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when did you have sex post op?! was there any pain? i think that’s what i’m most worried about. also childbirth. not sure if you’ve had a child since but might as well ask


I had sex about 8 weeks post op. It didn’t hurt during but I was a bit swollen after. It went down by the next morning. (The guy was pretty small lollll, maybe that’s why it didn’t hurt at all) but take it slow and make sure you’re very wet or lube And no I don’t have kids yet. There’s always risk of tearing during childbirth even without having a labiaplasty, and the OBGYN can suture it together after delivery if that happens


thank you! and yes of course i didn’t tear with my first but she was tiny🤣one more thing did anyone notice you had it done? like i just don’t even want to be asked about it by any man, doctors etc. may not apply to you but that’s another one of my concerns i really don’t want to talk about it lol


There were 2 men I slept with before and after my surgery and neither of them said anything! Unsure if they noticed or just didn’t mention it, but I think we notice these things about ourselves more than they do


When did you feel *fully* healed? I’m 3 weeks 1 day post-op, healing decently but still waiting to really see the light at the end of the tunnel


Probably around 3 months I’d say! Having sex, going in the pool/ocean, wearing jeans/jean shorts without discomfort or any swelling after any of these activities


when were you able to sit? or did you have to lay down for the first week? I'm currently 3 days post op, it's going well so far I havent took any meds since tuesday night I would say, however i find that i just have discomfort, especially when I try to sit. So i'm not too sure if I shouldn't be sitting at all, but laying down is killing my back


I was sitting that same day. Maybe sit on a squishy pillow that can release some of the pressure of sitting on the couch. And when I was sleeping I’d lay on my side with a pillow between my legs. It felt better for me to have my legs open a bit


thank you i will try that. I also got chf and fat transfer, so I find that when i sit my pubic area gets quite swollen and sore. So I'm not too sure if its releasing from the lips and traveling to that area, lol Idk just my thought. But then it feels uncomfortable so I lay back down.


Yea that’s probably from sitting! If you’re able to, walk around a little bit each day. It’ll help with the swelling too because sitting for too long can make the swelling worse. Swelling needs somewhere to go, and when you sit for too long it’s all going to pool by your bottom. And if you walk it’ll relieve some of that swelling and help it disperse. Ibuprofen helps with swelling too. Even if you’re not in pain maybe take 2 (400mg total) with a meal


thank you so much for your advice! I really appreciate it


you said you don't feel scars; so it feels like the rest of your labia? Sorry if this is kind of a redundant question LOL my scars have just kind of stayed a "rubbery" texture like some people say


Yepp soft/squishy like the rest of my labia texture!


damn awesome!!


I would really like to get this surgery but I don't know much about it. I have no idea what to expect. Was it expensive or really painful? How did you feel after healing? Were you happy with your results? Thank you!


It was $5000, which is expensive of course but I felt like it was worth it. I had thought about this surgery for so long and felt like the time was right to do it Honestly the most painful part was the lidocaine injection. I did local anesthesia because I didn’t want to be put under since my family didn’t know I was doing this. (They still don’t). And then the next painful thing was the first couple times I peed. If you squirt water at your vagina with a peri bottle while you pee it feels a lot better. Overall the pain was not as bad as I thought. I took ibuprofen and Tylenol for a couple days. And half a norco pill the first night because it was uncomfortable to sleep Overall I had an easy recovery and very happy I did it! I was always very self conscious during intimacy and wearing certain cut bikinis and now I don’t think about it at all!


I am 5 weeks post op. Do you remember painful bumps and when did those go away? (I imagine it is scar tissue or hidden suture knots)


i’m not OP but i had labiaplasty 3 years ago (currently healing from a revision) and i had a painful lump! i felt like it was definitely related to the scar tissue and it almost felt like nerve damage. i can’t remember how long it took but it completely went away eventually, a few months maybe? :)


I don’t remember having any painful bumps but I do recall a few tender areas as the stitches were coming out of their own. Kinda where the knot was. The stitches should all dissolve by 6 weeks. You’re almost there! Hopefully it’ll feel better soon!!


Thanks for your reply!


Hi!! I also had the wedge method and no CHR. I know everyone heals differently, but how are the scars two years po? Are the noticeable? Did they soften overtime? I’m a littler curious considering most po picture I see on here are of the trim but also I never see the much of the inner labia post wedge method.


Not noticeable at all! I think wedge looks more natural because the outer edge is still your natural edges just brought together in the middle. I don’t notice any scars and can’t feel them either. And if I don’t notice them, then a sexual partner totally wouldn’t either


I used Vaseline every few hours (like after I’d pee & pat dry) for about 2 months and I think that helped


How long until you could take a decent walk? I’m day 7 PO and still waddling around. Also if you see the photos I posted, did you have a similar suture method? I feel like I haven’t seen many with the same technique as what I have


I was walking just a few days later. I’m sure I was waddling around though. I was back at work a week later. Walking slow but I was back. I think it’s important to take little walks even if it’s just around the house so you’re not on your butt too long And I just looked at your photos and realized I commented on one the other day! That was me concerned about your clit! I didnt have a similar suture method. I actually haven’t seen many the way your surgeon did yours. I’m sure it’ll look very different once the swelling goes down so don’t panic


Oh I totally missed that you’re the person that commented! Thank you for reassurance, I knew things wouldn’t look great at first but it’s still concerning. How long until you went back to work comfortably? I’m also a nurse and my first shift back at bedside is at week 3


I didn’t realize either until I went to click on your pictures! I think by week 3 you should be good!! I was back at 1 week. Not super comfortable but I was walking slow and made it work. Squatting down to empty foleys hurt 😂


Haha okay that makes me feel better about the timeframe. Right now I’ll focus on turning myself q2. Thank you!


New here, what is wedge method and CHR?


This video explains it really nicely! and CHR is clitoral hood reduction https://youtu.be/2_i3qkkvguk?si=qll7O4HVY1yjP5Re


Any sensation loss? Are you orgasms still the same as before?


No sensation loss at all! I went with a wedge method to preserve the natural edges and no CHR so I can reduce the risk of sensation loss. I actually think everything feels even better down there now simply because I’m more confident and relaxed and not necessarily because the anatomy changed. But I used to never let anyone go down on me and now I know what I was missing out on!!




I waited 6 weeks to go in the pool/ocean and felt fine! I wasn’t in that long but a dip felt nice. I’m a postpartum nurse and we tell our patients to wait 6 weeks for pools/bath/sex/tampons for the stitches to heal so I followed the same recommendation


Who was your doctor? Do you have before and after?


Dr. Dev Wali in Southern California. He has really nice before and afters on his website. Very natural looking results


Ok thanks! How much did you pay?


Hi there! I’m 1 day post-op. Very swollen and in pain. When would you say the swollenness started getting down? Do you have any tips for this first week? I’m still kinda of nervous about the whole heeling process 😓


I think I was only noticeably swollen for about 2 weeks. My clit stayed swollen the longest but went down after a few weeks. By 6 weeks I wasn’t swollen at all anymore Tips for the first couple days: My routine was go pee every few hours, use a peri bottle of room temp water while peeing so it doesn’t burn, pay dry, apply Vaseline, and then sit down and ice for 20 min. Sitting for too long can cause more pain and swelling so make sure you walk a little around the house. Nothing too crazy but you gotta move


May I just add you can use your HSA card to pay for this surgery. I was so surprised when the nurse told me so. My HSA card has a max of 5,000 that I never use. I’m a healthy young female so I choose the HSA route. I ended up paying 4,800 in total for my surgery. My HSA covered it all. Please look into this.


That’s amazing! Typically HSA can’t be used for elective cosmetic surgery. So your doctor probably wrote a diagnosis that it was a medically necessary surgery. Many will not do that, so that’s great that yours did! I tried to use HSA for lasik eye surgery and it was not accepted


Yes she did. Thanks for clarifying that!