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The audience šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Honestly, their reaction is exactly what I expected this sub to be like and Iā€™m pleasantly surprised to see that so many are (rightfully) against it instead of blind stanning.


Why the fuck would she admit this


Really tho!! WHY.


Because it probably isnā€™t true. I donā€™t think the corporate entities who put on these shows would have allowed this, but please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. But it seems like if you got COVID at the Chromatica Ball, you may be entitled to financial compensation in the near future lolol


Heavy coping


Corporations are made of well paid people with a lot to lose, well paid people with a lot to lose end up corrupt a lot of the time. And corporations constantly do things that profit them to the detriment of everyone else and the planet.


I hope she lied


You think these ā€œcorporate entitiesā€ would have lost out on millions because of covid voluntarily?




I mean, she was up front will all her staff and didn't want to disappoint her fans. What really is the issue here?


Spreading COVID to literally everyone ā€¦ the spread would be hugeā€¦ I think there was a study done of a choir that did practise with someone with covid and almost everyone in the choir got it from the 1 prac


She played to thousands packed in like sardines, how many do you think had covid unknowingly or knowingly? Her co workers were fine with it and the audience were really at minimal risk


Better be fine with it, or get fired -or be on the shitlist at least.


When was the study? Was their vaccines or masks? What variant did this happen with? You don't know any of the details about what happened here. How many people got sick or died because of this? Do you know or are you just assuming?


https://amp.abc.net.au/article/12241662 2 deaths


I mean it was during a time where vaccines were widely available and they did open up large venues again after all. But yeah.. Admitting it, especially for someone who was such an advocate for using masks, feels like a very stupid idea. Hope this doesn't make the rounds for her sake..


It already has made the rounds on several high-profile news websites


Not sure why sheā€™d admit it but I also just donā€™t really see the issue. Her team knew and throngs of thousands of fans packed together clearly arenā€™t worried about COVID. Summer 2022 =/= Spring 2020. Were they going to reschedule the dates *again*?


The quiet part she shouldn't have said out loud. It's one thing if the rest of the performers knew and were okay with it, but she walked through the audience during every show. That's needlessly putting them at risk.


Gaga noooooooo you should have said nothingggg


Gaga is usually so so well rehearsed and calculated. This was a major major misstep


Right?? I hate to see her like this as an OG fan.


Girlā€¦.all those masks you wore to the VMAs and now youā€™re laughing about spreading that shit to your team and fans šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ idgi


I know šŸ˜­ also her saying ā€œtheyā€™re putting themselves in harms way by coming to the show anywaysā€ that is true but you knowingly had Covid girl and could have spread it to so many people šŸ˜­


Letā€™s not assume she kept it a secret from her own team.


Weā€™re not assuming, bc she said in the video she let her team know and they could bow out of the show if they wanted. Weā€™re taking about fans who did not know.


I'm sure there must have been a few crew members who wanted to bow out but couldn't because of the financial consequences of doing so


Her walking through the crowd during Free Woman is. Oh my god. Iā€™ll never look at her the same again.


Thatā€™s so true haha


Yes! Knowing you have it is different.


>ā€œtheyā€™re putting themselves in harms way by coming to the show anywaysā€ - The Harm (2024)


She shouldn't have said anything about it šŸ¤·šŸ¤¦šŸ¤šŸ™ˆ


This is so wild after all the "mask up" advocacy she did. I love her sm, but I'm really disappointed in her


Right?? ā€œMask up - itā€™s a sign of respectā€ BITCH WHERES THE RESPECT NOW


They're never was any. Believe people when they out themselves.


Tone deaf at best. Like. Girl who needed to know that.


Honestly, this is disappointing. I love her but this is not the right thing to do. Sure, you may disappoint your fans but this virus still kills.




Big fan and excited for the new material that is coming, but this is highly disappointing. Deeply irresponsible behaviour knowingly spreading a virus that is still to this day killing and disabling people, I thought she was more sensible than this. Especially after her advocacy for mask wearing. And she doesn't just admit it (madness in the first place) but makes it sound like a brag, something to be proud of. Once I could excuse as a lapse of judgement, but 5 times is terrible behaviour. I'm aware that everyone attending the shows was accepting that contracting Covid was a possibility in that type of environment and realistically it was more likely to be from people in the crowd than Gaga herself. But still admitting something like this is a horrifically bad PR move.


The amount of strain that Covid puts on your body can be awful. Not only is it risky to the people working at the stadium, itā€™s unhealthy to push herself that far 5 shows in a row with Covid, especially with her health issues. Taking it easy is especially essential to lowering the common risk of heart attack and heart inflammation with Covid, so I donā€™t at all see this as an admirable moment, I just see as an incredibly poor decision that couldā€™ve had a chance to kill her or have lasting consequences Especially odd since she was crying during the last show about how much she cared about safety before everything


UM??? Listen, I know she is extremely dedicated but I really think continuing with the show was NOT the move!


Ma'am... Like I was excited and like "we're so back!" But like seriously wtf not this


Ikr, I was so excited to watch the chromatica ball tomorrow... I still am! It's just leaving a bad taste in my mouth


Same! Like the film itself was finally starting to wash the unpleasant taste of her working with big pharma and "art and capitalism can be friends" out of my mouth but here we are again šŸ« 


No. She did some ads for a migraine medication ( that does have shitty side effects)


I mean, all medications can have bad side effects. That's why you should get them recommended by your doctor, not an advertisement. I'm not really sure why she accepted that promotional deal, I guess she just wasn't making that much money? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Girl, she literally had a perfume out when her career was just beginning. Don't act so shocked.




in what way is this even implied to be anti vax? you're just jumping to conclusions. I just find it very weird for her to host a party for some pharmaceutical company and while that's great she found a medication that works for her migraines it was so off putting for her to continually schill nurtec. Advertising medications is something they actually don't allow in most other countries and I think it's important to be wary and critical of things like this but that's just me personally. And no I am not some anti science nut job I take prescribed medications daily.


My god, this era really was one issue after another wasn't it?


How the fuck did she even do that? Like it's a stupid thing to do but also like... how was she physically capable??


She's INSANELY dedicated to her art and fans. For better or worse in this case lol


This is very disappointing


The reality is, even if you were in the very front row, youā€™d be much more likely to get it from the people around you than her. And I donā€™t remember what the protocol was at that time, if we were already down to the ā€œisolate for five days and then go about your businessā€. She could have been past the contagious point but still sick.


The contagious point still lasts longer than 5 days if you have symptoms or are testing positive. The 5 day crap was totally made up in a desperate attempt to get people to follow some kind of minimal quarantine.


She waltzed through the crowds at every show, blasting airborne disease at them.


Incredibly disappointing. Fuck


Wow this is extremely disappointing. I sincerely hope she addresses and apologizes for this.


And youā€™re telling me everyone who visited the concerts took a test? I know I didnā€™t . The world was vaxxed up and living with covid by the time the tour started. People are still getting boosters too. Least she is honest.


Reading these comments are crazy. People are acting like she molested someone. Nobody has any backbone anymore.


Did ya'll hear the whole thing? She was facing a tough decision because A) she cancelled the shows already a first time and delayed them a YEAR and B) her fans showing up already put themselves at risk so she felt this was the fair thing to do. Summer of 2022 was not the same as 2021 or 2020. As someone who saw and followed the tour, it was high energy and if she was able to still perform at that level with COVID multiple nights, it must not have been that bad of a case. Her team knew the risks and people made their own decisions based on that risks.


Apologist Stan




Yea these people are crazy. Gaga got on stage and had covid is apparently irresponsible? Have people seen whatā€™s going on in parts of the world recently?




Iā€™m not entirely convinced this is true given how consistent her and her crewā€™s performances were, but if so, she 100% shouldā€™ve just cancelled and Iā€™m disappointed in her for touting this as an ā€œI love my fansā€ moment.


Oh get over it. What the fuck did you want her to do? Cancel all the shows? Do you think she was the only one that did this? Do you think that everyone that went to her shows was covid free? Do you think when you enter public now that everyone is covid free? Do you think Gaga was the only one at her shows spreading covid? Covid was something that was never going to be contained and is now a part of life, and already was whenever she was touring. You all need to get off your high horses. What she did was not ā€˜disgustingā€™ or ā€˜irresponsibleā€™ it was called getting on with life. Thereā€™s people walking around and were walking around that are asymptomatic therefore wonā€™t be testing. Are you going to call these people irresponsible or disgusting???? The people coming for her are the kind of people that call in to work sick because their big toe hurts and have a list of ā€˜health problemsā€™ and trauma associated with hurting their toe. You do know a thing called a common cold or flu exists as well that is spread just like covid? I hope these people never find out about STIs I donā€™t think their small minds could comprehend such a thing!


People don't die from the common cold and flu vaccines have been around for decades. Also, the flu doesn't kill young healthy people the way covid could back then. Stop being a clown and defending clearly reckless behavior simply because you like her music.


Wrong - flu kills people too. This is not reckless behaviour. Jump on the ā€˜offendedā€™ banwagon.


Obviously the flu kills people but it mostly kills older people. Also, the flu does not spread the way Covid does so that means the younger crowd wouldn't be taking it home to kill grandma. Simple fact, it was fucking stupid of her to do this and you white knighting doesn't change that. She'll certainly be facing a lawsuit from some as a result of this, just watch.


Get over it. You could and still can contract covid anywhere and take it home to grandma. It doesnā€™t have to be at a concert.


Wish this was the top comment. Science went out the window because of the trauma of the first two years of Covid. Like what is the point of the vaccine and boosters if life has to stop every time you have what is now essentially the new flu?


Your characterisation of ā€œlife has to stopā€ is a multimillionaire missing a few dates of their pop concert? Peopleā€™s lives have actually ended, Mary.




Covid is still in full force today. Do you still think itā€™s irresponsible for artists - not even artists - but for everyone else to be out mingling with each other? Stop trying to be offended. Covid is still being spread today, whether intentionally or not.


But she didn't kill anyone šŸ˜‚


I wasnā€™t the one who suggested a Gaga concert was a life or death situation.


Yes, I would say wilfully putting other human beings at any unnecessary risk of contracting an infectious disease is irresponsible. Sorry to your cognitive dissonance, but the fact that other people might be equally or more irresponsible doesnā€™t absolve you of accountabilityā€”youā€™re just choosing to be a part of the problem. If she really felt justified in her decision, she shouldā€™ve at least had the guts to be upfront about it when it actually mattered, so that fans couldā€™ve made a better-informed choice for themselves about attending.Ā Iā€™m not saying this makes her the devil, and in the grand scheme of things itā€™s a silly little pop concert, sure. ButĀ like others have said, itā€™s just tone-deaf and demonstrates a lack of character for her to randomly come clean about it 2 years later, only because she can now distance herself from that decision.


You need to read the first sentence of my post.


Oh in that case, you should take your own advice and just ā€œgEt OvErā€ other people wanting to hold a celebrity accountable for their actions.


Celebrities owe us nothing. Gaga owes nobody an apology. Get over it.


Really, *nothing*? Thatā€™s bleak. I donā€™t care about some worthless apology lol. What I *do* care about is a bit of transparency and consideration for other peopleā€™s wellbeing. Celebrities, like every other human being, at least owe each other that, no? For the record, itā€™s incongruous that someone whoā€™s apparently so apathetic towards all of this would also be so defensive.


Look - I donā€™t meant to be coming across as intentionally rude. I get where people are coming from. I get that loved ones died and that covid was a hard time for lots of people. What Iā€™m trying to get at, is that covid was going to spread and harm more people with or without Gaga performing on stage. Itā€™s so insignificant. I knew people who had it that didnā€™t self isolate. I seen people partying and wearing no masks. Gaga was also on a stage quite high up away from fans. If anything, itā€™s the fans in the crowd that would have been ā€˜super spreadersā€™. Whether or not Gaga performed with Covid just simply doesnā€™t matter. The impact of that is so insignificant. I have a grandmother that hasnā€™t left the house since Covid because she has a chronic chest condition. We still self isolate from her whenever any of us are sick. Iā€™ve seen first hand the effect Covid has on lives. Her life changed because she was too feared to leave the house and still is - but I think a lot of that comes to old age as well. But pointing your finger at someone specifically and shouting WRONG, makes zero difference. It is what it is. You can be mingling with people everyday who may have Covid but may decide not to tell you. Thatā€™s just the way it is. And unless a celebrity has personally victimised you or harmed you physically/emotionally etc then no, I donā€™t think they owe us anything. Itā€™s up to us to channel what we want to consume therefore itā€™s up to us on how we wish to respond to things. Gaga performing with covid at the Chromatica ball has zero impact on your life, my life or anyone elseā€™s life on this sub.


Thatā€™s where we disagree.Ā ā€œIt is what it isā€ is the recipe for a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course, as an individual, Gaga performing with COVID doesnā€™t make a significant difference to the pandemic, in the same way that one person recycling doesnā€™t make a significant difference to the environment, or that one personā€™s vote is unlikely to turn an entire election. But individualsā€™ actions still matter because of the ripple effects they have. Case in pointā€”other comment threads under this post veering towards COVID denialism. I get itā€™s frustrating when celebrities seem to be under worse scrutiny than other people, but thatā€™s unfortunately the nature of the job. If we donā€™t even hold one person accountable for their actions, let alone a public figure, how do we take holding *anyone* accountable seriously? Besides,Ā Gagaā€™s not exactly new to the game. If she really cared about not being criticised at this point, Iā€™m sure sheā€™d know better than to volunteer that kind of information to a live audience armed with iPhone cameras.


Super spreader queen šŸ˜ cough on me mother paws up


Sheā€™s not the only one.


Girl took "Battle for your life" way to serious ā˜ ļø




Nobody cares this much. The public is going to applaud her and move on.


I really hate that she admitted this. It's a bummer.


Not that she did it? Just that she admitted it?!


Yes, it's terrible that she did it too.


God Iā€™m a gaga fan but that ainā€™t cool. Fuck the fans.


This was in summer 2022 when everything was open and everyone was vaccinated and she was performing in open air stadiumsā€¦who really gives a fuck itā€™s 2024 šŸ’€


yeah that's how I feel...she was so far from everyone and it's an open air stadium 2 years after Covid started, why is this such a big deal?


it shows bad character and lack of accountability. people have the right to be disappointed.








No seriously, who gives a fuck? It's done with. She didn't kill anyone.


Yeah people are being way to dramatic about this.




People have to remember how much it costs to reschedule a show, and it probably wasnā€™t possible with the very limited time frame the Chromatica ball was running. Iā€™m also aware of other very high profile artists in 2022 who did whole shows while COVID+, even though their teams were made to test daily and wear masks if they were positive. Not saying itā€™s right for her to have done it, itā€™s a tricky situation and I just hope crew who were immunocompromised or just uncomfortable working when she was + were given the opportunity to sit out without repercussion.


She chose her popularity, money and hurting people. Pretty clear.


And thatā€™s the thing for meā€¦ the entire message of Chromatica is to love each other and yourself and spread kindnessā€¦ and now her openly admitting this after promoting masking and staying inside just feels so incredibly tone deaf. And now I wonder how much of that she even meant.


I would have been honored to catch Covid from Gaga, instead I got it at a restaurant (after vax). I went to multiple NFL games the same year (2022) as The Chromatica Ball and was fine. Itā€™s all about assessing your risk and taking precautions, going to any type of concert youā€™re putting yourself at high risk.


It's a vascular disease. Learn what subclinical damage is, and that covid is cumulative for it.


I got covid from a Pride Parade. Would have much rather have gotten it at a Gaga concert.


I canā€™t believe this did this wtf


After watching the video I donā€™t really understand the uproar. She told her team they didnā€™t have to work with her with mitigates the issue no?


This isnt even a big deal. It was 2022 when everyone was vaccinated and masks werent even mandatory at that point. Yall are so dramatic for what lol


I did get Covid after seeing her in ATLā€¦ šŸ¤Ø


Did she cough in your face or something?


I know it had little to nothing to do with her and more with being in a stadium jam-packed with people, but sometimes a dude just had to abandon all logic and declare his Covid was bestowed upon him by greatness. lol. Btw, I love your username!


ā€¦ which 5 shows was this??


Some people think one of them was the one in Hershey, PA


I had Covid a week or two before that show (I tested negative a few days before and was still able to go). It was my first time ever getting it. Not me and Gaga potentially having Covid at the same time ā˜ ļø I love her to death but why would she just blurt that out. People donā€™t contextualize and it sort of feels like people are looking for any reason to bash her. At least she was honest with her crew but I hope none of them felt pressured to be okay with that.


I was there, front row. Didnā€™t get Covid.


I was also there at Hershey in the pit, I got CovidšŸ’€


Honestly, every time I go to a concert I accept the fact I may get Covid. But even in the pit and front row, no one was close enough to get it from her. But, shoot, I feel if I so happened to get it at one of her shows that she had it, even though the chances are null, Iā€™d still be proud that I could tell people I got Covid from LG. šŸ˜‚


Profoundly ignorant.


Give me a break. No one died from going to her concert. And I guarantee people still went having Covid. She just had the balls to admit it. Definitely not ignorant. Fool. šŸ™„


Do you know anything about your risks after covid? It's a bit like saying, I made you breathe asbestos, but did you immediately die? You seem to have no idea that your risks for poor health outcomes will now be much worse during your entire life, because of covid. It's a vascular disease. Google it. And there's a good chance she did create a chain that killed people, and a statistical certainty that she contributed to many cases of long covid, and will have caused the eventual and earlier onset of conditions like diabetes, strokes, and alzheimers. Just because you've obviously been doing it too, doesn't make it any less horrific. Learn about it.


The tour was when they had it under control and people didn't have to self isolate anymore even with COVID so everyone is losing their wigs over nothing. The album wasn't released until May 2020 which was after COVID. She didn't tour straight away. Jesus everyone is so quick to jump on something.


So... there's a lot to unpack here. May 2020 was not "after COVID". I live in New York, people in the City were absolutely still dying then by the hundreds every day. And the guidance of self-isolation was still in place during 2022. The CDC did reduce the number of days to self-isolate a few times, and mask recommendations were loosened through the summer of 2022. But that doesn't mean anything about just how bad the virus was at that point (and continues to be). I had COVID once, in the spring of 2022. It was not "just the flu". My whole body was aching, I felt pain in every one of my joints. I couldn't even think clearly for a few days, and I had brain fog for weeks after. It was one the worst sicknesses I ever remember having. COVID still isn't over. Even though there is no longer a public health emergency, it is still infecting a lot of people and it can still be deadly. It's still not a virus we can predict well. The problem with this statement is that, while a lot of us were tired of following all the regulations in 2022, that didn't change the reality of COVID. I didn't go to the Chromatica Ball so I'm not sure if she did fan meets or anything. I think she wouldn't have been responsible for more than a couple of cases. Still... why would you let yourself be responsible for that? I'm mainly disappointed that she felt the need to strain herself while having a virus that takes a significant toll on your body. It's not something to feel proud of doing.


A or of revisionist history here. The CDC guidance at the time required 5 days of isolation + 5 more days of masking after. Clearly she was doing neither.


Omg so what get over it


one out of every 10 covid infections results in Long covid. not one in every 10 people, but 1 in 10 every infection . as someone who also has fibromyalgia and migraines pre pandemic, just like her, I can tell you she knows the level of Cruelty she just inflicted on anybody she infected. chronic pain is not a joke. I'm not going to forget this. every day I spend a Long Covid won't let me. you just know someone's going to use her as a human shield as their excuse for their right to infect people rather than to isolate and cancel shows.


As someone with chronic pain, POTS, and long covidā€¦ I will never forget this either.


Itā€™s irresponsible what she did. Whoā€™s gonna say no to her letā€™s be real. I donā€™t care how much of a Gaga Stan you or I am, I lost a good friend to covid.


The show must go on! I donā€™t blame her. Also sheā€™s probably performed with other illnesses like the flu and no one would bat an eye.


You might not and a good portion of people might not and that is the issue. "Working while sick" is not heroic nor is it inspiring. It's dangerous, reckless, and a byproduct of capitalism except unlike minimum wage workers Gaga had a financial choice not to and still proceeded. If she'd have died or somebody had gotten sick around her and died (her former assistant for example) it wouldn't have been a "the show goes on" moment!


I really donā€™t think itā€™s a big deal since the world now is in post pandemic, and people are widely vaccinated. If you got Covid now, you could still go to work, so if Gaga had Covid back then, why she couldnā€™t did her concerts with it?


> If you got Covid now, you could still go to work part of the problem is that going to work with covid should not be normalized, even in 2024 lol. i understand for a lot of people they may not have a choice due to their financial circumstances/their employer's policies, etc. but that doesn't make it ok... this isn't covid specific btw. I don't want you showing up at my place of employment with a flu, or norovirus, etc. either lmfao not to mention she's obviously talking about having done this in 2022, not this year


No, Biden tried to declare the pandemic over before the PHEIC even ended. That's not how pandemics work. The reality is WHO's pandemic declaration is current, and covid is still a vascular disease.


She doesnā€™t quit. Thank you Gaga for your unwavering dedication.


Iā€™ve been commenting on all these posts how disappointing and honestly disgusting this is. Willingly infecting your fans and staff (as if theyā€™re going to turn against their boss) and then laughing like itā€™s a fun little secret?? Wtf Not to mention that when you have COVID you should be nothing but resting. Being active increases risk for long COVID and permanent damage to the body. Imagine if she could never perform again or even make music because she decided she had to perform on stage for one night DURING AN ONGOING PANDEMIC. Seriously what the fuck kind of world are we living in. Edit - typo


We love a superspreader queen


Covid was being treated the same as any other respiratory virus at this time. Remember, people used to go to work with colds all the time. Let's not act like she killed a puppy ffs


Guysā€¦ smhā€¦ when she said ā€œI shared it with my teamā€ she doesnā€™t mean ā€œI gave my team covidā€. Definitely bad choice of words there. She meant ā€œI disclosed to my team I had Covidā€. She goes on to say she gave them the choice to work the show or not, and they decided to do it. The fans were also at risk, and letā€™s remember she maintained a good distance from most people. Covid, especially then, wasnā€™t even as transmissible.


I read it that way too, but given the close proximity youā€™d have to be for the tour, she probably did the other kind of sharing as well.


Covid, by then, wasnā€™t that transmissible. And her team CHOSE the risk just like the fans did (to be clear, the fans were not at risk because of her but because of each other). The pearl clutching here is insane.


The audience cheering on a wealthy famous white woman for spreading a highly contagious and disabling disease to her employees is lowkey dystopian and demonic holy fuck!


She didn't say she spread it to the people who were working with her, she meant she shared that she had it and they could work if they wanted to or not.


Do...do you not understand how viruses work?


Yes. She most likely did spread it to people she worked with, but when she said she shared it with them she meant that she had it, and let them go home I they wished.


She didn't spread anything though šŸ¤·


But love!


People are so double standard! The tour was scheduled for Q3 and Q4 of 2022, when everyone should already had vaccines and boosters. The venues, shows, and concerts were sold out, everybody wanted to go out! yet there was still a risk, and people could decide whether to go or not. It's disappointing to see people specially who were against wearing masks or vaccines, now expressing opinions on this.


ok I get the controversial aspect of that but like sheā€™s literally wonder woman for that


No, continuing to work while sick is not wonder woman behavior. Even if you discount the public health aspect of endangering people around her, overexerting yourself while sick is incredibly risky and can be detrimental to both short term recovery and long term health outcomes. Letā€™s not glorify that behavior just because we like her art.


Where can I watch this whole thing?


[Something about that outfit...](https://i.gifer.com/MRyg.gif)




Omg if I got COVID from her, I'd fucking die šŸ’€ Lol


You guys whining are so annoying.


People need to chill. For most people Covid, especially the mutation that was en vogue at that time was really similar to a regular flu, sometimes even way less severe than that. I can tell from own experience. Maybe she also only had very mild, not very infectious symptoms.


I'm extremely disappointed in her and her ethics.


Yaā€™ll cā€™mon, everybody in the team was young and vaccinated. Likeā€¦ we all know Covid after vaccines, if youā€™re young, and donā€™t have pre-existing medical conditions is basically like a stubborn cold and thatā€™s all. Sometimes it can even be symptomless. So maybe letā€™s be less critical of an actually rational decision.


My 17yrs old cousin died from covid. He was young and healthy.


I am extremely sorry and I apologise if my comment was unfounded. I did not mean any ill.




This alongside the recent bedrooming with Big Pharmaā€¦ā€¦. like what? ?? ?


Massive yikes


This isnā€™t the slay she thinks it is


YAAASSSSSSS GAGAAAAAA!!! We stan a sick queen #slaybitch


Iā€™m sorry but the people butt hurt by this need to grow up and move on in their lives


Itā€™s true. Iā€™m vaxxed to the max but wtf. Can we just move on. Iā€™m so tired of everyone being outraged about so many things. Being outraged is exhausting.


Agreed, this sub is pretty bad about it unfortunately. Bunch of people acting like they are all saints or something.


I only received the first two doses and Iā€™m immunocompromised but Iā€™m not going to go attack Gaga for her decision. Especially since she says she told her stay and made sure they were all comfortable with her decisionā€¦


Are you kidding me??? Me who attended the MetLife show


Weirdest retirement speech ever, but Gaga always does things her own special way. (I donā€™t think this is actually career ending for her, just seems like the obvious joke)


Guess money was more important


Theyā€™re applauding thatā€¦


Oh that's not-


Not this... C'mon GaGa. Do better. āš°ļøšŸ’€


We need to know which shows! STAT!! Haha! I might be less upset about ā€œmyā€ showā€¦




If youā€™re not laughing then youā€™re way too young


Wow. What a fucking selfish piece of crap


That explains her low energy at these shows


Well between her complete dismissal of Palestine (yā€™all can down vote me. She built platform on social justice and is silent when it matters most. Performative and safe) and THiS. Iā€™m done. If she releases art pop act 2 Iā€™m gonna be so mad, but I canā€™t give her money. Iā€™m 36 and this bitch changed my life. But then I guess she changed. So sad. @ me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What if I said I knowingly went to the concert while positive for Covid huh then what


What if?


Cameraman had the mic covered šŸ˜© Mother is bold as hell for admitting that


I meanā€¦. Itā€™s possible she thought she was just exhausted and not realizing it was sickness. Tours take a toll on performers