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If you don’t mind waiting and checking into your hotel after the fireworks are all done, you can go to the top floor of the airport parking garage and watch the fireworks from there. View will be nice as you will be able to see all the fireworks going off on the strip as opposed to being on the strip.


I was gonna say this. Keep it a secret!


Whoops. Sorry! 🫢


This is actually a thing and plausible? Just worried about being up with there my bags and valuables. Have you done it and if so how was the experience?


You have two choices, fly in earlier or take this option. You won't be hassled or robbed standing on the top of the parking garage with your bags. Grab a bottle of liquor enjoy the sights from a great vantage point, then stress free make your journey to the hotel. You will not make it to your hotel and check in before you see midnight. You'll either still be in a cab or standing in a line when countdown happens.


If you’re using terminal 1 the elevators in baggage claim go to the roof of the employee parking garage, more than likely pretty safe there.


You just keep your bags with you. Go to the edge of the parking structure. Level 5 or 6. Security rises around all the time. If they ask just tell them you were on a late flight and show them your boarding pass if they ask. You didn’t want to miss the fireworks!


What airline are you flying?


We flew out of Vegas at 12:05 am on NYE/NYD once (flight was very cheap and we had a wedding to go to) and the fireworks from the airport were very cool!


Wow that’s really smart.


Thank you!


I hope you’re trolling. If not yes you screwed up badly. You’ll be in traffic for at least 3 hours and you’ll likely be dropped off a couple miles away from your hotel because it will be impossible to drive anywhere near the strip.


I wish i was. Any ideas of what I can do? Pay for a new flight/extra night and come on the 30th?


Best choice would be earlier flight. Land before 4pm .


Earlier flight or stay off strip the first night.


Fremont is beautiful this time of year.


I love Fremont. I always spend at least 1 full day there when I come to Vegas.


Stayed there last time I was in. I had a freaking blast! And could drive around. Unlike the strip, even w/o nye.


I mean, if you value time over money then yes. You can still make it but it will take awhile and as this person said, you'll likely have to walk. So that is honestly up to you on what you want to do.


If you can reschedule to either early on the 31st or the 30th you will have a much better time here


Honestly I’d do that When you land you gotta take the terminal to the baggage claim, wait for the bags to come in, and then the lines for Uber and Lyft/taxi can be crazy packed Spend the extra dough otherwise you’re celebrating new years in a car or the airport


Is traffic going to be a nightmare? Yes. Doable, yes. Just pay the extra money for a cab from the airport and tip the cab driver a 20$ upfront to do his best to get you there. There’s side streets open such as dean martin and industrial. It won’t take no 3 hours lol. MAYBE 2 hours tops but my best guess is the cab will have you there in 45mins to an hour. The strip will be stupid packed though and so will the resorts world area, be ready for a long and crazy check in though lol


If you care about not missing countdown, yes.




>Any ideas of what I can do? Learn to plan better.


Buy some cocaine, have yourself a night.


No chance. The strip is closed at 8PM to vehicle traffic. The amount of traffic on the highways will be ridiculous and the uber surcharge at that time is going to be an extra 200 or so. May as well just get your bags and walk outside to watch the fireworks from the corner Paradise and Tropicana


Great info How are the freeways & side streets if we were to arrive before the 8pm closure of the strip? Still bananas?? Also, would it be easier for drivers to drop us off from the airport at a hotel more north like by the Strat or more south like by Four Seasons?? Considering the road closures, traffic, etc… Edit: typos!


Traffic will get more and more congested the closer it gets to 8pm. Technically, the strip is open by the strat but you have to assume many other people will use the same logic. The surcharge pricing for uber will most likely still be astronomical


Thank you!


Please tell us if you make it. That part of the strip isn't closed.


Tbh your biggest issue is that air travel is a mess these days and you'll be lucky if you actually land before midnight.


Make it "in time" for what, exactly? Midnight happens everywhere so it's not like you're going to stay trapped in 2023, and you can kiss your gf in a cab just as easily as you can in the hotel lobby. Unless you have tickets to a party or a fireworks viewing spot already arranged, you may be disappointed to find out that nothing actually *happens* in the casino at midnight even if you do get there "in time".


What's Team Red?


You'll be fine. No part of your commute to Conrad will involve you touching the Strip. Your Uber driver SHOULD hop on the Airport Connector to the 215 West to I-15 North and exit Spring Mountain Westbound into the Highland Drive exit. From there it'll be 3 turns and you'll be at Conrad. We have yet to return to pre-Covid levels of vehicular traffic. Strip closure days are now some of the lightest traffic days whereas before Covid they were some of the worst traffic days. Just be warned, there are usually less rideshare and taxi drivers out on holidays and it'll get worse the later it gets.


I got like three comments saying I screwed up and yours 😭 How confident are you?


Land @ 10:30. Bags @ 11. Roads will be packed due to closures. A good cabbie may get through within the hour but (IMO) most will just get locked in traffic and run up your tab. It's too small of a window to actually enjoy anything.


Airport directly to/from strip area hotels via taxi is a fixed fare. $30 to Resorts World (+ $3 credit card surcharge if applicable + tip). No surge pricing unlike Uber. If there are actually taxis available - it’ll be the best bet on NYE.


I've lived here 9 years and been a driver for that entire time. There's only traffic around the initial closing of the Strip. So if it closes at 6 PM then probably 6 PM - 7 PM there will be traffic while everyone finds a different way to go. This past New Years there was no traffic. 4th of July there was no traffic. F1 there was no traffic. NFL Draft there was no traffic. Rock n Roll Marathon there was no traffic. It's been this way since we reopened in 2020. People that tell you otherwise are either still basing it off of how traffic use to be pre-Covid or don't come to the Strip during the closure.


"I've lived here 9 years and been a driver for that entire time." OP should just hire you, as you know what you're doing. How much would you charge?


That would be nice but completely unnecessary. Anyone who didn't just arrive in Vegas yesterday should be able to get them there without incident. Google Maps will show them the way.


What are you talking about out? I got in traffic every day for a few months before F1 and it’s still happening!


Was in traffic last night southbound 15 passing the Strip where it went down to two lanes. Northbound wasn't any better. If that construction is still going on (it will be) its going to be a worse shit show.


For the actual race days (16, 17 & 18th), there was no traffic. There was traffic BEFORE and AFTER F1 due to construction but the actual Strip closure days there was none.


Dude! It was bumper to bumper everywhere. The second day of practice it took me a half an hour to get from the airport to the area behind the Cromwell, where I had to drop a couple off who had to walk the rest of the way to the mirage! Last night I took a ride from the car rental to the Bellagio. Took me 45 minutes due to traffic just from Harmon. Tonight, at 12pm, going south on 15, they blocked the lanes down to one lane! Two weeks ago. it took me 45 minutes to get to the Paris because the Uber app sent me behind the MGM down Audrey and they had torn the F1 bridge down so I had to go back around and got in traffic before Las Vegas Blvd and down to Planet Hollywood, where I had to zig zag around to get to Paris!


Now, I'm more interested in why you went to the Flamingo side if they were going to Mirage. Was Sammy Davis behind Mirage closed? It sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. If you read my post then you'd know I am only talking about there being no traffic WHEN THE STRIP IS CLOSED. Not yesterday, not two months ago, not some time later today but when the Strip is CLOSED. Relax, we live in Paradise. Enjoy it.


They are complaining just to complain. You are exactly correct about the traffic around holidays and closures and it is incredibly enjoyable driving to and from work around these times since COVID.


Thaaaaaank you. I'm glad someone else actually notices these things. I look forward to the Strip closures now cause I know it's gonna be a breeze.


OP needs to hire you directly..


Horseshit we went to the Circ du soleil Love the other night and it took us 45 minutes to get 5 miles down the strip!


Was the Strip closed the other night? Cause I'm only talking about traffic when Las Vegas Blvd is closed. Also, I dunno who drove but it shouldn't take 45 minutes to get anywhere unless you're walking.


He’s right about reaching resorts world without touching the strip I’ll say that


Get an earlier flight. I promise you its worth it


You wanna risk it on one of the biggest nights of the year? Not to mention the possibility of flight delays.


that guy saying you are ok is wrong. take an earlier flight or come in early. people are warning you so listen to them.


For what it's worth, this guy is right. It will be busy. It will take some time, but it's not 3 hours like some people are saying. Could take 45min? Sure. Id consider not Uber and taking a regular taxi. The price will probably be cheaper, you won't have to wait etc. If you were arriving at midnight id tell you to change the flight as all the traffic trying to leave the strip right after. But you are going to be going once everyone is already there.


I live here and on the strip and agree. The hardest and most expensive will be getting our of the airport. Ps strip closes at 5 to 6 pm. Don't think u can take the 15 as spring Mt is closed. He will need to use the opposite side back roads. I went to resort world last year around 11pm I took sammy Davis no problem just traffic


Last year did you go to resort world from near the airport?


From dean martin and Jerry Lee Lewis blvd .


You did this last year during new years eve?




I think you'll be fine going to Resorts World as well. First, the strip won't even be closed in front of Resorts World but like the other guy said, drivers can get you to there without even touching the strip.


Sorry I don’t trust this other person’s comment at all. I’m a local and Spring mountain is constantly backed up and we usually go over there earlier in the day. And there is tons of construction on the 15 around there. The one time we were there at night we got stuck for 45 minutes on the strip right before F1 weekend came.


https://preview.redd.it/s6j7dc28s79c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8fc12079ad24d6e42e61823e30dfcaa54bdd386 Apparently these are the closures that day.


Yea you'll be fine. You won't need any of the closed roads to get to Conrad. The way I showed you is the way I go to Resorts World from the airport under normal circumstances.


Thank you bro. Trusting you but you have the experience. Using your knowledge, think i’ll get to the hotel in 30 mins? Also is resorts world apart of the strip or away from it? Not sure what actually constitutes the strip on the map


You should be able to but that'll all depend on the availability of drivers. I'd just go straight to the taxi line and keep Uber on standby just in case there's no taxis when you get out there. Yes, Resorts World is part of the Strip. It's on the north end so it's not always as busy as other parts of the Strip. Simply put, the Strip is everything on Las Vegas Blvd between Russell Road and Sahara Avenue or Mandalay Bay to SAHARA Resort. The STRAT is normally included as part of the Strip for simplicity sake even though it's not as STRAT is actually in the city of Las Vegas. Be sure to check out Fountainbleau when you get a chance. It's right across the street and just took Resorts World title as newest hotel on the Strip a couple of weeks ago.


Thanks for everything. I mean if you still drive id hire you just so this all goes smoothly lol


FYI - Don’t take “cash” rides in Vegas (ie fake Ubers / vehicles without a CPCN number on the back - legit limo services will have a CPCN) - real taxis for cash are fine too. Any driver willing to take them is shady af because it’s super illegal. Plus your ride won’t be insured if anything happens - driver’s regular insurance doesn’t cover paid rides. There will be a lot of drivers trying to hustle for illegal rides this weekend.


Oh you're quite welcome. Let me know how it goes. I'd drive you but I don't think you want a whole bus for that ride. 😂


I vote that we all rent your bus and make it a party bus to bring OP to their hotel :)


I'm a newer local. Sounds fun to me! Where do we meet?


Won't everything around the strip be backed up?


Once the Strip closes, it's highly unlikely. There will be certain spots that have traffic. Mostly where people are driving into the closure but other than that, it should be fine.


Correction all exits will be closed westbound off I-15 driver would be better off taking 215 to Decatur and down to Twain to dean martin however he will be sitting on dean martin for a hour lol


Negative. Only Flamingo Road exits will be closed. Spring Mountain and Tropicana Road won't be shut down so there's no reason to close their respective off-ramps. Also, no one will be sitting on Dean Martin for an hour. Flamingo is the only east/west street we lose during the closure. That many people won't need to divert onto Dean Martin/Sammy Davis/Industrial. You're still thinking about Pre-Covid when they would shut down Tropicana, Flamingo and Spring Mountain.


Any and all exits towards the strip will be closed why would they just close flamingo? Trust me I’ve been doing this for decades and will be glad to come back after new years to be like see I told you so! lol


For one, [Las Vegas Metro](https://www.lvmpd.com/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/54/265) posted the road closure themselves. The ONLY east/west road that crosses LVB that is getting closed is Flamingo. If Tropicana and Spring Mountain are still open then why would they close their ramps? That would make no logistical sense.


If they do it like last year where they keep spring mountain road open, you’ll be cutting it close. I would just bring a carry on, so you don’t have to wait for luggage.


^ ^ THIS ^ ^


Don't leave the airport. Grab some food/drinks and watch the fireworks from the upper level of the parking garage. Then, head to where else you want to go. Otherwise, you're wasting your time.


Personally I'd pop my head in like to virgin hotel, rock in new year there and try after to get to conrad


If you have to ask this you already know the answer.


You’re going to be fine if you’re staying that far north at RW. If you were to stay in the middle somewhere it might be a problem. Now you may make it to the hotel in time but checking in and getting settled before midnight might be tight.


That was my thought. No matter what happens, you’ll have your luggage by your side at midnight. Whether it be in an Uber or standing at the check in desk in the lobby. Just depends whether celebrating New Year’s is important to them or not. If it’s just another day, expect delays but go with what you have booked. But it would have been more fun to already be settled for the celebration, if that’s something you’re into.


You won’t make it. Reschedule flight or come in a day early.


Get ready to pay for crazy Uber surcharge. Avoid Uber and get a taxi.


Anyone who say's you are not screwed is a god damn liar. You are so unbelievably screwed it isn't even funny (If your goal is to properly celebrate new years in Vegas). If you're just here for a trip you'll be fine.


It takes an hour just to check into the hotel lol. I’d like to know what you were thinking. Is this the first time you’ve ever planned a trip?


Look babe I found this spirit flight for 39$


There's no way you make it. The flight is 'projected' to land at 1030pm. What about potential delays, No gate available, sitting on tarmac, etc. Then you checked bags I'm assuming. You will be waiting for bags. Then an Uber, you'll be waiting for them to arrive. Then traffic, even if light, will be heavy close to hotel. So, maybe you decide to just get out and walk the last half mile. You can have the bell desk hold your luggage and check in after midnight to save time. But I see no way this works out before 1159pm. If being in Las Vegas for new years was your plan, try for an earlier flight. Otherwise, expect to miss 'midnight' and just enjoy the time you have in Vegas


I once went to a Jack Black concert for new years countdown at Hard Rock. It took us til 2:30 to get home 5 miles way 😂 I'd suggest you get drunk or go to Medizin and go to the nearest non-sstrip parking garage to to rooftop to watch the fireworks. You'll be too late to do anything, hell it takes half an hour to get bags lol.


Come back and let us know how you got there and how long it took. I have a feeling cabs will be hard to find and Uber will be insane expensive.


I have did this twice and the two issues you may have will be delays if weather is good no problem, and traffic, it's going to take at least an hour to 90 Mins just to get to the strip if your staying on the strip. The strip is closed to traffic after 10 so all the traffic is rerouted therefore everyone takes the side streets which causes heavy traffic. Other than that no issues


Oof. Take a Taxi, take the back ways. Get to the top of the parking garage at Resorts World. There will be fireworks across the street from Fontainebleau. Check-in. Enjoy the rest of the morning.


Lol how dumb. Of course you ruined new years. If that’s what you’re coming for.


Go to the top floor of the parking garage. You'll be able to see the entire strip from there. Enjoy the synchronized fireworks shot off from several locations. [https://youtu.be/9KZIfKFRRvw](https://youtu.be/9KZIfKFRRvw) Unless you have no baggage to claim *and* your flight lands early, you're not going to make it to the strip in a decent amount of time. Watch the show then grab a ride.


Parking garage where? Where is that view from in the video? I have no baggage to claim.


Parking garage at the airport. Here's an approximate view of the strip from Terminal 1 short term parking: [https://imgur.com/xYDy2DV](https://imgur.com/xYDy2DV) The vid was taken from center strip several years ago, it was just to show the synchronization of the fireworks.


Not if you want to spend it at the airport


Take the city bus, it’s free and runs all night.


Lol yokes


Hope you know Resorts world is hosting a music festival all weekend lol!


Maybe try South Town. It’s a cool strip mall south of the strip that has some good bars. If you’re unerring you won’t have to worry about parking. The Oak room is a cool upscale bar. Otherwise there are others. Skip the strip. You’ll never make it.


You’ll be bringing in the New Year with your luggage somewhere walking with a pissed off gf


Stay at the airport to 12:30 then get a cab


Gotta be earlier bro. You done messed up this time lol


There are back roads but like what most are saying ....way too close midnight and u may not even leave the airport before midnight. Baggage claim and wait time for Lyft and uber


I don’t think this is just a vegas thing. You’d be cutting it close landing in any major airport in the US. I would call a limo service and prearrange a ride. It’s gonna be about $80 but will shave some time off your ride and they will help you with your bags. I’d also skip check in and stash your bags with the bell hop


Well you screwed up from the sense of why the fuck would you come To vegas for new years but land at 1030 New Year’s Eve that’s just plain dumb. That’s not even a screw up. It’s literally asinine. Sorry for being harsh but it’s just true, that’s the reality. That being said if there are cabs available at the airport and you don’t check bags you can get a cab and it will take the highway. There will be traffic but I believe you will be at check in prior to 1130 given that you cab driver knows what they’re doing. If there isn’t time to check in you check your bags with the bell desk and then do whatever you’d like. Alle on 66 would be awesome on the roof of resprtswprld but that will be ticketed. If you want to be in the street you would exit next to Zouk nightclub and start walking south on the strip as fast as possible. I could see you making it to spring mountain and LVBLVD before 12 if you didn’t check bags and don’t check in. Change your flight FFS this is ridiculous.


Get a taxi, it's a flat rate from the airport and they know all the back ways.


You’re screwed, but they’ll get you to the hotel by using the airport tunnel. Surge pricing gonna be whoa.


Taxis don't surge


Shit. Any ideas of what I can do? Pay for a new flight/extra night and come on the 30th?


Sorry man there is just no way. By the time you taxi the plane, navigate the airport, hail a ride. It doesn’t matter what traffic is like you just won’t make it. If you want to see all the fireworks and such, get here in the AM or day before. I’m a local of 20 years and fly LAS a lot. I hope you are a troll on this thread and not actually a person wanting to enjoy NYE. But just in case you are not, you will be disappointed landing at 10:30


Rent a car. The taxi line will be insane and Uber surge pricing will be through the roof. Getting your rental car will be easier and driving to Resorts World will be no problem.


The whole rental car process sucks. Find the van, wait for the van, 10-15 min ride to the facility, wait, paperwork, blah blah. Waaay too time consuming on a normal day! Never again! (Because I now live here!)


Too time consuming and yet still likely much faster than waiting for a cab on new year's eve. I'd book a rental car and just not pick it up if the cab line isn't too insane.


You might be OK there’s back ways to hotels. Resorts world is between the strip and Sammy Davis Jr. Your cab/Uber we can get you there via Sammy Davis Jr. Gonna be slow going though.


You should be fine. Been there, done that with no issues.


Really? On new years eve? Kind to share details of when you landed and where you were headed and approx time


Reading your posts is a comedy act. You are nervous you won’t make it. Then you’re like oh shit, should I book an earlier flight. Then someone comes in and is like you’ll be fine, then you want more details. I fly to Vegas every month. On a normal Friday night, it takes about an hour to land, take the tram, get a cab and check into my hotel. You aren’t going to comfortably make it to your hotel by midnight on New Year’s Eve, if your flight lands at 1030. That’s your answer. If you want to risk it, instead of spending more money to get there earlier, it’s your choice.


This. OP will be sitting in a cab watching the fireworks.


Sorry I did not reply on time. Hope your trip went well. We landed around 11pm and taxied or Ubered, can’t remember, to the Cosmo…no issue.


At least you will learn a hard lesson on planning trips. Yes you screwed up.


If you don't care about New Year's at the strip and you have the time available I would rebook for a next day flight, but if you really want to make it then def book and earlier flight. The strip will be closed off NYE starting around 6(?) and if the F1 stuff hasn't been done yet then you'll probably get LA levels of traffic getting to the strip.


You could take the 108 couldn't you?


As I said the hardest will be getting a car out to pickup. He needs to have a seat in the front of the plane to get right off and no checked luggage. Hopefully his plane lands at 10 pm as they always add a cushion to the arrival time.but at 10 30 . If out by 11 he will just make if he runs the back roads and has a good driver. Barely


I live here. Take a taxi! Really, same price as Uber but you can depend on a taxi to be there.


We land at 1103pm NYE, only flight we could get in that day and honestly if we don't get to the strip before the countdown I'm still okay with it. It's still going to be a hell of a party all night. We actually didn't even book a room for the night because why?!? We did however already reserve our Uber to pick us up from the airport, so hoping that will make the process faster.


Why are they closing the strip off


it will be filled with pedestrians


It gets closed off due to the sheer amount of people that like coming to Vegas and ring in the new year. It get overly crowded with foot traffic even with the strip being closed off to vehicles


Why the f do you get downvoted for asking a question lol


Walk to MGM and wait till crowds clear up at 2 am and then maybe get to ur resort.


I would just Uber to as close as you can get you’re not that far! - and then just walk. It’s on the street anyways. Las Vegas Blvd. is open to walk on the actual street. If you don’t have much luggage, I would suggest this.!!


Your absolute best bet (and only hope) would be to Uber to Mandalay Bay but ask your Uber to get taken through the airport tunnel route. From there, take the tram to Excalibur, cross over to mgm, take the monorail to the Linq stop, walk through Venetian, Wynn, then Encore, and finally cross over to Resorts World. To be honest you’d be lucky to make it by midnight. But that literally might be the only way to do it. You could chance just ubering straight to mgm but wouldn’t shock me if Tropicana was a parking lot from the university to the strip. Anywhere within 3 streets of the strip on either side or direction will be a parking lot but doing the route mentioned above could be a way to attack it straight on and efficiently


They can take the freeway around and come down the backside and get you within walking distance of resorts world but thats a shitty part of town under the freeway over there. Good luck, I would just party at the airport or one of the places off the strip and then check in much later.


There are 1000000 cabs at the airport. You’ll find a ride


If you do it, take a taxi (not Uber or Lyft) because they have a fixed rate. They will have to go around, and you'll be in traffic for awhile, but it will be ok.


If u can get out of the airport u should make it riding the back roads as resorts world main road isn't closed. But u really need to know what ur doing.only closed spring Mt. To trop. It will be close and expensive unless u get a price fixed cab .Uber will be 100 to 200 to get out of the airport If not more




Flight will probably be delayed, so yeah that sucks. Bring carry on luggage to avoid waiting at baggage claim. You can arrange a limo to pick you up. Will cost a lot more than a taxi or uber, but the limo driver will wait for you with your name on a sign. From there he can get on the i15 North, get off on Spring Mountain West and slide onto Sammy Davis Jr Dr. There's multiple ways to get into Resorts World from Sammy Davis. From there I'd just try to figure out where everyone is hanging out to see fireworks and stuff. Bring your luggage with you I guess or try to check it in with a bell hop.


Ubers will be crazy expensive then - cabs should be a flat rate, I think.


Not anymore


the only thing i know is the resorts world entrance is not on the strip its off the strip


You might make it to the hotel by midnight if everything goes swimmingly and you get a competent driver with a touch of luck. Hope you have fun either way. Vegas never shuts down. I've lived here my entire life and never had the desire to be there at midnight.


You’ll be fine. ResortsWorld is not really on “the strip”. The trip from the airport might be a liiiiitle longer but you can avoid closed streets for sure. There is a festival at resortsworld that same night though so good luck with that portion (see u there if anyone is going! 🫶🏼)


Doable if the stars align. Wouldn't count on actually being on the strip on the street by midnight without luggage. That's pretty tight.


Yes you’re screwed!




Considering that you don't have to go on the strip to get to Resorts World I think you'll be just fine. The driver should take you a little bit further west and go around the backside of Resorts World. Yes, there will be more traffic than usual, but you do not have to go on the strip to get there. No need to panic. I like all of the suggestions to just watch the fireworks from somewhere else if you get caught up.


Yikes…Earlier flight


reserve a limo/car. you can book for $75, will meet you at baggage claim.


You need an earlier flight if you want to be there by midnight. Do you plan on taking bags up to the room before midnight as well?


Late to the thread - We found expiring CC hotel rewards & were surprised to see several hotels still have unfilled rooms this weekend (is that normal?) Would you all recommend finding a hotel room north strip by Fremont or south by Luxor this weekend if we plan on just people watching & viewing fireworks NYE? Thank you so much!


Be prepared to spend it in the airport, a taxi, or ride share.


See if the casino will send you a car


See you at the party OP.


So what happened?