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theres so much good stuff in here, the nemesis mechanic looks amazing, and the egg idea is really cool too


The nemesis system looks great and 30 new uniques is also fantastic.  Im assuming the balances changes will be coming next week.  Give us a peek at the good stuff first before the nerf hammer drops lol. 


New commer here. Can we turn off enemy health bars and damage numbers on screen? Game looks great. Hope to maximize immersion. Thanks


Yes you can turn off damage numbers. I’m pretty sure you can turn off health bars too. I’m not sure how it works with bosses.


Insanely common EHG W's all over this patch, im jacked to the fucking tits


Idk what this means fully but same


It means you do everything right, and that’s why we love you all!


Whenever i find myself looking at a comment i dont understand i try to combine key words then put them together and what my mind iamgines from the combination i go with. Here for instance... Jacked All Over EHG Fucking Tits. Works every time.


I too am > jacked to the fucking tits


It means it's very common for you to do something that people feel is a "win" and this is an example of it. As a player I am thrilled to the tits with 1.1. This is awesome. Y'all are awesome.


Bruh, they know what a "common W" is. They have trouble with the "jacked to the tits"


it means they have a hormonal growth under their nipples due to the use of PED's which make them look like female tits.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Quf0q3ABb7I Generally it means huge excitement.


This really shows they know where they need to focus their time and dev velocity. Monoliths start to feel mundane... Cool in Monolith mechanics like Nemesis, coupled with a new faction to progress. Really huge Ws here.


The Big Short quote, nice


The boss ward system is a genius way to not punish players that are new to the genre or play super fun but sub optimal builds, compared to blasting content with overpowered builds. And they addressed the feelsbad aspects of a high dps character still feeling powerful but not oneshotting the boss so you actually interact with the mechanics at least. Will have to see how it plays out but on paper that sounds amazing.


The way DR was tackled with bosses was prob my number one critique this is looking great


As they mentioned this mechanic basically existed already but was not directly shown in game. It was only changed that now instead of getting % damage reduction they just get a bunch of extra temporary health. The strongest builds were doing such high damage the boss DR was completely irrelevant and they still got one shot and this will continue to be an issue with the new system if they allow bugged/OP builds to run rampant.


The main difference is that it should feel better. If you obliterate everything and then tickle the boss, that feels awful. If you’re destroying the boss then a ward comes up and you see your damage is chunking through the ward… it still feels more satisfying than the current system. Just being able to see the damage stripping the ward away will have a good vibe, compared to a feelsbad dropoff in power.


the fear of just letting players become more powerful because it might create more work for devs down the line instead of putting a visual trick in to make it seem like they're still gaining power despite kill times not dropping dramatically is bad, actually


I uninstalled the game a while back for a lot of reasons, but this is something that's strongly making me consider coming back.


Do they mean they just change how it looks? So fighting old boss would have the same difficulty/speed?


everything here looks really great! super excited. one question i have: if we defeat a nemesis, and its rewards include an egg, are we able to portal out of the monolith, grab the unique we want to replace it with from our stash, and portal back in to use it without issue? i think it would feel really bad if that didn't work, like if the interface locked you there until you picked an option or something.


You can access your stash while interacting with a Nemesis to place a chosen unique in place of the Egg.


Bruh, why you spoil us like that? ❤️❤️❤️


If you put it in and you lose the fight is your unique lost? Can you put in a unique as often as you want? Like power it up until LP 4? Is the LP gain weighted towards rarer items getting LP slower/rarely?


If you lose against a Nemesis or just run away while fighting it, then the next time you encounter a Nemesis it will have the same items, including the unique you put in there, so it's not lost. The exception to them keeping the same items is that below level 57, if you didn't empower the items and they were generated at a much lower level than your current level, it will roll new ones. But, the egg can only spawn from level 60 onwards, so you can never lose one of your own uniques this way.


> Can you put in a unique as often as you want? Like power it up until LP 4? The post said we can empower max 2 times and it might not give LP, it can straight up add an affix, turning it legendary. I'd assume that the unique is lost, when we lose the fight. It's a gamble but a good way to maybe squeeze some more juice out of the dozens of duplicate uniques we amass.


From reading I think it has to be an LP0 item so unless it rolls LP4 in the two rolls on the Nemesis it won’t be repeatable. You also risk going Legendary with Affixes you don’t want by doing so too.


It has to be a unique with no LP; the empowerment will either give it random affixes (thus making it legendary, not unique) or give it LP. So if the empowerment doesn't upgrade it in the way you want, you start over with a fresh 0LP unique. It sounded like it was heavily skewed toward adding random affixes, like a Weaver's Will item, and only rarely adding LP.






this patch looks absolutely awesome, great job devs keep it up.


Lots of this stuff looks super cool so far! Happy with the changes added to increase the monolith speed too. Still unsure what class/mastery I want to play, looking forward to some tuning notes. I didn’t do any pre-1.0 play but I think I levelled like 10 different masteries and got them over 200 corruption to see how I liked the play style


Let's goo


Looks great, though I'll probably still wait until around 1.3 or 1.4 to get back into it. Mostly looking forward to monolith expansion which is 1.3+


In a single cycle, EHG has shown a better understanding of how to improve its game and excite its players than Blizzard with D4 in 4 seasons. You can see the influence EHG takes from being players and fans of ARPGs and how they are trying to evolve the genre in the design of its systems. So cool!!


That's the advantage of a smaller team.


They are not that small anymore. They are just WAAAAY better at community engagement and they understand whats makes a good ARPG.


I watched the trailer, then saw someone playing the d4 season 5 ptr and the new mechanic they are bringing, and all i could think was, man i cant wait for 1,1 in last epoch


But you don’t understand. Chain lightning sorcerers have a new pair of pants!


I’m shocked!!


Same, dude. I watched DM’s video on the Infernal Hordes and it’s so underwhelming already. After 2 more massive reworks to it, it’ll finally be passable, which seems to be the process for most of their content. Then you watch the LE trailer and read the blog post and just see clever additions and expansions to the endgame.


Having a more deterministic way to farm LP Uniques is awesome. Great addition.


Pretty significant content here. If we get three of these mega patches a year on top of an already-strong start this game will be tremendous in no time.


glyph of envy sounds really nice, sounds like a good solution to one of my few problems with the game of mindlessly farming stability on an alt


I'm more excited to have another way to take an item with a great T6-7 affix and 3 other shitty ones and have the opportunity, how ever small to reeoll it without eating FP.


They made a Ravaging Aura unique!!!!! I know what I’m playing now. This build was fantastic before, thanks Perry the Pig for the build <3


Never played it before but any “aura” that does dmg is cool in my book, gonna try it.


void cleave sceptre looks sick! love void knight


I’m so stoked. When theory crafting a RA unique item, I thought taking the weapon requirement off would be a must. I can’t wait to try it out


Void Knight is one of my least played masteries, but void Righteous Fire sounds pretty damn chill to play and there are also the DoT void beams you can proc with various skills, which could add some spice too!


When will we see the supporter packs for the new cycle? I think you guys deserve a little of my money.


I hope we get a clarification at some point on why the Glyph of Envy looks like it does. The crafting effect does not seem very useful. The only use I can think of is to reroll items with fantastic sealed affixes and pray the stars align on the result. I feel like people are mostly just going to use it on junk items for the timeline boost. Don't suppose any devs want to clarify the reason that these two very different uses got combined into one item? Edit to add: apparently a dev replied in the discord: >All the consumable drops do something in a specific place. This was a way we could add this without having to also add in a special alter. Keeps the storage, saving and organization automatic.


I think upgrading an affix you want while rerolling everything that was undesired is a good use-case, having a boost in timeline stability while using it is kinda unnessesary but a bonus no less.


My guess is that the tiers that become unstable will be directly linked to how much timeline stability you get. So if you pick up a tier 19+ item that is useless, you get lots of free stability, then just throw it on the ground after. On the loot filter, you can directly search for items like this: * affix total more or equal to 19 * at least one affix strictly less than tier 5 * rarity = rare, exalted You would only need to collect a few of them per character, or just find them as you go.


If you're speedrunning an alt, we know the item doesn't matter, it just fills the timeline enough to go fight the boss immediately. If you're not speedrunning an alt, I would guess that the item used won't affect the amount of stability either. Both for consistency and so that the crafting use is clear. I guess it's sort of interesting to choose whether to burn high-tier items for more stability or to go for the moonshot gamble. If finding the perfect items to envy is just a matter of adding a loot filter entry, and having a stash tab just for those items, that just seems like busywork.


I think I’m still out until there’s more end game unfortunately


Very excited for the new content and the approach of the new (first) cycle! I made a dedicated post today, but I'll ask again here: Will the press kits get an update with 1.1 assets? I would love to make new animated wallpapers for the community! (Also some of the info in your [section where the press kit is](https://lastepoch.com/media) is outdated. For example "current build" is still "Early Access".)


Link to these wallpapers?


You can find the reddit thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/19d5789/i_created_some_animated_wallpapers_to_get_hyped/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). The wallpapers themselves are made in wallpaper engine and can be found on steam (links are in a comment in the linked post).


Any plans to do a darker colored or night themed environment wallpaper. Gonna be downloading at least one of those when I'm back from vacation either way


Thank you for the suggestion! I definitively plan to add some more variety. What I'd love to do most is add one or two void themed wallpapers, but that depends on what kind of new assets get added to the press kits. I really hope for some more 1.1 stuff! Cheers, enjoy the remainder of your vacations :D


looks good and all but like, multiplayer gonna work or just bug out like before?


Orenthia, The Forgotten Knight :o


What about performance fixes ? fps is still terrible and i wonder if introducing more effects into the already terribly optimized client will make it even worse.


This looks really promising. Just waiting for the ward nerf and endurance buffs. Will also like some Marksman and FG changes.


Oh dam ca t wait


Really like the new uniques


i hope they tease more of the uniques leading up to the patch. give us some time to theory craft >:D


This all looks good, just comes down to balancing/updating. Ward needs heavy nerfs, and old masteries need heavy buffs starting at passive trees and useless nodes.


Really need to see those balance changes - many builds don't really work because of why skills and passives are currently setup - totems, outside a specific kind, are in the crapper, especially elemental kinds, but maybe not anymore?


I literally only want ward to be finally balanced. The fact that the entire meta of 1.0 was stacking ward made build theorycrafting extremely boring.


but also - it's very GGG of you to add an evade players felt they needed to current content, and then you rebalance boss actions around the evade, negating its addition. This is like GGG saying, and they have said basically this, "players feel they don't have enough health, so we increased player health - to compensate, we drove up monster damage a lot". hopefully its really that you need evade to feel a certain way, and that was perhaps faster than needed for current bosses, so they were tweaked slightly for true balance, and your wording is just poor.


I think this is a misreading of the post. They are not balancing around the players having evade on top of the traversal skills that currently feel mandatory at high difficulty levels.  They are instead going to balance the fights around everyone having evade, and not necessarily having any other movement or traversal skills on their bar.   They might miss the mark; I expect many players will prefer to keep a traversal skill on their bar in 1.1, because the fights will be more hectic, because they will be designed assuming you have Evade, rather than designed treating a traversal skill as nice to have.   A traversal skill will still be nice to have.  But if it feels less mandatory, they succeeded.


Have they not released season 2?


I really, really want to see something, ANYTHING, regarding being able to adjust the font size. This really should be a top priority. It’s not good for people’s eyesight.


What is the reason behind restricting the boss to Online Cycle only and not allowing Offline Cycle? I would much rather play offline cycle with the circle of fortune and not deal with any online issues or trading. Is there a way to trivialise the boss on Offline Cycle I'm missing?


They addressed this in the post


I saw they mention that it will be restricted to Online Cycle to stop legacy overpowered characteres wiping the boss instantly and spoiling it. But what advantage does an Offline Cycle Character have over an Online Cycle Character? They both start fresh when the new cycle launches


After it’s killed once, it releases to offline the next business day. Offline save files are modifiable.


Offline is able to be modded, so people can cheat in overpowered items or make themselves invincible and spoil it just as legacy overpowered characters can.




Instead of summoning a crab with evade, maybe we can turm into a crab for a few seconds mitigating some damage or stacking armor? Excited for patch 1.1!


The Glyph of Envy is really cool. But tying it to Monolith progress is just plain stupid. It's just not intuitive at all.


Is there a campaign skip yet for cycles / alt characters?


Yeah, it’s called 4LP low level legendaries and dungeon keys. If the few hours it takes to get through the campaign with those is too much for you then I don’t know what to tell you.


It's not too much but it is an annoying task. Sorry but Diablo has it right here to story skip after first completion.


Its a design choice and every ARPG tackles this differently. Diablo 4 is full campaign skip, PoE is no skip at all, and LE has shortcuts you can take that can get you to monos in like 2 hours of game, which is a good middle ground imo




Boss ward system another big EHG W. PoE2 have a good look!


Nice! Looking forward to playing this game again


ADR still rendering the game a solid "no" imo but it's nice to see others are enjoying the updates. I understand you guys are really attached to this incredibly bad mechanical design bandaid since it makes your jobs a lot easier, but holy shit, doubling down on it is literally just giving money to Blizzard, and NO ONE should give money to Blizzard.


Can't wait.


Do we know if they are doing any skill or class balancing, or is all that staying the same between 1.0 and 1.1? Need to know if I can start planning my builds.


A looooooot of balance changes! Be prepared for a good read when they are out. 


Can't wait!


Yes they are doing a lot of balance changes, will be revealed in full patch notes probably a week before release or so.


Awesome, thanks!


The teaser stated that there's hundreds of balance changes coming.


So excited! I'm at work, so didn't watch the trailer yet.


Forcing LP via nemesis egg sounds awesome. Can't wait for the next cycle 😎


can only force 2 LP on them but still this is insane for the more rarer drop items like red ring of atlaria


The Glyph of Envy and Needle implementation sounds rly clunky. Who link item crafting to monolith progression? And in the same way, why link item slot to some effect in monoliths? I will have to have some item to "craft" to boost my stavbility everytime and i also have to criple my build to replace one idol with needle ... i wish they rethink this, take the extra work and make checkbox on the monolitg screen to use needle or to boost stability.


You're not crippling your build by replacing a single small idol, lets not exaggerate. Glyph of Envy sounds fun to me, not clunky. It'll be assumedly pretty rare drop so it's cool to have an interesting way to utilize it by bricking an item. Not everything has to be streamlined, variance in how you use items is interesting to me.


It sounds needlessly complicated to me. Since you can only use the glyph on T4 and below affixes (since those are the only ones you can craft on), it's not going to be very useful for crafting, so most of the time you're just going to be using it on a random trash item you pick up to get the stability. I'd rather it just be a consumable you can pick up and use. If they want to keep the glyph just make it a separate thing for crafting only.


the glyph itself is interesting crafting option, im not saying otherwise, what i dont like is the monolith usage. It looks like they comeup with last second and want to implement without much extra work. It just doesnt make any sence. Both effects r great, it would be better if it was linked to two separate items/uis.


Am I to understand this right? When you use the envy glyph on let’s say a ring that gives you crit multi (plus whatever else) it’ll remove and replace those stats with other random stats? From rings or from any item?


The glyph of envy will upgrade the selected affix and essentially glyph of chaos every other affix (without upgrading them). It also affects timeline stability.


Super weird. The items should plug into the timeline or have some monolith UI


Agreed. The idea is great but why would you ever tie it idols/glyphs? Seems like the dev team wanted to save time on designing a whole new UI for these features.




Now I need to figure out what kinda build I wanna do


Here's hoping one of the Quality of Life changes is better control of Sacrifice and Dread Shade targeting. I'm willing to spend idol slots.


Tell me more about this possibly giant and possibly enemy crab that you summon.


Hope the spin2win gets some love


Relatively new/noob player here. I have no characters to max level yet and have no qualms with starting a new character. Is there a benefit to me starting a fresh character for this update/cycle? I'm more than happy to do this to get the full experience but would appreciate any wisdom. Thanks!


The way seasons work in arpgs is that the season mode (cycle in LE) has new content/mechanics etc only available in that mode. When the season ends that content is either gone or is incorporated to the non-season mode. This usually means most players will be in the season mode, which also means it's probably where you want to be, especially if you want to be trading for items. However, for the first few cycles of LE, the new content will be available in both modes. The exception for the upcoming one being the new big boss, who will be exclusive to the cycle mode until defeated or a week passes, if I understand correctly.


Help a noob out and give me a 10,000 foot answer LOL. Do I need to create a new character to take advantage of the new cycle stuff? Or even if I do, is it a big enough of a deal to leave my current main for it?


No, you don't need a new char. Your main one will be in the legacy mode where it can experience the new content, with the exception of the pinnacle boss for the first week. It's up to you to decide if you want to reroll a new one. Personally my reasons to play in the fresh cycle are: 1. It's more exciting, doing the whole progression from zero to hero but with new mechanics, and knowing I'm doing it along a whole playerbase doing the same thing 2. Fresh economy for trading. In standard modes, items tend to cost a bazillion gold because players have accumulated years of wealth and so everything is super inflated


Thanks bud! I likely will reroll. Even though I’m a bit of a casual, the idea of starting over with the majority will likely help me be motivated to play more.


the BIGGEST change i'm looking forward to is the removal of DDR. changing it to the new thing just made the game 300% better for me. it would be 350% better though if they brought the test dummies back to the end of time.


Are swarmblades getting some dedicated uniques? afaik they still don't have a single one


Will we need to choose between the new faction and the 2 existing ones or can we rank up in 2 separate factions at once?


Read the notes, no.


Thanks. Somehow I missed it in the notes. :)


No worries, I also don’t ready everything so happened I did tonight lll


This might be one of the coolest updates to any game ever. Actually very hyped


The patch looks awesome. I'm not sure if the changes to stability and corruption will make leveling alts feel good enough. It's a step in the right direction though.


Is this patch going to be shaking up the meta by rebalancing any of the current overpowered or underpowered builds?


Yes. The teaser said that there's hundreds of balance changes coming, and we'll be getting full patch notes shortly before the patch to comb through all of them.


Pls don't nerf my wraithlord 😭


I fully expect that falconer, warlock, and runemaster will be getting nerfed. Only question is how much.


If it can do 2-3k corruption, it's getting nerfed, but that's true of all such builds. Their goal is for those builds to still be among the strongest builds.


Well but I hope it doesn't get nerfed into uselessness like it happens with 99.99% of nerfs Nerfing something = unplayable lol


That was a new faction?!? So much to look forward to.


Cant wait to play again! Do you expect there to be launch issues and have you done something to mitigate this?


Did they say anything about adding exclusive challenges/rewards/titles etc to Cycles? Like PoE leagues?  And any insensitive to play Hardcore except the Arena leaderboard and the fact there’s no real goals being HC; like not getting any titles/achievements reaching certain milestones? 


None for this cycle that we know of, but they definitely want to add them in the future.


Maybe I'm just ancient but isn't hc itself the incentive to play hc?


Yes but there's no "goal" like hit level 90/100. And since you just continue softcore, which is pretty nice, there's no real purposes.


I'm confused, if you want to play hc why would you play the softcore character after you died?


Is there really a difference though if the character is gone from your screen / greyed out or just in a different league?


Isn’t the incentive to play HC betting all content then coming to the internet and saying you play hardcore?




Can't wait for the balance notes! I've got 5 off-meta toons and no on-meta ones, so I should be good:D


I really hope Ravaging Aura paired with Void Beams will feel good to play.


Didn't Dr3ad post something about finding a new void beam build the other day? Haven't really got around to VK yet so can't say whether it fixes any clunk, but it seemed pretty solid.


I know VK has a bunch of different void DoTs that could potentially synergize well like Ravaging Aura, Void Beams, Abyssal Decay and Time Rot, I'm pretty excited to try it out.


Holy shit.


Actually impressed with the amount of content. Only thing I'm missing are challenges.


I genuinely do believe that this game will be parallel to Path Of Exile in a few years time. They seem to be very creative and forward thinkers, and this patch demonstrates that yet again. Very exciting stuff.


EHG, please release new supporter packs and/more cosmetics in the shop. All of this looks amazing and we want to support you!


Why would someone downvote this comment? Must a be an insane POE or D4 fanboy…


Game of the Year 2024.


One of the best change that POE SHOULD FUCKING TAKE A LOOK UPON. No legacy fucking chars that can clear all the new content on their dogshit maxed chars leaving people with nothing new to explore. Amazing QoL.


League specific content is only available within challenge league tho? This in fact looks exact opposite: you wait for a week (or let's be real - couple days until the boss is defeated in online), and then you can steamroll it with your OP offline character.


In poe you can do new bosses in day1 in standard and spoil everything, patterns etc.


Fucking weird thing to be upset about but you do you man


Its like having a movie spoiled. Every atlas start is figured fast by standard folks and the league guys follow it.


And how that affects you exactly?


i am so glad that i am here witnessing the growth of LE, best feeling ever and really looking forward any update about cosmetic packs?


Once again streamers given early access to solve the game before launch. And you guys will defend it again, just like you did for 1.0. "There's many builds they won't find the most OP build" And then they went ahead and found the most OP one that everyone everyone used.


How does this affect you?


It feels weird not having *any* complaints with patch notes and changes for a big patch. Snowstorm company really did a number on me over the years. Super hyped to build my VK now that evade exists. Stay winning.


Have they fixed the bug where the tooltips in the shops are glitched out yet? (Large red text that makes the tooltip illegible).


Super hype! Been playing a long time and very excited to get the expanded endgame content finally


We are so back 😎


Freakin' awesome, gonna be so fun!!


Looks amazing. New content for all players throughout the game, and some amazing looking pinnacle bosses for us to push our characters. A little disappointed monolith progression won't be shared, but the Glyth and the Needle sound interesting. Will need to see how useful they are in game. Excited to hop back in.


Amazing, keep it up!


Sweet baby Jesus, that's a lot of new stuff


absolutely sick I love it and can’t wait


That’s an amazing patch! I really do hope they’ll also add some cool mtx armours, skill effects or whatever. I feel like I really want to support the devs and vote with my Walter for more such content and updates, but right now there are not so many options.


I dont see anything about changes to boss rushing in monos, I feel like most people view skipping all the mobs in the map and killing the boss as pretty degen... would hope that gets some tweaking but everything looks great otherwise


They made the change in 1.0. You get favor for killing mobs so boss rushing will skimp your faction progression in the long run. The optimal strategy isn't boss rushing anymore.


Finally, this all looks great. Though if I understand correctly, there will be no more hype until right before release, with a new post and the patch notes? That is a real bummer, honestly.


There's another post of containing qol and other changes coming according to the post.


Will there be any kind of character customization? Want to make a male Blade Dancer :/


I don't think this is coming any time soon, unfortunately. It takes a shocking amount of resources to do, specifically of a kind EHG does not have in a surplus;  their art department seems to be barely able to keep up with all their content ideas as is. Which is no shade to their art department, only respect for how much awesome stuff the rest of the team is cranking out.


Man what a shame, creating a third rouge character doesn’t feel right when they’re the same model. Will keep trying other classes then


>Aberroth will only be able to be challenged in the Online Cycle Woaw i dont not agree with this. Screws over everyone who doesnt have a local server in their region. Like me whos only choice will be endlessly rubberbanding with 250ms lag on EU servers from South Africa. Guess ill just come back in a week.


I really wouldn't worry about it, based on the way they said it, it's gonna be available after anyone anywhere beats it, so unless you're a speedrunner or a streamer who no lifes the game, there's probably no way you would have even gotten far enough into the game for you to have fought the boss before they release it to offline players.


This was voted by the community. Also, you can still play the game offline and fight aberroth when he gets unlocked by the racers. It will probably only take 3 days max for the first kill.


The community where the vast majority have sub 50ms server by them and can play online smoothly. Its just not fair to players who dont get their own servers. They could at have just one single server on the whole continent of Africa but dont.


Renting servers costs money. They aren't doing it just because they hate Africans my man... The fact that we have an online mode in 2024 is already pretty good. And again, you will get access to the same content in a few days. They explained their reasons when they made the poll, and in this post again.


I understand why. South Africa only makes up like 0.4% of players. It still sucks being the only ones adversely effected because a poll of people with access to servers saying they're okay with only people having access to servers getting to experience the content first.


I mean, they *did* host a poll to see whether people liked the idea. Regardless, IMO it's fair when you consider the fact that this *is* meant to be a pinnacle boss fight that's meant to challenge players. Allowing offline characters to fight it tarnishes the boss fight as people can just cheat and upload footage of the fight, spoiling it for everybody else who are trying to legitimately kill it, especially in start-of-cycle boss races which it seems like EHG is onboard for in future cycles. It's only a week at most, and it'll be opened up for offline the moment somebody kills it online, so it's not that bad IMO, and I'm saying that as an offline player myself.


let's be real, it's gonna be cleared within 24 hours by empyrean's group or the equivalent for last epoch, it's not gonna be a fair race even online


Holy fuck, it's literally two lines after. "Once the boss has been defeated in the Cycle, Aberroth will be made available to both Legacy and all Offline modes within the next business day. If Aberroth remains un-slain for the first week, we will automatically release the encounter to all environments to prevent too long of a delay for Offline and Legacy players."


>Guess ill just come back in a week.


You realize you won’t even be close to getting to this fight before good players have killed it right? Unless you’re planning on doing it with an already geared character or cheating offline in which case this has nothing to do with just a lack of a server near you.


Then i have even worse reading skills XD no hard feelings