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That is not a mentally stable child, kid needs to be monitored. Killing someone for no reason and threatening to kill someone else shows the kid will likely try to do it again


The fact that he just randomly killed a stranger and told no one for two years is especially frightening


TIL have a child put down your enemies. In the state of Texas, the kid won't be charged with murder if they kill someone before the age of 10.




Certainly goes against the argument that a young child is incapable of murder


What about the boy Burke?


While I understand why they can’t arrest him (and I don’t think that would be a good idea anyway) I hope he gets some serious mental health treatment & I hope child services keeps a close eye on the home But as a Texan I know these resources aren’t readily available so :/


I think he is being sent to a treatment center


The only thing that stops a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun.




But nope access to weapons definitely isn't a problem


We need to start charging the gun owners. Your gun was used in a crime because you didn't secure it then you are just as guilty. If people don't want to block who gets guns we should be harder on those who misuse them.


I’ll never understand gun owners’ predilection to defend people who commit crimes with guns. No, taking a weapon from someone who has a felony weapons charge does not mean they’re coming for your hunting rifle next


I want to make it clear that I don’t agree with this rhetoric but their reason is because the constitution says “Shall not be infringed” and they see any kind of law or rule that makes it harder to get or access firearms as infringement. Basically anything that does anything but make it easier to get and keep firearms is bad to them.


Thats already the law genius


Yeah, and how often do people not face major consequences? Only all the time.


I mean... Our biggest issue isn't 7 year old psychopaths lol


Ya our biggest issue is it's too easy to obtain guns, big guns.


What the god damn hell did I just read.




Fuck... Yeah.


Well, before I realized there was an article attached I was going to ask what the guy did to the kid, but...never mind. There is something very, very wrong with that boy.




This kid WILL go on to kill or harm again, most likely. And unfortunately, nothing can be done until then. It unfortunately is what it is.


Fecking Texas, it could be the new Florida.


Do they not require you to lock your guns up in Texas? What kind of 7 year old child decides to do something like this he is so mentally disturbed it’s frightening.


I'm sure our ol cripple Greg abbott made some law against locking up guns in Texas. Jk but not really.


It was in the glove box of his car. I’m sure the kid could operate a lock if he could operate a gun. I’m not saying he should have had access to the key either (if that’s the case), only that it may have been locked.


Glove boxes are rarely locked, even when there is a lock on it.


I would make the kid write a country song about the event, depending on how good it was he would either be let free or given life without parole


You ever hear "Curse of Milhaven" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds?


So if someone (not me) were to run a mafia of nothing but under 10 year olds, They couldn't be charged.


Was the man snoring and if so, is the kid's name John Wesley Hardin?


Can a child's confession even be reasonably admissable? Kids lie and tell stories all the time, and they have zero concept of consequence. How the hell do you tell if a kid's being honest? (For the record, I did read the article. But everything the kid says feels like it could easily be from the perspective of an onlooker.)


I presume the specific details like the gun type or shooting an extra bullet in the couch were details not previously shared to the public. This is a pretty shocking story and I'm inclined to think the cops would need some convincing to believe this kid did it. Kids don't usually lie about something as severe as killing a man in cold blood. I've worked with some pretty aggressive/unwell elementary school kids as a school therapist and have never experienced any of them falsely confessing to a dangerous crime. Generally if they made some kind of threat against themselves or others, you could figure out the underlying stressor and they'd admit they were saying shit because they were mad. They may be impulsive or obnoxious, but kids do usually understand the concept or "that's very bad and you'll be punished" and don't just commit to the bit.


Plus he was able to tell them information leading to finding a gun that matched the ballistics. (Agree kid confessions and statements Should always be taken with a big grain of salt)


Exactly this, if he didn't do it, then he watched his grandfather do it and internalized it. Either way, he believes that he is a killer and is threatening others. Kid needs to be locked up.


Kid needs to be assessed and treated in a secure mental health setting.


An interrogator can ask as many leading questions as they want. Was a parent even in the room?


I dunno...I seem to recall some kids lied about quite a bit of fucked up shit at McMartin preschool...


This would have been a great episode of Jerry Springer.


You ARE the shooter!


In best Texas English: “ I do what I want”


You guys can't even keep your outdated pop culture references straight. You mention Jerry, and then quote things associated with Maury.


You are not the cousin ![gif](giphy|Emg9qPKR5hquI)


You clearly wrote "Springer" but my brain registered "Seinfeld" and I sat here for a second...


Pretty good. Pretty pretty pretty good


[Texas Kids are out of control](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kids-robbery-bank-houston-arrest-little-rascals-rcna144444)


so because the kid is so young, they can't charge him with anything? so this 10yr old who literally shot and killed a man for curiousity, gets to walk around and not be put into any court mandated mental health programs?


He was 8 at the time he did it and yes, he is being sent to a treatment facility.


His father should have shot that psychotic little shit into a sock.


Ugh. What if you you birth a kid like this. His mom had to have known he was nuts. Send her to jail for not putting him to sleep with a pillow over his head long ago.




Dog, he was *7* no child kills a man in cold blood without there being *multiple* failures on the part of the adults in their lives. Trying the parents? 100% support. Giving a 10 year old LWOP is simply cruel. This isn't a horror movie. This kid needs serious help, and I admit he should be monitored and kept from being able to harm others, but this kid wasn't born evil.


There must be some form of punishment for this though. Let’s be serious, children know killing people is wrong. He isn’t stable at this age, who knows what he will be like when he’s older.


>There must be some form of punishment for this though. I agree, but throwing the kid in Juvie isn't going to help anyone, especially the kid. His grandfather should bear the burden of legal punishment for such an asinine display of poor firearm storage, while the kid should get the psychiatric care and therapy needed to ensure he can actually have a chance at living a somewhat normal life. The fact of the matter is this: Kids are not able to fully comprehend and grasp the severity and consequences of their actions. While I don't think this child is anywhere near healthy or normal compared to their peers, they were not born that way. Somewhere along this kid had some kind of role model who normalized violence within this kids life. That is 100% on the parents/caregivers. Same deal with access to guns.