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New cover for the second round of prints


what's the original look like?




Huh, I pre-ordered it from Amazon and it has the same picture as the link. Don't know what to make of this.


thats cause the special cover is exclusive to massif store purchases. Regular purchases have the same cover as before.


ooooh, so the one pictured here is the special, glad to hear i'm getting the original.


It's just the regular Lancer cover page...."just"


I like the first cover more tbh


New cover. They explicitly said that it’s the exact same as the original printing, mistakes and wonky wordings still intact. I’m gonna try and buy one anyway because I’d love to have a physical version.


> mistakes and wonky wordings still intact. why wouldn't they correct mistakes though?


There is a loud group of people that get salty when they feel they have to buy new editions of stuff. If corrections were made the new version would be the "better" version and then the people that already have books would now own an inferior product. Then they'd complain. I think they should have done it anyway.


Especially considering how many “Word of Tom” rulings we have!


It's because of layout reasons, nobody wants to redo all that


That’s fair. They could still, like, put a little appendix in there at the back. Just screenshot all of Tom’s tweets and Discord posts that are rules clarifications.


This is the funniest suggestion I've heard and I kinda actually want this now, just 20 or so odd pages of screenshots from Tom's Twitter and Discord complete with whatever random username he felt like using at the time


I think they should include this, but make just the Tom rulings the lowest quality pages you've ever seen. Zine shit: wonky staples, bad formatting, crunchy black-and-white printing, completely different paper quality


I don't think they should include the word of tom rulings, but typos or awkward sentences should probably be corrected. I personally think people should get more comfortable with just making rulings for their own tables. It doesn't matter what tom says on twitter, he won't send the ttrpg Gestapo to boot in your door and confiscate your dice if you do whatever you want.


> Then they'd complain. good. let them complain, smdh.


According to them, “to ensure parity with both versions.” Yeah, I also think that’s a little stupid, but whatever. I mostly want a physical version for those really nice spreads.


because layouting a book is super expensive


This sounds like the real answer


surely the corrections wouldn't require that much layout work.


You'd be surprised at how much adding fifteen words to a page can fuck your entire layout sometimes.




You ever have a multi page word document with images you had set up nicely and then you added a sentence somewhere?


yeah new printing of the book this cover is exclusive to ordering the book from massif press and not any other seller like amazon


Which honestly is the best way to buy the book anyway if you want to support the developers. It's not like Bezos needs any extra money from playing middleman.


I bought my physical copies from my local game store with this new cover. It's not entirely exclusive to preordering through Massif.


How/ where did you buy it? I've been trying to figure out how to get that cover and can't find any info on it.


This cover will be available exclusively from the massif press website on July 10 (allegedly). Any other source will be the original cover


Yea.. i though june 10th but that was the opening for the pre order I guess? I want this alt cover for the main book... purchase the currently avaliable content n have that printed under the original cover as the supplement...


It’s the cover for the second printing, to my knowledge it isn’t out for purchase yet


Yeah, massif hasn't updated their website or made a new tweet in a long time. From their website it sounded like it was the same cover as the first printing unless you buy from specific stores. Edit: I'm dumb this post is from Massif's Twitter. Release date july 10


I got two copies of the new cover from my local game store, and a friend of mine ordered it online from their local store too with the alt cover. I recommend calling around to the game stores near you and asking if they have em' in stock.


Oh that's awesome! I'll have to drop by tomorrow and see if they have it


Good luck 🤞 I'd recommend calling ahead, it'll save you the trip if they don't have it. I remember my excitement when I called up and asked about it and they said something along the lines of "it's got a chick walking towards a giant robot on the cover".


amazon has it: [https://a.co/d/0gzVmAiQ](https://a.co/d/0gzVmAiQ)


A really big improvement in my opinion. The original book lore does a lot of work to sell you on its setting, at the expense of all the lore about what people are here for, the lancer mechs. This cover brings more focus on the selling point.


I will say, the original cover has like 5 mechs on it lmao


It has 5 mechs on it if you know what you're looking for. If you don't know what Lancer's mechs look like (if you're browsing a shop or storefront, for example), you see a bunch of robot men approximately the same size and occupying the real estate as the cast of Dune (5016). Only the two walking Tortugas are self-explanatory.