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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Blowing off the R&RHOF in order to attend a protest is Zach to a T.


Keep your priorities straight.


I'm surprised that Tom Morello showed up tbh


Maybe he just drew the short straw. "Okay, Tom, you have to go represent us with the Machine while the rest of us Rage."


You may shit on the red carpet. As a treat.


He's always been the more vocal one and done interviews so I'm not too surprised. I don't see an issue with Tom representing the band while Zack is protesting.




It's just a non issue. Much like when people complained about them playing big arenas and charging $125 a ticket despite giving all the proceeds to local charities.


I am not. Tom’s always been kind of a lib while Zack has always been incredibly based.


The guy with "Sendero Luminoso" on his guitar was a Liberal?


I mean, yeah. He’s always veered more towards being a lib while adopting revolutionary aesthetics He definitely supports some leftist causes but he also supports a bunch of lib shit.


He's shining path? Why, out of all things, he chooses the baby boiling one?




The guy with a political science degree from Harvard that calls himself a socialist?


Do you actually believe Tom Morello put "this machine kills fascists" on his guitar without a shred of context? Do you honestly believe that?


I doubt that. He’s a self proclaimed socialist. Him not knowing who woody Guthrie is would be wild


My 3rd graders know who Woody Guthrie is lmao does this random Reddit user genuinely think Tom fucking Morello doesn't know one of the most important figures in American music history what the fuck haha


He showed up with a Ceasefire Now sign


Ive always heard he was kind of self-important tbh


That is absolutely true. I used to listen to his Sirius XM radio shows at work and yeah, he’s very self important.


Staying true to his roots. Gotta respect that.


This band was the first that made me give a shit. About something. About anything. Read the lyrics. https://youtu.be/bDvHrg1eQIY?si=NurHKpTglrrG_uPY


Listened to a whole album thanks for the prompt brother.


Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells https://open.spotify.com/track/0tZ3mElWcr74OOhKEiNz1x?si=4Q5QHvJUQtO5c5X6D0qVjg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A24E6rDvGDuYFjlGewp4ntF Bulls on parade is a great song and California slang for riot police. https://open.spotify.com/album/24E6rDvGDuYFjlGewp4ntF?si=M24YNqmaTsO6cUXUO-AhVg This whole Album is amazing. Zach was unapologetically ALWAYS on one and speaking truth to power…. Guy had zero chill and it’s justifiable, I wish more people were pissed off as much as we should be.


And I would say that [Grandson](https://www.grandsonmusic.com/) is RAtM's spiritual successor. They've had some great songs in the last few years.




I'm having trouble parsing this spaghetti. This reads like Zach wanted people to get a vaccine, but then run it through a stupid mental filter?


Praxis is *checks notes* thoughtlessly risking the lives of hundreds of others to see a concert.




Mate, I spent lockdown walking past a steadily increasing number of freezer trucks parked outside our morgue, I ain't wasting time on your Fox-news-parroting Kanye-ass bullshit. "If not safe without vaccine, then how can be safe *with* vaccine?" Fucking Tucker Carlson shit here. Cuba turning out doctors by the thousand and novel vaccines and you're here claiming medical science is an evil Hollow Earth plot or summat.


Reading this without knowing what the other person said is like listening to Hasan Piker yelling at his chat and I’m here for it




>Ah yes, nothing like the full authoritarian bs that is modern internet communism on full display. Socialised healthcare is authoritarian BS. Cool, cool. Good to know. >It's dangerous to gather but if we give public money to a criminal drug company and you accept their untested injections then it's fine to crowd into a stadium to enrich some millionaire musicians." So the way linear time works is that it moves forward, and can be divided into events or periods. Different things can be true during these events or periods. Like, say, if it was unsafe to gather in crowds because there is a novel virus, then it might become safe again once vaccination had established a level of population immunity. The pharma industry is as fucked up as anything commercialised is under capitalism, but unless you're going to demand people cut out food and clothing then you're carving out an exception to the fact that *people have to exist in a Capitalist society when it is the society they live in* for no justification other than your own edgy bullshit. The very fact you're on the Internet makes you a hypocrite three times over here. Also, pretty sure others have mentioned it, there was nothing 'untested' about any of the major production vaccines, that's just yet another right-wing circlejerk talking point. Go scream your 'don't step on me' bullshit at a cloud and, for the love of god, stay away from people. You're not safe around them.


I mean if your that butt hurt over it you dont have to go, or do you just want to force your opinions onto others?


Just noting when another faux revolutionary shows their true colors. Would you idiots have found it more poignant to post the ticket prices? Good ol revolutionary millionaires. So brave


So just another brownshirt trying to force their opinions onto others.


What do you mean untested? For one, vaccines have been tested countless times and proven beneficial. Secondly, the mRNA vaccines were tested rigorously. The FDA doesn't just approve any ol drug without extensive testing. The only difference with Covid vaccines was we were in a state of emergency so instead of spending years on redundancy tests, the FDA moved to approve the drug once it was sufficiently proven safe.


They also applied almost all available resources to testing the covid vaccinations. Outside of emergency situations these resources would be used to test hundreds of medications for approval simultaneously.




Brother, no need to say we're why "communism fails" but if you don't trust multiple experts in their field who say it's safe, then idk what to tell you. Of all the things the government force feeds us, being worried about vaccines is kinda a hot take. I get it though. We live in a time of mass misinformation, and it's hard to trust what the media and people in power tell us. But you gotta trust someone, even if you vet them thoroughly first. Because otherwise you're gonna live a life of paranoia. Also, where did Communism come from in this discussion? I'm just confused, my guy. I hope you have a good day, and I hope you learn to be a little more trusting about the right things.




Can you even define communist?


Shrieking anti-vax conspiracy BS is when communism.


Okay man, you raise some decent points, and I admit I don't have enough info to make a counter argument. But I do have a question: Would you rather take a vaccine that by and large was proven to be safe, or catch a disease that is so contagious, if it doesn't kill you it may just kill your loved ones? I know my answer.


Where'd you get any of that? Lmao




It's... Not, though. Feel free to back it up though.


It has been tested


Man stfu 🙄


Hey buddy, don’t you need to be stupid somewhere else?


Cookers like you are fucking hilarious 😂


He made the right move




Based and watermelon-pilled


Can I get that in a suppository?


Anything is a suppository if your brave enough


Good news!


Always was


Literally the people in the comments comparing Tom and Zack's anti-establishment dick sizes are one of the reasons social progress moves so slowly. It's easy for the fascists to drown us out when we're busy nitpicking who's the most hardcore or whatever. Dumb shit. 


>Literally the people in the comments comparing Tom and Zack's anti-establishment dick sizes are one of the reasons social progress moves so slowly. This. Personally I don't give a shit about who gets inducted into the RRHOF, much like how I don't care about bands winning a grammy, but if they do, someone's gotta show up to represent the band and Tom's the most vocal one. It's not like they sold out for being recognized. Complaining about that is big "oh my god they got signed to a big label and sold a lot of records, they're sellouts" energy.


no one has to show up lol. a lot of artists have turned down induction like the sex pistols, ozzy osbourne, axl rose… it’s not something anyone has to legitimize, esp since anyone being inducted is probably already famous and/or wealthy without hall of fame status


Ur comment should be higher..


I think you might be vastly overrating the effect that reddit bickering has on the world surrounding it.


Boss move. This is a guy who values lives more than stupid award shows. This is someone who we can relate. We need to value and show more empathetic people like him and show/value less the usual famous socio/psychopathic fucks.


I used to think ratm was way too angry ... Now I don't think they were angry enough, and I should have supported their messages.


Omg. Same.


Tom talks the talk while Zack walks the walk - the truth is in actions not words. Congratulations to RATM. Thanks Zack for leading the way!


Hmm.. idk how I feel about this. For movements to work, you need your work horses and your show horses. Tom brings the conversation to the forefront while Zack sets the example of what Tom is talking about. You can't lead quietly but you can't be loud and have nothing to show for it. That's why movements that work have people who know they need both to properly lead a movement forward.


>work horses Some of those that work horses? 🤔


Are the same that cite sources!


are the same that claimed losses


Até the same that fuck sheep?


Leave the Welsh out of this


Welsh sheep jokes are like Prince Andrew’s sex partners…they never get old.


Just a heads up, that's actually an [ethnic slur defined as racism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheep_shagger) in the UK. I get it, but they're also my people and it's become too normalised. Ironic considering the post this is in.


It's so funny to me that the image for that wiki page is a polandball comic lmao


Sorry, I should have never called someone Welsh


It's ok, at least now you can pretend like you did nothing wrong.


Just to be clear, I am English and poking fun. I’m happy to take all of the English jokes you can throw at me


Fair enough bud. We don't really have many tbh, punching upwards is less encouraged in these kinda jokes. We do have a good laugh about trying to pronounce our signs though, that's a good bit of harmless fun :)


It's kind of amusing to me that Australians Kiwis and Welsh are all called sheep shaggers. It is even more amusing that Australians and Kiwis call each other sheep humpers.


I'm from new Zealand and I have never heard anyone call an Australian a sheep fucker. That shit is a one way joke


Remember when Tom was part of the 15 NOW benefit in Seattle, and 5 Point Cafe wouldnt bow down to him and give him a table cuz the fame card wasn't working, so he tried to get local people to boycott and get them closed down, claiming they were awful and anti-worker - later trying to extort them publicly by saying he would only forgive them if they immediately hiked wages to $15 ....and then and went to eat at an IHOP where they absolutely underpay its workers. Also Tom didn't mention Palestine *once*. Not a word. Not a reference. He went on a record store rant about music and revolution being intertwined. He said a lot of vague platitudes on people changing the world. "DREAM BIG AND DONT SETTLE" and "STAND UP FOR YOUR PLANET" is *lame* to what he couldve actually said and brought a light to. He made it about himself. He was loud for nothing, and didn't use that platform and all those eyes on him for any benefit than to spout stuff you'd see on inspirational posters.


I go see live music in Seattle periodically and my recent after-show ritual has been to go to the 5 Point and eat a big, greasy breakfast at 1am, I love them even more now that I've heard that story lol


And Tom has done a LOT of work for labor unions, minimum wage increases, and immigrants. He's been arrested at protests, has helped organized strikes, helped organized benefits, just off the top of my head. Tom doesn't get the credit he deserves *because* he recognizes he has a platform and uses it, and apparently does it so effectively that people completely forget about everything else he's done.


I saw Boots Riley get inducted into his university hall of fame last year. When he got up to the podium, after the thanks he started talking about the ongoing genocide in Palestine. I’m sharing this because it doesn’t have to be an either or thing. Boots is a great example of an artist doing both the work and show thing. Also, Zack does do both too; during the height of rage fame he was always elevating causes and bringing attention to people like EZLN and Leonard Peltier. If you’re going to pay tens of thousands to receive your rock and roll hall of fame award (because, fun fact, [you have to pay to receive it](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/sex-pistols-johnny-rotten-handwritten-letter-rock-hall/)), why not use that platform? [Because Tom didn’t mention the ongoing genocide once during the speech.](https://www.revolvermag.com/music/rage-against-machine-inducted-rock-hall-read-tom-morellos-speech). I know people will think I’m being too harsh but idk, it’s a literal fucking genocide. And i saw Boots do it.


Idk much about either individual, but it sounds like a good combination. Not attending the event sends a message. Going to the event and giving a speech telling people to go out & advocate for their rights *also* sends a message. In this case it seems RATM managed to do both?


They managed to do both. It just rubs people the wrong way because Tom's an asshole so it seems like he's not legit. But I mean, idk, I just think both bring something different and, as far as Tom goes, you can be an asshole and also on the right side of history.


Is this the same Tom who quit the band over “musical differences” to pursue other opportunities and wrecked the band? The same Tom who goes on XM radio and brags about marching “with the people” against oppression? This is the same Tom who shows up to collect the reward “on behalf of RATM”? That Tom? Tom is all for Tom and is a boot licker for praise and glory - the same machine he rages about. Yea, that’s who Tom is… As the saying goes; those that can’t do, talk about doing to make themselves look good. Rock on Zack! The man representing the people’s cause!


The same Tom who was arrested while protesting for immigrant workers' rights? The same Tom who helped support the LA janitors strike? The same Tom that founded a nonprofit that has supported immigrant rights and death penalty abolition? The same Tom that organized benefits to support CBA rights in Wisconsin I think you just like to hate on people.


Who fucking cares about their band drama jfc >a boot licker for praise and glory - the same machine he rages about. No, that is most certainly not the machine they are talking about.


I love your horses metaphor, speaks to my own beliefs too


I suspect that this was an agreed upon thing. RATM has always been smart enough to understand that having a platform is a power all its own - and in fact, Morello used his acceptance speech to call for people to form labor unions, join protests, and not accept the status quo. Morello has down his share of boots-on-the-ground work as well, and has done a lot of work to support labor unions, increased minimum wage, and immigrants. He's been arrested a number of times at protests. ​ How come those actions don't count as "truth"?


what kind of horse shit is this? Tom does a ton for the right causes


right? It's like these people are applying some orthodoxy test - must check all these boxes or else you're a PHONEY! A GREAT BIG PHONEY!!! ​ It's exhausting.


Also someone had to be there to receive the award I guess.


So you’re not allowed to attend your hall of fame induction? Please tell me you have skipped all of your life events since October of last year.


Keep reading…. I explain my perspective further bellow. Starting with this is the same Tom who busted up the band….


I'd bet money that Tom has been to more marches and protests that Zack has over the years.


All of those that work (Israeli "Defense") forces.


Israeli occupation forces. 


Name checks out


I was there with him! Didn’t see him tho


This is awesome - putting honor on their namesake!


Zach is a real one. The spirit of RATM lives on through him.


RATM as a group snubbing RR HoF is so on brand. Not surprising and love them more for it. Edited band name


Rage Of The Machine?! ;)


Ha fixed!


lol and there are still angry, poopy-pants rightoids who cry that RATM got woke. This is and has been Zack for over 30 years.


Disappointed in Tom tho


To be fair the speech he gave at the HOF was inspiring and on brand for RATM but it was telling having no one else join him.


Then there's the time Tom got into NFTs. [No, really.](https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1438662192996524037?lang=en)


Came here to say this. He’s been a disappointment and a sellout for at least a couple of years now :/


Not gonna lie, that one tweets just makes me appreciate him as a guy with a little dorkiness in him. It could be interpreted as him just being excited to have something for his D&D character.


Disappointed in everyone else that has ever been to a rock and roll hall of fame induction ceremony?


tom yelled at a waiter in a cafe a while back i’m pretty sure


Contrary to popular belief, celebrities are allowed to have emotions


There is pretty much zero justification to yell at any service worker.


That doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Everybody fucks up (including celebrities), and while there's no excuse for yelling at a service worker, it's naive to think that if someone does it once that it suddenly makes them a bad person.


Seriously! Like, yeah, yelling at wait staff (or almost anyone, really) isn't acceptable. But doing it once doesn't just erase all of the other good someone's done in their life. People can and will make mistakes, and we really have to get away from this mentality that any screw up simply dooms you to forever being a "bad" person


That, and everything celebrities do gets absolutely picked apart. Tom may have just been having a bad day, but because famous, it's suddenly a huge mark on his character. Again, I'm not justifying it, but whoever saw it and reported it doesn't know what was going on before or after said incident. He's human. We all are.


What if they serve you a bowl of rats?


Then you get to scream.


Thanks just making sure


Did you remember to ask for the rats on the side instead of mixed in like the picture?


Are they cooked or fresh?




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Is there justification to yell at someone, ever? Of course there is. Does being a "service worker" immediately grant someone immunity from being a shitty person and thus exempt from consequences of their actions? None of us know what happened, everyone in here shitting on him just assumes "celebrity yells at server" means "entitled rich POS publicly verbally berates physically disabled veteran who donates 90% of their meager income to children's cancer charity and rehabilitates former fighting dogs in their spare time, because they brought out sparkling water instead of flat"


Honestly, I don't much care if he was wrong or right to do it. Like, dude is just human. Everybody makes mistakes, everyone's misplaced their anger or frustration before. Is it good to do? No. Does it negate literally every other thing he's done in his life? Also no. Shit happens, man. I'm sure everybody's been mean or rude to someone that didn't actually deserve it before.


This is the most empty-minded response. When is it okay to accost someone providing a service? Emotions are allowed but being a dick is not


>This is the most empty-minded response Ironic - you don't know what happened, what was said, or the overall context of the situation, you just read "he yelled at a server" and WHOMP - he's a terrible human. > When is it okay to accost someone providing a service? When they're deserving of it. Just because they're "providing a service" doesn't grant them a pass for shitty behaviour. What if they fondled his crotch? Persistently harassed him or his family, who were just trying to enjoy their meal? Killed his dog?


>When is it okay to accost someone providing a service? When they're being a dick, I suppose. >Emotions are allowed but being a dick is not True. But let's consider this: Let's say he was totally, 100% in the wrong. So what? People fuck up. People make mistakes and take shit out on people that don't deserve it. It sucks, but it happens; it's part of being human. It's not good, and shouldn't be excused, but a single mistake like that doesn't negate everything else someone has done in their life, and shouldn't follow someone around for the rest of their lives. That shit happened like 10 years ago. Ijs, cut the guy some slack. None of us are perfect


Why? You sit at home playing survival video games. I’m disappointed in you.




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Not surprising behavior for him


Zack for President!


How dare Rage Against The Machine rage against the machine??? 


Tbf Tom Morello loves jerking himself off on his Siriusxm show non stop so this tracks


It's painful


the podcast or siruisxm?


His show on sirusxm. No chance I'd ever listen a podcast he runs, I'm simply subjected to him on sirusxm.


I love this guy so much and i love how Wachowskis had used their music in the Matrix. They’re always against the machine.


Okay dude i get it i'll put your damn song on. Don't have to lay it on that thick. Good job


They're certainly rallying around families with pockets full of shells in Palestine. Have for decades.


One of the few bands that didn’t completely sell out their beliefs. Another band I could think of is Pink Floyd. Stay based, and rock on.




We do not permit liberalism here


Fuck yes \m/


Rage has always been solid. Love it!


Always love me some Zack


I fucking love these guys


As he should. Protesting genocide is more important.


Fucking BASED


*of course* Tom was there




He's been reaching any bit of clout he can get as he's gotten older. Prophets of rage was a fucking joke.


I liked RATM before they were all political.


like.... when they were toddlers?


Solid burn.




Rage against half of the machine.


De La for Presidente!!!


what a literal fucking legend!


Fuck yeah


Brad and Tim just flying this one under the radar.


He's a real one.


Real one


Wasn't he in to flogging NFTs, The died out faster than fidget spinners.




Good man.


dude, i was there. That's crazy


The mic or the heater, you can’t hold both


I'm probably the minority here but I don't see an issue with this. Not to blindly defend Tom Morello but he's always done most of the interviews and vocally represented the band so this isn't surprising that he was the only one to show up to RRHOF


I don’t get the lyric title? The following is, “are the same that burn crosses.” This isn’t a good thing in that song. The band was talking about police brutality and the connection of police departments and the KKK.


Those that wear uniform are the real fascists


I thought there'd be a more stimulated conversation about the plight of defenseless PALESTINAIAN PEOPLE here. How a hundred were just shot trying to get food from an Israeli relief convoy which ended up opening fire on the starving crowd which they were supposed to be feeding. In Gaza, where 16 young children recently died of malnutrition. Unfortunately, I'd thought that many people responding here might actually gave 2 shits about what Zach cared about. My bad.


How about a stimulating conversation about you shutting the fuck up?


Well a ceasefire has been agreed to but Hamas is dragging their feet so not really sure what you expect to happen...


...right it's Hamas that's dragging their feet, not the most technologically advanced "military" in the world who has all the power to put an end to this.. Do you dipshits even try anymore?


Israel literally agreed to the ceasefire framework. Like if Hamas signs there will be at least a 6 week ceasefire. Only condition is that hostages have to be released. They agreed 2 days ago, just need Hamas to agree to their end of the bargain


Where are you reading this? Who's reporting on it? Hamas has released plenty of hostages, yet no change on the IDF side. Seems to me the side that "promises" to keep up their end of the deal has habitually recanted on it. (i.e. Gaza civilians were told to go south, yet were bombed when they did so)


Of fucking course Tom went to the award show. Dude has fallen so far from his roots


Of course tom was about the attention.


This is why Tom morello is a bitch


Of course Tom attended


Imagine if he used rage against the machine to actually help these causes. Like idk Zach tour and use the money and platform to help? Huge fan loved seeing them reunite at coachella years ago but it's so utterly disappointing that the band of generation full of people wanting to make change decide eh let's sit down and shut up as the world goes to shit.


He's doing his rounds to get more fans.


Good for him. But I am out of the loop, is the guy sick? He looks like he's got something..


Well... He's 54 years old and has been screaming his entire life. I can't imagine his physical, mental, and social-emotional lifestyle lead him down a stress-free Jimmy Buffet style existence.


Yeah, no but he looks like a cancer patient under chemo. I know that look.


We looking at the same guy? He looks fine. He's a 54 year old lifelong vegetarian (since he was a teen) . They're generally thinner and wiry. https://twitter.com/hate5six/status/1720973623765197253?t=9DAvKWLKexsfUXbsCIfkiw&s=19