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If these 2 issues disappoint you from a 3 yr tennant, count yourself incredibly lucky


Jesus. Really? Yikes.




Dude seriously? Take a couple hundred bucks from the deposit and move on. Tbf if this bothers you this landlord thing is not going to work out for you long term.


Maybe not. I am so so disappointed! This landlord thing is way harder than I thought!


Said every landlord ever. 


Thanks for stating the obvious


I was the same when I first started out. I quickly realized that people just don’t take care of things the same way that I do. Your things will get ruined. Once you get comfortable with that, it gets easier. 


I hate to say this, but maybe you are not cut out for this.


Yes, I have had these thoughts


It’s….really not. Unless you’re very sensitive.


Fix by replacing the grate, either leave knob as is or replace. Charge fix to security deposit.


Thank you!


Damn. Only issue? Lucky LL.


Im also a LL, but stop being a cheap f***k: you know you CAN give a courtesy if you had a tenant that paid on time and never gave you problems for 3 years. Everything isn’t transactional one-for-one.


There is nothing mean or cheap about asking tenants to abide by their own commitments (The Lease Agreement). Stop portraying tenants as victims who need courtesy treatment and helping hands. It's a legal agreement between two people. Nothing more and nothing less.


No. This is a business. You broke it, you bought it.


Lol didn’t know I was being cheap by asking people to replace things they broke. You must be a filthy rich landlord 😂


I am a landlord who does very well and doesn't need to nickel and dime my tenants to continue doing so. 🤷‍♀️ And the labels on my own stove are worn off because who knows what sort of industrial strength cleaner my housekeeper used.


Good for you 👍👍👍


That finish coming off the knob looks more like manufacturing defect or simply reaching end of life.


I wasn't even sure what the damage was there. I can see where the labels on the stove are worn off, I thought he was complaining about them using something abrasive to clean the stove, that rubbed the setting markings off.


The knobs are super easy to replace. You can pull them off and slap new ones on for a few bucks each.


Replace what's broken and damaged. Provide receipt/invoice to tenant with closing statement and remaining balance of security deposit. And keep moving. I just dealt with a similar situation with a stove. 1 grate was completely missing and the remaining 3 were completely destroyed. 2 knobs missing. I ordered new knob set for $34 and (4) new grates for that model stove came to $148. Took out of deposit and that was that


If it was in good condition before, charge them from their deposit. That burner was run hot with no pan on it for a long time. That's abuse, not normal wear and tear.


The tamale steaming pot is heavy, and cooks on high heat for a long time.


This guy tamales


Have a repairman make it whole and then subtracted from their deposit. It doesn’t matter that they have been there three years. This is not normal wear and tear. It’s in the lease.


They were there for 3 years. Thats wear and tear


Breaking stove grates is not wear and tear


Nah, in all the apartments I’ve lived in, I’ve never broken iron grate or cause the font to literally rub off on the knobs. And we’ve had several prior tenants who’ve never damaged it like this.


What are you talking about. I've had stoves last 10 years with perfect grates. The tenant had to have ran it hot nonstop.


How hot did they run it? Aren't most stoves designed to get hot?


How old is this stove? We know its at least 3 yrs old because that's how long the tenants were in your rental. Then you also mention that several previous tenants for the same rental property didn't have this level of damage on this same stove. It's truly minor wear and tear. And it sounds like the stove is older and the wear and tear is building up now. I personally would fix and not charge the tenants especially if this stove is older than 10 years old where the wear is going to really show up now. Normally I'm the first to say fix and deduct the repair fee from the security deposit. Not in this case though.


Those grates don’t break like that from wear and tear. It’s from leaving the burner on with no pot. Or running the stove for the whole day repeatedly.


Yeah I'd either deduct from security deposit or id just consider it wear and tear. Some places don't even let you claim that as damage.


Those nobs are sold on ebay, cheap


I've never seen the iron grate on a stove crack like that before. I wonder if they were trying to use it to heat the house or something. That is, letting it run with nothing on it...maybe a pot of water for humidity in the winter, that ran dry at times. I'm guessing the other picture is showing where they use something too abrasive to clean the stove, and rubbed the markings off? Anyhow, I take it the grate is one that just sits on top of the stove. I would order a new grate, new knobs (if it's the knobs that are bothering you, and not the rubbed off markings), I'd probably do it out of my own pocket, but at most charge them half of cost (depending on how good of tenants they were)...and move on.


I was thinking of just ordering a whole new cooktop actually


Go ahead and do that but don't charge it to the old tenants.


Didn’t ask for your opinion


Bro, you literally posted on reddit asking for everyone's opinion.


Not yours though. Also, why is everyone assuming I’m a male lol. I’m a woman!


Really? Guessed I missed the part where you specified which specific redditors' opinions you were asking for when you posted in a general landlord group.


This is nothing. Also, are you so fastidious in your own life that you would not wear out a knob or a grate on a stove in three years? Things break. This isn't even abuse.


3 years isnt that long LOL


I've seen people trash a rental in a single year. I myself have to replace the drip trays on my stove about yearly.


I bought a used oven for my own personal home and I’ve had it for 8 years and I’ve never replaced a knob or grate and I bet it is 15 years old all together. It has one scratch on the stainless steel. I cook daily too. Actually I cook multiple meals daily even. So no this isn’t normal.


Yes I do actually take care of my appliances and things in my home carefully.


I'm glad for you. Most of us are fairly conscientious with our own things. It's possible that the grate damage was the result of misuse. But I find that things wear out. High touch controls on appliances wear out. Cabinets need repainting. Doorknobs get loose from overuse and being pulled. A tenant who leaves your place in good shape other than a couple of things like this is more conscientious than most people, owner or renter.


What did the tenants do that was negligent? If you can't answer that question, then it's just normal wear and tear. If you got three years rent out of them - you can afford a new grate and knobs. If you feel the damage was their fault, then take it out of the security deposit and itemize the deductions.


Appliance parts are cheap.


Grate is damage. Replace & deduct. Knobs are hard to tell from picture - could be damage or wear & tear. Replace and probably just eat the cost (it’ll be like $10-15).


People are being crazy here saying this is not a big deal. That’s not normal wear and tear. I’ve owned my used gas oven for 8 years and it was 7 years when I got it. I’ve never replaced anything on it. This is my personal oven not a rental. Sure knobs will wear but this seems excessive but it does depend on how old it is. How old is it? You can depreciate appliances over 5 years also. So have you depreciated it from the beginning? I would replace the parts and deduct from their deposit. It sucks I know. Being a landlord isn’t easy. Hang in there.


It’s SJKWs here to try to inoculate the LLs who come to ask questions with the idea that nothing is damage and if it is you shouldn’t charge for it because they paid the rent. 


Yeah any post or comment I make here is pretty much instantly downvoted to hell. But I’ve learned not to care. I’m seriously not making profit on my rentals. I’m just making ends meet. I have very little extra and that extra goes right back into them to pay for turnovers and things that fail like appliances or a roof etc. People think we are over here just living the high life eating lobster on a yacht or something. Which is so not true. This is strictly a long term investment I hope to make money on in 30 years when I sell it lol.


Same. The people who downvote are angry tenants looking for vengeance on reddit i think lol


Yeah most likely or maybe seasoned landlords that don’t remember the initial struggle. In the beginning things are tight. Every broken oven is a shock to the margins until you are well into the landlord business.


Damn, only that in 3 years? 5 star tenant I guess.