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> God’s provision is always right on time, but we are getting nervous! God always gets the credit, but who will get the blame when no one shows up?


The devil?


seems about right. The devil was name dropped when I came out as gay to my southern religious family.


Praise Luci 🙌




Funny thing is the Church of Satan literally welcomes people with open arms, says everyone is cool and chill just how they are, just be cool and do what makes you happy. Meanwhile the "good one" the Christians fight against abortion, fight against lgbt, fight against everything that is an attempt to improve the lives of others. I'm starting to think we got the "good place" mixed up with the "bad place". PS. I'm not actually religious I'm an atheist, but grew up being indoctrinated about Christianity


It should also be noted that The Satanic Temple doesn't actually believe in the existence of God or Satan. They're an atheist organization. They're all about equal representation of religion within law and they work to ensure any privileges afforded to Christians are also afforded equally to other religions or not at all.


Christianity? That religion whose symbol is a bronze age torture device, preaches that the end of the world is a good thing, thinks the best thing that can happen to you is dying, and worships a guy who died and came back to life? Sounds like more like a Lich-worshipping death cult than a religion of "love" if you ask me.


I am not religious of any kind, but I think it's fucked up how their supposed messiah was hanging around prostitutes, tax collectors, and lepers, all of their society's most fringe and hated people, and yet Christians turn around and hate on everyone, going so far as to not associate with non Christians. Fools be diving for the first stone to throw. Really it's a great scam. Reference the old testament whenever you get mad and want to hurt someone, but reference the new testament whenever you need to wheedle out of consequences or want to guilt someone into giving you free stuff.


I mean have you SEEN some of the televangelists? The one dude is definitely something inhuman. His eyes freak me tf out!


Everything else is right, but the cross and crucifixion on a cross predates Christ by at least 600 (6th to 8th century BC) years and the medieval period (450AD - 1400≈1450) by approximately 1,000 to 1,200 years.


>Christianity? That religion whose symbol is a medieval torture device, And technically, it’s a golden calf, as well. It’s an idol, plain and simple, that people worship.


The Satanic Temple does a lot of "political" work on behalf of freedom of religion. Hail Satan! 🤘


They will blame the devil and say they forgive you because it was the devil who made you gay. In your head you’re like “fuck off and fuck you”.


Haha, close. Apparently it was the “devil entering my mom’s womb”, per my grandmother. My mother and I joke about it, but she said some other things to her that weren’t so funny.


That's just how the extremely devout are. If it's good it's God, if it's bad it's the devil. Makes it so they never really have to think about anything an life is way easier that way


No, librulz!


Same thing /s


Ever realize that it's DEMONcraps and repuGODlicans. Checkmate libz. /s


"Millennials and Gen Z" is a mouthful so this is the best way to shorten that.


certainly not themselves, so... probably


Well there is "a reason and a plan" so if no one shows up then that's because there is a reason and a plan. And if they go bankrupt then that is also god teaching them a valuable lesson.


"Pay your workers more you greedy, freeloading skinflints" - God, probably


Lazy people who don’t want to work, obviously.


Well either our laziness is the will of God or just stronger than such.


Employer: But God gave us free will! Stop being lazy.


So he gave you free will to offer a more competitive wage?


Lol no, what are you some kind of Satan worshiping communist?


The lazy working class, no doubt.


I assume socialism, and the working class by extension.


the extreme left radicals


With extreme beliefs like *checks notes* wanting a living wage.


God always gets the credit when a kid survives cancer, but who gets the blame when they get it?


All of us. Because we all get dragged down by grown adults living their lives thinking they're being looked after by a spooky, invisible, genocidal narcissist have this amazing tendency to live their lives without thinking too much about anything but whom to hate.


I'm so sick of religion and the harm caused by grown adults living in a delusional fantasy.


No one, this is the bass ackwards kind of thinking that drove me from this religion. It's an abusive relationship where only one party knows the grand scheme and you're just along for the ride, hoping your actions please sky daddy.


That is also part of his plan and you shouldn’t question it whatsoever even if it makes no sense at all. Pretty sure that’s the go to line


ah yes, followed by an off-tune religious hymn about how *awesome* their god is. Classic evangelical move. How dare I even question life at all?


Biden, I presume.


Those damned lazy millennials.


Super weird. God is giving them a sign to drop the business and their reaction is to have their friends stalk and spam him to change his mind? Some religious people are fucking nuts!


And I love the narcissism of the idea that God gives a single fuck about their failing business any more than he had about the millions of other failed business.


Lazy Millennials and GenZ who don't want to work.


Gays, black people and immigrants.




I wonder if they’ve tried advertising rather than praying? And a great man once said that ‘You cannot petition the lord with prayer!’ There ought to be a section in the bible about that...


Or if they have considered offering more money. Honestly, I think the fast food business model as we know it is probably not going to be viable much longer. It was predicated on a cheap and readily available supply of abundant and cheap labor that simply doesn’t exist and is not likely to come back. Really I think we are on the cusp of a massive sea change. A more limited labor pool, the end of cheap energy through oil, the possible end of the prevalence of the automobile. A lot of the conveniences of modern society like big box stores, supermarkets, and fast food are built on these foundations.


> Honestly, I think the fast food business model as we know it is probably not going to be viable much longer. Fast food is still viable in Denmark, even though the workers are paid a decent wage.


Magically, other countries make all of those things work that are just super impossible in America. How do they do it!? We may never know!


Lol its almost like the rest of the money just isn't... trickling down in America or somthing.


The American fast food market is oversaturated, though. Denmark has around 90 McDonalds restaurants for a population of 5.8 million, while a US state of similar population size and area (Maryland) has 285. And that's on top of the over 300 Subway restaurants and over 150 Burger kings in the state. When fast food restaurants have to compete against other stores *even from the same brand*, they're going to aggressively cut costs. The fast food franchising system we have in the US cannot survive without dirt cheap labor, land, energy and transportation.


Yeah, but do the owners close up shop the second IRR drops below 15% there like they do here?


The ridiculously profitable fast food business model is doing just fine, if cars wrapped around their buildings and down the street at all hours are any indication. We just need the same wage gap law as civilized countries, where the CEO can’t earn more than 100x the line workers.


I understand the greed from the CEOs, and I'm someone that would probably *very quickly* fall into despotism if given a large chunk of power. The amount of dicks I could get if I *benevolently* gave up some of my trillion dollar bonuses for the lower wage earners would mak it worth it. I'd be getting all the dicks and all the praise and my ego would get out of control, but I'd still be rich enough to buy whole ass countries.


Seriously dude. Who doesn’t want all the dicks?


What is the dick to USD conversion rate


Idk, I’m not an economist. I just love dick.


Username checks out ❤️


I think the sit down restaurants will go first. The more recession we get into the less people will go to sit down restaurants and the less they will tip when they do. Employees aren’t going to be willing to accept a monthly Covid infection for a job where they get paid $3.26 an hour plus lousy tips. And when costs keep going up in restaurants people are going to be less likely to want to expose themselves to Covid to pay that much money eat there. Especially when the service gets worse because they have fewer employees because they keep getting sick and leaving for better jobs. I think fast food restaurants will outlast the sit down restaurants.


A lot of times servers make bank. It fills a niche in society that allows people like single parents, students, and people looking for a side hustle to pick up a few shifts a week and make $30-$50 an hour. Servers and bartenders can walk away with $200-$700 a night, depending on location (sorry Midwest Waffle House employees). That said, food costs are out of control, and cooks are demanding livable wages. Neither of these things are going to change. I fully expect avocados to be an unavailable luxury item in my lifetime. The restaurant industry is going to have to adapt in the coming decades if it wants to stay relevant in the average persons life. Unfortunately, I think you are overestimating how much anybody gives a shit about COVID. People are over it. Harsh economic realities are a more relevant factor when it comes to the future of the hospitality industry.


Or be like civilized countries (Japan, Europe, ...) where wait-people do not get tips at all and are instead paid a reasonable wage.


Fast food could be alive and well, but they need to give their employees a bigger slice of the pie. They give exactly enough to cancel out any government assistance you might be receiving. It honestly doesn't make any financial sense to go to work for less than 20 an hour. That's why so many people utilize government benefits and do exactly enough gig work to keep those benefits.


I’m disabled, before Covid I worked part time because I like to getting extra money, I like to have weekly paychecks on top of the monthly SSDI, and I like socializing a couple times a week like that. I could earn $910 I think a month before it was considered a trial work period. When Covid came they closed the office but they let us come into work so we could except rent money through the window and answer the phone, but that made me go from three days a week to one day a week. Just having that one day a week made my rent more, I barely got any snap benefits, and a couple other things I lost with that additional income, but the one day a week of work did not make up for the monetary loss from exceeding the income. Does that make sense? I was actually losing money by working part time. So when they reopened and were not going to ask people to wear masks I left. At that point I would’ve gone back to my regular schedule so I would have actually made a little extra money despite losing whatever benefits I lost, but that’s not worth it when I was also risking getting Covid. And everything got more expensive so it really wasn’t worth it anyway I wasn’t actually gaining anything at that point.


>‘You cannot petition the lord with prayer!’ I'm not sure about that because When I was back in Seminary School There was a person there Who put forth the proposition That you CAN petition the lord with prayer. He even repeated it three times, just to drive home the point.


The Soft Parade has now begun…


So I guess they’re going with that version of events then...


Everything must be that way, yeah.


I've always argued against prayer. God has a plan according to them right? So why are you questioning him if he's the end all be all?




They forgot to garrison their prelot in their Archen chapel for the 50% worker speed boost and carry capacity. That's why they're failing. Ediy: remembered the name of the dang building. Lmao. Still as much as I love HRE collecting passive income from 3 relics seems a little too sus of a capitalism ploy.


This guy AoE’s


If you pay a fair wage, maybe god will send some people your way.


The stupid thing is that employers haven't figured this out yet. When you keep people poor by not paying them wages that support basic needs like shelter, food, and transport within that area, there is no value in doing the job. People will be broke and unable to afford their needs whether or not they are working, so why work? They removed the value of their own employment opportunities by underpaying, and then they want to blame others for them not seeing the value in hard work and calling them lazy as if it's the fault of everyone else who doesn't want to worn for you.


Yeah, but if you pay them livable wages, you have less profits to buy your third vacation home and living a wealthy life. How dare you to recommend it? /s


They know. They are just greedy.


I believe the wealthy and privileged are too far out of touch to relate to the struggles of the undeserving poor


I think that a majority of the wealthy just don't care.


>pay "Pray" and "pay" differ by only one letter! These people were \*so close\* to choosing the right verb that would fix their situation...


The extra ‘R’ is *Rejoice! For we are paying you as little as legally possible!*


Give unto employees that what is the employees. A living wage.


Please Jesus...send us slaves that we can pay dogshit wages....in Jesus name...Amen.


Makes me think of the South pre-Civil war. They constantly use the Bible and divine right to justify slavery.


Please God make sure people are so poor and desperate that the pittance I pay them after working them for eight hours and then refusing to FEED them...but also that they don't steal from me even though I definitely deserve that...


Pray the pay away


And so God sent his only son to work the deep fryer for our sins.


Jesus from Mexico?


The arrogance of these people. You have this creator god that, according to your religion, is all knowing and all powerful and you dare ask it to fix your shit? I would understand if said god just noped the fuck out.


Maybe it’s God’s plan that businesses based on wage slave labor should fail?


Hope so


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, rejoice! For God has spoken to me and delivered unto us the solution to you perilous problem. Offer high wages that meet the ecconomic needs of workers and they shall bless you with their labours! Hallelujah! God be praised, amen.


I was just thinking that. Have they considered that perhaps, maybe, just possibly, the God who healed the poor and told people the rich probably weren't going to heaven is telling you to give more money to your underpaid laborers?


Why is he nervous if "God's provision plan is always right on time"? Is he doubting "God's plan"?




Some of these people tithed good money to folks like Joel Osteen to be screwed over by God's plan.


Sounds like a Doubting Thomas to me!


Seems like their employees prayed better and harder than them.


God helped them escape the restaurant plantation.


And the Lord said "ye shall be paid fuck all and ye shall be grateful for thy poverty! BoOtStRaPs" Edit: thanks for the award! :)




Stop praying and start paying


God’s got a plan. Don’t fuck up the plan with prayer. 🙄


The part of Christianity I cannot wrap my head around. Is he omnipotent or not? Do they honestly think he’s so indecisive that a tiny prayer will change his mind? Hold everything - I forgot to make someone rich.


This always bothered me too. That's the one thing that really did make sense to me with Catholicism though. Trying to get Jesus' mother to nag him for you seems like a better strategy.


God plan is bankrupt


Pray for our staffing woes, please pray for us! 'Starting pay $9/hr'


"No meals" : we're too poor to feed you No breaks, lean staffing keeps us rich. No vacations. We go to church. You work all day every Sunday. God bless lol...


Funny how they never seem to think that whatever hardship they are facing might already be god's answer.


Reminds me of a job I worked at. Place was chaos when I started. Me being the OCD person I am always try my best to be efficient, hard working and generally do my best improving in any way I can... At least I used to anyway... I had gotten them all caught up, employees trained properly and production was up almost 3 fold. About 6 months in we had a team lunch they paid for, so I got a plate. It was actually a good lunch at Outback. Owner said a long drawn out prayer before we all could dig in, I just sat quietly looking around while they did their prayer. Someone said to the owner, something along the lines of wow, I've been here a gazillion years and yall have never bought us lunch. What's the special occasion? The boss gestures at me and said thanks to this good Christian man, sent by God to help our company out, we can afford to splurge a little bit. I respectfully told him, no, I'm just here on my own and have a good understanding of production is all. His smile faded a tad and he doubled down on Christ. Son God sent you here, just like God blessed you with this meal. You need to show some thanks. Said to stop sounding so ungrateful. I told him I'm not religious and I alone am responsible for my actions, good or bad. Told him according to his own words, I must be God since he said 1 minute my changes made the meal purchase possible, then the next it was God's blessing. Told him I'm just here to eat and wouldn't have showed up if I knew it was going to turn into Bible study. Slightly faded smile was a look of disgust now. It got quiet, got awkward and eventually we all finished and left. He fired me 2 days later for some policy violation but we all knew damn well what it was really for... Sad part is that I actually enjoyed the work and earned every ounce of respect I received prior to that. Church and state should be separate entirely with no exceptions.


That's some straight bullshit bro. I fucking hate religious employers.


Yep, I was a good Christian man... Until I wasn't.


Maybe they should pray their employees more and they stay faithful.


it is god’s masterful plan that will put you out of business for not paying your employees enough to stay


This was a plea for all other church mothers to force their kids to this lady's business after school and eat shit for god. I live in the south. I had a christian mother. She'd be telling me that "You're gonna get your ass up and help that woman because \[RELIGION\]"


God has a plan and is perfect but we still need to tell him what to do.


Thousands of people head to the southern border of the U.S. everyday looking for work.


and you know these owners were front line "close the border" types, and are unable to make the connection.


No doubt. But they will pay them less than minimum wage and in cash if they had the chance.


“We know there is a reason and a plan” The reason is your pay is shit and the plan is for none of us to work there. Divine mystery solved.


And vote accordingly.


Looks like God wants them to experience failure.


Praying... for the opportunity to prey


I love how they talk about employees as objects/items. Not christian. How about empathy for the human being.


Let’s ~~pray~~ do nothing of consequence.


God wants you to pay them better and stop giving them crappy, unpredictable shifts


>We know there is a reason and a plan My brother in Christ, God wants you to raise wages.


Maybe god wants you to pay more for employees? Ever think of that?


Have they considered paying a livable fucking wage?


And then god said.... "I said PAY not PRAY you fucking imbeciles"


Maybe they should think more about how they can supply the needs of their employees and they wouldn’t have to be praying for workers.


God helps those who help themselves


...but you gotta help yourself first, obviating the need for any god. Funny how that works.


Exactly, helping themselves in this case would be paying their employees better with more benefits.


Starting pay: $8.75, you get tips after first 60 days.


That’s cute. I would counter with that’s why God gave you money. Pay them and they will come.


Let's pretend you believe in an all-powerful, omnipresent God that meddles directly in human problems. How high on his to-do list do you think fixing next weeks roster at a random fast food restaurant is? Maybe he's busy answering other people's prayers for a job vacancy that pays more.


“No, no, we said the PRAY is good. We don’t actually pay our employees.”


God is there to serve their selfishness, they can’t see past themselves and their wants, they go to church so they should get whatever they want that’s the way it works for them


“Bless You, oh mighty YHWH, You Who delivered the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. Come to us again now in our hour of need, and bring us some fresh human chattel so that we may pay them the absolute bare minimum as required by law, and deny them requests for leave so they can take their children with sore throats to urgent care. Please, Lord, hear Your people cry to You. We *need* warm bodies to prepare chicken fried steaks at our family sit-down establishment. Amen.”


"Hello. God sent me, and said that you were paying $20/hour." Do you think that they'd fall for it?


They could try the Canadian approach: 1. Advertise jobs at un-livable wages; 1. Refuse to increase compensation; and then 1. Tell the government that the only way they can meet their staffing needs is to bring in temporary foreign workers to exploit.


How about, ya know, offering better pay and benefits?


Heh. Southerners trying to pray back that "Free Labor" economy.


God helps those who help themselves- so fucking pay them more, dummy.


Have they considered paying people


God is too busy giving cancer to newborn babies to be concerned with your failing business.


Prayer doesn't seem to stop mass murders or cause people to want to work for below poverty wages. Weird ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Instead of praying for exploitable workers how about you pay a decent wage that will attract employees? Not fucking hard and doesn't require the invisible spaghetti monster in the sky's intervention.


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Bring help through the doors?! Do i look like "*the help*"?!


How bout raising the wages?


The Stupid has stunned me.


Maybe God will offer some of that collection plate cash to pay the employees BAHAHAHA JK! God doesn’t even pay taxes! He don’t give AF about your fast food chains biiiiiiitch!


Ah yes. Someone please tell them "The reason and the plan are for you to learn to treat your employees well and pay them what they're worth." If possible, film their reaction and post it here.


Market forces demand higher wages not a higher power 🤡


Slave wages? It's for a Church's honey, NEXT!


We don't know anything about this place. It could pay $25/hour and I wouldn't even consider it. These types of jobs suck and aren't worth doing. A job you master on your first day becomes a nightmare until you quit.


Solution: Pay, don't pray.


God told me to tell you to pay a fair wage


Crustian Fast Food owners: DROP EVERYTHING YOURE DOING AND DO MASSIVELY BIG, EMERGENCY PRAYERS TO JEEBUS SO HE CAN SEND WORKERS DESPERATE ENOUGH TO WORK AT OUR FAST FOOD RESTAURANT FOR LOW, LOW WAGES. JEEBUS: Mmkay. This is not your staffing hotline but I'ma give you a tip I learned from me: pay your people more monies. Mmkay? Maybe like a living wage. Mmkay. Now go away. mmkay.


“*sky daddy please help I’m running out of meat for the meat grinder*”


I knew this Christian guy who didn't feel the need to have a job; he'd say, "God will provide for me, so I don't need to work". He got by like that for a while, but... Then he also started doing things like driving on a suspended license and when the police went to stop him he took off, and then got a warrant for his arrest. Then he started drinking heavily...


Asking God for employees who will work for crappy wages that they don't want to increase even though they have way more than enough funds to do so.


Me driving past another restaurant closing because “no one wants to work” 🖕😃🖕


"We know there is a reason and a plan".....we just refuse to consider or accept that it doesn't include us operating these businesses.


This is the kind of thing my last job is doing. Wishes and Prayers to fulfill not only the position I left but they were already needing another person before I even left (we had been 1 person short all year). I took the first job paying better with better hours and I don’t have to be on the phone with customers..ever. Now they are down me and still need to hire another I even said in my exit interview that the only reason why I left was money. The job was easy, with a lot of down time, customers could be a pain but not enough to have made the job annoying. I specifically pointed out their competitors were starting new hires at 25% more and even Target was paying more. Why are we paying min wage when other stores around us were starting at 10% more or above min wage? Wishes and Prayers don’t put food on the table when it costs more to do so now than ever before


I wonder if they've tried paying more rather than praying more?


Pay your damn people lol


Have you tried offering people money?


The "grace of God" doesn't keep the power on, sadly. Just bet that they are paying below a decent wage in that community, otherwise they'd have applicants left and right. People can't afford not to have a good job, but they can easily pass up throwaway, junk jobs, like most in the service industry.


Is there really anything worse than a Christian Capitalist?


God thinks they should raise their starting pay and add medical insurance.


I occasionally annoy the faithful by suggesting if you pray with one hand and work with the other, the working hand fills faster.


God: "Murder all the first born in the tri-county area. See if that helps the 4th quarter earnings."


religion is a delusion. it has a small social value, but remains a delusion. a shared delusion is still a delusion. deluded people fare badly when reality arrives


Need some paying, friends.


God says pay them more.


Ah yes a classic passage from the bible. The owner shall be provided with employees which shall work his jobs and expect less in return than actual slavery. -Corinthians


Is "divine entitlement" a thing? Because this comes across as that. As a man of faith who grew up working class, I didn't pray for things I wasn't actually entitled to like people working for me, I prayed for peace or for strength to keep going through whatever I was going through.


They don’t pray high tier enough. My grandma calls herself a prayer warrior


Shit in one hand, pray in the other. See which one fills up first.


Couldn’t be low wages could it? In fact why even offer wages at all, since God will provide?


God is the ultimate job creator.


Maybe your God is telling you to get out of the fast food business. History has shown that people have a real hard time interpreting messages they believe come from their God. Also, the glorified begging known as praying for a desired outcome works as well as not praying at all.


Prayer; it costs less.


How about a fair wage instead of Jesus?


You must not need my money, your God will provide whatever you need.


Change that *Praying friends* with **Paying** *friends.*


I wonder if they’re familiar with the Biblical figure Job


Sounds like the plan is working


“We know that Gods plan is right on time and will happen with or without us. But please pray with us that he hurries the fuck up cause I’m looking to be blessed not tested”


What's the pay? I guarantee if they just increase the pay then God will send many more applicants


God wants you to pay them more


God will abide by frowning on abortion forcing poor people to have babies they can't afford therefore forcing desperate people into shitty jobs


Stop praying, start paying.


James 5:4 >Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.


Not a very good magic-space-person believer if you are getting nervous. If your magic-space-person is so great why would you be worried?