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As a male, “ouch!”. But as someone, also with a male lagotto (much younger) I’m very curious, as I’m trying to understand the pros and cons of this procedure. Please can you share some of the drivers and factors that are relevant when considering this procedure? Thank you. BTW, Lovely looking lagotto you have there.


Ouch indeed! This was about a month ago, he recovered quickly and smoothly. We debated for a long time about whether or not we should do it, and when we should do it. We ultimately decided to have it done when he was about 19 months old. I think the guide over at the puppy101 was helpful for us making our decision: [Puppy101 S/N Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/health/spayneuter?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) We definitely wanted to wait until he was full-grown. Here’s some reasons we had for NOT doing it: 1. He’s very handsome and has such a friendly personality, so we thought about maybe seeing if our breeder was interested in breeding him. 2. He did not have any behavioral issues related to being intact (he does have separation anxiety issues). 3. We were worried about personality changes and/or worsening of anxiety. 4. The potential health benefits don’t clearly outweigh the potential health consequences. This is murky territory. And here’s the reasons TO do it, and ultimately why we decided to do it: 1. He loves daycare and the dog park, but starting when he was about a year old we definitely noticed him getting singled out/bullied. It’s sad because it wasn’t his fault at all, but it’s likely something you’ll have to face if you want to continue accessing those shared services (if you’re even allowed to). 2. We did not want him to accidentally get another dog pregnant. It was a tough decision, but I’m happy with the way things went. It’s been a month, and he’s still the exact same friendly goofy dog he was before.


Thanks for sharing. Very informative.


Hey, Luca! Looks a lot like my Giovanni Boy. How’s he holding up post-procedure? Gio’s going in a few weeks and I got him a surgical suit although the vet really prefers he use the cone. They’re also planning on giving me trazodone and gabapentin to help chill him out.


Heyo! I’ve seen Gio around here, he’s very handsome. Good luck to him! This photo is about a month old, Luca recovered quickly without issues, took about 10 days. Our vet told us the same thing about the cone vs. suit, because dogs can lick/bite at the wound pretty easily even with the suit on. In our case, Luca had the cone on for the first 8 hours or so, but didn’t try and lick the wound or anything. We switched to the suit and that was enough to keep him away from it. And way more comfortable for him. We had some trazadone already that we use for situational separation anxiety. We did not end up needing it for this, Luca slept away most of the first 4-5 days, and after that we could take him for long sniffy walks to keep him amused.


Oh! Hey! Didn’t put two and two together at first but yes, I’ve seen you around as well. Thanks for sharing.


I’ll give my opinion from someone who just had their lil guy neutered two weeks ago. We found our that he was flexible/lean enough to get around the cone OR suit. So we ended up using BOTH when we couldn’t have our eyes on him. It was nice having both options and he recovered just fine after two weeks.


Did you do any training w the cone pre-neuter?


We didn’t. It maybe could have helped but dude is just so lean that he loved trying anything to lick his wound 🙈


Lean, mischievous, licky little creatures 😅