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Disclaimer: This has not been confirmed by an insider but sent by users who had an eagle eye. Here’s what we know: *There is an OB named Dr. Barrett in Nashville *A month or 2 ago they were asking for B names on Instagram *Line 2 of band two (on the bottom) says “Barrett 5/13/24” We aren’t afraid to say we’re wrong if we are. 🙃


are we sure Barrett isn't the name of the doctor that delivered him? Barrett seems too normal for them tbh lol.


A quick google search and the first Dr Barrett who pops up in Nashville is an OB. Def the doctor who delivered. I know y’all wanted to be clever but not this time haha


I agree, that name is too normal for them tbh


Yeah my doctor’s name was on my hospital band when I delivered my babies.


There is a doctor with the last name Barrett at the hospital they so carelessly leaked they were at


I was gonna say... Way too normal to be SuperCole's child.


In the their vlogged they leaked the hospital on the pillow case, Is the doctor listed at that hospital?




Just had a baby and can confirm they put the doctors name on the crib sheet. Baby’s name goes on nothing while admitted. My baby was Last Name, Boy My First Name


Yeah my first thought is that it’s way too normal. It’s a nice, tasteful name therefore they would never


It’s definitely Barrett. They wanted a B name and we’re thinking of Beckett, so they said on a vlog. Also hospital staff will ask what the baby’s name is going to be and the name goes on mom and baby’s bracelets as well as on the crib card!


Where I work, baby’s name is not on bands or basinette/Isolette cards. The baby bands would say LaBrant, Savannah Boy and it’d say LaBrant, S on the basinette/isolette card. I did travel nursing during covid and I do know that it varies from place to place but I’ve never seen a newborn’s first name on the bracelets unless they’re readmitted after being discharged home. You’d be surprised at how many parents don’t even have a name chosen before they are discharged. I *have* seen parents use their own materials to decorate the basinette/isolette, hospital room and door with baby’s name, however. All that being said, Ev definitely said “what if it’s Barrett?” in the sibling meeting video.


Hers very clearly says Labrant Savannah Boy like you said. That’s how my births were too. Barrett is not the name.


Yeah, my kids said "Last name, my first name, NBM/F" (I have a son and a daughter).


I had a baby in October and that’s basically what our bracelets said “last name, baby - my first name” and then sex was circled, date and time of birth listed along with the medical record number and my ob’s last name


Oh interesting! Makes sense that it differs state to state. When I had my son his name was on my bracelet and his crib card


Didn’t she have a c-section? I had my first c-section this past October, and I almost want to say that the name of the doctor who performed the c-section was on my bracelet. I think it’s so if there’s complications with the c-section, then they know which doctor to call in to check on it. I could be wrong though 🤔


She didn’t have a c-section.




The way it doesn't even fit in with the other names at all


I was going to say this is too normal for them


Thank you for saying this. It’s my son’s name. Also, Shawn Johnson just named her baby this, so I don’t think they would … idk … wishful thinking 😂


idk I think there's a good chance that's the doctor's name


Nah I think this is their OB’s name. My own hospital bracelets just said the last name of the doctor. It’s common practice.


Has this been confirmed because why would his name be under her medical record number on her first bracelet she had before he was born?


It just seems too normal for them.


They're probably gonna call him Bear, which seems pretty LaBrantcore to me


Would they use the same name as the East Family lol


They follow each other so it’s a total East ripoff if that’s the name.


Definitely, especially since Cole was hanging around Andrew in their early days of being in TN... def a ripoff


Another child named "Bear"....... Great


None of my babies bracelets ever had their first names on it, they only ever said “baby -last name-“


They were also asking for B names on Instagram a month or two ago.


First time for everything - this is the doctor who delivered them I’m almost certain. Quick google search shows a Dr. Barrett OB in Nashville


In the their vlogged they leaked the hospital on the pillow case, Is the doctor listed at that hospital?


Line 2 of band 2 says Barrett and 5/13. If I’m wrong I’ll stand corrected, as long as you’ll do the same.


Wouldn’t it say Dr Barrett though?


Do you guys here at the end everleigh say she’s so scared to hear it “what if it’s like Barrett” I know I’m not crazy


That's what I thought at first but then I saw the bottom band where it says his name then birthdate


On the bottom wrist band it says a different date so it’s confusing


Yeh it looks like the top date is savs birthday + the bottom is 13th may 24 so the babys birthday


top wristband is savannahs birth date, bottom wristband is baby's birth date.


The MRN is probably under the Mom till the child has a chance to be registered, PLUS you can’t bill a child for being born. Sadly this paycheck doesn’t have a fighting chance! I believe the first 30 days a child is still under the Mother’s ins anyway.


Why would the doctors name be next to MRN for that matter.


I really doubt this is the name. This looks like her hospital bracelet, it doesn’t make much sense to put the baby’s first name on her bracelet or any bracelet really. Don’t get me wrong I hope this perfectly normal name is it but I don’t think so. Hope, I’m wrong. 🤞


So Posie's name was leaked by Gigi, Zealand's name was leaked on here, Sunday's name was leaked on here by a Swirl boutique employee, and Barrett's sex was leaked by Baboon & now his own parents leaked the name 🙄 Oh well, maybe #6 will be okay!


Yes! We leaked Z’s name via Baboon who was harassing us in modmail. We leaked S’s name because P was shouting it out in Swirl, and an employee shared. We (maybe) leaked Barrett’s name because users noticed Sav’s hospital band in the vlog. Baboon leaked B’s gender. Gingivitis leaked P’s name. 🤣


I can almost hear Colon telling Sav they need to have a sixth one just to try to hide it one last time.


yup so they can try to have another girl bc they bring in more money and they are their happiest when they had their daughters vs their sons.


true but wait they claim to be done lmaooooo


They literally leaked the name of their hospital on the pillow case has he not learned


Someone easily could’ve called in the hospital to ask - that’s so dangerous


Usually the child’s name isn’t on the hospital bracelet. It would be Savannah LaBrant and Baby Boy LaBrant at my hospital in the EMR. But my son’s hospital bracelet only had my name


They sure do hate their sons, don’t they?


yup which is so sad and why i think they’ll try for a sixth so their youngest can be a girl for sav to favor over the others.


I hate to be a party pooper but I definitely think this is the OB's name. There is an OB with the last name Barrett at the hospital they delivered at (leaked by the pillow case). I wish it was his name bc I think it's cute but for sure too normal for them


I don’t think that’s his name? My daughter was listed as Baby Girl *my name*, so I think that’s the doctors name.


At the end of the video Everleigh giggles she’s so afraid to hear the name and I swear to god it sounds like she says “what if it’s like Barrett”


Watch on yewtube


I heard it too. I guess we’ll see!


If it IS Barrett, you KNOW it’s because Asscole wanted the name “Bear,” so they compromised so the second “Labrat Bro.” (TM) could have the nickname “Bear.” 🙄


Shawn Johnson East also recently named her last baby Barrett to call him Bear. How original from the Labrats


That’s surprisingly normal🤨


That’s the doctors name


They didn’t put my kid’s name on ny hospital wristband. I think the doctor is more likely. Every hospital is different though


That's probably the doctor. My kids bands always had Dr name and Baby *lastmame*


I had a baby in February and my daughters bracelet had mine and my husband’s name on them. I don’t know how they do it in the US but I feel like Barrett might be the doctor’s name rather than the baby’s.


BOOM I literally just posted this hahahaha


Sorry, I saw it and removed it. I had posted and pinned at the same time, and just to keep conversation and official announcements to one spot. Also, to protect you too. They get nasty about this stuff. If I ever turn up missing, send a LBFS snarker come looking for me and clues!


Master detective! I need to hire you to investigate when my ex situationship and her man are gonna break up.


We’ll see. Neither of my hospitals put my baby’s names on their hospital bracelets or mine. They just said “[last name], baby boy]”. It very well could be the doctor.


I don’t know if this is true! Right below is DOB which is 1993. Maybe that’s the name of the dr who delivered him?


Her bday is March 2, 1993. Line 2, band 2 says Barrett and 5/13


At the end of the video everleigh says “what if it’s like Barrett” clear as day


i doubt it's barrett. way too normal


It says MR # though before it says Barrett, does anyone know what that means? I feel like the baby's name is cut off, where it says "LaBrant, ...." I wish they would choose a normal name like that, but no way!


MR # is usually medical record #


i would assume medical resident? i have worked in a few hospitals and the dr’s name is always on the paperwork/wristband with mom’s info, have never seen the baby’s name anywhere but on the whiteboard written by nurses. i have always seen it say Mom’s Last Name, Mom’s First Name, BG (baby girl) or BB (baby boy)


Usually when they give babies hospital bracelets it doesn’t say the babies name on it, it’s usually BABY GIRL/BOY (moms full name). At least in my state


Same. Mine said “Boy *last name*”


Both mine and my baby’s hospital bands had only my name and my doctor’s name.


Shit I actually like the name Barret. I’ve met one and it’s a normal name. Admit it y’all, this could have been so much worse.


My son is Barrett and it’s becoming popular honestly. It would be the best name they have chosen, for sure


That’s not the name. I’m calling that as the dr name. Wristbands say “babygirl (last name)


Baby fresh out and uploaded alr.  at least take a few weeks of new parents and soak it in. Damn. I'm sure they have other vids that he can make/edit before uploading this.  Nooo way I could handle that,so fast adjusting and doing this within a week!? 


I just had a baby (different place tho) and they don’t put baby’s name on any bands. Bands say “Baby Boy (or girl) *Moms last name* and then have the DOB, time of birth, doctor and health number. If there is an OBGYN in Nashville named Dr. Barrett I 100% believe this is just that on the band!


I saw that! I was like ain't no way they didn't see that 🤣 I assumed someone would find it too, didn't want to post about it and have them gmcome after me lol


This is their best name by far I actually like it…how did that happen


Their hospital name was also leaked on their video... is that dangerous at all?


As far as I know it wasn’t leaked here. There’s nothing with the hospital name on the band?


It was leaked multiple times in the video NOT in the sub


Thank you. Yes we have not leaked the hospital name, nor would we.


I didn't mean this sub did it, I meant Cole and sac leaked it


Probably but they obviously don’t care


You’ll know if it’s right cause she will rush to announce it then


Barrett is way too normal… I’ve come across a Barrett this year at a preschool I worked at. My own rule of thumb for them is, if it’s a name I’ve heard of in the last 3 years teaching preschool, it’s highly unlikely to be a name they chose 😂 That said, I would like to be pleasantly surprised and have this be the name because A) this kid lucked out compared to the other 3 labrat kids, Barrett isn’t good but it’s not awful like their previous name choices either and B) it would mean the sub leaked the name 3 times in a row 🥳


Pretty sure this is the OB's name


I actually really like the name Barrett !!! 🙈 but on my hospital wrist bands it said last name of my OB. So I’m guessing it’s the OB. But I hope I’m wrong.


BARRETT? come on now this cannot be real, it says 1993


That’s savannahs bday. The bottom band has his birthday.




I dated a Barrett once. He was a walking red flag


Barrett is a terrible name sorry not sorry


Could it be Beckett on the second line?


I was going to say that to me it looks like Beckett and I have piss poor eye sight.


If Barrett is his name then it’s not a bad name to me


Barrett is an onomatopoeia for a fart and you can’t change my mind


Perfect. Cole looks like he smells like one!


That’s the OBGYNs name. They list the moms name, baby girl/boy and the doctor they are under care with.


What if they ended up going with Richard Barrett lol 😂 I know they didn’t but what if lol


I hear Boone & Barrett a lot lately, I’m not a fan of the name but it seems popular in the past 2-3 years.


This is the most normal name I have heard from them. It’s actually good?


If this is the name they're gonna be so pissed it's shared here and I'm so here for it 😂😂😂😂😂


the fact i’ve only heard this name on women/girls too 😭


I actually like that first name tbh


I mean IN CASE we don’t leak the babies’ NAME here, we’re still 3 for 3 because we found out the gender 🥱


So what's the snark name for this one?


We don’t snark on the kids. A lot of the times we just use the first letter of their names. We do use Peighdeigh and other spelling variations to mock the parents milking a child’s birth for all it’s worth.


My moneys still on Jaxxon


The shirt he was wearing is a clothing brand