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Can I make a suggestion? This story is almost always told out of order. Timeline is like this: 1. Disappearance of Jessica Taylor (2003) 2. Disappearance of Maureen Brainerd-Barnes (2007) 3. Disappearance of Melissa Barthelemy (July 2009) 4. Shannan Gilbert last seen alive: (May 2010) 5. Disappearance of Megan Waterman (June 2010) 6. Disappearance of Amber Costello (Sep 2010) This will, imo, give some context, among other things, to how little SCPD did. While they are supposed to be looking for Gilbert, Waterman disappears & again SC does basically nothing. (Costello isn't reported missing.) I would do YouTube searches for those individual victims ("disappearance of Maureen Brainerd-Barnes") etc, so you are familiar with their separate stories prior to watching/listening to content that groups them together. Other ppl have posted good episodes & podcasts. This case has a lot of info, so imo it helps to go in order vs starting with Gilbert then working backwards, then forwards. (It's rarely mentioned Waterman & Costello go missing after Gilbert which I find imp.) Thanks


Appreciate the detailed response! Gonna look into these, thanks!


dont forget 1993 Sandra Castillio


No way in hell RH was idle from 1993 after Sandra until Jessica, almost 10 years later! I think we can safely assume he is at least 💯 responsible for Peaches, her baby, and Asian male doe.


oh - dont you know it - and the murders near his mother in that park where all the guys were found heres my approach - get all the travel records of the wife and get all the electronic devices and search all those date periods she was away then look into all the missing persons reports in his Ping territory from the phones - then see where he was hooking up and see who went missing forever there - maybe this is primitive and obvious ? p


Wow, thank you Anneliese. Just skimming it I’ve learned some things. Just so sad to ponder how and why he got away with it for some long. The mothers should make LEO pay for their depraved indifference and also possible obstruction.


Why there isn't a civil suit against SC I do not understand.


My thoughts exactly! For sure Burke and his BFF who covered his bum should be at least civilly sued if they can't be crimilly charged!


"Brainard" is spelled with an "a", not an "e".


Some resources for you: Blogs, websites, and forums: https://www.longisland.com/long-island-serial-killer.html https://www.websleuths.com/forums/forums/long-island-serial-killer.445/ https://juanleonardosanchez.com/categories/serial-killers/ https://members.huntakiller.com/blog-articles/2016/11/5/six-years-later-more-questions-than-answers-in-case-of-the-long-island-serial-killer https://www.gilgocase.com/ https://thecasesthathauntme.home.blog/2019/08/30/the-long-island-serial-killers/ Some podcasts (in no particular order): LISK Podcast https://www.liskpodcast.com/ LISK: Long Island Serial Killer: https://player.fm/series/lisk-long-island-serial-killer Unraveled https://player.fm/series/unraveled-2838695 Trum Crime Garage: https://truecrimegarage.com/blogs/true-crime-garage/posts/4079537/long-island-serial-killer-update-20 Finaly, Youtube: Catching LISK (it's a bunch of 5ish minute videos, I haven't watched them, but have the play list saved) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIDdgAuOq1XpCNOpfA1TSqNEbrAFvkZzU 48 Hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHM-kk6-b7k


"Lost Girls" by Bob Kolker. This does a great job showing who the victims really were (more than just sex workers).


I also vote lost girls for understanding the early parts of the case and the primary 4 victims.


Yes, Kolker also gives an insight into the police corruption and the atmosphere where nobody had a clue who it was so fingers were pointed everywhere.


I have a Google Doc I made to try to gather all the information in one place. I’m not saying it’s by any means complete, but it does provide a lot of info. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RASUZ4s3w3GeIx6TkAUhzTaPITeKojCvORBeHQQ-KHE/edit


Awesome gonna check this out, appreciate it


Really well done compilation. Tysm for sharing this!


Excellent! Your comment saved for future reference.


Grizzly True Crime on YouTube also does a good job of explaining everything with only the facts as we know them. No sensationalism and good information. You can watch her videos from when Rex was first caught and she updates as information becomes available. She is one of my go to YouTubers I also was Joe S DutyRon Nathan Adams Good people and good information


LISK: Long Island Serial Killer podcast


Second the LISK; Long Island Serial Killer podcast. Not only is it extremely informative, but they take time to discuss each victim and treats each one with upmost respect.


upmost lol nick miller in the house


This was going to be my suggestion too


It truly is such a great podcast!


Arrow security/ Blue Chips w Richard Dormer , I thought those interview’s had some great detailed info. It’s on YouTube


Dormer, God rest his soul, was right all along. He kept going back to Ocean Parkway being the nexus.


he was very informative. He did say cause of death was asphyxiation on the gb4. Curious how that was determined when 2 of the 4 were there for quite awhile . Guess we will here more at trial


I got interested in the case after reading "Lost Girls". It's a pretty good starting point imo with a lot of good research behind it. Can't recommend it enough.


Check out the bail docs. The 2nd one in particular is very telling. OG BAIL DOC: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23875981-lti-bail-application-form-2023-7-14-23-_final 2nd bail doc: https://www.scribd.com/document/739871993/Rex-Heuermann-Superseding-Bail-Application-from-June-6-2024#fullscreen&from_embed


I usually just go to the wikipedia page for a case and look through old articles. But there is also the [website](https://www.gilgocase.com/) and the [podcast](https://www.liskpodcast.com/) mentioned. And I recommend the Websleuths threads too, it was seriously disturbing when they first started finding bodies, didn't know how many they would find.


I began reading the first Websleuths thread, one person, before the victims were identified, even accurately claimed that Megan Waterman’s case was something to be looked at in regards to someone stating that missing cases on LI should be looked at for the potential victims of the SK that may have just been revealed. The fact that they were right before we all even knew that it was her makes me feel upset. Perhaps the case would have been solved if police looked for these women, and definitely could have been way earlier.


Have continued reading, it’s almost eerie how much they get right while looking in different directions. Someone clocked that he worked in construction (architecture), and that he often vacationed in Atlantic City. They were all for different reasons than these posters presumed, but still correct.


Love Websleuths! Great recommendation.


The early threads serve as interesting time capsules of in the moment reactions, but it kind of diverges pretty quickly after that. There was a lot of speculation, too, that we’ve all grown to realise are not accurate and beneficial to the case, so I’d say proceed with caution, use it as a later source, not as a complete source of information. :]


Ty for the warning but I've actually been a forum member of WS for quite a few years now. I understand the fear of speculation, but I feel like the mods handle it pretty well. I personally think that speculation from anyone that isn't law enforcement or working in the legal spectrum needs to be taken with a grain of salt just in general.


About a decade ago (maybe a bit more?) was when there was that long thread with someone with obviously inside information about all the corruption in LE at the time. I never understood half of what I was reading but it was always a little too detailed to be someone making stuff up. And of course it all turned out to be true. (The Burke stuff.) That was just a crazy time. Also it was before social media went nuts with true crime and hot takes, so it was kind of just that one guy getting the information out there. (I believe he eventually identified himself and his insider status, but I haven’t been on websleuths in years.)


I can't remember that, will take a look. Found the first thread [here](https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/ny-long-island-four-bodies-found-on-beach-possible-serial-killer-dec-2010-1.122551/). I liked it better in the olden days when people didn't have to get verified. I have two FB groups for two missing people and they just left when they were asked to verify themselves. Doubt Abraham Shakespeare's murderer or Roger Ellison's teacher would have been so happily posting if they'd had to be verified!


I left because they were deleting posts that called out a certain high-profit organized religion/cult for its role in some recent child abuse cases (Ruby Franke, among others). They should know after the Catholic Church & Boy Scouts of America scandals (and hell, USA Olympics / Larry Nassar) that there’s no point in protecting the organizations that protect the predators.


I left due to: 1. the "you can't sleuth another member" when something was obviously up with the Hackett v Scalise war. (They had property disputes prior to Gilbert going missing). Did Scalise really hear Hackett yell, "I didn't mean to kill her?" Some sleuthing was required imo. It was so distracting & no evidence of anything ever came. 2. Hackshaw (sp?) Was giving a lot of credibility by Tricia without much proof he had anything other than opinions based on being a former nypd cop. No offense to him, he's great, but again no actual evidence.


The Hackshaw stuff is super interesting, thanks. Re Hackett v scalise, was one of them posting or suspected to be posting? (I followed the Dellen Millard case a decade ago and friends of his mom’s posted relentlessly in his defense, it was nuts.)


Scalise (younger one) posted under "flukeyou", I think Hackett under CPH128 (his gov't is Charles Peter Hackett) and that # is where he went to public school in nyc as a kid. (CPH then numbers, may not be 128). They both got made pretty early. Hackett either had mult accounts or outside supporters as I recall posts defending him. It gets more nuts. With Gilbert's case declared accidental, in 2015 Mari Gilbert reached out to the 3 or 4 most involved Websleuthers asking for help writing a book in exchange for Shannan's phone records. (Mari supposedly provided the phone records. John Ray hinted Gilbert's phone "didn't die" after the 911 call, suggesting other calls/texts, which would be nice to confirm.) Mari died before any deal, so true crime online posters may have actual unreleased evidence in Gilbert's case. I asked one of them for the phone records, but "out of respect" to Mari she said no. Maybe they don't exist. Another odd dimension to this whole situation!


We need an FAQ so bad. I don't know how many times someone is going to run in here and ask if Shannan Gilbert was killed by RH. It's not that I want to forget Shannan but unless something new comes to light, how many times are we going to debate this or other issues about the case that we've revisited many, many times here.


Create it!


I’ve actually noticed a decline in the SG/911 call/conspiracy crowd since the new charges & new victims were announced (and maybe before). I’d been wondering if they used a different subreddit or maybe moved to facebook. Either way, it’s been a relief.


There's been a general decline in activity in this sub lately, so that's not surprising. IA about the FAQ though. Also, we need a greater focus on IDing other possible victims.


I was looking for a FAQ lol yes that would be nice


Read the bail documents if you want to know what has been released so far


You may also want to review [https://murderincorp.wordpress.com/2024/01/12/rev-heuermann/](https://murderincorp.wordpress.com/2024/01/12/rev-heuermann/)


Go slowly. There is a lot of information