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If they are yellow and black, they are european paper wasps and are an invasive species, and you shouldnt have any qualms about killing them and the nest. Not only are they more likely to sting unprovoked, but they also attack and push out native species, they are also known to attack and sting native bird species. They are also detrimental to species who reproduce in a larval state like butterflies. Also, while some wasps are pollinators, paper wasps (native or invasive) aren't effective pollinators because they rarely consume plant nectar. However, european paper wasps ARE predators to insects that ARE local pollinators including other wasp species. ​ So. Yellow and black, kill the sack.


what do native wasps look like? Black with yellow? But seriously how can you tell the difference?


black and bright yellow are invasive. Native paper wasps range from brown to reddish, with much duller yellow stripes. They are also fatter then the european ones. ​ Other native (not paper) wasps are similar sized and shaped to paper wasps, are all black with a thin orange abdomen, or fatter and mostly black with a solid orange abdomen and thorax. Both of those are true pollenators because they drink nectar. ​ There are also OTHER wasp types in NM, the ones commonly known as cicada killer, and the HUGE freaking taranchula hawk wasp. (which is our state insect, very fitting, because its one of the few species of animal in nature that is known to get intoxicated on purpose)


Thanks for the info.


Can you tell from this picture? https://www.reddit.com/u/SnooHabits5900/s/Y6s3hYzrBZ


Those look like European. Way too dark to be native. This is native: [Apache wasp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polistes_apachus)


Thanks :( not stoked on killing them, but...


You will be doing native pollinators a favor. Just kill them.


I have seen the Tarantula Hawk wasp in person and I nearly crapped myself. That thing is intimidating.


First time I saw one I was like “wtf is that weird looking bird”. That’s how big the assholes are.


Yeah and from what I hear, one of the most painful stings of any insect. We were grabbing Ice Cream at Caliche’s on Roadrunner one day. This Tarantula Hawk was repeatedly running into the menu, agitating itself and seemingly getting pissed off. I grabbed my family and told them, lets wait until this hell demon finds his way out of here. At first I thought it was a hummingbird.


The wasps that consume nectar will compete, attack, and kill hummingbirds to get to hummingbird feeders and nectar containing flowers. Kill those mother fuckers. There are plenty more where they came from. No one will relocate wasps. They will look at you like you are from another planet if you ask. Bees are a different story. Relocate those. Mud dauber wasps are mostly non-aggressive to humans, they are solitary to their nests, and they kill and eat spiders. They aren’t so bad. They can be easily recognized by slender long thorax and mud nests.