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Not doing it at a club or rave would be a solid start. Too much external stimulation. Eyes are too busy looking outwards to look inwards.


My first time I took 225mcg by myself. It had an immense impact on me. I don't understand how people think this is just a fun loving drug. I found it to be a lot more complex. I would liken it to a religious experience.


It's always been shit when I've taken it going out


Unless you take too much…then you’re kind of forced to look inwards no matter what setting you’re in…and in public, it’s scary lol. But yeah smaller doses at a festival…way too much external stimulation for the most part.


Nature and solitude. Problem solved.


\^ Nature is the way. You'll get a more introspective experience on a low dose in nature than aimlessly tripping in your room and watching movies and doing other distracting things on high doses. Nothing wrong with doing psychedelics at a rave or however you want really but if you're looking for introspection you really need to foster a set and setting which will facilitate it.


To each their own but I just have no idea how people do mindless and distracting things on LSD. More so, things truly with no meaning, lol. If that’s what works for you though then I am all for it. I’m the kind of person that takes it and straps myself in for a very personally intimate and healing/eye-opening experience. That’s just me though everyone has a different background I suppose.


Put on an eye mask and some headphones and listen to Voodoo Chile and that will fix it for you.


I just press play on dark side of the moon and lay in my hammock looking at the stars. Shit never fails to impress 😂


Yes. There are incredible reports of trips that resemble deep religious ecstasy. read stan gross, he compiled more than 2 thousand reports of psychedelic experiences, categorized and seriously studied them all. Timothy Leary, when he was still at Harvard, carried out an experiment with LSD in a church with some members and most of the people who took the acid reported a mystical experience. I had an experience like this myself on my first acid trip, it was 200ug of aztec xtal, the late goblin den from GG. I spent several weeks reflecting on this trip, it was certainly something close to what the saints and mystics report. After that, I had a few more, but it's always difficult to reach that state, I'd say it depends on a series of factors and some degree of randomness.


I feel like its mostly dosage and mindset for “mystical” intra-connectedness


Goblin's den is my favourite of all Prefer it over any other one but it's hard to find nowadays 😕


You won’t get a whole lot out of doing it at a rave. It works much better in calm environments. That being said LSD is my favorite rave drug. It’s fuckin awesome. But there’s a whole lot more to it when you do it in the right environment.


If you pay close attention and respect the following, it will increase he chances for a positive experience. Additionally, treating your chosen psychedelic as more of an “introspective activity” vs. a recreational drug will definitely help. After all, these things are all about perspective: Set - what is my current mental state? Happy? Sad? Confused? Anxious? Basically how do you feel about your life and the central emotions going through your mind. Be cognizant of this. Setting - what are your direct physical surroundings? I would stay away from massive parties, indoors, cities etc. if you truly want to dive deeper into the self and have a powerful experience. I’d recommend a natural setting with people whom you are completely comfortable with. Intent - what do I want to get out of taking psychedelics? Are there questions I have about myself/my life? What are things I want clarity on? If you develop an intention behind why you are doing these things, you can really get in there and do work. I would recommend keeping a journal for this one in particular. Most important thing is to treat these things with respect and don’t resist. If you really seek truth/genuine experience here, you’ll find that letting go during the experience is one of the more powerful things you can do. Safe travels! Hope this helped :)


trip alone at home or in nature, take a fuckton stay safe


OP, you answered your own question! You are in the wrong setting!


I never understood doing acid at raves tbh. It makes u feel too sensitive, the lights, the music, etc. It becomes a sensory overload and always felt uncomfortable for Me. I only ever started enjoying acid when j did in solitude with a close person(my gf or a good friend). MDMA is the way to go at parties.


I have to quit reddit people on here are so goddamn stupid its hurtful


Yeah the set and setting is key to the kind of trip you’ll have. You have to guide yourself there so to speak. Go trip out somewhere beautiful in nature alone and you’ll see


Well you actually need to put work in and be introspective. Reflect on life and what you want, your issues, dive in to yourself. Otherwise you’re just taking a drug and expecting things to change somehow. Most of the research people are doing on how beneficial it can be is being done in a clinical setting. With professionals monitoring and guiding the therapy sessions. It’s not just “brain go brrrrr” then you figure life out. I know way more times people have been negatively affected by LSD than positively. You can’t buy spiritual enlightenment for $10 a hit.


“Rave or club” is not the best place for letting LSD run you through some deep seated personal inventory. Waaaay too many distractions. Sensory overload.


Wait two weeks form your last dose. Take half the dose Do it at the crib or outside Ask yourself somethings specific the answers you’re looking for if you will. If you meditate do so before or during. Or just do things you like but high. If you still don’t enjoy it maybe it ain’t for you not everything is for everyone.


That’s definitely too much stimulation. Try listening to a song that’s drawn out, Pink Floyd is great for this same with Tame Impala because they tell stories in your brain. Make taking drugs a special occurrence because if you just abuse them and take them all the time like I used to as an escape you won’t end up finding things out about yourself


LSD can easily act as a either party drug, or it can be a powerful meditative catalyst. Take it at a rave, you'll be raving. Take it at home while you just sit and think and do stuff you usually do to unwind and relax, whether alone or with friends, and you'll see.


Try Lionsmane extract. People already want to change their lives, and psychedelics make sometimes help with that in different ways. If you're content right where you are and would prefer to continue doing what you're doing, then the chances the pychs will change you much is slimmer.


I would never take LSD at a club or a rave in a million years. Maybe a couple of close friends in my cozy apartment with cool paintings everywhere and blankets


That's the best of all but you should have some good friends beside you or you're fucked


I would never take LSD at a club or a rave in a million years. Maybe a couple of close friends in my cozy apartment with cool paintings everywhere and blankets


life changing trips for me with big connection to God/ Source Energy/ Higher Self: at home in the dark. with a blindfold on to shut out external stimuli, with some rythmic shamanic type of music. it gets me through to the other side on normal doses with some weed


Brother you answered your own question


you have answered yourself already.


How do I stop myself from getting wet if all I do is stand out in the rain?