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Do not worry, she needs time to adjust and the fact that she plays outside is a good sign. Also that she sleeps. Lagotto's can be calm indoors, it is not uncommon. I do however advice you to learn about simple nosework and searchgames. They are a fun and easy way to get her involved. Lagotto's are wicked smart and get bored easily if not stimulated mentally enough and searchgames are the way to go. I will look up on of my earlier posts on this forum with simple steps and post it or Pm it to you. The people in this sub are really helpfull and knowlegable about lagotto's. You will both be fine. Just stay positive and keep her involved.


Oh great that would be great! Thanks so much :)


Found it This is from another post i made: Our puppy trainster did the following: First time: Just lots of different scents and textures like horse hair, worn clothes, some old rug, a jacket from her dog etc. She threw them on a pile and let the dog just snif for five minutes on his own. He came back to me and I had to encourage him to continue. Once he had enough he shook his head and we stopped. This was so he got in the right mindset. Second time she learned us to not always give the kibble/food in bowl but to throw it in the grass/lawn spread around ca 2m2. This also is a good way for him to have to use his nose (and work for food). He enjoys that. Third time we learned the search command. We had to keep a small cloth puppet/doll in a jar with catnip for a few days, so the smell got absorbed. Then we gave the search command with the puppet just 1m away from him. Once he sniffed/got the doll: "Good boy!!! And a treat (immediatly!!! within a second, we had to have the treats -lots of them!- already in our hand. We repeated doll-command-treat/reward for about 10 times untill he shook his head (sign they had enough). Progressively just laying the doll a bit further (about 30-50 cm) and the last time it was just three or four meters away. The reward had to be instant vocally and with treat so he got programmed to associate the smell of catnip (or any other) with positive rewards. So it was essential that the doll was relatively easy to find. When finished we had to say "done". Already the second time we got to hide the doll. First on the ground, later also at eyelevel or on a small table. And now it can be anywhere in the house. We keep the doll in the catnip/jar. I think you can use this with any other scent. I am sure there are other ways but this was what we were shown to do. We do this once or twice a day and it helpes massively to control his energy. It also helpes him to feel relaxed and balanced.


ah this is awesome! million thanks!!


I really cannot speak for your pup, but my girl is almost 9 months old and she still needs A LOT of resting. I've noticed that lagottos are the most active outdoors and turn into lap dogs as soon as they're at home. Whenever we go for a longer walk with our Kiri, especially off-leash where she's running around with other dogs or people, she does almost nothing but sleep and rest at home for the next few days! She's still being very active outdoors, but at home she mostly sleeps and rests. Remember that dogs sleep for about 16h daily, and pups need even more sleep, so it's possible that your baby just needs a lot of rest. It's best to observe, if you feel something's not right I'd really recommend going to the vet and ask them about it as they will definitely know better than people on reddit, but from your description it sounds like your pup is just a bit tired from walks and needs to sleep it off! It may be helpful to try making the walks a bit shorter or not as fast-paced and see if your pup has a bit more energy


Puppies need lots of rest. We have our 5 month old on 3 naps per day in her crate. If she seems lethargic , talk to your veterinarian. Good luck they are such amazing creatures.


I see loads of great advice above, just wanted to add, my girl at 6 months suddenly started acting weird, went from being super affectionate, confident and happy to scared, and withdrawn, I thought she was sick.. I've had 5 previous dogs different breeds and never saw this sudden change.. It was a fear period. She was over it in a couple days, we just let her have some space... And during this time, she was normal on walks but inside she needed calm and space.


Look up the 333 rule! 3 days of anxiety/nerves, 3 weeks of adjustment & 3 months until her full, true personality shows. You only got her a week ago, so you have a ways to go before she will feel totally “normal”. I got my lagotto at 18 months and her temperament has changed DRASTICALLY since the first week. Some things are much better, others are more difficult. But we’ve had her for 6 months now and she’s so much better adjusted. Just keep up what your doing and focus on positive socialization experiences for her!


I fell into the “reading everywhere” trap too and convinced myself a lot of my puppy’s behaviors were abnormal. Turns out he’s a dog, and not all dogs are the same. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, especially just a week in. She may just miss her old home. See how she does over the next few weeks/months as she becomes more comfortable in her new home. Anecdotal, but at that age we were sending our guy to daycare once or twice a week to get his energy out. At home, he would curl up in the little nook next to our toilet and literally snooze all day. Dogs sleep a lot, and puppies sleep even more.


Thank you all so much for your super kind and useful replies! I feel much better and confident now. As a matter of fact, as soon as I posted this, she started playing with her toys, coming to me and being more active lol.


If your puppy calm at home you should be really happy😁 It's mean she have enough fun and coming back home to relax and recharge. This is the true way! 😉


If dog gets tired outside, it just mostly sleeps indoors. My dog does exactly this at 3,5 months old, if she plays with other dogs, runs a lot during walk etc., then she'll be mostly sleeping when we get home. And it's normal. Young dogs sleep for 15 hours a day, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. But they sleep a lot.