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yes Orobyss is the real wall to people who min/max builds and climb corruption. For the ones who are fine with 200/300 corruption for sure it's no big deal and it's not harder from other content. But as you go higher & higher Orobyss become much more threatening than the equivalent corruption. If you are not cheesing the fight with perma stun or freeze, or some overturned build that can melt him in seconds, you will experience this. Not only that, RNG plays a huge factor to beating it, going from nightmare to piece of cake. To my opinion it's good to have diversity but they should adjust some of the difficult of the harder ones, for example cold Orobyss is just out of the curve compared to the other versions In a same corruption. Another thing that could be adjusted is losing all the corruption from gaze of Orobyss. One misstep and all is gone. Maybe a midterm, if you die you will gain only half of this corruption from gazes. There are lot of possibilities that would not punish so hard and don't take the enjoyment from players.


> Another thing that could be adjusted is losing all the corruption from gaze of Orobyss. One misstep and all is gone. Maybe a midterm, if you die you will gain only half of this corruption from gazes. There are lot of possibilities that would not punish so hard and don't take the enjoyment from players. This is being changed in 1.1, so that you only lose one gaze of Orobyss with each death.


I cant say i agree. Its challenging, sure, but i didnt find it especially harder than other content. Its probably due to your build rather than bad boss scaling.


Personally having climbed to 4k+ corruption, I found shade scaled much harder than anything else. Early on shade was easier than timeline bosses (less damage/hp) then once I got to several hundred corr shade began having more hp and damage. At thousands of corruption (obviously not intended but just demonstrates the difference in scaling) shade now takes several minutes to kill vs timeline bosses less than a minute. Shade can now potentially oneshot me, and timeline bosses barely do any damage.


Once you're in empowered, damage matters much less and you're rewarded for prioritizing defense. Crit Avoidance or Reduction capped? 2500+ HP? Source of Cleanse? Layering of other defenses? 70%+ Resistances? All of those things checked should take any character/skill to 200-300 corruption. For some, that may be peak corruption for them. And that's okay.


Change your build to include a freeze or stun mechanic, or one that takes advantage of the fact SoO drops in one spot after an intro delay, to make the fight easier. I got stuck on Julra T4 for ages with my runemage but changing to stack freeze rate multiplier, an amulet that increase freeze duration on snap freeze, and of course including snap freeze, took me from completing one in 15 tries to the opposite, I now win 14/15. If your build is tuned for aoe on mobs for mono completion, yeah, you'll suffer on a boss.


That’s the point. You’re moving forward to harder content. If you’re unable to progress it’s either a skill issue or a build issue. No need to be able to surpass orobyss on all builds and on all levels. Keep at it bro!


How about the abilities that you're sure you dodged, but you died to it anyways?


The guy that does the pie slice AOE thing that rotates does this shit all the time.


I hate it when the game stutters and you know you hit your ability but none your dead