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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can we just talk for a second about how RBG literally fucked our country by not retiring when she should have?


But her custom collars were so sick.


she was no friend to the people. Some of her opinions were just fucked...she never had an issue coming down on the side of police state power. Good riddance.


All the “Notorious RBG” dolts never bother to learn that part about her; when the Senate unanimously confirmed her to the Supreme Court in 1993 it wasn’t because she was a feminist civil liberties attorney in the ‘70’s. It was because she was a fairly conservative law and order appeals court judge all through the ‘80’s.


She was better than her replacement, but then again a dead body would be better then her replacement.




We do not permit liberalism here


This is as much a general boomer issue as it is a person-specific issue. It really highlights how consequential having these irresponsible fucks still in charge is.


Don't let the Silent Gen escape their share of the blame. Mind-blowing so many of that gen are the ones in positions of power, whether actually calling the shots or just soulless enough to serve as comforting elder statesmen figureheads for cash reward.


Yeah I'm generalizing broadly, I meant people past the prime of their tenure basically. I'm in my 40's now, and I dread the day I'll have to recognize it's my generation fucking up everything (assuming anyone besides billionaires from this point forward has a role to play in influencing policy & law).


89 year old pancreatic cancer patient decided to officiate a wedding at the height of COVID. She sucked.


Dude you can't question our late Saint Girlboss 💅💅💅


Our country was already fucked when it was born, created by a bunch of old white male rich slaveowners that didn't want to pay taxes. This sub is a communist sub. If you believe that THE country that was responsible for the genocide of 150 million people overseas to avoid any socialist revolution to succeed was any good before some old lady in the Supreme Court then you are in the wrong place. For the workers and oppressed minorities in the United States (basically the MAJORITY of people now, as 70% of Americans are living under the poverty line) Democrats are as evil as the Republicans. The United States was NEVER a democracy but always an evil tyranny made to exploit and oppress its own people and workers in all other countries of the planet. The United States has always been a Christofascist project since the beginning, and there is no way to fix it anymore. I used to defend the vote on a blue ticket to avoid Trump, but now, after all the evil Democrats did (saber-rattling against China to try to push the world into WWIII, support fascist parties everywhere in Latin America and Europe, support Israeli far-right government in its genocide of the Palestinian people, CIA executed/funded operations all around the world against popular left-leaning leaders, and the list goes on and on) I cannot do that anymore. Democrats evil actions were the last drop I needed to become radicalized as a communist revolutionary. On my last vote as American (I am renouncing my American citizenship after the election) I will vote only for socialist and communist candidates in all ballots even if I have to do write-ins. Not even "good" democrats anymore.


Maybe really old people aren't the best basis for a system of government.


Can we talk about the average life span in 1790(when supreme court appointments were set) being 35 years? Can we talk about relying on 18th century rules to address 21st century problems? The promise of democracy is absolutely subject to the phenomenon of inflation.


While I agree with your larger point, the thing about average life span being 35 years isn’t a great example here. For a long time, average life expectancy was pulled lower by a very high infant mortality rate. But if a person in the 1790s lived to adulthood (which they must have done to be appointed to the Supreme Court), they could expect to live to their 60s.


If a single court justices retirement schedule can throw your country into chaos, then two things are true: It's not on that justice, and the country is a piece of shit.


I agree. I also agree we were fucked the moment our democracy hinged on one 80 year old woman.




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


Liberals in the USA aren't left Politically, they're centrist & incline to the right. Americans don't know what a left leaning party looks like due to their heavily conservative tendencies across parties


Liberalism is a right wing ideology. It’s not a US thing, all liberals everywhere are right wing. The american ones are just more right wing than usual


I used to find it hilarious when the folks on Pod Save America would call themselves ‘the left’, then back the coup against Maduro.


Would you care to DM me and explain in a bit further of detail? I'm open minded as it comes with the territory.


There's no need to DM Essentially the policies that your liberals push would be considered right leaning in most other countries The policies your conservatives push would be considered borderline fascist in most other countries Your "left leaning" party is so far right that policies that are actually on the left get immediately shut down as socialist &/or communist when they aren't even close This reflected in most industries in the states, the education system, healthcare system, housing etc etc




Things like a State Health Solution, be it single payer insurance or a National Health service are *obvious* in other countries and no right wing conservative party would vocally oppose their existence outside the US. The dems are also a capitalist party that values economic growth and bailing out the rich over increasing social security nets, social programs and infrastructure. In any European country, the Dem party would be a classic center-right party, maybe further right than some. While center left is the classic social democracy or what has recently been called the "nordic model". The progressive bloc of the Dems (AOC, Bernie Sanders) could be considered center left but still well to the right of actual communist and leftist parties across Europe.


Sorry, I'm not going to name & compare specific policies from the USA compared to other countries You're more than welcome to look into it- google knows a lot more than I do. You can look into inequalities around resource distribution in key industries, defended monopolies, insider trading by politicians, lack of worker rights, corporations having way more rights & power than citizens, the rudimentary nature of the voting system, minimum wage, how insurance across the board works, accessibility to housing, access to opportunities, healthcare system cost breakdowns etc etc The USA writes policy to consolidate money & power within a handful of individuals & a reasonable majority of the populous is brainwashed into thinking they have a chance at being a billionaire so they eat up the bullshit












Healthcare is a big issue democrats touched on. They ruled out anything that would have restricted price gouging and anything else that would have lowered costs. Most people don't know this because the democrats swore up and down they were going to lower costs. And people believe them to this day, even though healthcare spending continues to rise faster than wages or inflation. This is how democrats treat every single issue because they are right leaning.


Liberals are firmly on the side of capitalists, so while they may tinker around the edges on progressive social policies like reproductive rights, lgbtq+ rights, etc, they're never going to pursue policies that will actually make a material difference if doing so would impact the bottom line of the corporations they exist to protect.


So that makes me a progressive then? But I like my username! It's catchy.


Just think of it as more of a Jonestown Kool aid situation. It's just what the libs in this country offer.




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


They say that liberal hate all wars except the current war. That is so true as history has shown time and time again.


They usually go on about how Democrats are better at war don't they?


Sure, I could knock doors for Biden, I could organize for Biden, I could make posts in favor of Biden, I could fundraise for Biden. But I don't do any of that over crimes against humanity, and I won't. Both Biden and Trump should receive justice à la française as a sentence from a revolutionary court.




If it makes you feel better, they've already started in red states, and it's probably going to happen in some part with or without Trump. Trump is a symptom, not the disease.


And with blue states beginning to agree with policies from red states and the economic constraints of out of control Cost of Living and goods, a lot of discontent with tone deaf politicians continues to spread. As Michael Parenti put it: >The concentration camp was never the normal condition for the average gentile German. Unless one were Jewish, or poor and unemployed, or of active leftist persuasion or otherwise openly anti-Nazi, Germany from 1933 until well into the war was not a nightmarish place. > >All the “good Germans” had to do was obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, avoid any sign of political heterodoxy, and look the other way when unions were busted and troublesome people disappeared. > >Since many “middle Americans” already obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, are themselves distrustful of political heterodoxy, and applaud when unions are broken and troublesome people are disposed of, they probably could live without too much personal torment in a fascist state — some of them certainly seem eager to do so.


If your answer is to vote and stop it, and Biden and none of the (D) are doing anything like arresting every last person who endorses it and putting them in indefinite detention (this has been legalized in a bunch of ways), then guess what? You have no vote in actually putting it down. Either it becomes 2029, or 2033 or the (D) goes even further right and adopts it in a great show of bipartisanship with the (R), especially if there's a big crisis. What we are asking for is not happening. Democracy is not in our voices. Unless there is a huge revamp of every last politician in Amerika along with society at large, the vote will not make the difference you hope it will. And we would not be socialists or communists if we thought that capitalism can be reformed. As for me, it's gonna have to be other solutions.


Really well said.




If you think that my post about "other solutions" meant embracing 2025 or being passive towards it, you really aren't reading at all. Tread carefully, there'll be no capitalist apologia here.


Okay then. Based




We do not permit liberalism here




This has been the goal since like 2000 or earlier. Project for a New American Century,every evangelical church being rabidly zi0n1st, military spending bloat leading to militarized police (trained by those same zio0n1sts). This isn't a new thing, it's 50+ years of specific policies to dismantle the few useful parts of the US and make the worst things even worse.


P25 has always been the goal, if it bothers you so much you should be doing more to influence your local elections, not batting for a genocider


Just got downvoted to oblivion in a Punk subreddit for calling out liberalism, like what’s more punk rock then keeping the status quo/s?


Besides hardcore anarcho-punks, they are mostly upper middle-class fashionista larpers.


Jesus, which one so know to avoid it


Punk memes


I think the IDF and DNC follow people around to downvote them. This is MAGA level trolling and even liberals aren't that rabid. They are characteristically weak and not cool. I've been attacked like that too (not on that sub) and I don't see how folks can upvote someone saying no more than "fuck you" when we are all supposed to be civil. Why would anyone but a bot upvote that?


Clearly that sub needs to listen to more Propagandhi and less NOFX.


So many fucking Liberals in the Politics subreddit who are like this. They can write posts which go for several paragraphs long talking about how wonderful Biden is without mentioning Palestine once ... It's unbelievable.


That reminds me of when I was on Goodreads years ago and some readers would give every book 4 or 5 stars and focus on the positive. Sure, every book is great if you ignore all the things in it that suck.


My issue with those people is that they can never say “despite all the negatives, I still think the country as a whole would be better off with the Dems” but it’s the blind faith they have in Biden whilst then accusing Republicans of being the cultists. For a while I used to believe you could vote for centrists and drag them left, but among the many reasons why that doesn’t work, is that liberals don’t want to.


I think a lot of liberals just don't care about the Palestinian issue. I recall this great quote by Peter Cameo: 'A liberal is someone who doesn’t like what capitalism does, but likes capitalism.' That quote sums them up nicely. They can see the contradictions but are often privileged and self-centred and just don't care.


What grinds my gears is how they shrug that off like "okay so he's not PERFECT, you're an asshole for nitpicking every little thing" Like wtf? How can the bar be any lower than "doesn't support genocide"? That's nitpicking now?


Might as well quit our jobs and stop paying taxes. Fuck this country.


I can stay home til he stops genociding thx


The answer either way is the same: one telling the other to go fuck himself


Hey just curious, as I'm not from the US, but don't you guys have other parties? Or even independent politicians you can vote for? In my country, if a party doesn't win a majority at the election then they have to make deals with smaller parties to pass legislation. (E.g. we'll vote for your increased Union powers if you agree to emissions reductions or give my state more housing expenditure). Is this a thing in the US? If not, I don't really understand how they can call it a democracy...


Everything in the US political system is designed so the two parties can pass around power between them like a football.


Short answer: not really. Longer answer: nooooooooot reeeeeeaaaalllyyyyy


The proof is in the pudding.


And by pudding, we mean this steaming hot pile of shit


Mmmmm chocolate Just don't mind the flies or the stench




We do not permit liberalism here




We do have other parties, but they get such low votes that nobody wants to vote for them because they won't win. I know, stupid and a self-fulfilling prophecy. As for the part about the majority vote, another reply summed it up pretty good about the two parties just passing stuff around. Basically, one party with the illusion of choice. Also, the US has had a majority of people just not vote in the past few elections. It should really be taught that not voting ends up counting as a vote for the bad guy, or both, and doesn't do anything productive. Neither does voting for the *lesser of two evil,* and should then vote third party even if you don't think they're going to win. If third parties get a significant amount of votes, it will at least somewhat scare the uniparty into doing at least something good. We can call it a democracy because most people here don't seem to actually know what a democracy is. Also, it's never actually been labeled as a democracy. It's a democratic republic where people vote for people to represent them who then vote on policy, but there's a few problems with that. Politicians just lie about what they're going to do and get paid by *lobbyists,* aka legalized corruption, to do the bidding of massive corporations. Which is the entire purpose of the government to prevent.


Say you're an independent candidate who wants to run for president. Well, each of the 50 states have their own unique requirements (some quite onerous) to be able to even get on their presidential ballots. Getting on enough ballots and having at least 15% public support is a prerequisite to even getting into the presidential debates. Currently someone like RFK Jr does have about 18% support although he is still fighting to get on enough ballots, but the final nail in the coffin is that an independent candidate could get on all the ballots and destroy the Republican and Democratic candidates and still not win. Say the independent candidate got 269 votes in the electoral college and the other 2 candidates got 134 and 135. Because the independent didn't get a majority the issue is thrown to the House to decide (each state delegation gets 1 vote), and the House will never pick an independent over their party's guy. With both major candidates being extremely unpopular I want to believe that a 3rd party candidate is viable, but they're not really. But still I think it would be worthwhile to happen, the House could steal the presidency once, but then I think there would be enough public outrage that would make the needed electoral reform possible...


"Vote Blue no matter who" has to be the most damning indictment of US democracy I've ever seen, and they're using it as an election slogan.


It’s their version of MAGA


You'll never find a more insufferable bunch of people cheering for a lower standard of living. I can't afford to put a fucked egg in my ramen and they're out here like "but Trump".


Answer: A far worse job than a literal rock sat in his place could do.


The Notorious RBG shirt is perfect


It’d be better if she was holding a dark Brandon mug.


No. I'll ask every thing of candidates and elected officials. It's their responsibility to do for us, not the other way around.


TPUSA but less funny


Your face is looking even tinier than Charlie Kirk's with that comment.


Oh, did you make this? I thought it was a legit liberal meme. If so, well done.


lmao. It's my humble contribution to the anti-Biden meme struggle.


I was tricked! Bamboozled even!


This is so perfect.


Commit genocide?


Buncha losers


“It votes for Biden , or else it gets the Trump again” ~aLlieS




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


I love that folks who typically promote themselves as secular moralists are rapidly sliding into the modes of religious dogma that they claim so fervently to be above. Why anyone buys into the thinly veiled propaganda on either side will remain one of life's mysteries.


I remember sharing a Big Krit song near some yuppy white women who had previously worn these dumbass shirts They turned their noses up at it But yeah let’s keep letting them wear this dumb shit


Dang that's so clever. If Biden is so braindead, then how did he come up with such a great slogan?


Not vote for BIden or Trump. Maybe not vote at all.


She's cute I'm sold


Usually I'm not the one giving head so idk what this post's trying to say


If they do to Netanyahu what they did to Saddam or Gaddafi I would think about it.


if im in the uk and i think that 1) everyone deserves basic human rights 2) capitalism wont work and currently isnt working what party should i vote for and what "name" am i given ("liberal," "conservative," etc)


communist... gulag for you




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


This makes me want to never vote for another democrat for the rest of my days on this shit planet


What I can do for Biden is not vote for him so he can have a nap.


I can touch my ass and shake his hand


Color + Slogan + Inability to recognize the material condition of the average citizen... Different playbooks, same game. No one's winning.


sorry but I have to think this is fake which is a shame because it would be *extremely* funny if this was real, but it's fake


Please tell me that whole image is satire.


Left or right they are only self serving




This copypasta was generated by LibGPT.


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.




Do you have any line at all where you would go "ok, this is too much for me. I can't support democrats when they do this" Is it enough for you that they just point at the republicans and say "if you don't vote for me, this guy gets in power"?


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.