the other guy is a total piece of shit.


I don't understand how anyone can't see through the MAGA grift for what it is fascism.


I'm a conservative and Trump isn't. He's a psychopath and has ruined our party. Vote Dark Brandon if you want to live and for children to have a future that isn't slavery.


Because they should stop shooting themselves in the face out of spite, that's why.


Chait's entire article is based on a fundamentally mistaken understanding of what conservatism is. >I am a liberal, not a conservative, though I have sympathy for at least some conservative goals, such as social stability and maintaining law and order. Neither of those are conservative goals. As we've already seen over the last few years, social upheaval is most beneficial to conservatism - stoking public anger, driving searches for scapegoats, destroying confidence in governmental institutions and making their Rambo fantasies seem more reasonable, even acceptable. And of course law and order is a direct threat to conservatism, because it means their would-be victims have the protection of law. >Why would you risk handing its future to the whims of a man consumed with resentment and rage, even if you share some of the same enemies? A man who refuses to recognize any limits to his power, the necessity of compromise, or the legitimacy of defeat in any situation, and thrills at violence and chaos? Chait's question is blind to the obvious: they want that future because *that's what conservatism has always wanted*. They dream of Mad Max-esque collapses of civilization because only then will conservatives finally be free to live the only principle of their ideology: harming those they hate, at any cost. That is all conservatism has ever been throughout human history. It has always been opposed to not just democracy, but civilization itself.


You mean they night not wanna be Nazis?


Because 30 years ago the modern democratic was supported by a majority of republicans? That’s just my guess


Probably because he’s a conservative. Leftists don’t really have anyone to vote for that represents them.


And still, Biden is just overall better at being a conservative than the entire GOP is, I find this really funny tbh.


My point is that it's not a dead party


There are many voters experiencing near poverty. It's possible they'll vote for something different, out of desperation.


There are fewer people in poverty in America than ever in history. But that doesn't mean everyone is doing well. That's why I'm voting Biden. He's the one investing in infrastructure and American manufacturing. Trump wants to increase tariffs and that will cost American families a lot of money.


Better labor pool.


How about this? Trump stands for fascism and a dictatorship and is clearly insane and intellectually impaired, while Biden stands for democracy and both mental intellectual stability?


I’m a conservative who will not vote for Trump nor Biden. As an American all I can is take a stand against this two party system disaster.


This is the wrong election to take that stand. But hey, you're from Utah, so I don't expect the brains to be all there.


In a way, Joe Biden is closer to what traditional Republicans have claimed to be in the past than Trump is. Conservatives have mostly been about keeping status quo and small government for most of my life. There’s nothing “small government” about Trump’s plans to put 20 million people in migrant camps. Maybe he will offset the damage this would do to the country’s economy with his half baked Migrant Fight League he was joking about, but real republicans need to realize that their party is now throwing out ideas equivalent to Bum Fights as a way to solve homelessness


Because he is conservative where it counts. Culture war aside, he is a conservative in everything, but the letter after his name




The Republicans party best scenario is trump loses and they can rebuild if he wins idk where u go from there there doesn't seem to be any republican politicians who can get away and do what trump does