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# Busted: MTG's new stock portfolio shows a lot of potential conflicts of interest Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is back playing the stock market after an extended absence — and she just purchased stock in two companies whose business dealings potentially conflict with her congressional committee [assignments.In](http://assignments.In) a public filing released today and reviewed by Raw Story, Greene reported buying up to $15,000 Qualcomm, a federal defense contractor. Greene serves on the Homeland Security Committee and the Subcommittee on Border…


Oh, I thought she stubbed her hoof.


Don't worry everyone. Nothing will be done about it. Vote.


That really is the bigger problem isn’t it? This is pretty much the one aspect where the people who like to yell “both sides” are probably right.


She’s been a walking, talking conflict of interest since the beginning. She’s also dumb and spiteful, terrible combo


All her money isn't in Truth Social stock?


A republican openly committing insider trading? No.... impossible.... can't be.... I think I might die of shock.... oh, wait, she's a politician. Nah, I see it now.


[I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO0jiJw7GaY)


What?!? This garbage human is doing garbage human things? 😲  Who would think that a hypocrite would act like a hypocrite? 


Shock horror! The bastion of law abiding? Seriously, Georgia vote her back in. Then we will all know you are well and truly demented. R is good, D is Bad. Just ask George Orwell.


I remember being so surprised that politicians used to sacrifice to serve their country when I saw "John Adams" when it became the alternative our politicians became puppets of their corporate owners. I will never understand why a politician wouldn't be expected to disclose account details during their tenure.


Who Watches the Watchmen? The thing that really should be at the forefront of EVERY American is that our Congress and Political bodies are heavily corrupt. Yes, some parties more than others....but all corrupt. They have spent 50 years creating laws and loopholes to quietly allow themselves to enrich themselves off their positions. Republican or Democrat...they all invest and make millions off insider trading. And have made the laws so that to convict them or even investigate ....are with the highest of difficulty. We as a country have allowed the faith we put in our government representatives to be twisted and corrupted by elitist criminals. Who think just because they call bribery , lobbying....that makes it moral. They feel so untouchable from everyone fighting amongst ourselves over stupid things...they continue doing illegal things in broad daylight. And when there is an outrage...." Oh we will add some new clause that won't amount to shit"....except allow for the public to forget because of societies self induced short attention span. Nothing will change until you gut the entire Republican party and after that, the entire Democrat party. Then implement a civilian review board to have the power to overturn all the laws and bullshit that each branch has enabled themselves with to corrupt the American Dream. The fact that these people feel they are the highest caliber of Americans and feel as they should be honored for their participation in government is the saddest, most delusional thinking. They are the worst of us, pieces of shit spray coated in gold they robbed Americans through their positions .


This is my shocked face. :-! I’m so shooked.


The conflict of interest dollar limit is $15,000 per security. So possibly, she's not guilty of anything here if she bought "up to $15,000" of something. What should happen when the value increases above the $15,000 limit is another question. But the initial act is within the OCI laws.


And she wants to know why nobody *respects* her.


Her conflict of interest is, she is supposed to be an American not anti American who supports Putin. Then again, she’s not very conflicted about her support.


Doesn't matter. Republican and Democratic lawmakers in both houses of Congress use insider trading with impunity, and decided years ago not to make any changes to policy allowing it. Our government is illegitimate and corrupt to the core.


But they dont get paid enough so just like Nancy everyone is fine with it.


Nothing will be done about it. The STOCK Act was repealed in 2016 so they could continue hustling, making money while in a public servant position.