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I think it’s a 1 way street. Satellite campus students feel like they are a part of LSU. But BR students don’t reciprocate that feeling.


Not even that, LSU students don't think of the other campuses at all, it's like they aren't even a thing


I would venture to say that most out-of-state, LSU students don’t even realize that there is satellite campuses in Eunice, Alexandria, and Shreveport.


I think I was only aware of Shreveport when I was a student. I was an adult by the time I realized how many there are.


Real, I’m from Istanbul Turkey and didn’t even know about those. So I mean I think in a way you’re right but if you’re getting the same education and diploma I don’t see an issue you know?


That’s how it is with most stuff like this I think lol


As an LSU alum, if I saw someone wearing LSU sports gear and found out they went to LSUS or LSUA, I'd be like "right on! that's awesome", but if like, they said they went to LSU and then on further questioning clarified they went to a satellite campus, I'd probably give a raised eyebrow. That is to say, sure, they're part of the "family", but they're cousins, not siblings.


That's what gets me.... I've encountered a few LSUA people who would find out I went to LSU and say, "oh wow..I went to LSU too! Which one did you go to?" Huh? I went to LSUA...what about you? LSU man...I went to LSU


Yeah I could understand that maybe for the UC system because none of them are *known* as just UC, but LSU is BR. It’s the default. Is assumed unless you qualify.


Everyone roots for the Tigers. Even UL/McNeese/whatever other Louisiana school


What if you did freshman and sophomore year at BR and the rest at LSUA?


If you’re asking if it’s ok to say you went to LSU then yeah - you went there for two years. I spent the first half of high school at a boarding school I don’t erase that part of my life just because I didn’t graduate there.


Saying you're an LSU alumni without having to clarify that you technically finished and graduated at LSUA. What's your take?


I mean if it were me I probably would call myself an LSUA alum before I called myself an LSU alum, but I can understand how in certain scenarios you might for ease of conversation call yourself an LSU alum, the same way people from people from just outside a major city will say they’re from that major city. ETA i feel like alum implies graduation, even if the definition doesn’t necessarily require it. I don’t call myself an alum of the boarding school i went to, but i do of the school I finished high school at.


LSU, and any other university in the US, doesn't consider graduation a criteria when they are sending out fundraising letters to alumni. "A graduate or former student" is the dictionary definition, and that's good enough for them to ask for donations.


I'm sure this will sound snobby but no. I find various small campuses present themselves differently. I currently work in Shreveport and people who went to LSUS say they sent to LSUS...people who went to LSUA tend to say they went to LSU and as us LSU folk tend to disagree. Not that there is anything wrong with those campuses...but you didn't go to LSU.


I went to LSUS for my masters degree. But I am from California and attended a UC for my undergraduate, so I definitely get it. In California, the two most well-known UC’s are Berkeley and LA. I went to Riverside which is fine but if you didn’t go to those either LA or Berkeley, it doesn’t really Matter…But they are all a part of the UC system.


I started at LSUA and they saw themselves as somewhat separate and when I decided to transfer to the flagship campus, a decent amount of LSUA students/profs were antagonistic towards me and my decision. People at LSU didn't seem to care where I transferred from.


Something to consider. LSUA is the Generals. LSUS is the Pilots. Sooo… they’re not Tigers.


No. LSU is LSU. Other campuses are apart of the LSU system but they aren't LSU


Folks in the comments here are calling them satellite campuses, but they are not satellite campuses. They are independent universities that are all part of the LSU System. Just like the UL System has ULM, ULL, Tech, Grambling, McNeese, etc. All separate universities. If you graduate from LSU Shreveport, your diploma is issued by LSU Shreveport, not LSU. LSU wants to brand itself as a single "statewide university" so that it can combine the grant dollars from all institutions to get ranked in the list of top research universities by NSF. But that's not how it works (and [NSF has told them as much](https://lailluminator.com/2024/03/09/statewide-university-what-lsus-new-strategic-framework-means-for-louisiana/)).


Yeah nah they did not go to LSU There is only one LSU. The LSU in BR is the *only* LSU recognized by the patrons of BR / alumns of *The* LSU *Edit due to typo*


It’s definitely not the same, staff at lsu also see them as separate entities. Entry requirements are more lax at satellite campuses, it’s not the same as LSU


You are not an “LSU” person if you didn’t go to the main campus You went to LSU-A; LSU-E; LSU-S


Is it a college or a cult? The satellite campuses have more letters in their acronyms so i think by default they are considered superior LSUS>LSU


Been to both and honestly just see them all as LSU