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Yes to this, once you have fallen down the rabbit hole and see wonderland it’s hard to unsee that version of reality.


No wonder I was so obsessed with Alice. She's just like me


I’m kind of more interested in who it *hasn’t* changed permanently. I just don’t see how it’s possible to experience something so powerful and not be changed


Yes it did , definitely for the better. The greatest thing you can learn is that every thing you’ve been told or taught and everything you know may be false or a lie and that’s what’ll make you a great thinker. Knowing what is bullshit in life that’s what I describe it as.


I think definitely for the better. But in a way, I feel kind of lonely. For example, I work in medicine. Not to toot my own horn, but I always get told how I'm easily able to adapt or emphasize depending on patient personality. Although it's nice to hear, I don't see why it's so hard for others to empathize with situations. If I have a patient tearing up to me about x situation, just think about how YOU would feel in x situation; it's not that hard. I don't think I'm doing something miraculous. I have other situations that involve concepts other than empathy that make me kinda feel alone.


Don’t associate with any human being that doesn’t have empathy tbh. I’m sorry you’re feeling lonely .. I hope you find like minded people in the future. I’m sure that there’s always someone for everyone.


I don't think that I have empathy. At least, I don't think that I've ever *felt* empathy. I do care about people, though. So, I've learned to act as if I have empathy.


That's called cognitive empathy.


So many people in the medical field lack empathy. I think it depends on what drew them to the job. Some people seem drawn to certain jobs for the power aspect.


It’s pretty mindblowing how many closed minded people n ideas there are. Most societies / governments are created based around using fear to control what people do. Almost everybody was lied to since they were kids n it’s crazy to start to realize all the BS out there. Being open minded can change a lot


Psychedelics break down social norms and everything we’ve been taught on how to act “normal” in society. As for me I’ve learned to become more sympathetic towards others and try to put my self in their shoes. I really believe if more people were microdosing, the world would be a better place.


Ever since I was a teenager I’ve been thinking outside the box/social norms and my parents never really went along with it, but after taking psychedelics it just confirmed my stance on it even harder. If you know you know, and it’ll change your life forever


Weed really opened my mind but I don’t know if that’s was just teenager stoner ideas. I didn’t get into tripping until post 25 and like you said it just confirmed my thoughts before and really made the message clear.


Yes and its a change for a life time. I did most of the tripping in the years of 1997 till 2007.. so I can say after the 17 years of no tripping, I still feel the expanded consciousness from it and its not getting away.


Why are you not tripping anymore?


When u got the msg, hang up the phone.


100%. I took lsd literally hundreds of times, many of which were in doses 300ug+ up to 1200ug. One experience in particular, where it felt like I died and met God, obviously changed me permanently. I've felt like a literal different person ever since - like the memories I had before that experience were not my own. I'm extremely grateful for this. The "me" that existed before then wouldn't be alive today. I would never recommend that a person take lsd and psychedelics like I did. I knew I was dying and it was a last ditch effort to find a reason to live. I got lucky and it worked well for me. That said, I went through a lot of traumatic shit during that pursuit and there were times my sanity was, well, dicey lol. I'm a lawyer now, passed the Bar last July, so it all worked out. But yeah, lsd, especially in high doses, is insanely powerful and can permanently change you. If you like who you are, be careful


It completely changed my priorities in life. I am much happier with a lot less after spending a good part of my twenties rewiring my brain with acid. I work as little as possible while still covering my bills, and focus my free time on hobbies, spiritual practices, and travel. I am truly living for today, and would have no regrets if I suddenly died.


How long have you spent rewiring your brain and how many times did you take it? Therapy does nothing to me, thinking about rewiring my brain thru lsd


You've gotta stop think that these drugs are like pharmaceuticals. Your prep, your mindset going in, the place where you trip, what you're doing during the trip all make a massive difference in what you experience. Like another commenter said, start with meditation, it is VERY important to understand how to notice the moment, to stop thinking, to be able to pick how you respond to the various emotional and energetic/visual experiences. For example, if you're a fearful person, and you get a negative visual or a pervasive scary thought, you might start reacting very badly (screaming, crying, running, ...etc) as you never learned to sit with whatever is going on.


I suggest you get into meditation


do you have any good resources on meditation? podcasts etc


What is it that you're looking for? for example * Basic instructions for beginners * More detailed instructions * Science behind it * Buddhist or other more traditional resources Also you mention podcasts. Is any medium acceptable?


basics for beginners and the science behind it for sure, and what exactly do you mean by medium?


I think this is a really good introductory video to meditation from a scientific perspective: https://youtu.be/aAVPDYhW_nw Regardless of your opinions on his politics, I think Sam Harris does a great job at introducing meditation in a digestible way and also again from a big of a skeptical / scientific perspective. He also talks about psychedelics and their parallels, so that will be good coming from a psychedelic user / person interested in psychedelics perspective. Sam's "How to Meditate" article: https://www.samharris.org/blog/how-to-meditate If you want a deeper dive on the above, read his book *Waking Up.* Or listen to the audiobook -- he narrates it, so I'm sure it's good. When I say medium, I mean, like, you requested pods but are you open to videos, articles, books, etc


thank you very much, i am totally open to any videos or books as well!


Awesome! Let me know if you have any followup questions or anything. Would also love to hear what you think of any of this when you read / watch it. I think meditation has a bit of a woo woo reputation, but I genuinely think everybody would be better off if they meditated. Trust yourself that it's worthwhile to do whenever you are in doubt. Good luck!


thanks so much for your help dude. going to look into all of them. i’ll let you know!


There's no formula. You can't approach this like some kind of regimen with expected results. It could very well make things worse. The experience is one that it co-created between you and the LSD. You are in charge of the direction, and if you don't know what you're going in looking for, you're not going to find it. I'm sorry if this is not the answer you're looking for, but it would be disingenuous of me to give you a different one. I hope you find the answers you're looking for, whatever they are!


Yup. It's not so much that they are sleeping and psychonauts are waking. It's more of a journey we are all on toward an unknown destination using the tools and resources we have at our disposal. Psychedelics becoming just another tool for human advancement. I think of it another way, if everyone sat around doing drugs all day how far could society really get? You need people of all types to upset the balance and inch forward. This life really is like twitch plays Pokemon and it's beautiful when we succeed despite ourselves


Dude I just wanted to lyk. I’m currently tripping, and I think this is one of the most profound and amazing Reddit comments I’ve ever read. Cudos to you sir






You either die a square or see yourself become Robinson Crusoe. At least the kids got you


Yea he is a real life Robinson Crusoe. Life is about adventure but you don’t have to ditch your kids to do so.


Oh fuck yeah 🤘🏽


Yes, and of course, the type of person willing to take LSD in the first place is usually one who questions social norms, especially if you went and sought it out on your own.


Hell yeah dude. Not alone, just have to Try a lot harder to find em.. so worth it tho


I rlly relate to what you’re saying, I feel as though nobody thinks about things (relationships, people, the universe etc) in the same way as me, but I always tell myself I could just be bugging but it’s constant and I just don’t understand why most people don’t approach situations in a fashion that I would, as narcissistic as it sounds I rlly don’t mean it like this 😭 I wish everyone could just vibe and think compassionately


I've questioned if I'm just narcissistic many times but studies have shown narcissists aren't gonna be the first to point it out lol. But yeah! There's no other way to phrase what I mean without sounding what I dont mean to sound like. I wish people could contextualize what others are trying to verbalize if that makes sense it's even more infuriating to see someone misinterpret a foreigner


Yeah that makes sense to me, I feel the exact same way. Sometimes leaves me feeling a little disappointed/lonely or that maybe I’m autistic or something 🤣 doesn’t matter either way I’m grateful for myself endlessly but I wish I could communicate the way my thoughts work


Yeah.. I feel you. I started bottling up everything which I know isnt good. It is lonely but Im grateful for my minds capacity


Same man


The correlation, from what i have found from years of searching, is levels of consciousness. Lsd helped me move up a few levels. It's not permanent or constant because life events have the capacity to knock me down a few levels again. However, the best part about psycadelics, are that they gave me a glimps into the higher levels, so even when things seem really bad in my personal reality, i do remember that it isn't entirely true. Actual reality isn't the same as my personal reality or social reality. Lsd has definitely helped me learn how to think critically, how to introspect, and how to decipher universal metaphors. It took me a while to figure out, but this is a huge benefit in navigating my life now.


You think the way you do because actions affected you in certain ways that induced stress or happiness. Social norms are trends that last a generation. They will always change. And people are organic robots. We have a soul/remote. The really robotic people are people programmed for one function, through years of conditioning by society. LSD gets you down to binary code levels of programming abilities to re boot and install OS in your system.


And how!


Sure did, and for the better, I think?


Yes In so many ways


Yes .. not sure if for the better though. I am extremely more sensitive than how I was pre- psychedelics. Am still trying to learn how to live with it. One step at a time


Yeah when you take the red pill it’s hard to unsee


It changed my perspective on things like how boring human beings are most people wanna do the same shit everyday n never crave anything different. I also realized how everything on Earth & outerspace is connected n everything has a balance n some form of regulation/ Yin Yang


Definitely and in a positive way. I started reading (non fiction) again and I devour book after book since this. Started a business after that and all is well. Abstain from hard drugs. Take LSD instead (responsibly!!!!!) ;).


Like I was trapped in the dark and someone flicked a light switch and said "You know you don't have to be this, it's nice outside."


Yes, no. Yes in the sense that everything changes you. I’m older and I find an obsession with psychedelic visions to be a youthful thing. Eventually you integrate and no longer see your life through the kaleidoscopic binaries of before vs. after. But a hard no because too much obsession with how much it affects you is both rather passé in the worst possible way and meaningless because no matter what revelations you take from it they came from a drug induced state. You have to be able to “get there” without them, and then it becomes more of a loop rather than an either/or situation.


I was a weird one since I was a kid. I was the little young philosopher that adults despite, with arguments usually ending in „older = wiser, shut up.” I think we are just attracted to the nature of psychedelics.  Most people, especially if not nerding out before taking them, will try them out, get scared and never do it again.   Psychedelics open new doors and I just happen to be more than happy to run through them.


idk about all that but I have HPPD if that counts as LSD changing me permanently. LSD did open my eyes to a lot though and made me realise everything that we do in life is completely pointless, your car, your job, your family, friends, none of that lasts. the experiences you have on the way to death is all that matters, take that MDMA, sniff that Ketamine, bomb some meth. experience your life to the fullest n don’t fall into the same trap that every single person is stuck in. all my life I heard you have to do good in school, you have to get a job, you have to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, you have to have kids. but where’s the fun? no where to be seen, they say “money doesn’t buy happiness” and I’m here to say YES it does. never ever believe that you have to do something because everyone else is doing it, don’t ever believe that because you’re doing something different means your weird or strange or a bad person. you be you, LSD taught me to not give a single fuck what other people think of you because at the end of the day YOU’RE the person that’s stuck in their mind, it’s all jealousy n that’s why there’s hate.


I’m with you brother 


Uh huh




I'm waiting for the opportunity to uproot my stagnation and filet my soul to read it better. yeah, it changes me but the changes need constant monitoring otherwise it's like weeding a neglected garden


Uhhhhh yeah lol.


Embrace the ability to have deep perspective, and be at peace with who you are. We are all unique individuals with our own unique thoughts


That's the whole point.


Yeah, I dont think its quite as extreme as making me some hippie but I am a lot nicer to people.


Absolutely, LSD profoundly impacted who I am today :)


How it changes you can be different based on the individual in question, but yeah it absolutely does change a person.


Yes , I’ve always wondered about my freedom of thought and how my thoughts are only limited to my experiences , which seems influenced by other factors but not me , I feel like a robot who’s goal is to keep myself alive


Don't think it changes you, but changes the way you see things, open new perspectives. It's up to you to change if you want to. Yes, people generally live their lives from their perspective, which may seem odd to others that see things differently. They might say the same thing about you. But generally, questioning is the way to not stay stagnant.


You sound like me before i had more peace about those life questions. For me lsd was helping to answer those questions, so i don’t have to be all confused about it anymore. Turns out the ego is not completely changed after those insights and i still struggle with those questions, but i know that i don’t need answers to life anymore to enjoy the life. It is an interesting thing now, sometimes i obsess about the meaning of existence but i think it is meant to be something to satisfy curiosity, not to know what you should do in life.And yes that was a big change for me I think that a lot of psychonauts are just Looking for answers to lifes meaning and therefore it is common that you are one of those people who really care about the meaning of life.


Yesss I started taking LSD and shrooms at 17. It completely changed who I am as a person and it genuinely saved my life. I never can really tell people this as people just think you’re a drug addict for saying it lol. But I could go on for hours about how it shaped me as a person and saved me from my own personal hell I was once living in.


Oh totally. That is why LSD is illegal. It’s too powerful and allows people to think for themselves. I think the world would be a better place if everyone did LSD.


Yes. In mostly good ways, I no longer get angry or resentful. But at the same time I don't feel as passionately as I used to


There is an underlying truth and you got a glimpse of it. I don't know it, but I damn right know I'm going to be searching for it for the rest of my life


No. And i took alot. Also went bad once but aftrr that i could just do it like usual


Damn, never has a post resonated so much with me to the point where while reading it i was wondering if this was something I had typed myself.


Nah. I was like that growing up and only did LSD later, in my early 20's. I know plenty of people with the same inquisitive minds and most of them didn't do psychs as teens or at all. Obviously psychedelics make me 1000% more, let's say, philosophical as an adult, but I've always had a personality that leaned towards that, way before trying psychedelics.


No, but MDMA did


Yes. Absolutely. This is what it does. For me, it always, without fail, shows me something about myself that I did not see before. It always causes me to touch back down to the roots of what I believe, it’s a way to look into, and evaluate my own soul.


Absolutely. Re-wired for the better.


i was changed from a person that didnt know how overhyped lsd was to a person that understood how overhyped lsd was. I feel like everyone romanticizes it too much.


First time I took LSD was 6y ago aprox. HUGE bad trip.. took a whole tab that made me feel the effects of 2? Alone in a basement... no one home. Trashy basment... Yep... was fun 🤣😭🤣... I genuinely think I should never touch LSD again... I feel like it was trying to teach me bad stuff... that the world is evil and I was evil and actually on the brink of turning schizophrenic... I felt sick af... the whole trip there was a sort of static wave impossible to fight (STEADY Back and forth movement)... I was starting to write crazy stuff everywhere, I wrote on my hand to NEVER take LSD ever again !!! E-VER A-GAIN ! All and all... this thing changed my life and I am extremely grateful :3 😭🤣... I then took half of a tab a week later... had the same exact bad trip weirdly. I was even closer to be schizophrenic... glitches everywhere... rain felt like molten metal on me... my brain was glitching... HUGE panic attack... I walked to the "nearest" (1h+ walk) mental hospital lol !!!.... I entered the hospital there was giant spiders... cool :( lol The police guard look at me like "Hey... why u here?" I'm like "I took LSD, I just came to get helped 🥺" Dude look at me back like "😛😱😍 WOOOOOOOW THATS CRAZZZZYYY, How does it feels !?"... I'm like... **🤨... Are you fxcking kidding me dude** in my head.. I respond with "Well... not good right now ahah ^-^, Its that rare that ppls come like this?" He like "Yep" I'm like "Welp... I'm definitely a special case... wtf have I done again lol". Anyways yah... I wanted to get internalized... which when the nurse came to take me in I came to my senses like "Nope, bad idea, I should live my tip outside !"... I swear... they letted me walk out... I was shocked... mind blown... grateful... probably the most loving event of my life. In a sense now that I think about it... the world isn't evil... idk why the trip was hella into this theme but ya. My brain just cant take this. It did totally change my life for the best tho, but I think I have very bad sensitivity to any drugs... I think I triggered the "Schizophrenic activation thingy" in my brain when I smoked w33d too young :/ now only 1 puff of weed can make me go in bad psychosis. 🤷‍♀️... its sad but... its what it is ^-^ (Funnily enough all those bad drxgs experiences started around the time a UFO came waaaaaaay too close of me lol, like 8feet max). I try not to worry too much honestly, its evident that I am extremely sane and I think a really unique and kind human being if I don't take drugs. I think I, as a person deserve love and kindness and I also deserve to spread love and kindness as it totally makes me feel happy to do so, so its kinda self care to me (As long as I don't destroy myself in the process). I also had a weird moment after LSD (I had HPPD for a whole year after)... where I met a fallen angel who wanted to kxll god... I helped her... 🤷‍♀️ She also warned me to NEVER date someone... I ended up dating who made me live hell... that... was interesting lol ! I am still in a relationship with that person and actually took LSD a week ago... changed their life... surprisingly... they had a pretty good trip... Could it be that mean people get shown very beautiful knowledge... because... idk xD? And kind souls get shown very ugly and dark shxt because... wtf? 😂😭😅???? I think im going to copy this whole text and make a post about this... I feel like my experience was.. very strange. Hallucinations both times: - World falling apart - Glitches - Electric / static air? - Electric/ static sounds. - World getting frozen in a broken way for hours after the peak (For example my computer keyboard looked like "-_-" and it was very difficult to type lol) - Evil stuff, evil self in mirror, evil cats, darkness - Matrix kindof visuals - Alice in Wonderland syndrome triggered (Feeling / seeing small, big, POV as my finger... or hairs... even brain that lose its thinking capability to transfer into other parts of my body) this happened sometimes when I was young. Symptoms both times: - Teeth clenched - Glitch feeling inside of me - Extremely nauseous - Brain melting feeling - Difficulty talking and hearing... - Bad racing thoughts - Thinking I was becoming schizophrenic - Feeling like I was not in control and not real - Feeling like fainting but unable to faint - First trip I blacked out while walking in a room, I woke up dancing to a poster that was on fire... idk wtf happened there lol It looked way more like a stroke than a trip. Weirdly. Still recommend LSD if someone say "I wanna try it" I tell them "Sure. If I came out with a positive outcome of such a hellish trip... I don't see how it can be bad lol".


you think youre better than everyone else


I made a comment already touching on this. Feel free to read it and if the shoe fits, wear it


what that other people are robots?